2010 College Football Season



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No, what I'm actually saying is that they will not unleash the full Cam Newton if it looks like a 1 loss SEC Champ is a shoe in for the NC game. I GUARANTEE you that Alabama will be head hunting Newton in that game. Auburn is not going to risk losing him for the SEC and NC game if it comes down to it. He'll play but he'll play "softly" so to speak and avoid contact at all costs.



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I guess that's funny? It's really not. But you're never wrong so I guess whatever you say is true.


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Speaking with absolute honesty... That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard in all my years of talking college football smack.

1. Auburn having a championship team
2. You not having a clue

The above are NOT mutually exclusive events.


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aww I disagreed with King Bee. I'm sorry! I forgot this isn't really a forum but a place for rubberring to show off his football knowledge(or lack thereof). I'm sorry I expressed an opinion, please forgive me.


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Dude.. if LSU beats you and we beat Ole Miss and Georgia (Vegas will pick ALL of these to happen) then there is a chance it could be (an "off week" for Auburn) depending on the rest of the BCS picture. I don't see how they will be able to leave a 1 loss SEC champion out of the NC game.
I just had to quote it again.

It's not about you disagreeing with me... or having an opinion. It's just so fucking asinine.

Auburn is gonna take Iron Bowl weekend... the most hate-filled rivalry in the nation... "off,"... because losing the game won't keep AU out of Glendale. Really?

You're essentially saying:

The Iron Bowl, against the defending national champs and intrastate rival who've beaten them two years in a row, is "no big deal."

Furthermore, do you realize the Coaches and Harris polls are 2/3 of the BCS formula?

You dun goofed.


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What I realize is that they will NOT risk hurting Cam Newton and most likely a shot at a NC by running him 49 times for 300 yards in that game if we are already a shoe in for the NC game. Does anyone really think that "captain profanity" Nicholas Saban is going to hold back from trying to hurt the star of his most hated rival? No. It is pretty sick how everytime the camera zooms on him he is screaming out G-D. I understand he is very competitive but children do watch these games and he should be a little bit more professional than that.


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I'm NOT saying they will try to lose the game. I just don't think you will see them running Cam every play like they do every other game in crunch time. Hopefully by that game Dyer will not be hurt and Mario Fannin will graduate and/or get struck by lightning so we will have other backs who CAN run the ball too.


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That game was NOWHERE near as close as the scoreboard indicated. We could of punched another at the end and had a massive field position disadvantage all game. Look at those YARDS against the #3 defense in the country! Probably the #1 most talented D in the country too. I am disappointed and "Not Impressed" by our defensive performance allowing 240 yards to LSU however.


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Does anyone really think that "captain profanity" Nicholas Saban is going to hold back from trying to hurt the star of his most hated rival? No.
That's what I mean by illogical.

1. You asked, then answered, your own inquiry... while speaking for everyone.
2. Tebow's the greatest player Saban's likely to ever gameplan against... and I'm pretty sure there was no head-hunting involved.
3. Your Bama hate/envy destroys what little credibility you have.

It is pretty sick how everytime the camera zooms on him he is screaming out G-D. I understand he is very competitive but children do watch these games and he should be a little bit more professional than that.
Next time, throw in a smiley or two, so we know you're goofing.

I think it's time for you to go on my ignore list.


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You act like that's a threat or something? Do you really think I care? Quit making this forum your entire life. There has to be something exciting to do in California.


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You act like that's a threat or something? Do you really think I care? Quit making this forum your entire life. There has to be something exciting to do in California.
Yeah, I do think you care, actually. I'm the only reason you're here. Everyone else just chuckles to themselves and ignores you. The PMs I get are hilarious. I post the pics/vids to entertain them.

Dude, don't even pretend you know anything about my life. People outside of my real life know as much as I allow them to. But I'll say this: I left the state of Alabama a long time ago, and one of the reasons I never went back --- redneck, alpha-male-wanna-be douche bags like you. Your shallowness is exhausting.

I have been admittedly baffled by your lack of humiliation when you make such an ass of yourself on here, until I stumbled upon this:

"In the Narcissist, shame is so intolerable that the means have been developed not to experience it at all. What psychologists call "bypassed shame" looks like shamelessness or the absence of a conscience, hiding behind a protective barrier of denial, coldness, blame, or rage. Since there are no healthy internal mechanisms available to process this painful feeling, the shame is directed outward, away from the Self. It can never be "my fault.""

Makes perfect sense. I can explain it to you if you wish. (EDIT: No... never mind.)


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Let Plenny resolve the Alabama/Auburn ordeal. Oregon is the best team in football and the entire SEC is highly over rated.....THERE!!!


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On a side note.....It is "I" who is week 8 champ on college pick em


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No you see I do this for amusement. You take this FAR to seriously. You must think you're so cool getting all these PM's. I get the same PM's and rep's but do I try to act like I'm captain cool for it? Dude, get a life. Seriously. I don't understand why you make this so personal when it's a sport and stupid arguments. I'm guessing it'll all change on your end when Auburn loses a game and you can go back to your little brother comments. I'm as far away from a "redneck" as possible too btw. Good try though.

Plenny... Oregon/AU would be one HIGH SCORING NC game.


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Actually, you know what. I'm done arguing with you about anything personal. You can take all the shots you want at me but I'll ignore it. Anything football is game but if you want to correct my grammar/looks/smile/character you can argue that out with yourself. If you want to say Auburn sucks then I'll be glad to take a part in that conversation though.


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No you see I do this for amusement. You take this FAR to seriously.
Yes, the chip on your shoulder/bull in a china shop routine is for your amusement. Makes perfect sense. Clever. You fooled everyone.

You must think you're so cool getting all these PM's. I get the same PM's and rep's but do I try to act like I'm captain cool for it?
I wasn't bragging. It's a message board. People send PMs. Mine just usually pertain to goofing on you. And you can feel free to post the ones you get about me for the lulz. I'm thick-skinned, and won't go all Jersey Shore like you.

I'm as far away from a "redneck" as possible too btw.
I'm not suggesting you wear Wranglers and dip Skoal. It's a state of mind, and you most definitely embody it.

Good try though.


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Again -

Actually, you know what. I'm done arguing with you about anything personal. You can take all the shots you want at me but I'll ignore it. Anything football is game but if you want to correct my grammar/looks/smile/character you can argue that out with yourself. If you want to say Auburn sucks then I'll be glad to take a part in that conversation though.


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I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. They are either the most glass-half-full fan base in collegiate history... or the most delusional and sad. According to all the Auburn fans on the interwebz, last night's game wasn't an "escape" or a "gift"... it was a "solid win" and a "defensive masterpiece." On the contrary, Bama fans would be beside themselves if they squeaked by the Bulldogs because of dropped passes. Not AU fans though... "We're gonna sweep the West! We're back, baby!" I wish I could say it's unbelievable... but that would be a lie.

All I saw last night were two teams Alabama is going to shred at home.

View attachment 35214 ...but funny!
Figured I'd look back at you guys solid pre-season/early season predictions for Newton and Auburn. Let me tell you, you all were DEAD ON! Impressive.


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I post the pics/vids to entertain
:cheers: Thanks. I have been sitting back and having a grand time reading the back and forth, the pictures and vids just add that little something extra.
hoother how can you possibly espouse the ridiculous notion that Auburn will rest or pull back somehow on Cam against Alabama? That truly is nonsensical in light of how important the rivalry is for not just bragging rights/pride but recruiting etc.


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I'm done arguing with you about anything personal. Anything football is game...
Fair enough.

The thing about being #1 is that no argument is needed. Auburn has been the most impressive team in college football this season. If you dont believe me then just click below.

I don't disagree, although I thing Oregon is very, very close. I also think both teams are beatable, and that it's too early for celebration. You might not like it, but both Georgia and Alabama have a legitimate chance at beating AU. They certainly aren't going to be favored, but all bets are off in rivalry games. Remember when Auburn was supposed to lie down against Bama last year? Anything can happen. But yes, for now... Auburn is edging out Oregon in my book. No way Boise should be ranked ahead of them in the polls, although it doesn't really matter.

Newton, barring a season-ending injury in the next two games (a la Dennis Dixon a few years back), is a lock for the Heisman, and deservingly so.

That's all I got.


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I think a National Championship is more important for recruiting. I just said I don't think he will run AS MUCH if Auburn is a shoe in for the NC game with a SEC CG victory. Can Auburn beat Alabama with him not running as much? Yes. It's becoming more evident every week that this team is loaded with talent on offense. Zachary/Adams/Dyer/McCalleb/Blake/Lutz are all able to handle the load. Will it end up in that situation? It's doubtful. With how much they are pushing for Boise to make it in I think Auburn will have to be undefeated.


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Figured I'd look back at you guys solid pre-season/early season predictions for Newton and Auburn. Let me tell you, you all were DEAD ON! Impressive.
Well, well... your "I'm not going to get personal" pledge didn't last long. Christ, man.

Do you really want me to do the same for the 2009 season? Because that would really be hysterical.

Btw, my comments were dead-on. I was elaborating on the difference between UA and AU fans. Bama fans are overly-critical, and AU fans are overly-optimistic. How is that a prediction?


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Fair enough

I don't disagree, although I thing Oregon is very, very close. I also think both teams are beatable, and that it's too early for celebration. You might not like it, but both Georgia and Alabama have a legitimate chance at beating AU. They certainly aren't going to be favored, but all bets are off in rivalry games. Remember when Auburn was supposed to lie down against Bama last year? Anything can happen. But yes, for now... Auburn is edging out Oregon in my book. No way Boise should be ranked ahead of them in the polls, although it doesn't really matter.

Newton, barring a season-ending injury in the next two games (a la Dennis Dixon a few years back), is a lock for the Heisman, and deservingly so.

That's all I got.
I'm scared about Ole Miss/Georgia and Alabama personally. I've said many times that Auburn CAN beat anyone and they CAN LOSE to almost anyone too. No team in college football this year is so much better than anyone else. There is alot of parody. I think the LSU/BAMA game will be one hell of a game to watch though. They remind me alot of eachother except I'd give the D edge to LSU and the running game/receiver advantage to Alabama. They both are lacking the superstar caliber QB to lead the team though. I personally don't think McElroy is respected by his team the same way Newton is at Auburn.


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How can you say Alabama fans are overly critical when 99% of them thought Alabama wouldn't lose a game for 5 years as soon as 2 weeks ago? I'm including you in the 1% who didn't as you did post about SC being a scare game for Alabama.


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I think a National Championship is more important for recruiting. I just said I don't think he will run AS MUCH if Auburn is a shoe in for the NC game with a SEC CG victory. Can Auburn beat Alabama with him not running as much? Yes. It's becoming more evident every week that this team is loaded with talent on offense. Zachary/Adams/Dyer/McCalleb/Blake/Lutz are all able to handle the load. Will it end up in that situation? It's doubtful. With how much they are pushing for Boise to make it in I think Auburn will have to be undefeated.
idk if a 1 loss sec gets in this or not there are a few major unbeatens still out there, I think Auburn will need to be unbeaten. There is a lot of season left though so who knows what will happen, but I doubt Auburn would rest Newton regardless of how the scenario unfolds.


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idk if a 1 loss sec gets in this or not there are a few major unbeatens still out there, I think Auburn will need to be unbeaten. There is a lot of season left though so who knows what will happen, but I doubt Auburn would rest Newton regardless of how the scenario unfolds.
Difference between resting him and altering the gameplay to not include 43 QB draws like they love to do.


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Can Auburn beat Alabama with him not running as much? Yes.
What in gawd's name are you basing this on? McCalleb's one run yesterday?

AU beat Kentucky, Clemson, and Miss. St by 3 points... 3 points, dude. One less Newton run would've made a huge difference. If you think Bama is in the same class as the aforementioned teams, you're kidding yourself.


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Dyer is starting to turn the corner and Newton is throwing the ball with more confidence. Auburn could lose to Bama with Newton running 50 times and could win with him throwing 50 times. It's all a matter of how the cards fall. Is either team light years ahead of eachother in terms of talent? No. It's all a matter of the way the ball falls and who comes out to play that given day.


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Difference between resting him and altering the gameplay to not include 43 QB draws like they love to do.
idk man that's been the offense for the most part this year. How do you suddenly alter that for the final regular season game of the year? I should say how do you do that and be successful?


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I said they would only do that if teams in key positions fell that would leave a open ride to the NC game with a SEC champ game win. Is this likely? No. Is it possible? Yes. Chizik/Malzahn have been BEYOND conservative all year. They are not going to risk it in that circumstance. The key is having all the pieces fall where it ends up like that. First step would be LSU beating Alabama.


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I said they would only do that if teams in key positions fell that would leave a open ride to the NC game with a SEC champ game win. Is this likely? No. Is it possible? Yes. Chizik/Malzahn have been BEYOND conservative all year. They are not going to risk it in that circumstance. The key is having all the pieces fall where it ends up like that. First step would be LSU beating Alabama.
Well dare to dream I guess. :cheers:


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Dyer is starting to turn the corner and Newton is throwing the ball with more confidence. Auburn could lose to Bama with Newton running 50 times and could win with him throwing 50 times. It's all a matter of how the cards fall. Is either team light years ahead of eachother in terms of talent? No. It's all a matter of the way the ball falls and who comes out to play that given day.
Now, I'm not disagreeing with this at all.

But... remember last year when McElroy was throwing for 100 yards a game and Ingram was running for 200+, and Bama was winning a few close games? You were bashing Alabama for all it was worth. Well, how is that any different than the 86 yards passing/200+ yards rushing by Newton in a 7-point conference win?

A little hypocrisy there, maybe?


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First step would be LSU beating Alabama.
If LSU or Miss. St. beats Bama, the Iron Bowl becomes the Tide's "SEC CG," if you know what I mean. You better be careful what you wish for.


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What was I bashing you for? A yard is a yard. I do wish Auburn would throw the ball more though but as I said, the coaches are coaching very safe. I've told you that I was amazed at how good Alabama got for a while. They were light years better than everyone else in college football last year. Losing the OL they lost has put a beating on the run game though and also a beating on McElroy. They do look very human and beatable to me now though. Seems like Saban has kind of lost his edge.


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If LSU or Miss. St. beats Bama, the Iron Bowl becomes the Tide's "SEC CG," if you know what I mean. You better be careful what you wish for.

Seriously, how could a die-hard Auburn fan not want to play Alabama for all the SEC West marbles?
Why would I not want the SEC West already won by the time we come to Tuscaloosa? I don't get how I wouldn't want it won already. Going into Tuscaloosa for the rights to go is wayy to nerve racking for me.


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What was I bashing you for? A yard is a yard. I do wish Auburn would throw the ball more though but as I said, the coaches are coaching very safe. I've told you that I was amazed at how good Alabama got for a while. They were light years better than everyone else in college football last year. Losing the OL they lost has put a beating on the run game though and also a beating on McElroy. They do look very human and beatable to me now though. Seems like Saban has kind of lost his edge.
You never said any such thing (to me, anyway), but I'm not gonna go digging for your post-Iron Bowl posts.

Lost his edge? You know good and well Saban is the premiere coach right now. They lost 9 good players on defense, and a couple of huge OL losses didn't help either. They still have the #1 defense in the SEC! C'mon... top 5 recruiting classes 3 years running, and the current #2 class for 2011. Saban's shot at another title in the next couple of years is higher than any other coach's out there. You guys have all those seniors, and Bama barely has any. I even doubt Ingram, Julio, or any of the juniors on defense are gonna look to the NFL with the lockout seeming inevitable. They'll be preseason top 3 in 2011 for sure.


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I wish we didn't have some of our seniors. Other than our OL none of our "key" players are seniors. If Cam comes back we will still be stout next year. You notice how when Savage went out last week our secondary looked a little better? McNeil is better than Savage IMO. Saban is a good coach it just seems like he is letting Auburns success get to him. Might just be his personality though, he's always been kind of a uneasy person. I'd still trade him for the Chizinator any day of the week. I'd like to keep our OC though if possible, thanks.


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Btw, my comments were dead-on. I was elaborating on the difference between UA and AU fans. Bama fans are overly-critical, and AU fans are overly-optimistic.
I feel the same way about the difference between Ohio State and Michigan fans. Success definitely creates expectation.
Today is perfect example. When Bama got to #1 at this point in 2008, I was like, "Oh lawd. I don't like this. A 1-loss Florida's gonna be gunning for us." When Bama was #1 this year, I told you and h0other they would lose one or two games.

Auburn's #1 in week 8 and they're celebrating on Facebook like they've won the trophy already, and h0other's posting up links as to why there's no argument why AU shouldn't be the unanimous #1.

Nothing wrong with it I suppose, it just goes to support my point!

How can you say Alabama fans are overly critical when 99% of them thought Alabama wouldn't lose a game for 5 years as soon as 2 weeks ago? I'm including you in the 1% who didn't as you did post about SC being a scare game for Alabama.
Dude, other than my sister (who's also a realist), I don't associate with Alabama fans like you do. I just post funny pics on FB and have a good time with it. There are "Kool-Aid" fans in every fanbase. There are ZERO Alabama or Auburn fans in my geographical area, so I guess I'm fortunate as far as that goes. If I still lived in Mobile, AL, I'd probably be a Utah fan by now, just to escape the insanity. :lol: (Not really.)


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Today is perfect example. When Bama got to #1 at this point in 2008, I was like, "Oh lawd. I don't like this. A 1-loss Florida's gonna be gunning for us." When Bama was #1 this year, I told you and h0other they would lose one or two games.

Auburn's #1 in week 8 and they're celebrating on Facebook like they've won the trophy already, and h0other's posting up links as to why there's no argument why AU shouldn't be the unanimous #1.

Nothing wrong with it I suppose, it just goes to support my point!

Dude, other than my sister (who's also a realist), I don't associate with Alabama fans like you do. I just post funny pics on FB and have a good time with it. There are "Kool-Aid" fans in every fanbase. There are ZERO Alabama or Auburn fans in my geographical area, so I guess I'm fortunate as far as that goes. If I still lived in Mobile, AL, I'd probably be a Utah fan by now. :lol: (Not really.)
You are the only semi-realist Bama fan I know. You can't blame me -- I listen to Finebaum at work ALL day, that show brain washes you to think EVERY Alabama fan is a complete lunatic.

About me posting Auburn stuff.. Auburn hasn't been #1 in a LONGGGG time. We've had a rough ride these past few years, so when we finally hit #1 again it is a big thing for us. Sorry we couldnt ride the #1 train for 20 weeks in a row like you guys. Let us have our moment please.
You and EVERYONE else had Auburn still a few years away if even that close. Our coaching move was critisized and Auburn was on NOONES radar. You maDe constant jabs about Alabama running through Auburn again this year. We are just happy to be of relevance again after our down time.

Auburn HAS been the best to this POINT in my opinion when you look at the games they've had to play. Do I think Auburn is the best team in the country ? Nope. They are the best offense in the country though in my opinion. I dont have the football knowledge to decipher who is the best team in the country but I could make a pool of about 5 who are all VERY close.


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Saban is a good coach it just seems like he is letting Auburns success get to him.
Saban's a great coach, and he has the SEC banners and crystal footballs to prove it. If he pays any real attention to Auburn's recent success, it's only a motivation for him to strive harder toward excellence. I'm sure he let Urban's success do the same. You see how that's turned out.


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You are the only semi-realist Bama fan I know. You can't blame me -- I listen to Finebaum at work ALL day, that show brain washes you to think EVERY Alabama fan is a complete lunatic.

About me posting Auburn stuff.. Auburn hasn't been #1 in a LONGGGG time. We've had a rough ride these past few years, so when we finally hit #1 again it is a big thing for us. Sorry we couldnt ride the #1 train for 20 weeks in a row like you guys. Let us have our moment please.
You and EVERYONE else had Auburn still a few years away if even that close. Our coaching move was critisized and Auburn was on NOONES radar. You make constant jabs about Alabama running through Auburn again this year. We are just happy to be of relevance again after our down time.

Auburn HAS been the best to this POINT in my opinion when you look at the games they've had to play. Do I think Auburn is the best team in the country ? Nope. They are the best offense in the country though in my opinion. I dont have the football knowledge to decipher who is the best team in the country but I could make a pool of about 5 who are all VERY close.
Who are you... and what did you do with h0other?

I am empathetic to everything you said in that post. I'm happy for AU fans, and the fact that the Iron Bowl will be the most meaningful rivalry game this season.

I'm sure it's almost impossible to keep your sanity with "Pawl" on the radio. I remember Auburn fans and Alabama fans being equally annoying back in the day. Prior to Stallings coming to T-town in '90, it was all about Pat Dye, Bo Jackson, etc.

Just keep in mind... I am rational, and I give credit where credit is due. My comments on FB about the officiating in the AU-Arky game may have been poorly-worded or poorly-timed, but I tried to elaborate and say the win was well-deserved. I was irritated (as most of the TV audience for both teams was) that the refs ruined an epic game. It was so close until that Fannin fumble, and that really could've been a game-changer. When you started in on the "3rd grade PE" stuff, I was done.

Probably for the best though. This is a much better venue for college football smack-talk. And actually, I'd rather not have my old school mates from the 1980s chiming in from the peanut gallery. You have to realize that AU's situation over the last few years is very similar to Bama's scene back in the late 80s/early 90s... from the valley to the mountaintop.


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After a bye week, all I can say is I hope the MI pre MSU shows up @ Happy Valley. Living down here in LA, it was a good weekend. LSU finally misplaced their fcking horseshoe & Mich State made it to #5 in the BCS. Been a good year overall. How long will AU stay @ #1?


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After a bye week, all I can say is I hope the MI pre MSU shows up @ Happy Valley. Living down here in LA, it was a good weekend. LSU finally misplaced their fcking horseshoe & Mich State made it to #5 in the BCS. Been a good year overall. How long will AU stay @ #1?
I'd say they make it through the schedule til the Iron Bowl then I'm not sure. I don't know how to put this correctly but Auburn relies on less than other teams which makes it harder for the offense to misfire. What do I mean? Well, Cameron Newton running for 5 yards every play is NOT going to change or be stopped. He's not going to have an "off" game in that regard. Also, we get Georgia at home which is going to be a shoot-out. Ole Miss will not be able to stop our O and I think the Ole Miss O is week enough where we can contain them within 25 points. Again, the game of the year in the SEC until the iron bowl is LSU/Bama because it has so many implications with regards to the iron bowl.

rubberring -- Wasn't the 2004 iron bowl an undefeated Auburn verse a 1 loss Alabama too?


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rubberring -- Wasn't the 2004 iron bowl an undefeated Auburn verse a 1 loss Alabama too?
Gawd no. Bama was 6-6 that year, in the thick of the Shula wilderness.

The only similar, yet reversed, scenario I remember is 1989, when an 8-2 AU team beat a 10-0 Bama team who was ranked #2 at the time. I think you guys were hyping that up at last year's Iron Bowl.

No matter what you say, Auburn and Newton will go full-throttle against Alabama next month, even if Bama loses every game 'til then. And lawd knows Tennessee is no SEC juggernaut, but if the Tide plays the rest of the season the way they played in the 2nd half on Saturday night, both offensively and defensively... in my opinion... they will win every game left on their schedule.

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