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Even if the rep set is submaximal to allow overall sufficient recovery priority for deads
I think that's the key right there. I'll go with this approach on the next run and see how recovery is, I like how the idea looks on paper so I just gotta see how I respond recovery wise. I've stayed with some fairly consistent approach for a few months and I do feel a need to make small adjustments here and there to avoid stagnating in the stimulus some.


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That's what I used to do but I found that 2 sessions a week on squats or 2 sessions a week on deads always seemed to have better carry over for me vs 1 hard session each. I'm still toying with it a bit, I had contemplated following my ME deadlift day with front squats, and my ME squat day with pulls accessories.

generally speaking that's what we do now, throw 315 on for him, strip to 275 for me. throw 405 on for him, strip to 315 for me. On bench we do the same, but reverse. Throw 225 on for him, 265 for me. 255 for him, 285 for me etc. The only place we stay pretty close is deadlifts but his grip gives out usually around 440 so I'll typically take one set beyond him, then we drop back to the same RDLs and deficits (typically)
Sounds like it is similar but I know you are focusing on Deads which is why I just said hypertrophy, it just has to be some volume on the squats not grinders, like 3-4 sets of RPE7-8 if you are trying to push up your deads specifically.
I think that's the key right there. I'll go with this approach on the next run and see how recovery is, I like how the idea looks on paper so I just gotta see how I respond recovery wise. I've stayed with some fairly consistent approach for a few months and I do feel a need to make small adjustments here and there to avoid stagnating in the stimulus some.
Good plan!


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2 x 15 x 95
8 x 135
3 x 185
1 x 225, 245, 265, 285, 295

1 x 315, 325
3 x 305

Green bands
3 x 135
10 x 3 x 165

Raw (for fun)
15 x 185
20 x 135

3 x 10 x 37.5s

I opted against making a 305 (PR) attempt today because although 295 felt easy, it was challenging enough that I didn't want a failed rep. I wanted to super set laterals with dips but the dips bars/machine were quite busy and we needed to skedaddle so we did what we could and called it a success.
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Sounds like it is similar but I know you are focusing on Deads which is why I just said hypertrophy, it just has to be some volume on the squats not grinders, like 3-4 sets of RPE7-8 if you are trying to push up your deads specifically.
I like this approach a lot. I might come at it a bit more gingerly. Hyde probably hit the weight perfect, 265 for a set is likely appropriate but I might only take 1 - 2 working sets, follow up with my deads, see how I rebound and maybe add a set the following week etc until I find that just under redline location where I can keep my recovery in check.

Todays session was awesome, absolutely insane pump but damnit again I wish I had another 30 minutes. Still, Made 5 great sessions this week so I can't complain about that.

Current Stack
3 Pumps XPG EpiAndro post shower, 2 more pumps preWO
6 caps Phosphatidic Acid XT (which I think kicked in this week so I might drop back to 4).

and that's about it aside from some occasional vitamin D, maca, Alpha Gel, etc.

we are now at 39F daily so the cold and dark puts me to sleep fast at night, but that actually aids my recovery. I typically have best recovery in winter I think due to sleeping more.


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When you do go to take 305, make the jump from 280-285. That is close enough that it will be a clear indicator if something is wrong & you need to abandon your course, and not be too big of a jump, but shouldn’t be unnecessarily draining either.


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When you do go to take 305, make the jump from 280-285. That is close enough that it will be a clear indicator if something is wrong & you need to abandon your course, and not be too big of a jump, but shouldn’t be unnecessarily draining either.
That's sorta where my brain was today. I knew I had 295 in the bag but wasn't sure about 305 and I felt like I was going to make more progress by getting a clean confident 295 than a failed 305. I sorta knew that the 10lb difference was gonna mean I only had 1 attempt in me at either weight though.

I was thinking next week trying to just add 5lbs to each step in my progression:

1 x 225, 245, 265, 285, 295
Maybe then I'll do like 230, 250, 270, 285, 300.
hit 300 again then make the 305 attempt on a later session.
225-265 feel like cake now, very smooth and fast. but they do serve a great purpose in lubricating the joints. the 225s are definitely necessary for my elbows and shoulders to feel good and warm.


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I was going to suggest doing the 285 set at 290 then jumping to 305, we are all on similar mindsets. :)


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10 x 135
5 x 185, 225
1 x 275, 325, 375, 415, 445, 480 (missed midshin)
2 x 405

3 x 6 x 315
Long pause at shin on last two reps each set.

EZ bar curls
5 sets
5 x 10 x 80
+ 15 x 60 dropset

Superset with hammer strength front lat rows
5 sets

Dragging ass, hard to get out of bed today, but 445 moved so fast and flawlessly I had to make the PR attempt (475 being current best)


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Sometimes you just have to give it a lil hell trying... Right?!?!?!


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Sometimes you just have to give it a lil hell trying... Right?!?!?!
Yeah sorta backed myself into a corner with that 445 pull lol.
+ 20lbs at 465 would likely be my last top effort of the day, so no PR but probably would have got it
+35lbs a bit harder, but a PR attempt.

rethinking everything; I think a decent approach for the next few weeks might be to drop 5lbs next week and make 10lb efforts going forward. so top sets/reps of:

week 1 = 460
week 2 = 470
week 3 = 480
week 4 = 490
week 5 = 500

(last week was 455).

of course training isn't necessarily linear but it might make an interesting attempt/approach. My deficits are doing their job, I think RDLs are working so I need to add weight to both of those, and maybe sprinkle in a rack pull day every other week.


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also at this weight, do you guys have strong opinions on how big the jumps should be when I break 400lbs? I start out with 50lb jumps:

225, 275, 325, 375

then I drop to 40-ish lb jumps. I need to dial in what is too much vs what is too little so that I'm not essentially making 3 attempts within 1% of each other and wasting energy on the first 2.


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also at this weight, do you guys have strong opinions on how big the jumps should be when I break 400lbs? I start out with 50lb jumps:

225, 275, 325, 375

then I drop to 40-ish lb jumps. I need to dial in what is too much vs what is too little so that I'm not essentially making 3 attempts within 1% of each other and wasting energy on the first 2.
No more than 7% of 1RM once you get to 80% and up is a good rule. When in doubt, round down.


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No more than 7% of 1RM once you get to 80% and up is a good rule. When in doubt, round down.
solid. OK then 25-30lb jumps should be my max in the upper echelon. working backwards then for my next 480 attempt I could see:

390 > 420 > 450 > 480.
but before that, next week I could feasibly see:
370 > 400 > 430 > 460.

these numbers make pretty solid sense to me.


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also at this weight, do you guys have strong opinions on how big the jumps should be when I break 400lbs? I start out with 50lb jumps:

225, 275, 325, 375

then I drop to 40-ish lb jumps. I need to dial in what is too much vs what is too little so that I'm not essentially making 3 attempts within 1% of each other and wasting energy on the first 2.
I guess my question is, why so many leading up to it? I mean, they seem reasonable increases and I'd do similar, but are you killing your endurance by doing thr 225 to begin with, the 325, etc.? I don't know, so more asking the whole group here.


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I guess my question is, why so many leading up to it? I mean, they seem reasonable increases and I'd do similar, but are you killing your endurance by doing thr 225 to begin with, the 325, etc.? I don't know, so more asking the whole group here.
Kinda thinking the same thing. Acclimation is def important but could doing a little less at the beginning add up to that +5lb. PR?


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No more than 7% of 1RM once you get to 80% and up is a good rule. When in doubt, round down.
I guess my question is, why so many leading up to it? I mean, they seem reasonable increases and I'd do similar, but are you killing your endurance by doing thr 225 to begin with, the 325, etc.? I don't know, so more asking the whole group here.
Kinda thinking the same thing. Acclimation is def important but could doing a little less at the beginning add up to that +5lb. PR?
Ya I usually do something like 5-8%. Yesterdays build on Front doubles went 95-155-205-255-290-315-340. I usually “plan” closer to 5 by the end but that conservative amount let’s me shift a little higher if I’m feeling better that day (initial plan was 335 but things felt good so went 340 instead). 👍

It kind of depends on what you are building up for, intentions, and why, but for a single to be blunt if you think you can’t make the lift because jumps of that size are going to fatigue you then likely your just not strong enough for the lift or your capacity needs some work.

It would be different building up to say testing a 10rm. Then you might scale the reps down as you build to avoid fatigue, the weights still might be the same (but testing higher reps also means the further down percentage wise you are so not as many jumps and they may stay bigger). Most of the time though it’s not even really about “testing” but building in training so even at higher reps I’d keep building at same reps and accept a little less top set for the day because the goal stimulus is being achieved with my builds (again goal and intent dependent).


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Ya I usually do something like 5-8%. Yesterdays build on Front doubles went 95-155-205-255-290-315-340. I usually “plan” closer to 5 by the end but that conservative amount let’s me shift a little higher if I’m feeling better that day (initial plan was 335 but things felt good so went 340 instead). 👍

It kind of depends on what you are building up for, intentions, and why, but for a single to be blunt if you think you can’t make the lift because jumps of that size are going to fatigue you then likely your just not strong enough for the lift or your capacity needs some work.

It would be different building up to say testing a 10rm. Then you might scale the reps down as you build to avoid fatigue, the weights still might be the same (but testing higher reps also means the further down percentage wise you are so not as many jumps and they may stay bigger). Most of the time though it’s not even really about “testing” but building in training so even at higher reps I’d keep building at same reps and accept a little less top set for the day because the goal stimulus is being achieved with my builds (again goal and intent dependent).
Depends on if you are more slow twitch or fast twitch individual. When I fail in a rep count I FAIL. I hit an absolute wall. Physics takes over and gravity wins. I’ve seen lifting partners fail, pause , and bust out 2 or 3 more reps. When I have gone for PR’s I did less reps b4 the attempt. But that is just me…


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I mean, they seem reasonable increases and I'd do similar, but are you killing your endurance by doing thr 225 to begin with
135 - 225 are just warming up, and damn near required to get my hammies, glutes, biceps, and lats stretched and ready to go. I could pound out 21 x 225 and it wouldn't have a great effect on whatever my top rep of the day is. I tend to pull in the reigns and go more cautiously once I break 315ish. That's typically where I put on my belt, either at 315 or the next rep up.


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10 x 95, 135

+ Red bands to dbs
3 x 135, 165
1 x 195, 225

No bands
1 x 250, 270, 290, 305 miss

Sling shot
1 x 315

10 x 225
15 x 185
20 x 135

4 x 12 x 30s

Superset with cable flies
3 x 12

3 x 10

Slid 12" down the damn bench on the 305 attempt. and I mean really slid down. I felt like focus, barpath and leg drive were dialed in and next thing I knew my head was sliding off the bench and the bar was almost past the J hooks.

I made a second attempt but was gassed by then. Weird day to have such lagging top end but still rep out 225 so solidly. I've only ten repped it like twice ever.

Hopefully it's yesterdays 1rm attempt dogging me

Weight 200.00
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Slid 12" down the damn bench on the 305 attempt. and I mean really slid down. I felt like focus, barpath and leg drive were dialed in and next thing I knew my head was sliding off the bench and the bar was almost past the J hooks.
if you’re on a commercial gym bench I highly recommend putting 1 or 2 yoga mats on it to make it more grippy.


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if you’re on a commercial gym bench I highly recommend putting 1 or 2 yoga mats on it to make it more grippy.
I had this issue once many months ago and @dapack and @Hyde recommended the bands, so I actually did double wrap my red bands on the bench to make me grippier which worked wonders but I was just gassed on the 2nd attempt. the first one was pretty murderous, sliding that far back on the bench left my spotter and I both in a slightly awkward place 😅

I hadn't slipped again since so didn't worry about it. although damn it does stretch the bands more than I like. I was so angry at my poor top end work today that the 225 was just plain easy. I did that one out of spite.


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2 x 10 x 100
5 x 150, 200
1 x 235, 265, 285, 300 (PR)

1 x 315, 325, 335 (assisted)

9 x 235
18 x 185

3 x 10 x 135

Rope tricep extensions
3 x 15+

well I finally did it. I visualized that 300 for the last 4 days. had a plan in writing, and gorged myself on every carb I could find saturday, doubling down on sunday, for todays push.

finished my anabolic xt, and PA XT today. took double dose of epichaos and triton.

285 moved fast like a warm up rep. 300 was so fast and easy I almost went for 305 but said no, I don't want to fail today lets just stop there. I hit it. the pump was insane.
I went back to look at my training from June - August where I PR'd deads at 475 and Bench at 300.
I was stacking anabolic XT and anabolic effect (along with PA XT) but my training was harder and heavier.

instead of light speed banded work on bench and deads, I was doing my banded work as heavy as I can.
Instead of light 10 x 3 deficits I was working to the heaviest 3 rep sets I could.

I love having a log to look back on. I think I can see what adjustments should be made from here.


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if you’re on a commercial gym bench I highly recommend putting 1 or 2 yoga mats on it to make it more grippy.
^This is the best thing I’ve found if you don’t have bands but have a mat. Also helps widen the pad slightly, which is usually awfully narrow in a commercial setup.

Totally agree with @Resolve10 on working up. You need to save the energy by making biggest jumps reasonable on the top end, but there is a measure of conditioning required to train that should make 6 or so warmups no issue, & actually potentiate the max attempt from neurological practice.

Dustin, I would say do whatever you need to get warm/mobile enough to pull (as example):


And put your belt on a set earlier than normal training, to practice with equipment sooner.


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Ya I usually do something like 5-8%. Yesterdays build on Front doubles went 95-155-205-255-290-315-340. I usually “plan” closer to 5 by the end but that conservative amount let’s me shift a little higher if I’m feeling better that day (initial plan was 335 but things felt good so went 340 instead). 👍
I'm really trying to understand what you said here...can you say this differently? Lol sorry


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He was referring to his increase in weight on each set being 5-8% of 1RM, and on the last set he went up 25 lbs instead of 20 because he felt good.
But what are front doubles?


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@Dustin07 looking at the slingshots on sale, on the sizing what size you running? According to the sizing I should get 2x for 230# but I will cut again at some point so I’m conflicted if I should get the XL or 2X. Any thoughts?


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Sorry Front Squat doubles.

He explained it right. 5% jump is about 20lbs which was the plan and what I usually aim for as default, but in that situation it felt good so I bumped up 25lbs which is closer to 8%. 👍
Got it now! Thanks.


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@Dustin07 looking at the slingshots on sale, on the sizing what size you running? According to the sizing I should get 2x for 230# but I will cut again at some point so I’m conflicted if I should get the XL or 2X. Any thoughts?
I'm running an XL and weighed in at 205 this morning. It's starting to get pretty tight around the upper arms but I don't think that's an issue yet, if anything it may be fitting a little better slightly lower on biceps.

Unless your arms are measuring in substantially over 17" and chest over 46+ I bet mine would fit you. My buddy wears mine and he is like 250lbs


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I'm running an XL and weighed in at 205 this morning. It's starting to get pretty tight around the upper arms but I don't think that's an issue yet, if anything it may be fitting a little better slightly lower on biceps.

Unless your arms are measuring in substantially over 17" and chest over 46+ I bet mine would fit you. My buddy wears mine and he is like 250lbs
Awesome I ended up ordering XL and hard to beat the price in the outlet section they had a olive green one for 29 bucks.


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Today we walked the dogs down to the beach. I tracked it on the runkeeper app to verify. This is the trip down hill, so the trip back will put it obviously well over 30min and... It's all uphill back home too lol.

Thinking of a December goal of 930 minutes of cardio (liss)... Or 31 x 30 for explanation. Allowing sat 1hr days to make up for missed days.

I wanna play with the whole increase cardio and keep cals high thing for a bit.

Awesome I ended up ordering XL and hard to beat the price in the outlet section they had a olive green one for 29 bucks.
For real!



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Ended at 2.25miles
217 calories (although the uphill felt like 200 by itself.
Beautiful dogs! German or Belgian?
Thanks homie. He (Ax, or Axel) is Eastern German shepherd. She (Rox, or Roxy) is supposedly aussidor (Australian shepherd + lab) but we are convinced she's actually Kelpie + Lab. He's at 7 months and just over 70lbs, she's about 3 years old in December.

The GSD comes from a breeder my wife got her last GSD for, she bred K9s for many years, our last boy was from that lineage, she imported this new stud to move her blood lines over to ESA type shepherds. We don't "need" an ESA dog, but I would prefer a mellow GSD vs an aggressive one lol


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Ended at 2.25miles
217 calories (although the uphill felt like 200 by itself.
Thanks homie. He (Ax, or Axel) is Eastern German shepherd. She (Rox, or Roxy) is supposedly aussidor (Australian shepherd + lab) but we are convinced she's actually Kelpie + Lab. He's at 7 months and just over 70lbs, she's about 3 years old in December.

The GSD comes from a breeder my wife got her last GSD for, she bred K9s for many years, our last boy was from that lineage, she imported this new stud to move her blood lines over to ESA type shepherds. We don't "need" an ESA dog, but I would prefer a mellow GSD vs an aggressive one lol
Both beautiful dogs!!!
I would love a German Rott but don’t wanna offend my American Bully Blue. Had a German Rott in high school. Amazing dog


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Today we walked the dogs down to the beach. I tracked it on the runkeeper app to verify. This is the trip down hill, so the trip back will put it obviously well over 30min and... It's all uphill back home too lol.

Thinking of a December goal of 930 minutes of cardio (liss)... Or 31 x 30 for explanation. Allowing sat 1hr days to make up for missed days.

I wanna play with the whole increase cardio and keep cals high thing for a bit.

For real!

View attachment 238050View attachment 238051View attachment 238052
Wait, you live on the beach?! What body of water is that?


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Today we walked the dogs down to the beach. I tracked it on the runkeeper app to verify. This is the trip down hill, so the trip back will put it obviously well over 30min and... It's all uphill back home too lol.

Thinking of a December goal of 930 minutes of cardio (liss)... Or 31 x 30 for explanation. Allowing sat 1hr days to make up for missed days.

I wanna play with the whole increase cardio and keep cals high thing for a bit.

For real!

View attachment 238050View attachment 238051View attachment 238052
In the north west are most shorelines that type of stone/rock? I was so taken by the dogs I didn’t notice the AMAZING shoreline!!!


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15 x bar, 95, 135
2 x 185, 225, 255
1 x 275, 290, 290, 295

1 x 315
6 x 275

10 x 230 (PR by reps)
18 x 185

Tricep rope pushdowns
3 sets to failureish
+1 dropset

Flat DB bench
15 x 60s, 70s
10 x 80s

(While my boy did accessory bicep work)

Hammer strength dips
3 x 12-15 x +180lbs

Cool down LISS
10 minutes

Sunday session with the boy. Weighed in at 205 today, putting Thanksgiving to good use . Fighting a minor head cold but nothing worth writing home about. (RIP family gatherings)

I don't usually sit there and hammer out the singles in my top end, so pretty happy with this session. Needed to be sorta safe with my 14yr old spotting me.

275 and 290 both felt slow the first time, then the second 290 felt pretty fast.


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Thanks man it felt great! I didn't stress too much over my ramp up weights since I wanted to stay where the boy could spot me safely but 290 felt good enough to hammer out some more work there and not risk a failed rep.
Wait, you live on the beach?! What body of water is that?
Pretty much, the cabin is on the water and the floorboards get wet at high tide. My wife's family settled out here like 100+ years ago (boat builders and farmers. Some awesome stories there)

so they have this family plot on the water that's shared between like 8 of us but we live a couple hundred yards up the hill from it, so we can walk down the road (about 1 mile) to the cabin and beach. Its Puget Sound, not too far from Tacoma. Our house is probably like 500-1000 yards off the water as the bird flies. Amazing views and amazing weather damage on that side of the house every year

Hydes right, we have very very few actually sandy beaches. Most are pretty rocky out here. That was a medium high tide, on a low tide there's about 40-50 more feet of beach. Our tidal swings can be like 14+ feet.

Up in the San Juan Islands there are a couple decently sandy areas but it's only warm for like 4-6 weeks of the year


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15 x bar, 95, 135
2 x 185, 225, 255
1 x 275, 290, 290, 295

1 x 315
6 x 275

10 x 230 (PR by reps)
18 x 185

Tricep rope pushdowns
3 sets to failureish
+1 dropset

Flat DB bench
15 x 60s, 70s
10 x 80s

(While my boy did accessory bicep work)

Hammer strength dips
3 x 12-15 x +180lbs

Cool down LISS
10 minutes

Sunday session with the boy. Weighed in at 205 today, putting Thanksgiving to good use . Fighting a minor head cold but nothing worth writing home about. (RIP family gatherings)

I don't usually sit there and hammer out the singles in my top end, so pretty happy with this session. Needed to be sorta safe with my 14yr old spotting me.

275 and 290 both felt slow the first time, then the second 290 felt pretty fast.
Nice work on the bench!

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