17 weeks out !!! Let's do it !!



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No training the last few days because things have been crazy!!! We have church in the morning, then taking my son swimming and having a bday party for him tomorrow afternoon so not sure about the gym tomorrow either. My work schedule is set 7-1 all next week so things will be better.

Pinned 2.5mg cjc the other morning. The last few nights I have woke up with my hands asleep, coinidence? Surely the cjc doesn't work that quick? I know carpel tunnel symptoms, tingling hands, etc is side effects of HGH, but wouldn't think I would get them this quick?


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Ended up having time to hit the gym today ! :D

Found a routine I had saved on my computer. I am not sure where I got it from , maybe a Meadows routine? I don't know but I remember running it before and like it. I did tweak it just a little bit...

Flat BB bench-

225 x 5
245 x 5
265 x 5
285 x 5
305 x 5

Incline DB- constant tension, no lock out, with a drop on last set
85's 3 x 8
drop 60's x 15

Dips- elbows flared , will do weighted dips next time
2 x 20

Incline rear lateral raises-
20's 4 x 15

Seated side lateral raises-
20's 15,15,10 (failure) so I finished off with partials to make 15 total reps

Front plate raises- 0150 tempo (5 sec negative)
25lb 3 x 8

Good solid workout. Had the gym to myself for most of the workout so I really stayed in the zone!

Had my boys birthday party tonight. I made sure to eat my meal before I started BBQing so I wouldn't be hungry when everyone ate. The brats were really hard to pass up though :( We even had what my wife calls chocolate lasagna that I just looked at and walked away. God cutting sucks !!!! haha


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Ended up having time to hit the gym today ! :D

Found a routine I had saved on my computer. I am not sure where I got it from , maybe a Meadows routine? I don't know but I remember running it before and like it. I did tweak it just a little bit...

Flat BB bench-

225 x 5
245 x 5
265 x 5
285 x 5
305 x 5

Incline DB- constant tension, no lock out, with a drop on last set
85's 3 x 8
drop 60's x 15

Dips- elbows flared , will do weighted dips next time
2 x 20

Incline rear lateral raises-
20's 4 x 15

Seated side lateral raises-
20's 15,15,10 (failure) so I finished off with partials to make 15 total reps

Front plate raises- 0150 tempo (5 sec negative)
25lb 3 x 8

Good solid workout. Had the gym to myself for most of the workout so I really stayed in the zone!

Had my boys birthday party tonight. I made sure to eat my meal before I started BBQing so I wouldn't be hungry when everyone ate. The brats were really hard to pass up though :( We even had what my wife calls chocolate lasagna that I just looked at and walked away. God cutting sucks !!!! haha
Oh hell yeah does cutting suck I just got into ketosis yesterday morning I'm scheduled for 30g carbs till Sept 5


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Oh hell yeah does cutting suck I just got into ketosis yesterday morning I'm scheduled for 30g carbs till Sept 5
Yuck !! That sucks man. Sometimes I wish I believed in IIFYM haha, I would of cut out my carbs today and had some of that chocolate lasagna !!! :(
tyga tyga

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Yuck !! That sucks man. Sometimes I wish I believed in IIFYM haha, I would of cut out my carbs today and had some of that chocolate lasagna !!! :(
Flexible dieter checking in

Hell I just reversed out of my three month cut and was still eating ice cream daily :)

Now I'm back to eating what I was at 152lb but only weighing 141. Reverse dieting done right ?

Cho- 270g
Pro- 155g
Fat- 60g


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I just figured if im dieting I might as well eat healthy while I'm doing it ;)


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Found a routine I had saved on my computer. I am not sure where I got it from , maybe a Meadows routine? I don't know but I remember running it before and like it. I did tweak it just a little bit...
That is definitely a Meadows Program..
tyga tyga

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I just figured if im dieting I might as well eat healthy while I'm doing it ;)
Define "healthy"

I eat nutrient dense food. But I also have 400 kcals that I get to fill with whatever (lately it's been fat free Devils food cookies)


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My idea of eating healthy is eating the foods your body needs to get all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, nuts, whole grains etc. I don't believe my body needs sugars, processed foods, immitation sweeteners, unnatural chemicals etc so I try to stay away from them. I know in today's world nothing is truly healthy because of the way most of our foods are grown/raised. But I do my best to eat what I believe is the healthy foods.


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More power to people like you! I would die without my pizza and ice cream. Lol
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My idea of eating healthy is eating the foods your body needs to get all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, nuts, whole grains etc. I don't believe my body needs sugars, processed foods, immitation sweeteners, unnatural chemicals etc so I try to stay away from them. I know in today's world nothing is truly healthy because of the way most of our foods are grown/raised. But I do my best to eat what I believe is the healthy foods.
Absolutely. Like I said, I eat nutrient dense food. And I bet I actually eat "cleaner" than most brofessors with the exception of my 400 kcals.

I eat two servings fruit a day same with vegetables (usually kale/spinach and peppers) I get my chicken and steak in for the bros and protons. Only "grains" I eat are couscous, basmati and quinoa - sometimes wheat toast in the morning with my egg sammich.

People don't understand "flexible" dieting. It's not an excuse to eat . You allot yourself either 10% or 20% of your total calories to enjoy life, that's all

/rant lol


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People don't understand "flexible" dieting. It's not an excuse to eat . You allot yourself either 10% or 20% of your total calories to enjoy life, that's all

/rant lol
I want to enjoy life unfortunately it's been drilled into me from years of fighting and wrestling if your not suffering your not going hard enough. I know it's a motivation thing from coaches to get you to work hard but 20 plus years of fighting is hard to shake


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Prepping I have to eat pretty clean. I do the Oatmeal, PB, Banana meal twice a week though and cycle carbs. When I fully deplete carbs I will have a couple super refeeds though. That's where we find out how many pancakes you can fit in an old fugger :)


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More power to people like you! I would die without my pizza and ice cream. Lol
Don't get me wrong, I have went out and ate a large pizza without blinking an eye, just not at this point in my prep ;)

Absolutely. Like I said, I eat nutrient dense food. And I bet I actually eat "cleaner" than most brofessors with the exception of my 400 kcals.

I eat two servings fruit a day same with vegetables (usually kale/spinach and peppers) I get my chicken and steak in for the bros and protons. Only "grains" I eat are couscous, basmati and quinoa - sometimes wheat toast in the morning with my egg sammich.

People don't understand "flexible" dieting. It's not an excuse to eat . You allot yourself either 10% or 20% of your total calories to enjoy life, that's all

/rant lol
I understand your point and the way you do it, but there are people who took the idea and ran with it, and now eat crap everyday just because they leave those "extra" calories to use up at the end of the day.

I want to enjoy life unfortunately it's been drilled into me from years of fighting and wrestling if your not suffering your not going hard enough. I know it's a motivation thing from coaches to get you to work hard but 20 plus years of fighting is hard to shake
Prepping I have to eat pretty clean. I do the Oatmeal, PB, Banana meal twice a week though and cycle carbs. When I fully deplete carbs I will have a couple super refeeds though. That's where we find out how many pancakes you can fit in an old fugger :)

Yes right now since I am prepping and a little ways in so I try to eat pretty healthy ;)


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Hit back tonight. Got some Deadlifts in my routine again. It has been quiet awhile since I have did any so took it easy.

225 x 5
275 x 5
315 2 x 5

Meadow rows-
70 2 x 8
90 x 8
115 x 8

Bent over rows WIDE grip-
explosive sets with 2 sec negative
185 4 sets 6

Lat pulldown-
180 3 x 10

Barbell shrugs- 2 sec hold
275 3 x 10

Banded Hyperextensions-
2 x 18

Cardio HIIT 20mins

My lower back was toast tonight !! I hit it more than I have in a long time so I am sure it will be sore tomorrow haha
Getting a little nervous my weight is fluctuating between 204-206. Going to try not to weigh much this week until Friday or Sat. Going to have to get **** rolling though if the scales don't start moving agian.
BTW upped EQ to 600/week today. Not sure how I am going to like it, my appetite is already ravenous !! I am hungry within a half an hour to an hour after each time I eat !!!


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Just under 12 weeks.....


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Do you have to make weight or are you just going to see where you land?
Just going to see where I land. My hopes are to end up around 180 or so by the last week, then push out 6-8lbs of water to end up in the top of middle weight. But we will see.......
tyga tyga

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Just going to see where I land. My hopes are to end up around 180 or so by the last week, then push out 6-8lbs of water to end up in the top of middle weight. But we will see.......
Sodium water manipulation? Or just going to diuretic route? Or both?


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Probably just diuretic.


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I am going to try and balance my electrolytes, through diet mostly. I may have to take some extra potassium. I have to track it better to get the effect I want, so will have to track my fibrous vegetables as some contain potassium.


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First arm day on this routine, Subbed out a few different exercises than what it called for....

I did the first super-set sitting backwards on the preacher curl bench. It worked out well because I could put the back of my arms against the bench when I was doing the curls.

French Press- 75 x 10, 85 x 10,10,10
Super-set with
Seated DB curl- 30's 4 x 8

BB curl- 80 4 x 10
Leaning Overhead cable extension- 110 2 x 10, 130 2 x 10 (5 partials after each set)

Rope pushdown- 100 3 x 15
Rope grip curls- 100 3 x 15

Cardio 20 min HIIT on elliptical

Really like this workout, Gotta helluva pump and really had a good mind/muscle connection !!

Not much new to report. Still hungry all the time and cravings seem to get worse than normal sometimes.... oh well, it's part of it.
tyga tyga

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The food cravings are temporary jd! You're right on track mayne


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Thanks for the support man!
Everytime I get cravings I just tell myself I refuse to let anyone else out diet me come stage time. Being in keto gotta keep myself motivated


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Appetite is a sign of a fast metabolism. Cravings come and go, I am trying to change the way I look at eating completely. Think about it we are in a very unrealistic situation. We can basically eat for pleasure any time we want. 50 years ago this would have been ridiculous, you eat to stay alive and you treat yourself once in a while. I try to think of every day eating as business and plan when I eat more for pleasure. Not that every day eating can't taste a little better and there are ways to keep it that way. I am finding more and more I get more satisfaction out of foods that didn't appeal to me before.
tyga tyga

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Appetite means you're hungry. He's in a deficit, doesn't mean his metabolism is fast? Body's use to consuming "x" amount g calories and now he's under eating (underfed) for 7 days a week pulse cardio.


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Appetite means you're hungry. He's in a deficit, doesn't mean his metabolism is fast? Body's use to consuming "x" amount g calories and now he's under eating (underfed) for 7 days a week pulse cardio.
Have to disagree somewhat. I have been in calorie deficits and not been hungry and deficits where I am the faster you burn calories the hungrier you will be. When you metabolism is slowed you are not going to experience hunger the way you do when it is fast. Then I guess you would be in a perceived deficit and not a real one though so this could be a circular argument.


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Have to disagree somewhat. I have been in calorie deficits and not been hungry and deficits where I am the faster you burn calories the hungrier you will be. When you metabolism is slowed you are not going to experience hunger the way you do when it is fast. Then I guess you would be in a perceived deficit and not a real one though so this could be a circular argument.
Yah the more I think about it, it's more like hunger is a good sign that you are in a low enough deficit based on the current rate of your metabolism. An increase in metabolism can be achieved therefore causing greater hunger however. A refeed will do this.


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Thanks!! And the lighting is a little different in the gym so I look darker than what I am haha. Also I had just got done doing cardio so I was sweating my ass off!

I feel the same way. I know I am holding a little water from the drol, but feel like I should be closer. Going to talk with my brother about switching things up, see if I can drop a little quicker for a few weeks and get a little further ahead....
It's water man. You look puffy, not in a I am bloated sense just you can see the water under your skin. It is hard to explain but there is a certain look when it is water compared to when you gained a little fat. I don't know that you need to change anything right now for a water issue. 12 weeks out is FAR from the time to worry about manipulating water in anyway. Injury wise you are better off being a little watery now. Keeps your joints lubricated. Worry abut drying out on peak week and not now.

No training the last few days because things have been crazy!!! We have church in the morning, then taking my son swimming and having a bday party for him tomorrow afternoon so not sure about the gym tomorrow either. My work schedule is set 7-1 all next week so things will be better.

Pinned 2.5mg cjc the other morning. The last few nights I have woke up with my hands asleep, coinidence? Surely the cjc doesn't work that quick? I know carpel tunnel symptoms, tingling hands, etc is side effects of HGH, but wouldn't think I would get them this quick?
2.5 cjc with DAC in one shot? Yes you could definitely be feeling the numb hands quickly! I had it about a week in and that was on 1mg per shot. So I was only 2 in when I began noticing it. You started out over what I was by the time my hit. Plus if you take any GHRP's or even some mucana while on it you get a lot of strong gh pulses too.


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It's water man. You look puffy, not in a I am bloated sense just you can see the water under your skin. It is hard to explain but there is a certain look when it is water compared to when you gained a little fat. I don't know that you need to change anything right now for a water issue. 12 weeks out is FAR from the time to worry about manipulating water in anyway. Injury wise you are better off being a little watery now. Keeps your joints lubricated. Worry abut drying out on peak week and not now.

2.5 cjc with DAC in one shot? Yes you could definitely be feeling the numb hands quickly! I had it about a week in and that was on 1mg per shot. So I was only 2 in when I began noticing it. You started out over what I was by the time my hit. Plus if you take any GHRP's or even some mucana while on it you get a lot of strong gh pulses too.
Ya when I said we were going to change things up, it was more because my weight loss has stalled, not so much to drop some water. I figured with the drol and upping my carbs some I would hold some more water than what I had been.

And I had actually thought about trying 5mg cjc in one shot haha. Tired of pinning all the time That and I have kids that get nosey. I have the other vials hid in the freezer, but once I reconstitute it I put it in the fridge and don't want to leave it in there any longer than I have to ;)


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Tanning beds bring out some pretty cool veinage lol



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Hit hammies and calves tonight. No cardio.

Standing leg curls- improvised with the leg extension machine
4 sets 10, 1 and a 1/4 reps
4 x 20 each leg
These really got the blood flowing in the hams !!

225 3 x 8

Prone leg curls-
90 2 x 20

Seated calf raises- 8 set 8 with 10 partials on last two sets
90 8 x 8

The calf raises weren't to bad until the last few sets and the partials really finished them off !!

I am going to try a low dose of clen pre bed and see how I react. I have ran it before and hated the way it made me feel so maybe if I take it prebed it won't be as bad. Also have my meals made up for the next couple of days so I am sending my brother my diet and will tweak it some starting Saturday.


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Like I said in my log, I think you're smart to keep it rolling. You are in control ahead, keep it that way and make it easier for any adjustments you may have to make later.


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Little late but looking forward!


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Where does the time go??? I'm down to 7.5 weeks


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It's flying by isn't it. How you doing? Weight ? BF? Size ?
On track dropped another 2lbs bf this week. Should come in around 5.5% and full. Im running.keto just to be ahead


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It's flying by isn't it. How you doing? Weight ? BF? Size ?
On track dropped another 2lbs bf this week. Should come in around 5.5% and full. Im running.keto just to be ahead


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Nothing fancy today. 20 HIIT cardio this evening.


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Where does the time go??? I'm down to 7.5 weeks
Yah it freakin flies, I"m 11 weeks out and really have to fight to get down.

On track dropped another 2lbs bf this week. Should come in around 5.5% and full. Im running.keto just to be ahead
Should be low enough provided your skin is really tight. I find I have to go really low to make up for my aged skin.


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Yah it freakin flies, I"m 11 weeks out and really have to fight to get down.

Should be low enough provided your skin is really tight. I find I have to go really low to make up for my aged skin.
Yeah I'm lucky with my skin at 11% my delts are already showing striations if I'm not low enough for bb I'll step onstage in physique class most important for me and my coach right now is I get on stage after the surgery and set back last prep my coach wants to get me through a full prep and in front if the audience again


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Yeah I'm lucky with my skin at 11% my delts are already showing striations if I'm not low enough for bb I'll step onstage in physique class most important for me and my coach right now is I get on stage after the surgery and set back last prep my coach wants to get me through a full prep and in front if the audience again
I get yah back on the horse.


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MrKleen73 you ever get a head rush after pinning cjc? I just did 2.5 again and wow, it hit me in about 5 mins !!


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Yes, it should when it is legit! You should feel almost a pressure in your head, heck I can even hear my heartbeat sometimes when i do it. It lasts about 5-15 minutes and starts about that far away from the shot too. I imagine you got very flushed and red also right? That is the GOOD STUFF!!!!
tyga tyga

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Yes, it should when it is legit! You should feel almost a pressure in your head, heck I can even hear my heartbeat sometimes when i do it. It lasts about 5-15 minutes and starts about that far away from the shot too. I imagine you got very flushed and red also right? That is the GOOD STUFF!!!!


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Yes, it should when it is legit! You should feel almost a pressure in your head, heck I can even hear my heartbeat sometimes when i do it. It lasts about 5-15 minutes and starts about that far away from the shot too. I imagine you got very flushed and red also right? That is the GOOD STUFF!!!!
Yup. You described it to a T ! Good, then I know the stuff is legit ;)


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No way I'm trying 5 at once lol

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