2010 College Football Season



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Talk about kickin' you in the balls when you are down:

From ESPN's CollegeGameDay on "What's Wrong with the Gator Offense"

Des Bryant: "The college environment there is basically a State Prison."
The hate finally comes out of Bryant who uncreatively blathers the typical Big Ten alum "SEC wins because they recruit convicts" attitude.

Herbstreit: "Recruiting is not good. The freshman there have some sort of sense of entitlement"
Actually recruiting is great, it's how you coach to the strength of the players you recruit that's the problem.

Corso: " The field goal kicker, Chaz Henry, is a joke and needs to be benched forever."
At least Corso's comment is on topic although he doesn't seem to realize that Chaz Henry is actually an all-SEC punter who is kicking back-up for injured kicker Caleb Sturgis.

I know the Gators need CPR but this commentary was just a joke. What this team has is a big time Leadership Problem.
Besides the 'Bama lashing, the Gators are easily 6-1 but for a Les Miles lucky bounce and a couple of missed 20 yard field goals by their punter. But hey, shame on Meyer for not having a back up kicker.
OG, it amuses me how ESPN productions like GameDay attempt to come off as both informed and spontaneous. In reality, they're the sports version of CNN or Fox News. They have agendas and talking points, and everything out of their analysts' (I use that term loosely) mouths is absolutely premeditated. The whole "State Prison" comment is typical ESPN... suddenly on their high horses, and shedding all accountability when it comes to the issue of "celebrity status" of college athletes. As if they had nothing to do with creating this monster. Riiiiight.

Desmond Howard: I encourage everyone to "like" this Facebook page. Maybe it'll have a Betty White effect. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=40132250854

Corso: Somewhat lovable, but misinformed as usual. The elderly Chris Farley of GameDay.

Herbstreit: Herbie, Herbie, Herbie. You know, sometimes I get annoyed with him too, but he's usually pretty decent at coming off as unbiased. I think he did a somewhat poor job of bringing up a very valid point. These recruits at Alabama and especially Florida have come in with a sense of entitlement. It's been a small issue so far with Bama, but I can imagine it's much more blatant in the post-Tebow era at UF. When he said, "Recruiting is not good," I think he was referring to the same issue we discussed a few weeks back: that Florida isn't getting the big, powerful smash-mouth offensive players. Instead, it's been mostly speed and finesse, which requires a much greater level of execution and a lot less room for error. They're also getting kids in who think if they put on the Gator uniform and show up at The Swamp, the scoreboard will comply.

But, as is always the case with ESPN, they ♥ a winner. If Florida wins out, beats Georgia and S. Carolina, and winds up in Atlanta... their program will suddenly be virtuous, noble, and morally "back on track" according to the talking heads at ESPN.

As for now, just sit back, pop a Soma, and have your college football opinions given to you in HD... and don't go thinkin' for yourself, buddy.

Go Gators! ROLL TIDE!


they're gettin that a$$ waxed! where u at today hoother? a lil nervous?


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That and the health of our players means more than a 8-4 season and a navy win.
Notre Dame-10
(4th qtr. 15:00)

The Irish are putting BabyHulk in a corner...

...and nobody puts BabyHulk in a corner.



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I meant a navy loss. Of couse our defense is like swiss cheese. Thats why we're down. Of course resting our hurt players is ok. But it better pay off in the next 3 games.

Glad it's my daughter's 11th birthday party today...I'm not sitting through that crap. It's easier to just see the score at the end than to endure that pain.


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Sparty has 4th down at the Northwestern 30.
Obvious fake.
Delay of game.
Time out.
Still an obvious fake.
Northwestern's corner barely jogs to cover his guy.
First down, MSU.
Touchdown, MSU.



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I'm pretty sure he meant Desmond Howard...or at least i hope so
Yeah. Sorry. I was so pissed I wasn't thinking straight.
I guess I otta be headin' back to the State Pen. Good luck to everyone today. We got a bye (thank god!)


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It's painful to watch Northwestern give this game away. Horrid playcalling on both sides of the ball.

Btw, Texas is absolutely terrible. What does that say for Nebraska?


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Jordan Jefferson has got to be the worst QB in the country
He ain't bright, but his receivers aren't helping much. He did do a good job on that last drive before the half, although there probably should've been a delay of game on the TD play. (Did you read that, Barner?)


yeah that one receiver dropped the wide open pass, and that td shouldnt have counted but they got plenty of calls in their favor last week so oh well.


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So much for the Blackshirts... as Oklahoma State has racked up 343 yards on Nebraska in the first half. The kicker: OSU is still down by 4. Gotta love the Big 12. :lol:


i guess the refs did get the call right, the ball was in motion as the play clock expired


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You know what the greatest thing about the Tiger Bowl is?

One of 'em is gonna lose. :lol:


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Iowa just pulled a Les Miles vs. Ole Miss. Unbelievable.


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Yes he certainly is
Cracks me up though how the more attention he gets the more his resume changes. Commentators used to mention the Florida episode. Today Gary & Vern talked about how the Auburn coaches did such a great job recruiting by "discovering" him in Junior College.

The kid is great and everyone deserves another chance it's just funny how storylines morph to fit the big picture.


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It's painful to watch Northwestern give this game away. Horrid playcalling on both sides of the ball.

Btw, Texas is absolutely terrible. What does that say for Nebraska?
WE welcome Nebraska to the big 10 with open arms.:flowers1::cheers:


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Alabama's in trouble. Playing everyone after their bye week has caught up with them. Tennessee is playing this game like it's their season, which is to be expected. Bama never gives up the big running play... and this mediocre back scampers for 60 yards? C'mon, man.

Maybe it's just time for me to face the music and admit the Tide is just not "great" this year. They better get their heads out of their asses if they want the West.

Rollin' on...


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I know it was only lowly Minnesota, but I saw some good things out of the Penn State offensive that I seen for the first time all season. Better run blocking, nice timing routes to name a few.

Defensively, another story. No pressure at all on Decker who was at times picking apart the Penn State defense. And no outside containment on the run Defense.

Another injury we do not need, Young QB Bolden, concussion like symptoms. Rolling out of the pocket trying to be a hero instead of sliding for the first down.

Back up QB's McGloin threw for 2 TD's...nice arm. And Newsome who is a duel threat can beat ya with his feet and/or his arm...had a solid series.

Next week Michigan, we need to step our Defense up and have Bolden healthy.


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Alabama's in trouble. Playing everyone after their bye week has caught up with them. Tennessee is playing this game like it's their season, which is to be expected. Bama never gives up the big running play... and this mediocre back scampers for 60 yards? C'mon, man.

Maybe it's just time for me to face the music and admit the Tide is just not "great" this year. They better get their heads out of their asses if they want the West.

Rollin' on...
(((((DRUM ROLL)))))



Cracks me up though how the more attention he gets the more his resume changes. Commentators used to mention the Florida episode. Today Gary & Vern talked about how the Auburn coaches did such a great job recruiting by "discovering" him in Junior College.

The kid is great and everyone deserves another chance it's just funny how storylines morph to fit the big picture.
Yeah I noticed that to. I was like hold up a minute, this is the same convict right?


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Man, if all I had to do was insult Bama for them to play better... I would've done it weeks ago. :lol:


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Alabama's streak of not allowing an individual 100-yard rusher... dead today at 41 games. Three years.

(Actually, Auburn was gonna break it anyway, so I guess this was a good thing! :D )


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Iowa just pulled a Les Miles vs. Ole Miss. Unbelievable.
:pat: What a knucklehead move! The entire team was at the line scrimmage after the first down run to stop the clock, all they had to do was set up and spike the ball. :doh:


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I'd hate to be whoever gets the #1 ranking this week
Have a feeling Bama will be leapfrogged by Missouri and possibly Utah in the BCS standings. So, even with LSU and OU losing, they're likely to remain #8, possibly #7.

How crazy is it that the Tide's only legitimate shot at Glendale is winning out and beating a #1 or #2 ranked Auburn in the Iron Bowl? If AU drops a game before then... Bama's out of the title game picture (assuming Oregon, Boise St., and either TCU/Utah win out.).



I know dude, i never worry about the rankings til the end of the reg season anyway. i look at it like if you do what you're suppose to do then you'll be where you wanna be when it counts.


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War Eagle. Best of luck to the haters who try to come up with the reason for how we got "lucky" this week. I'm guessing by the ref's giving LSU a free TD and having Auburn lead the penalty flag race for the 8th game this season it must of lead to another lucky win for the Auburn Tigers. Maybe Cam has some super-technology shoes on that make him faster/stronger/better than anyone he plays. Who knows. At the LEAST you guys will try to lay the hurt on Auburn by saying our Defense sucks and we only have Newton. OH WAIT, both of those were proven WRONG again. Anyone else enjoy McCalebb leaving Peterson in the DUST on that long run?

Have a feeling Bama will be leapfrogged by Missouri and possibly Utah in the BCS standings. So, even with LSU and OU losing, they're likely to remain #8, possibly #7.

How crazy is it that the Tide's only legitimate shot at Glendale is winning out and beating a #1 or #2 ranked Auburn in the Iron Bowl? If AU drops a game before then... Bama's out of the title game picture (assuming Oregon, Boise St., and either TCU/Utah win out.).

Not that crazy considering Alabama got man handled by a team who got beat by Kentucky the following week.


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War Eagle. Best of luck to the haters who try to come up with the reason for how we got "lucky" this week. I'm guessing by the ref's giving LSU a free TD and having Auburn lead the penalty flag race for the 8th game this season it must of lead to another lucky win for the Auburn Tigers. Maybe Cam has some super-technology shoes on that make him faster/stronger/better than anyone he plays. Who knows. At the LEAST you guys will try to lay the hurt on Auburn by saying our Defense sucks and we only have Newton. OH WAIT, both of those were proven WRONG again. Anyone else enjoy McCalebb leaving Peterson in the DUST on that long run?
How hard is it to just be happy with your team's play? Seroulsy, the phrase, "LOL why u mad tho?" comes to mind. Get that colossal chip off your shoulder and try to have some integrity, for Christ's sake.

Not that crazy considering Alabama got man handled by a team who got beat by Kentucky the following week.
Wait, I'm confused... didn't your team almost lose to Kentucky?

Fo' real... quit being such a childish fool. I told you before, that transitive property assumption garbage doesn't cut it. Tennessee played LSU to the wire (beat them, actually)... and Bama blasts them by 31 in the same stadium. However, you don't see me raining all over your parade.

You stay classy.


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How hard is it to just be happy with your team's play? Seroulsy, the phrase, "LOL why u mad tho?" comes to mind. Get that colossal chip off your shoulder and try to have some integrity, for Christ's sake.

Wait, I'm confused... didn't your team almost lose to Kentucky?

Fo' real... quit being such a childish fool. I told you before, that transitive property assumption garbage doesn't cut it. Tennessee played LSU to the wire (beat them, actually)... and Bama blasts them by 31 in the same stadium. However, you don't see me raining all over your parade.

You stay classy.

oh wait.. we ALMOST lost? damnit. Well take that #1 BCS ranking away from us then, please! I believe the song is ALL WE DO IS WIN WIN WIN NO MATTER WHAT .. a WIN is a WIN. You still haven't gotten that through your skull. 8-0. That's the only stat you need. You guys are NOT 8-0 , therefore you being wayyy down the ranking list.


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And if you wanna see why I have a chip then read the posts after our last 7 games where you tried to come up with excuses on how/why we beat EVERY team we played. You NEVER gave us credit ONCE. I even said Alabama looked unstoppable after Penn State and that was very hard for me. We outgained LSU by almost double and got slaughtered in special teams. I just wanted to see what your excuse was this week.


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I even said Alabama looked unstoppable after Penn State and that was very hard for me.
Really? Please provide the post #. 'Cause I went back to pages 24, 25, and 26 of this thread and didn't see a single post by you. In fact, you didn't suddenly appear until AU had a few wins under their belt. Kind of like last year, when you pulled your vanishing act after they dropped a few games. You might be doing the same at the end of November.

Oh, wait... are you asserting you said this on Facebook? Was that before or after you went belligerent on my real friends, calling them names and insulting their hairlines and career choices?

I give credit where credit is due. Did I think LSU would do a better job of stopping Newton? Yes. Am I impressed with AU's defense? No. Do I think Newton is the Heisman frontrunner and the MVP to his team? Yes, I do now. I actually needed to see him against SEC competition instead of just believing the Auburn homer's opinion. Crazy, I know. :rolleyes:

Just remember, you don't get a crystal trophy for being at the top of the standings in week 8. There's a lot of football left to play. I truly hope AU stays on top until 11/26, and if Bama can't stop Newton, I hope they win out and take the BCS title. Shocking, huh?

I don't hate Auburn, dude. I detest you as a person. You're reprehensible. You're also a football neonate.

On the off chance that you are not just a despicable character altogether, John Gabriel has your online personality figured out...

internet dickwad theory.jpg


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You just hate when people disagree with you. You think you are the King Bee of the AM College Football Forum and everyone elses opinion is worthless. When people don't agree with you it upsets you and causes you to waste afternoons searching the internet for a funny video/picture to try to make the other look bad.


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How in the world can you not be impressed with Nick Fairley too.. that guy is the next coming of N. Suh. He is unbelievable.


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Oh yeah 1 more thing --

What I said about LSU fans being crazy... I was suprised they were actually a really cool fan base this game. They congratulated after the game and we're cool to hang out with after the game too. It seems like after each game every fan base is just in complete disbelief of how good Newton is.

The LSU v BAMA game in 2 weeks is going to be HUGE and will be a game that I think LSU will take. Jordan Jefferson is a much better QB than people think. If they win and Auburn beats UGA and Ole Miss it gives them an auto invite to the SEC championship game too!


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You just hate when people disagree with you. You think you are the King Bee of the AM College Football Forum and everyone elses opinion is worthless. When people don't agree with you it upsets you and causes you to waste afternoons searching the internet for a funny video/picture to try to make the other look bad.
The problem with that assertion is that OldGator, Trauma1, and I used to go at each other hardcore. When Bama lost to Florida in '08, I just conceded they were the better team and pulled for them to win the title. It's all in the archives, dude. Feel free to look it up. See, we share a mutual respect because we don't act like snot-nosed children on here, and logic supports our arguments. The only two people on here I have no regard for are TexasTitan and you. That says it all.

To steal a phrase from you... "Try again."


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So what statements of mine do logic not support? Please show me them.


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and by that I do NOT mean statements that you don't agree with.


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"Peterson is left with no chance but to lunge at Newton at the 10-yard
line, wrapping his arms around him at the 8. For the final four steps of
Newton's 49-yard third quarter journey, Peterson is a jockey on a
runaway horse. He is merely along for the Heisman ride"
Forde - ESPN


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Here, let me help you. (No one but you is gonna watch it anyway.)



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Dude.. if LSU beats you and we beat Ole Miss and Georgia (Vegas will pick ALL of these to happen) then there is a chance it could be depending on the rest of the BCS picture. I don't see how they will be able to leave a 1 loss SEC champion out of the NC game.

I'm not saying LSU is better than Alabama but LSU at home on a Saturday night is not a pleasant game to play.

If that's the dumbest thing I've said then I'm doing pretty well. At least I'm not saying Greg McElroy is the best and has the highest QB rating in the country(even after I show the link that says he didn't) like I've seen said before by your buddies.


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Dude.. if LSU beats you and we beat Ole Miss and Georgia (Vegas will pick ALL of these to happen) then there is a chance it could be depending on the rest of the BCS picture. I don't see how they will be able to leave a 1 loss SEC champion out of the NC game.
So... let me get this straight: If AU wins out until the Iron Bowl, they will feel secure enough to treat their Alabama prep weeks as "off weeks to prepare for the SEC CG," because losing to a 2-loss Alabama... in the last game of the regular season... won't hurt their chances for Glendale?

That's what you're saying???

Good grief. I have not the words.

If that's the dumbest thing I've said then I'm doing pretty well.
No, you've now eclipsed yourself.


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No, what I'm actually saying is that they will not unleash the full Cam Newton if it looks like a 1 loss SEC Champ is a shoe in for the NC game. I GUARANTEE you that Alabama will be head hunting Newton in that game. Auburn is not going to risk losing him for the SEC and NC game if it comes down to it. He'll play but he'll play "softly" so to speak and avoid contact at all costs.

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