4wk Androhard/Androlean 4wkPCT log



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That is Arnold's silhouette in that avi huh, from the pic with him standing on the rocks?
Yeah, one of my favorite bodybuilding pic's!


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Crushed today’s lift. I can honestly say I put everything I had into today’s workout, I left the gym with an insane pump and I am completely exhausted. Tonight will be the last dose of Revolution Black, so tomorrow I will give my complete review for the complete AH/AL cycle as well as my support supplements and PCT supplements. Id like to thank everyone for following along with me through my first PH cycle and special thanks to Doc, MrKleen, Tiny, Packer, and Musclerican, as well as the Primordial Reps you guys really pushed me through and kept me on top of my game. Thanks Doc for introducing me to the awesome finaflex lineup. MrKleen, man I cant say enough about your knowledge and willingness to help the “new guy” I appreciate all your help. Again. thanks to all, and final review tomorrw.


Protein -219.9g (32%)
Carbohydrates -298.1g (44%)
Fats -73.5g (24%)
Total Calories -2,796


Flat Bench -10x10 @ 195lbs
Chin-Up -10x10 @ 35lbs (bad idea)
Incline DB Fly 3x12 @ 40lbs
One Arm DB Row -3x12 @ 65


Wow can't believe the end has come, it has been great to follow this thread. I've have learned a lot and have grown and learned new ways of working out. Gvt was great still have 2 weeks before i change back to reg routine,can't wait for the next one bro. Hope to see you follow also my log when I'm ready to do so. Great log


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Crushed today’s lift. I can honestly say I put everything I had into today’s workout, I left the gym with an insane pump and I am completely exhausted. Tonight will be the last dose of Revolution Black, so tomorrow I will give my complete review for the complete AH/AL cycle as well as my support supplements and PCT supplements. Id like to thank everyone for following along with me through my first PH cycle and special thanks to Doc, MrKleen, Tiny, Packer, and Musclerican, as well as the Primordial Reps you guys really pushed me through and kept me on top of my game. Thanks Doc for introducing me to the awesome finaflex lineup. MrKleen, man I cant say enough about your knowledge and willingness to help the “new guy” I appreciate all your help. Again. thanks to all, and final review tomorrw.


Protein -219.9g (32%)
Carbohydrates -298.1g (44%)
Fats -73.5g (24%)
Total Calories -2,796


Flat Bench -10x10 @ 195lbs
Chin-Up -10x10 @ 35lbs (bad idea)
Incline DB Fly 3x12 @ 40lbs
One Arm DB Row -3x12 @ 65
Great job on this log! Are you going to start a training log now?


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Crushed today’s lift. I can honestly say I put everything I had into today’s workout, I left the gym with an insane pump and I am completely exhausted. Tonight will be the last dose of Revolution Black, so tomorrow I will give my complete review for the complete AH/AL cycle as well as my support supplements and PCT supplements. Id like to thank everyone for following along with me through my first PH cycle and special thanks to Doc, MrKleen, Tiny, Packer, and Musclerican, as well as the Primordial Reps you guys really pushed me through and kept me on top of my game. Thanks Doc for introducing me to the awesome finaflex lineup. MrKleen, man I cant say enough about your knowledge and willingness to help the “new guy” I appreciate all your help. Again. thanks to all, and final review tomorrw.
No problem Brother, all I can say, think I can safely speak for all of us who have followed when I say... You did the work my friend, you are the one who put the hard earned time in the gym and followed our guidance, also, if it were easy, then everyone would do it and look the way they wanted, so it is your hard work and efforts that made this LOG what it is... CONGRATULATIONS and I can't wait for your next LOG, this is only the beginning my friend!!!


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I can only echo what everyone else said. It has been a pleasure being a part of your journey Green! Keep killing it!


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Bro it's been a hell of a ride, and one could only hope that you do future logs. You put in 100% effort and can't wait to see the final pictures. Thanks for logging and for being an inspiration to us trying to get to your level!!! Keep it up bro and keep us informed. I'm glad you enjoyed AL/AH as I truly believe PP has out done themselves with this series!

Crushed today’s lift. I can honestly say I put everything I had into today’s workout, I left the gym with an insane pump and I am completely exhausted. Tonight will be the last dose of Revolution Black, so tomorrow I will give my complete review for the complete AH/AL cycle as well as my support supplements and PCT supplements. Id like to thank everyone for following along with me through my first PH cycle and special thanks to Doc, MrKleen, Tiny, Packer, and Musclerican, as well as the Primordial Reps you guys really pushed me through and kept me on top of my game. Thanks Doc for introducing me to the awesome finaflex lineup. MrKleen, man I cant say enough about your knowledge and willingness to help the “new guy” I appreciate all your help. Again. thanks to all, and final review tomorrw.


Protein -219.9g (32%)
Carbohydrates -298.1g (44%)
Fats -73.5g (24%)
Total Calories -2,796


Flat Bench -10x10 @ 195lbs
Chin-Up -10x10 @ 35lbs (bad idea)
Incline DB Fly 3x12 @ 40lbs
One Arm DB Row -3x12 @ 65


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Final Review

At the start of the AndroHard/AndroLean cycle I really was skeptical. I had done my research, read countless reviews and forums, visited many websites claiming to have the best pro-hormones, and at one point almost said the hell with the whole thing. During my research I came across Anabolic Minds, and it was here that I made my decision to log my first pro-hormone. From the vast amounts of information, all the Product Reps, and the great support from members, this forum is really impressive.

Thanks to all the forum members that checked out this log, and to the guys that stuck with me through the whole ride, well you guys were invaluable. I feel that in just the short time that I have been logging I have learned so much not only about myself, but about training, supplementation, and nutrition. Much of this I owe to the AM members.

Primordial Performance - AndroHard/AndroLean

I will review these together since they were cycled to have a synergistic affect.

Liver Toxicity - I experienced zero side-effects from liver toxicity. I was sure to keep alcohol out of the equation while on the cycle as well.

Gynecomastia - I experienced zero breast tissue growth on-cycle or post-cycle.

Libido - I did not experience any suppression in this area, if anything I may have experienced a sporadic positive effect, but not at a constant throughout the cycle.

Nausea/Sickness - I did experience nausea quite a few times after dosing. I would describe the side-effect as stomach churning. This was strange because the nausea would not be with every dose, but at random.

Aggression - I can honestly say that I did not experience any signs of increased aggression or alpha-male impulses. My confidence was definitely elevated, which made training very desirable.

Safe for Long Term Use - I would say from my experience that this supplement is safe for long term use. I think that If I would have known more about how this cycle would react with my body that I would have run it for at least six weeks or eight at the maximum. At the end of week four I was not “shut down” at all, and I believe that with an extra two-four weeks with the cycle that I would have seen a very dramatic recomposition.

I believe that Primordial Performance really has a winner in the AH/AL stack. It was a great first experience for me, and really showed me some excellent results. The gains in muscle striation, muscle density (hardness), and being all around more vascular were next to none. I have not had any other PH experiences to compare this cycle to, but I would recommend it as a great tool to a well planned body recomposition.

FinaFlex - PCT Black Revolution/Pure Test

These will be reviewed together as well, as they were taken to have a synergistic affect.

Let me start by saying I did not experience one negative side-effect during my PCT while using these two supplements together. As I stated above I do not feel that I was “shut down” from the PH cycle so the addition of these two supplements was essentially a natural cycle which kept my strength gains and muscle mass in line.

FinaFlex has one of the most informative and supporting Representatives floating around in the forums, it was a pleasure to have his support during my cycle. I was turned on to a great line up of FinaFlex products and will continue to use them in the future.

FinaFlex - N.O. Ignite (pre-workout)

This is some Bad A$$ stuff boys. The energy and drive from this supplement are insane. I enjoy the Tropical Storm flavor personally. One scoop will light a fire under your A$$ for sure.

AI Sports Nutrition - RecoverPro

This is a great BCAA (4-1-1) supplement. I began using this when I started the Lean Gains Protocol. I prefer the Lemon flavor it is similar to crystal light in flavor, and is very soluble (I mix in H20). It has also been a great recovery tool while implementing German Volume Training.

In the End

There are some things that I would have liked to do differently during my log, and I will adhere these changes to my next log (oh yeah...Im not done yet).

I will take progress side shots from the non-tattooed side to see changes in my arm. I noticed right away that this was a problem, and even had some friendly advice to change this for future logs.

I would like to be able to run my next log without the interruptions of vacations or other lengthy social events that entail alcohol consumption and poor food choices. I did well during this cycle, but I like perfection. I know life happens, but I’d like it to happen a little less during log time.

I felt good about my training, but I would like to find my max weight on my major lifts at the start of the log. I would be interested in seeing how these numbers reacted to the addition of the PH.

The hardest part for me is always nutrition. I have always struggled to find a protocol that really works for me. I began this log eating every two hrs with high protein and low carbs with a carb up every four days. This gets me so far but has never gotten me “ripped”. I then found Lean Gains and began using this protocol with some good results. I found that during the last two weeks of my PCT I started to get really puffy and lost some of my definition. I believe this was from the huge amount of carbs I was taking in on lift days. I changed my macros this week to a low carb approach and I am seeing better results. I would really like to find a nutrition protocol that is going to give me the results I am looking for, and it would be great to not have to worry about changing this protocol during my next log.

I will be logging again after my recommended 30 days of post PCT rest. I do not want to disclose yet what I will be logging, but I am almost 100% sure what direction I am looking to go in. Thanks again and if there are any questions regarding my review please ask.


Well-known member
Final Review

At the start of the AndroHard/AndroLean cycle I really was skeptical. I had done my research, read countless reviews and forums, visited many websites claiming to have the best pro-hormones, and at one point almost said the hell with the whole thing. During my research I came across Anabolic Minds, and it was here that I made my decision to log my first pro-hormone. From the vast amounts of information, all the Product Reps, and the great support from members, this forum is really impressive.

Thanks to all the forum members that checked out this log, and to the guys that stuck with me through the whole ride, well you guys were invaluable. I feel that in just the short time that I have been logging I have learned so much not only about myself, but about training, supplementation, and nutrition. Much of this I owe to the AM members.

Primordial Performance - AndroHard/AndroLean

I will review these together since they were cycled to have a synergistic affect.

Liver Toxicity - I experienced zero side-effects from liver toxicity. I was sure to keep alcohol out of the equation while on the cycle as well.

Gynecomastia - I experienced zero breast tissue growth on-cycle or post-cycle.

Libido - I did not experience any suppression in this area, if anything I may have experienced a sporadic positive effect, but not at a constant throughout the cycle.

Nausea/Sickness - I did experience nausea quite a few times after dosing. I would describe the side-effect as stomach churning. This was strange because the nausea would not be with every dose, but at random.

Aggression - I can honestly say that I did not experience any signs of increased aggression or alpha-male impulses. My confidence was definitely elevated, which made training very desirable.

Safe for Long Term Use - I would say from my experience that this supplement is safe for long term use. I think that If I would have known more about how this cycle would react with my body that I would have run it for at least six weeks or eight at the maximum. At the end of week four I was not “shut down” at all, and I believe that with an extra two-four weeks with the cycle that I would have seen a very dramatic recomposition.

I believe that Primordial Performance really has a winner in the AH/AL stack. It was a great first experience for me, and really showed me some excellent results. The gains in muscle striation, muscle density (hardness), and being all around more vascular were next to none. I have not had any other PH experiences to compare this cycle to, but I would recommend it as a great tool to a well planned body recomposition.

FinaFlex - PCT Black Revolution/Pure Test

These will be reviewed together as well, as they were taken to have a synergistic affect.

Let me start by saying I did not experience one negative side-effect during my PCT while using these two supplements together. As I stated above I do not feel that I was “shut down” from the PH cycle so the addition of these two supplements was essentially a natural cycle which kept my strength gains and muscle mass in line.

FinaFlex has one of the most informative and supporting Representatives floating around in the forums, it was a pleasure to have his support during my cycle. I was turned on to a great line up of FinaFlex products and will continue to use them in the future.

FinaFlex - N.O. Ignite (pre-workout)

This is some Bad A$$ stuff boys. The energy and drive from this supplement are insane. I enjoy the Tropical Storm flavor personally. One scoop will light a fire under your A$$ for sure.

AI Sports Nutrition - RecoverPro

This is a great BCAA (4-1-1) supplement. I began using this when I started the Lean Gains Protocol. I prefer the Lemon flavor it is similar to crystal light in flavor, and is very soluble (I mix in H20). It has also been a great recovery tool while implementing German Volume Training.

In the End

There are some things that I would have liked to do differently during my log, and I will adhere these changes to my next log (oh yeah...Im not done yet).

I will take progress side shots from the non-tattooed side to see changes in my arm. I noticed right away that this was a problem, and even had some friendly advice to change this for future logs.

I would like to be able to run my next log without the interruptions of vacations or other lengthy social events that entail alcohol consumption and poor food choices. I did well during this cycle, but I like perfection. I know life happens, but I’d like it to happen a little less during log time.

I felt good about my training, but I would like to find my max weight on my major lifts at the start of the log. I would be interested in seeing how these numbers reacted to the addition of the PH.

The hardest part for me is always nutrition. I have always struggled to find a protocol that really works for me. I began this log eating every two hrs with high protein and low carbs with a carb up every four days. This gets me so far but has never gotten me “ripped”. I then found Lean Gains and began using this protocol with some good results. I found that during the last two weeks of my PCT I started to get really puffy and lost some of my definition. I believe this was from the huge amount of carbs I was taking in on lift days. I changed my macros this week to a low carb approach and I am seeing better results. I would really like to find a nutrition protocol that is going to give me the results I am looking for, and it would be great to not have to worry about changing this protocol during my next log.

I will be logging again after my recommended 30 days of post PCT rest. I do not want to disclose yet what I will be logging, but I am almost 100% sure what direction I am looking to go in. Thanks again and if there are any questions regarding my review please ask.
Two thumbs up! Great review!


Well-known member
Hey Green, How did you put the link to your log in your sig?? I need halp!


Well-known member
Hey Green, How did you put the link to your log in your sig?? I need halp!
I went to my log and copied what was in the URL panel then pasted it in my sig where you edit the profile. so it would go where you have all of your quotes underneath your posts


Well-known member
I went to my log and copied what was in the URL panel then pasted it in my sig where you edit the profile. so it would go where you have all of your quotes underneath your posts
Poop i tried that and it just says "bb code url is not allowed" :(


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Green you kick a$$ in this log and link me anytime you do any PLEASE lol. Thanks for the ride and honest reviews. I'm glad you enjoyed the products.


Good shizts sun, nice rap up give me a heads up when your ready for the next one bro


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Greeny... FINAFLEX is coming out with a new pro-hormone, a revised version of our old FINAFLEX 550, which for anyone who has been around, that was probably the most powerful and potent pro-hormone every made and they believe they have accomplished the same thing with new compliant ingredients! The formula has already been made and testing is complete, now it is just a matter of production, capsulation, bottling, etc. We plan to announce it and introduce it at the 2011 OLYMPIA in September. I think it will be right around the time that you are ready to do another cycle of something, PM me if you are interested, I believe you would be an excellent candidate and you have definitely earned my respect as a informative, quality, honest Logger!!!


Well-known member
Greeny... FINAFLEX is coming out with a new pro-hormone, a revised version of our old FINAFLEX 550, which for anyone who has been around, that was probably the most powerful and potent pro-hormone every made and they believe they have accomplished the same thing with new compliant ingredients! The formula has already been made and testing is complete, now it is just a matter of production, capsulation, bottling, etc. We plan to announce it and introduce it at the 2011 OLYMPIA in September. I think it will be right around the time that you are ready to do another cycle of something, PM me if you are interested, I believe you would be an excellent candidate and you have definitely earned my respect as a informative, quality, honest Logger!!!
Take advantage of this!! Green would like sick as f*ck after!!


Well-known member
Greeny... FINAFLEX is coming out with a new pro-hormone, a revised version of our old FINAFLEX 550, which for anyone who has been around, that was probably the most powerful and potent pro-hormone every made and they believe they have accomplished the same thing with new compliant ingredients! The formula has already been made and testing is complete, now it is just a matter of production, capsulation, bottling, etc. We plan to announce it and introduce it at the 2011 OLYMPIA in September. I think it will be right around the time that you are ready to do another cycle of something, PM me if you are interested, I believe you would be an excellent candidate and you have definitely earned my respect as a informative, quality, honest Logger!!!
This is outstanding news Doc. I appreciate your considering me for logging a new Finaflex product, actually I'm honored. I have sent you a PM


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Excellent, I will keep everyone informed as soon as we complete and get the picture of the bottle and the write-up and ingredient profile, etc. etc. It is coming that is for sure... FINAFLEX 550-XD Black!


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How is it I have not been informed of this Al???? I have a foot and you have a backside do we need to do some addition here? ;)

Green excellent log, what did your macros look like this week? You may have found your sweetspot do you intend to keep eating that way for a while to see how it works out for you as far as recomping?


Well-known member
How is it I have not been informed of this Al???? I have a foot and you have a backside do we need to do some addition here? ;)

Green excellent log, what did your macros look like this week? You may have found your sweetspot do you intend to keep eating that way for a while to see how it works out for you as far as recomping?
Yes sir, I believe I found the sweet spot. Eating between 1500-1800 on burn days and between 2200-2500 on lift days.

Macros on burn- C20% P50% F30%
Macros on lift- C35% P45% F20%

This is what I've been aiming for this week, and Ive been very close. The carb puff is almost completely gone, my abs are back, and Im feeling beastly. I'm not exactly sure of my weight at the start of the week, but I want to say it was 211.4 and this am was 207.4 even my iliac pinch was significantly leaner (just by touch). Like I said though, it's amazing how well LG works in conjunction with proper cals and macros. As Doc said on your thread everyone is unique in there caloric needs it just a matter of find what works " the sweet spot"

While I'm on a role here... GVT is going beyond well. My strength has increased greatly. I haven't done any max lifts, but I KNOW they have increased I have no doubt of it. Also my form and technique on my lifts has been vastly improved. The repetition and slow reps really makes one focus on the lift, and also having proper form and tech helps push through the lifts with greater ease (there is nothing easy about GVT...don't get me wrong here).


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I need to try to sell my wife on a 6 week GVT run. Are you going to go to the 10 sets of 6 next the way it progresses or just do a different routine?


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I need to try to sell my wife on a 6 week GVT run. Are you going to go to the 10 sets of 6 next the way it progresses or just do a different routine?
Yeah Im going to move into "phase two" next week do the 10x6...then on to something else, not sure what that will be yet but I'm thinking some
kind of crossfit hybrid.

Good luck getting your wife on the GVT. Is she apprehensive, or just haven't brought it up yet?


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How is it I have not been informed of this Al???? I have a foot and you have a backside do we need to do some addition here? ;)
Must I make you bow before your MASTER again...

Easy there Big guy, nobody said there was any kind of RULE saying I can't have more than one person running the same product!!! Also, I was just throwing that out there to him and he may choose when he is ready to run EPI-V in order to continue getting leaner, he'll have options and I won't forget about you or the Old Fugger, no worries Bruddah!


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Sweet man that log ought to be interesting! Green make sure you link your lil buddy pack to that when you do it. Your log was Epic!


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Sweet man that log ought to be interesting! Green make sure you link your lil buddy pack to that when you do it. Your log was Epic!
You know I will bro, always glad to have ya!


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I figured I would try my hand at the new Taurus Nutrition logo design...What do you guys think?


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I'm being completely honest, your design blows the current one out of the water too.


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Yeah...my last meal of the day was 16oz of chicken breast and a piece of Layne Norton Cheesecake...LG to the face...didn't realize how hard it would be to cram down a pound of chicken.


Well-known member
Yeah...my last meal of the day was 16oz of chicken breast and a piece of Layne Norton Cheesecake...LG to the face...didn't realize how hard it would be to cram down a pound of chicken.
I could eat that right now... SOOO Hungry but only 500 calories left for the day :(

What is layne norton cheesecake? Does it have whey in it or something?


Well-known member
I could eat that right now... SOOO Hungry but only 500 calories left for the day :(

What is layne norton cheesecake? Does it have whey in it or something?
It's basically a no fat cheesecake with 20g of protein 6g of carbs and 2g of fat. Not too bad tasting either @ only around 130 cal a slice.


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That meal was 565 calories with 6g carbs and 104g protein...go get you some Tiny!!


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It's basically a no fat cheesecake with 20g of protein 6g of carbs and 2g of fat. Not too bad tasting either @ only around 130 cal a slice.
Hmm sounds pretty good, I guess it's time to go eat now since i'm hungry. I skated with some friends for a couple hours today, pretty good cardio considering last time i was on a skateboard i was 150-160Lbs :D FIRST 300LB GUY TO 360 FLIP WILL BE THIS GUY haha


Well-known member
Hmm sounds pretty good, I guess it's time to go eat now since i'm hungry. I skated with some friends for a couple hours today, pretty good cardio considering last time i was on a skateboard i was 150-160Lbs :D FIRST 300LB GUY TO 360 FLIP WILL BE THIS GUY haha
Awesome man. I haven't really skated in a long time, but I was actually pretty good back in the day. I do like to grab the kids skateboards when they bring them to school and go tear around campus. Its always funny to see the look of amazement on their faces haha.


Well-known member
Awesome man. I haven't really skated in a long time, but I was actually pretty good back in the day. I do like to grab the kids skateboards when they bring them to school and go tear around campus. Its always funny to see the look of amazement on their faces haha.
Haha same here, i had 10x more balance back then too. My friends were pretty shocked too when i busted out a big spin!


Haven't had a cheese cake in a long time well it's one my cheat day meal list lol


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Props on this pics bro, I'd say you deserve some cheesecake.


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Im going to continue using this thread to log workout progress and nutrition until I start a new cycle FYI.


Well-known member
Im going to continue using this thread to log workout progress and nutrition until I start a new cycle FYI.
Yeahhhhhhhh buddy that's awesome, our logs are going to be like 100 pages :sasmokin:


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Sweet music to my ears Green!!! Thanks btw I'm freaking falling in love with Anabeta lol call it what you may but this shiz is good stuff. I hit 60's on my db inclines yesterday and arms arm are about to xplode!!


Well-known member
Sweet music to my ears Green!!! Thanks btw I'm freaking falling in love with Anabeta lol call it what you may but this shiz is good stuff. I hit 60's on my db inclines yesterday and arms arm are about to xplode!!
Nice bro I've been eyeballing anabeta. May be something I'd like to check out in the future.


Well-known member
Nice bro I've been eyeballing anabeta. May be something I'd like to check out in the future.
I just looked it up, looks pretty good. Maybe something else i'll utilize with my winter bulk..

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