A Day In The Life Of Rocket



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Right Lower Back, I just got back from the Chiropractor, it's better !
right on! if your barbells are on timeout but you're able to walk etc, can you do some banded work? like simulate a banded RDL when the back is feeling painful? a lot of back pain is a neurological response to stress and with everything you've been through this year I would not at all be surprised to see some of that manifest itself into over sensitive pain receptors in the back (possibly from an injury in your youth even) due to stress


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I just got the OK for "Slow Walks" from the Doctor, but nothing that strains the muscle at all, until my Platelets get above 50


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I just got the OK for "Slow Walks" from the Doctor, but nothing that strains the muscle at all, until my Platelets get above 50
maybe you can talk the wife into a light massage focused on that area. I'm not truly sure if it's usually bound up fascia or what but a little kneaded pressure may help. I recall once when I had it in my lower left L5 area and a massage therapist found something in my RIGHT foot, when she released it all the sudden my lower back went POOOF, the pain just wooshed away like magic in 2 seconds. it was the most bizarre feeling EVER. something she released in my FOOT, fixed my back......................................

although ever since then my rule of thumb has been:
if my knees hurt, I squat to fix it
if my back hurts, I deadlift to fix it
if my rotator cuff hurts, I bench / press to fix it.

more bizarre witchcraftery!


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07/20/2023 187bs

No workout or walk to day my body just seems to be dragging. I got another Platelet Transfusion this afternoon and the schuleded blood work for 8am tomorrow morning. We will see what that brings us ?


Calories 2,140
Fat 100grams
Carbs 136
Protein 178


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Hopefully that gets you back to where you need to be. I would still probably give it more time once levels are recovered before lifting much. You don't want to run yourself right back down into the same situation.


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My Platelets this morning were 19 so I have a Transfusion this afternoon, but my WBC was down to ZERO so tomorrow I have to go to Hershey Penn State Medical and having something done (I don't know what yet)


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My Platelets this morning were 19 so I have a Transfusion this afternoon, but my WBC was down to ZERO so tomorrow I have to go to Hershey Penn State Medical and having something done (I don't know what yet)
Yep, but at least those guys know what they are doing!

I am sure this seems like it is taking forever but once on the other side of this it will be in your rear view and seem so temporary.


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My Platelets this morning were 19 so I have a Transfusion this afternoon, but my WBC was down to ZERO so tomorrow I have to go to Hershey Penn State Medical and having something done (I don't know what yet)
Wil be keeping you in our prayers this weekend, as always. I hope that they will be able to figure it out and get you treatment that will help you there.


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Tell ‘em you want the top fuel treatment this time! “I’d like the nitro transfusion please, ma’am.”
Now you're talking!


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07/21/2023 187bs

No walk or workout again today. I had blood work at 8:am (Platelets 19, WBC ZERO) I had a Plantlet Transfusion at 2:15 and I go the Hershey Penn State Medical Center 9:30am for something to bring my WBC up a bit. I guess I will know what it is when I get It. I did come home from my Transfusion and did spend about an hour cleaning up after last nights storm. I counting that as a cardio work, it's the most I have sweated in awhile !!


Calories 1,744
Fat 80 grams
Carbs 131
Protein 150

Notes: My wife went to the shore for a week with my oldest daughter, son-in-law and grandkids, So I figure out my exciting weekend, Wash Truck, Mow Lawn, Clean Gym, Relax !!!
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I would really like to hear some input on this subject.

Over the course of the last few months, my pain level has really increased. I have been taking Tylenol as needed, about 8-10 a day. Over the past few week the pain is worst and last longer, some times I can barely move and when I do the pain is a 10. I have a script for Oxycodone and since February up to last week, I have taken 3 pills. Last weekend the pain was so bad I took one on Saturday morning and I felt great, pain not gone but manageable and it seem to last most of the day. Yesterday was the worst "Pain Day" yet, I could not sleep, every time I moved it felt like someone was putting an Ice Pick in my lower back. This morning I took a Oxycodone at about 3am had a cup of coffee and just waisted some time on social media. At about 4:15am my eyes started to get heavy and I went and laid down slept for a hour and a half, I woke up back pain about a 2-3 and I feel like I can function like a Normal Person. I guess my struggle, how do I manage the pain with out becoming dependent on pain killers.


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I would really like to hear some input on this subject.

Over the course of the last few months, my pain level has really increased. I have been taking Tylenol as needed, about 8-10 a day. Over the past few week the pain is worst and last longer, some times I can barely move and when I do the pain is a 10. I have a script for Oxycodone and since February up to last week, I have taken 3 pills. Last weekend the pain was so bad I took one on Saturday morning and I felt great, pain not gone but manageable and it seem to last most of the day. Yesterday was the worst "Pain Day" yet, I could not sleep, every time I moved it felt like someone was putting an Ice Pick in my lower back. This morning I took a Oxycodone at about 3am had a cup of coffee and just waisted some time on social media. At about 4:15am my eyes started to get heavy and I went and laid down slept for a hour and a half, I woke up back pain about a 2-3 and I feel like I can function like a Normal Person. I guess my struggle, how do I manage the pain with out becoming dependent on pain killers.
Honestly, that is a hard one. One way would be to have your wife be the controller of them. Give her some criteria for when it is acceptable for you, how far apart they need to be, and if you seem to be seeking them out to withhold them from you. Honestly though, with your fear of overusing I think you are pretty unlikely to abuse them. If only using them as needed for your pain to be tolerable, and being very aware of how addictive they can become I think you are unlikely to abuse them. Being aware you are in a dangerous situation with your addictive personality is already a big win in that effort.

The 2nd, and I am sure you do not want to hear this. Stop pushing yourself so hard you stubborn ass mule!!! Sometimes being hardcore is just sitting the hell down when you don't want to because your body needs to recover. The chemo, and everything else you have gone through and are still recovering from are taking up all of your recovery ability and you keep piling more on top of it. How is your body supposed to recover while you are pushing it into a bigger deficit. I would maybe cut your walks down to 15 minutes, and then if you don't feel too bad later in the day, do a second one later in the day. Let your body recover and you will likely be in less pain than pushing it. Your body has more than enough to deal with without you outside doing lawn work. I mean, what are you going to do if you get a small cut from something out there, and can't stop the bleeding, and worse have 0 WBC to fight off the infection that would likely follow. I ain't saying stop, but definitely pull back before you run yourself into the ground. It should be obvious to you by this point your body can not keep up with the demands you are putting on it. Your consistency is honorable, but maybe just be consistent on trying to recover rather than push while you are still sick. Just because the cancer is gone does not mean your body isn't still recovering from the poison that killed the cancer.

Just showing some tough love brother. Would like to keep you around a while.


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Honestly, that is a hard one. One way would be to have your wife be the controller of them. Give her some criteria for when it is acceptable for you, how far apart they need to be, and if you seem to be seeking them out to withhold them from you. Honestly though, with your fear of overusing I think you are pretty unlikely to abuse them. If only using them as needed for your pain to be tolerable, and being very aware of how addictive they can become I think you are unlikely to abuse them. Being aware you are in a dangerous situation with your addictive personality is already a big win in that effort.

The 2nd, and I am sure you do not want to hear this. Stop pushing yourself so hard you stubborn ass mule!!! Sometimes being hardcore is just sitting the hell down when you don't want to because your body needs to recover. The chemo, and everything else you have gone through and are still recovering from are taking up all of your recovery ability and you keep piling more on top of it. How is your body supposed to recover while you are pushing it into a bigger deficit. I would maybe cut your walks down to 15 minutes, and then if you don't feel too bad later in the day, do a second one later in the day. Let your body recover and you will likely be in less pain than pushing it. Your body has more than enough to deal with without you outside doing lawn work. I mean, what are you going to do if you get a small cut from something out there, and can't stop the bleeding, and worse have 0 WBC to fight off the infection that would likely follow. I ain't saying stop, but definitely pull back before you run yourself into the ground. It should be obvious to you by this point your body can not keep up with the demands you are putting on it. Your consistency is honorable, but maybe just be consistent on trying to recover rather than push while you are still sick. Just because the cancer is gone does not mean your body isn't still recovering from the poison that killed the cancer.

Just showing some tough love brother. Would like to keep you around a while.
Thank you for your response, and I agree with what you say, Slowing down is much easier sad than done, (and I know you have the same problem) I do believe I am getting better at it, it's seem I am doing less and less, but I do need to stay active, maybe just a little less active !!

Thank for your "Looking Out" for me and your honesty.


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07/22/2023 188bs

I dove an hour and a half round trip this morning to get a 30 second Sub Q shot 💉 in my triceps ? Since that didn't take long I thought I would dive over to Hershey's Chocolate World and pick my wife up a Reese's Snack Cake She really likes (This is the only place I have ever seen them) Traffic to get into Hershey Park was pretty backed up, but hey I got all day !! The only thing I did not consider in my plan was how far away I would have to park. It took me about 90 minutes to get in and out, I moved very slow and took it easy (again I was in no hurry) so I figured about 3 mile. So two birds one stone, I got my walk in and the wife will be happy. and I'm sure she will tell me I am crazy !! The rest of the day I relaxed and ran a few errands.


Calories 2,352
Fat 109 grams
Carbs 251
Protein 124

Notes: Nutrition started out today pretty good today with my Cowboy Breakfast. 2 Egg, Sirloin Steak, Backed Beans, Onion and Jalapeno Peppers !!

Cowboy Breakfast.jpg
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07/22/2023 188bs

I dove an hour and a half round trip this morning to get a 30 second Sub Q shot 💉 in my triceps ? Since that didn't take long I thought I would dive over to Hershey's Chocolate World and pick my wife up a Reese's Snack Cake She really likes (This is the only place I have ever seen them) Traffic to get into Hershey Park was pretty backed up, but hey I got all day !! The only thing I did not consider in my plan was how far away I would have to park. It took me about 90 minutes to get in and out, I moved very slow and took it easy (again I was in no hurry) so I figured about 3 mile. So two birds one stone, I got my walk in and the wife will be happy. and I'm sure she will tell me I am crazy !! The rest of the day I relaxed and ran a few errands.


Calories 2,352
Fat 109 grams
Carbs 251
Protein 124

Notes: Nutrition started out today pretty good today with my Cowboy Breakfast. 2 Egg, Sirloin Steak, Backed Beans, Onion and Jalapeno Peppers !!

View attachment 234513
Now that looks good. You just need to throw that in a tortilla shell and make a burrito out of it!


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07/23/2023 184bs ?

Sunday, If I can look past the back pain, today was a good day. I got some work done, got to relax and ate very well (bad). I started out the day with about one and a half hours of lawn work, with a 45 break about half way through. Cleaned the gym, and than did the book work for My wife's and I side hustle. My youngest Daughter and Son-In-Law brought diner over and helped me out with a project I have been working on. I did take a Oxycodone yesterday morning and it was a big help!


Garlicn Focaccia Flatbread

GarlicnFocaccia Flatbread.jpg

Roma Style Pizza

Pizza Roma Style.jpg
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I would really like to hear some input on this subject.

Over the course of the last few months, my pain level has really increased. I have been taking Tylenol as needed, about 8-10 a day. Over the past few week the pain is worst and last longer, some times I can barely move and when I do the pain is a 10. I have a script for Oxycodone and since February up to last week, I have taken 3 pills. Last weekend the pain was so bad I took one on Saturday morning and I felt great, pain not gone but manageable and it seem to last most of the day. Yesterday was the worst "Pain Day" yet, I could not sleep, every time I moved it felt like someone was putting an Ice Pick in my lower back. This morning I took a Oxycodone at about 3am had a cup of coffee and just waisted some time on social media. At about 4:15am my eyes started to get heavy and I went and laid down slept for a hour and a half, I woke up back pain about a 2-3 and I feel like I can function like a Normal Person. I guess my struggle, how do I manage the pain with out becoming dependent on pain killers.
Just saw this Rocket….my wife has to take Oxycodone periodically, for a few days, up to a week sometimes for breakthrough pain from MS. What she does is basically just lets me know, either through text or talking, if we’re together, just to help her track it. When they write her a script it’s for 4 a day, but she never takes that much. She has had to take up to 3 a few times, but basically us communicating and her tracking she took some, she stays very conscientious not to get dependent. That has worked great for her over the last 11 years. And she will use CBD throughout the week when in pain, and there are times she thinks it helps better than the pain medicine.


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Just saw this Rocket….my wife has to take Oxycodone periodically, for a few days, up to a week sometimes for breakthrough pain from MS. What she does is basically just lets me know, either through text or talking, if we’re together, just to help her track it. When they write her a script it’s for 4 a day, but she never takes that much. She has had to take up to 3 a few times, but basically us communicating and her tracking she took some, she stays very conscientious not to get dependent. That has worked great for her over the last 11 years. And she will use CBD throughout the week when in pain, and there are times she thinks it helps better than the pain medicine.
I believe @MrKleen73 also subjected this approach, and I think it makes a lot of sense !! CBD unfortunately does nothing for me. Today my pain was about a 7 or 8 so no Oxy for me, Yesterday it was a 10 so (1) in the AM lasted most of the day !!


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I believe @MrKleen73 also subjected this approach, and I think it makes a lot of sense !! CBD unfortunately does nothing for me. Today my pain was about a 7 or 8 so no Oxy for me, Yesterday it was a 10 so (1) in the AM lasted most of the day !!
I understand your concern and approach, I am the same way. I've never liked how I feel on the strong stuff and usually end up flushing most of it the very second I don't need it anymore.


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I would really like to hear some input on this subject.

Over the course of the last few months, my pain level has really increased. I have been taking Tylenol as needed, about 8-10 a day. Over the past few week the pain is worst and last longer, some times I can barely move and when I do the pain is a 10. I have a script for Oxycodone and since February up to last week, I have taken 3 pills. Last weekend the pain was so bad I took one on Saturday morning and I felt great, pain not gone but manageable and it seem to last most of the day. Yesterday was the worst "Pain Day" yet, I could not sleep, every time I moved it felt like someone was putting an Ice Pick in my lower back. This morning I took a Oxycodone at about 3am had a cup of coffee and just waisted some time on social media. At about 4:15am my eyes started to get heavy and I went and laid down slept for a hour and a half, I woke up back pain about a 2-3 and I feel like I can function like a Normal Person. I guess my struggle, how do I manage the pain with out becoming dependent on pain killers.
I can relate to your situation - not comparing because our situations are completely different - but can relate to the being in pain constantly and trying to find a balance between taking something to help with pain but looking to avoid dependence.

The truth is that on this subject, our mind can play tricks on us because of the amount of misinformation that we are told by the media. For example, at one point we were told we can take things like this with minimal worries of addiction and withdrawals. But then, now days they make it out like if people even use their prescriptions correctly, then they're going to get addicted.

So, that goes to the key question - how much can one use and for how long before addiction develops?
Most places that you read have an over-sensationalized answer to that question - because the truth is that it depends on a variety of factors - the individual, the dosage, etc.

The first thing that stood out to me in your post is the number of Tylenol that you take per day - which can be harmful for both your kidneys and your liver. If had known you were on that much Tylenol, that would have been one of the first things I would have said probably needed to change anyway.

I think that you're much safer to take the minimal amount of stronger pain medication to help you be comfortable and have a better quality of life.

There are two types of addiction when it comes to pain pills - physical and mental.

The mental addiction of them is liking the way that one feels on them - addiction can happen to anyone, but you aren't using them to get high. You're using them to stay out of pain. Are you supposed to like being out of pain? Absolutely. Will it suck to stop taking them at some point if the pain is still there? Of course. That doesn't mean you're addicted; it means you're human and you don't like being in pain.

The physical addiction to pain pills is when coming off of them, the physical discomfort and withdrawals that people go through once they stop taking them if they have been on them long enough to have developed a dependence on them.

Now, how does this pertain to you?

With everything you're going through, the withdrawal symptoms of coming off pain medication isn't as bad in your case as a lot of the things that you've unfortunately been having to feel and live with on a regular basis.

If you become dependent upon them and stop, will it suck for a week or two? Yes. But I think it would be much better for you to be pain free and do less damage on your kidneys and liver in the meantime and to have it suck for a couple weeks later on; and that part is an 'if' anyway.

The reason that I say that is an 'if' is because you have a good medical team that would likely ween you off of the pain medication. Most of the people that experience really bad withdrawal symptoms are people that their doctors just stopped prescribing them. That's not the case with you anyway.

Plus, let's say worst case - when you are in the hospital for 30 days after your transplant, they could ween you down then in a controlled environment.

I hope all of that makes sense.

There are natural options that will help you - like Joint Support XT and CurcuPrime Gel. You should use Joint Support XT daily and I would use CurcuPrime Gel on any joint, tendon, ligament pain areas - and do it daily, don't wait until you feel like you need them.

Pain pill wise - there are different strategies to avoid dependence - but I think that most important thing is you being out of pain. You could do a 2 on, 2 off; 4 on, 3 off; 5 on, 2 off - any of those types of structures to see how much better you feel and function on them. Doing the cycling type like that, you can also see if you feel any 'withdrawal' symptoms on the off days. But be careful not to overthink it because a lot of people freak themselves out so bad over it that they think they feel them even when they aren't really there if that makes sense.

I hope that helps.


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I can relate to your situation - not comparing because our situations are completely different - but can relate to the being in pain constantly and trying to find a balance between taking something to help with pain but looking to avoid dependence.

The truth is that on this subject, our mind can play tricks on us because of the amount of misinformation that we are told by the media. For example, at one point we were told we can take things like this with minimal worries of addiction and withdrawals. But then, now days they make it out like if people even use their prescriptions correctly, then they're going to get addicted.

So, that goes to the key question - how much can one use and for how long before addiction develops?
Most places that you read have an over-sensationalized answer to that question - because the truth is that it depends on a variety of factors - the individual, the dosage, etc.

The first thing that stood out to me in your post is the number of Tylenol that you take per day - which can be harmful for both your kidneys and your liver. If had known you were on that much Tylenol, that would have been one of the first things I would have said probably needed to change anyway.

I think that you're much safer to take the minimal amount of stronger pain medication to help you be comfortable and have a better quality of life.

There are two types of addiction when it comes to pain pills - physical and mental.

The mental addiction of them is liking the way that one feels on them - addiction can happen to anyone, but you aren't using them to get high. You're using them to stay out of pain. Are you supposed to like being out of pain? Absolutely. Will it suck to stop taking them at some point if the pain is still there? Of course. That doesn't mean you're addicted; it means you're human and you don't like being in pain.

The physical addiction to pain pills is when coming off of them, the physical discomfort and withdrawals that people go through once they stop taking them if they have been on them long enough to have developed a dependence on them.

Now, how does this pertain to you?

With everything you're going through, the withdrawal symptoms of coming off pain medication isn't as bad in your case as a lot of the things that you've unfortunately been having to feel and live with on a regular basis.

If you become dependent upon them and stop, will it suck for a week or two? Yes. But I think it would be much better for you to be pain free and do less damage on your kidneys and liver in the meantime and to have it suck for a couple weeks later on; and that part is an 'if' anyway.

The reason that I say that is an 'if' is because you have a good medical team that would likely ween you off of the pain medication. Most of the people that experience really bad withdrawal symptoms are people that their doctors just stopped prescribing them. That's not the case with you anyway.

Plus, let's say worst case - when you are in the hospital for 30 days after your transplant, they could ween you down then in a controlled environment.

I hope all of that makes sense.

There are natural options that will help you - like Joint Support XT and CurcuPrime Gel. You should use Joint Support XT daily and I would use CurcuPrime Gel on any joint, tendon, ligament pain areas - and do it daily, don't wait until you feel like you need them.

Pain pill wise - there are different strategies to avoid dependence - but I think that most important thing is you being out of pain. You could do a 2 on, 2 off; 4 on, 3 off; 5 on, 2 off - any of those types of structures to see how much better you feel and function on them. Doing the cycling type like that, you can also see if you feel any 'withdrawal' symptoms on the off days. But be careful not to overthink it because a lot of people freak themselves out so bad over it that they think they feel them even when they aren't really there if that makes sense.

I hope that helps.
Great information, and great post.👍


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@sns8778 Steve thank you so much for this info, it really gives me a better outlook on things and I think my quality off life right now would be mush better with less pain. I will not take any today, but we will see what tomorrow brings.


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07/24/2023 186lbs

Slept in about an hour today and it felt really good, No walk or workout today. I went for blood work this morning Platelets 16, WBC .1. So another Platelet Transfusion this afternoon. I have no schuleded doctor appointments for tomorrow, so that will be a nice break.

I would like to thank everyone that chimed in my my Oxycodone dilemma. The information really helped! @sns8778 (aka Steve) really put things in perspective for me and also reminded me the amount of Tylenol I was taking was not the healthiest choice either. So I called my Doctor and discussed it with him and he thought an Oxycodone script would also be the right choice. I went to get the prescription filled today, instructions Take one tablet ever 6 hours as need for pain. I think I will see how one a day treats me...............

Today was a good day and I see a walk in my future tomorrow morning!!


Calories 1,666
Fat 51 Grams
Carbs 122 Grams
Protein 160 Grams

In my book this was a almost Perfect Nutrition Day !! I just need to get back on the wagon and get more days like this Back to back !!

Life Is Good !!
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07/24/2023 186lbs

Slept in about an hour today and it felt really good, No walk or workout today. I went for blood work this morning Platelets 16, WBC .1. So another Platelet Transfusion this afternoon. I have no schuleded doctor appointments for tomorrow, so that will be a nice break.

I would like to thank everyone that chimed in my my Oxycodone dilemma. The information really helped! @sns8778 (aka Steve) really put things in perspective for me and also reminded me the amount of Tylenol I was taking was not the healthiest choice either. So I called my Doctor and discussed it with him and he thought an Oxycodone script would also be the right choice. I went to get the prescription filled today, instructions Take one tablet ever 6 hours as need for pain. I think I will see how one a day treats me...............

Today was a good day and I see a walk in my future tomorrow morning!!


Calories 1,666
Fat 51 Grams
Carbs 122 Grams
Protein 160 Grams

In my book this was a almost Perfect Nutrition Day !! I just need to get back on the wagon and get more days like this Back to back !!

Life Is Good !!
I'm glad that today was a good day for you. And I'm glad that I was able to help.


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Glad you were able to get it worked out Rocket. I really think as disciplined as you are, and as mindful of potential dependence with Oxycodone, that you will be fine, and will take it the way it’s intended. And like Steve said there is no need to suffer with pain. I also thought his idea with adding in Joint Support XT and CurcuPrime Gel was a great idea, with the Joint Support obviously helping the joints and any arthritis and Curcumin is tremendous at reducing inflammation.💪


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Glad you were able to get it worked out Rocket. I really think as disciplined as you are, and as mindful of potential dependence with Oxycodone, that you will be fine, and will take it the way it’s intended. And like Steve said there is no need to suffer with pain. I also thought his idea with adding in Joint Support XT and CurcuPrime Gel was a great idea, with the Joint Support obviously helping the joints and any arthritis and Curcumin is tremendous at reducing inflammation.💪
I currently have the CurcuPrime in stock, I will place and order for the Joint Support.
XPG CurcuPrime A.jpeg


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If the oxies back you up, ask your doctor if it’s fine to add in docusate sodium capsules(generic otc Stool Softener at any supermarket, brand name Colace).

I always have to add those in post surgery if I end up using opiates.


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If the oxies back you up, ask your doctor if it’s fine to add in docusate sodium capsules(generic otc Stool Softener at any supermarket, brand name Colace).

I always have to add those in post surgery if I end up using opiates.
I have used MiraLax in the past.


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If the oxies back you up, ask your doctor if it’s fine to add in docusate sodium capsules(generic otc Stool Softener at any supermarket, brand name Colace).

I always have to add those in post surgery if I end up using opiates.
I normally go with magnesium for this but yeah some sort of stool softener will go a long way in helping with that.


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On the subject of laxatives - ask your doctor what to take if you need to take one.

Different ones can interfere with different medications and with everything you're on, its extremely important to ask and take whichever one won't cause any issue with any of the medications.


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MiraLax was her suggestion


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After all my past injuries, luckily they didn't have oxy back then. but Demerol, morphine & Lortabs are also addictive.
I had the best luck with. Magnesium Citrate Saline Laxative, easy to drink, different flavors. For me it made my turds slick and didn't give me the runs like other laxatives. drink 1/2 a bottle and see how it goes after a few hours before drinking the rest.


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After all my past injuries, luckily they didn't have oxy back then. but Demerol, morphine & Lortabs are also addictive.
I had the best luck with. Magnesium Citrate Saline Laxative, easy to drink, different flavors. For me it made my turds slick and didn't give me the runs like other laxatives. drink 1/2 a bottle and see how it goes after a few hours before drinking the rest.
That can be great and very helpful to some people - and great suggestion overall.

In Rocket's case, with the medications he is taking for his medical conditions, the issue is that some laxatives can affect medication absorption - so that's why the only one(s) that he should take are the ones that his doctor says.

I want to clarify, I'm not saying that in a bad way - you had a great suggestion. I just wanted to add on to it and say that I think that's a great suggestion for anyone not on a lot of meds, but for people that are on meds, especially things like Rocket that even a lot of doctors or pharmacists may not be very familiar with, its important to go with exactly what their doctors say.


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That can be great and very helpful to some people - and great suggestion overall.

In Rocket's case, with the medications he is taking for his medical conditions, the issue is that some laxatives can affect medication absorption - so that's why the only one(s) that he should take are the ones that his doctor says.

I want to clarify, I'm not saying that in a bad way - you had a great suggestion. I just wanted to add on to it and say that I think that's a great suggestion for anyone not on a lot of meds, but for people that are on meds, especially things like Rocket that even a lot of doctors or pharmacists may not be very familiar with, its important to go with exactly what their doctors say.
So we probably should recommend high dose Senna for him eh?

Oh I just made my own stomach knot up... that is such a horrible thing to do to someone.


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but Demerol, morphine & Lortabs are also addictive.
Demerol felt like pure misery for me, I never liked that or Vicodin, I'm not a good candidate for that type of addiction but since watching Dope Sick on Hulu and learning more about the Oxy issues of the 90s and early 2000s I definitely respect a persons cautious approach (like Rocket here) with these powerful substances.


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Demerol felt like pure misery for me, I never liked that or Vicodin, I'm not a good candidate for that type of addiction but since watching Dope Sick on Hulu and learning more about the Oxy issues of the 90s and early 2000s I definitely respect a persons cautious approach (like Rocket here) with these powerful substances.
I am also lucky that I do not like the downer feeling at all. I hate to feel heavy in my own body. I also can't stand having to search for my words while talking. So I have to be in a good bit of pain to be willing to take them at all when prescribed. I don't throw them out though. I keep them for years and will dip into them if I hurt myself. I have like 4 percocet left from my labrum surgery in 2011. LMAO and they still work!!!! I break one in half if me or the wife ends up in a lot of pain which doesn't happen often. I have bottles of vicodin hidden away too for when it is needed. Since I don't like the feeling I don't have to worry about recreational use.


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07/25/2023 187bs

Fasted Cardio

Up at 3am, I had a large cup of coffee and than My normal Pre-Fasted Cardio Supplements, (1) SNS Alpha Yohimbine, (1) Scoop SNS Focus XT. My back was really hurting, but I convenience myself to at least start my walk and if the pain got to bad I could turn around and go home. I made the full two miles in world record time, 1 hour on the nose, the most it has taken, every step hurt a little but I took my time and got the job done!!

The rest of the day was a pretty good day, I got a lot done at my job and had No Doctor Appointment !! Tomorrow I have a Blood draw at 7am, we will see what it has to say and than do what ever needed done. A year ago the only thing I ever looked at on my blood work was my Test Level and my Hematocrit, now I can look at my labs and know what the doctor will want to do before I ever see them.


Calories 1646
Fat 57 grams
Carbs 113
Protein 173

Another good day on the Nutrition Front !


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The pain I have in my lower back, I really don't know if it is, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain or what. Years ago I would get pain in my delts and I would get a Cortisone shot and it really helped. I wonder if that is a possibility ? I guess that is a good question for my doctor.


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The pain I have in my lower back, I really don't know if it is, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain or what. Years ago I would get pain in my delts and I would get a Cortisone shot and it really helped. I wonder if that is a possibility ? I guess that is a good question for my doctor.
Cortisone shots can help with pain but they can also have negative effects on your immune system and some blood count numbers. In your case, your situation is so complex and individualized that there's no one that can answer that other than your doctor your for; and even then, it may be one of those pro's and con's type of situations.

One thing I would really, really recommend is to talk to your doctor about the pain and ask them what they think the cause of it is - for things like that, I always suggest that people write out exactly what they want to say and ask and all the details in a note on your phone so that that way you don't forget anything when you're there. I do that myself bc my autoimmune and endocrinology condition is so complex that if I don't write things down, I'll almost always forget to ask something.

I think discussing with your doctor what they think is causing the pain will be a good step towards knowing what may help it.


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Tomorrow I have a Blood draw at 7am, we will see what it has to say and than do what ever needed done.
Hoping for positive news! At least the blood draw is first thing in the morning so you don't have to fast too long.


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Cortisone shots can help with pain but they can also have negative effects on your immune system and some blood count numbers. In your case, your situation is so complex and individualized that there's no one that can answer that other than your doctor your for; and even then, it may be one of those pro's and con's type of situations.

One thing I would really, really recommend is to talk to your doctor about the pain and ask them what they think the cause of it is - for things like that, I always suggest that people write out exactly what they want to say and ask and all the details in a note on your phone so that that way you don't forget anything when you're there. I do that myself bc my autoimmune and endocrinology condition is so complex that if I don't write things down, I'll almost always forget to ask something.

I think discussing with your doctor what they think is causing the pain will be a good step towards knowing what may help it.
Very good idea, making notes now, Thank you!

Hoping for positive news! At least the blood draw is first thing in the morning so you don't have to fast too long.
Lucky for me none of my Blood Work is fasted!!

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