an analysis of chemical nomenclature of jungle warfare

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In hear what you are saying, but please note that we did state "and both you and ALRI feel its ok to divulge."

I really think something like this needs a resolution/conclusion.
I couldn't agree more, however, Patrick said he will not post the results, and I can't blame him, it's going to be up to one of the reps to do it.


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In hear what you are saying, but please note that we did state "and both you and ALRI feel its ok to divulge."

I really think something like this needs a resolution/conclusion.
I know that PA has stated that he's had trouble with this in the past (reporting his testing results). While its not technically illegal, defending yourself costs a fortune in legal fees...especially against a bigger company who has the means to take it the distance. It comes to a point where it doesnt matter who's right/wrong, but who has more money. A big company with money to spend could easily put a smaller company out of business with legal fees alone. I completely understand why he wouldn't want to post the results...simply to avoid any problems on his end.

Now, I would like to see results posted...and I honestly think that they will be by ALRI. There's just too much buzz going on right now for them not to post something...


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I know that PA has stated that he's had trouble with this in the past (reporting his testing results). While its not technically illegal, defending yourself costs a fortune in legal fees...especially against a bigger company who has the means to take it the distance. It comes to a point where it doesnt matter who's right/wrong, but who has more money. A big company with money to spend could easily put a smaller company out of business with legal fees alone. I completely understand why he wouldn't want to post the results...simply to avoid any problems on his end.

Now, I would like to see results posted...and I honestly think that they will be by ALRI. There's just too much buzz going on right now for them not to post something...
I am pretty sure that ALRI would have a hard time explaining a methylated substance in a dietary supplement. I do not think that they would take PA to court over this. I think that PA is not worried about legal trouble but rather, as you stated, the fact that he would like to keep a good relationship with the company. You are also correct that he has had trouble from posting his results in the past (although not, as far as I know, legal trouble).


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has anyone bought anymore alri products since this threat came out
I love ALRI products. This will not change whether or not I buy them. I would like to know though so while I am trying to stay non-hormonal, I am actually doing so.


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It's actually illegal for PA to post the results unless he has the consent of ALR, and even then, if I were Patrick, I'd rather have them post the results just to prevent any possible litigation.
Please tell me how this is illegal, please refer to either a federal or state statute that would make posting his findings illegal because I tell you right now you will not find one.


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If you own a supplement company, and try to expose another supplement company, yes, unfortunately that is illegal. I'm not sure on the legality of someone without any competing interests running such a test and posting the results, however.
Who gave you this erroneous information, your interpretation of the Lanham Act is atrocious.


Who gave you this erroneous information, your interpretation of the Lanham Act is atrocious.
I don't have any firsthand knowledge of this, I was told this by other individuals in a previous thread where I was inquiring about the exact same type of thing.


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I don't have any firsthand knowledge of this, I was told this by other individuals in a previous thread where I was inquiring about the exact same type of thing.
Well you are wrong and the person who told you that is wrong.


Well you are wrong and the person who told you that is wrong.
Well, MM said there were legal issues that prevented PA from posting his results on Epistane, so I will believe him over whoever the hell you are.


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Well, MM said there were legal issues that prevented PA from posting his results on Epistane, so I will believe him over whoever the hell you are.
I did not say he could not be sued, and it might be expensive to defend, but if his test are accurate then he would win the lawsuit. The Lanham act prevents competitors from using another competitors trademark in a false or deceptive manner. I have discussed this with MM as well.


I did not say he could not be sued, and it might be expensive to defend, but if his test are accurate then he would win the lawsuit. The Lanham act prevents competitors from using another competitors trademark in a false or deceptive manner. I have discussed this with MM as well.
Honestly though what does PA care about this? Thats exactly why he won't post the results, he doesn't care to lose 15k+ in defending himself over something that doesn't effect him one way or another. He could be sued for a multitude of things regarding this if he were to take it public, so clearly he is making the right choice in leaving it up to ALRI and their reps.


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The product just delivered this morning. PA may not have even opened the package yet guys. We've by-passed the setup, lab tests, results and have now moved into what-if scenarios on lawsuits? relax a bit, there's plenty of new threads popping up on the hour at dramacentral you may be interested in ;)


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Just want you to know I have seen this process multiple times and here is my POV:

How to create the perfect drama thread?

1. Make outrageous, outlandish, ambigous possibly could be true statement about product.

2. Create as much drama to attract all the queens on various forums.

3. Attract people who actually know chemistry to discuss / confuse the average sheep.

4. Do not state testing method in any kind of reasonable detail

5. Claim you cannot post results for fear of legal action

6. Thread carries on with people like Leonidas posting bvllsh!t content like "wow the weather here is really great" etc being totally off topic.

7. Thread dies

8. No replies, no responses from A) the OP B) Accused company C) Chemist guys.

9. Thread fades into the archive to never be ressurrected.

So all in all there you have it. Want me to post multiple cases where this happens and all with NO RESOLUTIONS to these matters cause I can?

Same old .....same old, same sh!t different pile.

<3 ALRI <3 PA <3 to the queens.


Just want you to know I have seen this process multiple times and here is my POV:

How to create the perfect drama thread?

1. Make outrageous, outlandish, ambigous possibly could be true statement about product.

2. Create as much drama to attract all the queens on various forums.

3. Attract people who actually know chemistry to discuss / confuse the average sheep.

4. Do not state testing method in any kind of reasonable detail

5. Claim you cannot post results for fear of legal action

6. Thread carries on with people like Leonidas posting bvllsh!t content like "wow the weather here is really great" etc being totally off topic.

7. Thread dies

8. No replies, no responses from A) the OP B) the accused company C) Chemist guys.

9. Thread fades into the archive to never be ressurrected.

So all in all there you have it, want me to post multiple cases where this happens and all with NO RESOLUTIONS to these matters cause I can.

Same old .....same old, same sh!t different pile.

<3 ALRI <3 PA <3 to the queens.

give arnold some time. he might have a life


has anyone bought anymore alri products since this threat came out
I still want to buy their mass stack: JW, BAMM, etc. I still do not think JW is bad, but it may not be what it says. Regardless, the word is that it produces great results.

I also still like ALRI as a company, and will buy their products, as soon as I can get some funds. This website is great at hyping products and sucking the money right out of your wallet...:lol:


  • Established
has anyone bought anymore alri products since this threat came out
Do you want to know the truth ? And I am not fibbing here at all. Every time a thread is started in a negative manner about JW the sales go through the roof and we have to increase production. It doesnt hurt sales, it increases them. DOnt ask me why it happens this way but it does.


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Please tell me how this is illegal, please refer to either a federal or state statute that would make posting his findings illegal because I tell you right now you will not find one.
Ever see MT threaten legal ramifications over a person making negative comments? I have. Dont worry people you will get the results. But if PA doesnt find what he is looking for I expect some big apologies ( from posters )and maybe a few poems :)


Ever see MT threaten legal ramifications over a person making negative comments? I have. Dont worry people you will get the results. But if PA doesnt find what he is looking for I expect some big apologies and maybe a few poems :)
How about a haiku, would a haiku suffice?



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Ever see MT threaten legal ramifications over a person making negative comments? I have. Dont worry people you will get the results. But if PA doesnt find what he is looking for I expect some big apologies and maybe a few poems :)
He can read you poems, I'll settle for a case of Clearshot :)


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He can read you poems, I'll settle for a case of Clearshot :)
I am referring to the posters in the threads for the last several weeks, you damn BEGGER !!!!!!! You know that clear shot in the closet is mine and you better not touch it ! :nutkick:


Lift Heavy
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I am referring to the posters in the threads for the last several weeks, you damn BEGGER !!!!!!! You know that clear shot in the closet is mine and you better not touch it ! :nutkick:
Uh Oh!!:eek:


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I can just see the two of you on different sides of the room with your laptops...sticking your tongues out at one another.



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Just want you to know I have seen this process multiple times and here is my POV:

How to create the perfect drama thread?

1. Make outrageous, outlandish, ambigous possibly could be true statement about product.

2. Create as much drama to attract all the queens on various forums.

3. Attract people who actually know chemistry to discuss / confuse the average sheep.

4. Do not state testing method in any kind of reasonable detail

5. Claim you cannot post results for fear of legal action

6. Thread carries on with people like Leonidas posting bvllsh!t content like "wow the weather here is really great" etc being totally off topic.

7. Thread dies

8. No replies, no responses from A) the OP B) Accused company C) Chemist guys.

9. Thread fades into the archive to never be ressurrected.

So all in all there you have it. Want me to post multiple cases where this happens and all with NO RESOLUTIONS to these matters cause I can?

Same old .....same old, same sh!t different pile.

<3 ALRI <3 PA <3 to the queens.

Neo:wtf: you forgot number 10:

10. Always Invite Johnny Drama for the perfect drama:head:

You are is everytime a story without the proper ending:sad:


  • Established
Neo:wtf: you forgot number 10:

10. Always Invite Johnny Drama for the perfect drama:head:

You are is everytime a story without the proper ending:sad:

There will be an ending, I guarantee it. SO until we hear from Patrick, sit back, relax and be patient ok ! :)


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Ever see MT threaten legal ramifications over a person making negative comments? I have. Dont worry people you will get the results. But if PA doesnt find what he is looking for I expect some big apologies ( from posters )and maybe a few poems :)
People cant threaten whatever they want, MT would not have a chance in court, people fold too quickly when legal action is threatened. How in the world do you people think that Newpapers can review resturants or movies, Consumer Reports reviews products, etc..., People are allowed to comment on a companies products. People are not allowed to libel or slander a company.
Outside Backer

Outside Backer

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hello all
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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i got the bottles today

we are out of air for our GC though and had to order another cylinder for tomorrow


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There will be an ending, I guarantee it. SO until we hear from Patrick, sit back, relax and be patient ok ! :)
That's good because I love the film but you can f'ck it it all up without the happy ending, I don't care if life is sh!t I want my happy f'n ending damnit!!! :FUfinger: :frustrate :numbered: :mad: :shoot:
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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i serously hope PA is wrong, cus damnn would alri be in a VERY VERY bad position from a legal standpoint

being listed in Vida as having androgenic/anabolic steroid does not make it controlled under the ASC act

it would be more of an issue for him to take up with consumers who were led to believe it was an anti-aromatase with no hormonal activity
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I must add that if I was in this position as well, as a competitor trying to maintain a high quality product line, seeing others just ignorantly ( not saying ALRI are ) misleading consumers by consealing their ingredients, I would be p!ssed off as well.

Let's all work together to bring the general supplemental industry up a level NOT down to the bottom of the barrel eh?

Work together, get a few companies together and agree on a standard for labelling and perhaps not giving all the ingredients away.

No's a better lifestyle.

you must have started taking anti-stupid pills
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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If you create a product you can patent it, or if you discover a new use for an existing product you can acquire a use patent, so if it truly is a new ingredient or a novel use protection is afforded to innovators. X-Factor is a perfect illustration of this, as is forslean (an forskolin extract.)


if the stuff truly meets the standard of a novel invention / discovery, then there are legal means to protect the rights.

if your invention does not meet the standard, or you are not willing to follow the official process of protecting your invention, then you can't make up for it by mislabeling


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you must have started taking anti-stupid pills
I don't think they kick in for a month or so as I had to ask one Canadian and one American what exactly that meant. Sorry it made no sense in my British thinking brain.

Either ty of fu one of the two :thumbsup:
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Not true.

At my refinery (every refinery) we ALKYLATE with iso-butane (a 4 carbon molecule - methyl has 1 carbon).
(Makes iso-octane when reacted with 1-butene along with sulfuric acid.)

for gasoline?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Yeah - you are right, I re-read her post. I thought she said ALR said "ALL alkyl's are methyl".

True that a CH3 is a type of alkyl.
My bad.

Well, if anything - people learned how a major octane booster is made for their motor gasoline. :lol:

i wrote an undergrad research paper on petroleum refining
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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What sort of testing are you going to do?
Are you going to try to look for the molecule in question only via isolation?
Or throw a whole cap into a machine (not sure what is most appropriate)?

my undergrad advisor would have your head for using the word machine. analytical testing equipment are INSTRUMENTS, not machines. a car is a machine

we extract the cap contents with an organic solvent like THF

then we will use GC/MS

the GC seperates the components and the Mass Spec helps to identify the components


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my undergrad advisor would have your head for using the word machine. analytical testing equipment are INSTRUMENTS, not machines. a car is a machine

we extract the cap contents with an organic solvent like THF

then we will use GC/MS

the GC seperates the components and the Mass Spec helps to identify the components
That sounds fascinating ! It would be cool to watch on video the whole process.......... hint hint....... HAHA
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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EXACTLY! I cant see how this is good for consumers if we dont get the real results from the testing. It defeats the whole purpose dont you think PA? If ALR doesnt mind I think since you stirred this up you should at least feel a little obligated to put closure to this. I mean this thread was made on the premise that consumers are being mislead etc right?

you do understand that i am a competitor of ALRI. And if i post testing results critical of one of his products then i am subject to a lawsuit (irregardless of the accuracy of my testing and reporting)

therefore the best i can do is test the stuff and inform fitnfirm. then its in the hands of ALRI


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if the stuff truly meets the standard of a novel invention / discovery, then there are legal means to protect the rights.

if your invention does not meet the standard, or you are not willing to follow the official process of protecting your invention, then you can't make up for it by mislabeling
This is true to an extent. I mean, what markets is the product going to be hitting? If you're selling outside of the United States, international patents will be necessary (and they can be tough).

While I agree a patent is the correct way of going about protecting your product from competators, putting together a goofy name is a lot less time-consuming, and can serve other purposes as well.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I am pretty sure that ALRI would have a hard time explaining a methylated substance in a dietary supplement. I do not think that they would take PA to court over this. I think that PA is not worried about legal trouble but rather, as you stated, the fact that he would like to keep a good relationship with the company. You are also correct that he has had trouble from posting his results in the past (although not, as far as I know, legal trouble).

i actually was once sued by a very large company for reporting testing results. i had to go to court a few times, in another state. i had to be on the stand and actually gave a little presentation on the chemistry.

it was settled eventually. cost us like 50K

i learned my lesson
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