Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol


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This is in response to "most ppl at commercial gyms don't train intensely"

That's a understatement. Most of them go to the gym, They don't actually do anything productive there but they go to the gym a lot lol.
Which us why they look the exact same year after year after year. The thing that really kills me are the ones who are always flexing in the mirror. I'm like bro you look the exact same as you did yesterday as yiu did last month and last year, please stop!!


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Which us why they look the exact same year after year after year. The thing that really kills me are the ones who are always flexing in the mirror. I'm like bro you look the exact same as you did yesterday as yiu did last month and last year, please stop!!
It's also why there on test mast and tren all year and never change. I know a guy that uses tren like 5-6 times a year and never looks any different. When he picks a "bulking" cycle he gets a little fatter and then switches to test/tren/mast and "cuts" right back to how he looked before the bulking cycle. Rinse and repeat for 10 years


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It's also why there on test mast and tren all year and never change. I know a guy that uses tren like 5-6 times a year and never looks any different. When he picks a "bulking" cycle he gets a little fatter and then switches to test/tren/mast and "cuts" right back to how he looked before the bulking cycle. Rinse and repeat for 10 years
Ughh..I just picture him now. Is he even a cool dude?


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It boggles my mind why someone would use tren on a bulk


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Ughh..I just picture him now. Is he even a cool dude?
Not really, he's not a bad dude tho, just not very bright and unwilling to change, very stuck in his ways and doesn't care to learn anything new. But I will say if I got stuck in a pinch and called the guy and asked for a hand he would help. I just kinda let him do his thing.

He's the kinda guy that when he sees you the first thing he does is tell you what he's taking.

If I walk into the gym and say what's up. He will say not much, just started a new bottle of sust, I like sust better then test e, it's stronger. And if you proceed to tell them test is yest it's the same, he would say but sust has all 3 tests, it's stronger. So you just gotta nod and be like oh OK, or that's cool


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Not really, he's not a bad dude tho, just not very bright and unwilling to change, very stuck in his ways and doesn't care to learn anything new. But I will say if I got stuck in a pinch and called the guy and asked for a hand he would help. I just kinda let him do his thing.

He's the kinda guy that when he sees you the first thing he does is tell you what he's taking.

If I walk into the gym and say what's up. He will say not much, just started a new bottle of sust, I like sust better then test e, it's stronger. And if you proceed to tell them test is yest it's the same, he would say but sust has all 3 tests, it's stronger. So you just gotta nod and be like oh OK, or that's cool
Okay yea my training partner when I first cane back to Cali us like that ( he doesn't use gear but stuck in his ways on training, same days, same exercises, dude is totally jacked especially being 53) . He's totally cool tho. Obviously when I first came back I was still an emotional mess so I just followed him for the first year and i do owe him a lot. He helped me get my base back especially scince there was a lot of powerlifting and strength training which i wouldn't have done if I was by myself. I'll still train with him every once in awhile if I need a change in pace especially scince I know exactly what he's doing every day lol


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Mike has the labels finished and being printed up so this should finally be available shortly. Rep stuff aside, this is something I've actually really been looking forward to
Looks legit. Down to try this


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Looks legit. Down to try this
I'm dieing for it lol. I do my intra with about 20 total grams of eaa and bcaa, it's basically 2 separate products that I use 2 servings each of or up to 4 servings of eaas depending on what I have. Even 1/2 serving of this has more then my current intra, so it's about double the price per product but it's also like 5× the serving size. So if you break down the cost per amount of aminos/active ingredients it's a great deal. I just hope it's not super sweet. I know a lot of ppl like that candy taste to there supplements but when I'm sipping on something over a few hour period, you get what I'm saying

It'd designed to take it ore workout and I will play around with that but my idea is take half pre workout and sip on the rest with some simple carbs and creatine during my workouts. On the days I don't train IL probably cut the carbs and throw a scoop in my water jug


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This is what I currently use Intra.

Granite Supplements Recovery


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This is what I currently use Intra.

Granite Supplements Recovery
And note Mike’s product has 34x the EAA of this, which is a pretty respectable intra product IMO. But there’s no EAA products out there that really try to replace the absolute need to consume protein prior to training if you want all the building blocks available.

So for someone needing to train very early before getting to eat or who doesn’t do well with even a shake prior, having EAAs that actually do what we want them to do (not just filling gaps) is pretty big. Something that is actually an easily consumed & digested complete protein profile.


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And note Mike’s product has 34x the EAA of this, which is a pretty respectable intra product IMO. But there’s no EAA products out there that really try to replace the absolute need to consume protein prior to training if you want all the building blocks available.

So for someone needing to train very early before getting to eat or who doesn’t do well with even a shake prior, having EAAs that actually do what we want them to do (not just filling gaps) is pretty big. Something that is actually an easily consumed & digested complete protein profile.
Yes! It's gonna be great for ppl who have been wasting muscle building potential by training completely fasted.


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I feel like I'm shilling a product lol, but I'm excited for this one because it's basically a souped up version of something I've already been using


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What I'd the price going to be?


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I'm saying that would be a great product to go with pwo slin. Its a great product anyways but intras aren't really my thing
It's not a intra workout product, actually mike made a point to say it's not designed to be a intraworkout. That's just how I plan to use it


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It's not a intra workout product, actually mike made a point to say it's not designed to be a intraworkout. That's just how I plan to use it
Ohhh..sorry i was confused..just looked at the label again and that's how I would use it as well. I wonder why Mike said that because those ingredients are in every legit intra...Mike's just has way more AA's which I like


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@Smont did you hit the gas yet?


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Not completely, I did drop npp and add a extra 150 test and 150eq, I'm gonna place a order this week and when that shows up I'm blasting off.

I'm also trying to source some gh locally. I kinda know a guy sitting on a bunch of serostim and saizen. So hoping a mutual friend can work a deal for me.
That would be tits


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I'm assuming you've been following chase irons and his current serostim experiment. Not the any of us could afford 3000/ month worth of serostim but it would be cool to do a 5/2 with a couple ius


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I'm assuming you've been following chase irons and his current serostim experiment. Not the any of us could afford 3000/ month worth of serostim but it would be cool to do a 5/2 with a couple ius
I haven't been following it super close but I do know what your talking about 100%. And ya, I want the serostim. I'm trying to get my hands on 10 bottles of serostim, 18iu per bottle. If I can get it IL grab 200 iu generic too and use a little of both togther, obviously I'd start witj just the serostim to see what's what and use the generic to raise the dose.


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I haven't been following it super close but I do know what your talking about 100%. And ya, I want the serostim. I'm trying to get my hands on 10 bottles of serostim, 18iu per bottle. If I can get it IL grab 200 iu generic too and use a little of both togther, obviously I'd start witj just the serostim to see what's what and use the generic to raise the dose.
Yea chase is doing a whole bottle EOD and getting insane results. On the last podcast with big Paul Dr Todd and Kolton lukes he pulled the insert from the box and they were reading it. According to the insert you are supposed to pin a whole bottle at a time. Chase was telling the guys he's having no negative sides at all. Dr Todd was lime wow now you have me believing that I've wasted the last 15 years lol


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I stand to gain nothing financially from this, and I’m very excited, for the same reasons. This is a thoughtful product.
I missed this post, I actually rarely get enough sales from the supplements to qualify for anything. The research Chem site and ma supps are separate and so are my sales. I do decent with the Chem sales, I really should advertise more outside of am, I'm kinda limiting myself. But the supps don't seem to sell as well on anabolic minds. IL most likely be always paying for this product out of pocket, and I'm completely cool with that.


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I haven't been following it super close but I do know what your talking about 100%. And ya, I want the serostim. I'm trying to get my hands on 10 bottles of serostim, 18iu per bottle. If I can get it IL grab 200 iu generic too and use a little of both togther, obviously I'd start witj just the serostim to see what's what and use the generic to raise the dose.
That's how I'd do it as well. Maybe do the sero one day and the generic the next or draw 2iu of sero and 4 iu generic


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Yea chase is doing a whole bottle EOD and getting insane results. On the last podcast with big Paul Dr Todd and Kolton lukes he pulled the insert from the box and they were reading it. According to the insert you are supposed to pin a whole bottle at a time. Chase was telling the guys he's having no negative sides at all. Dr Todd was lime wow now you have me believing that I've wasted the last 15 years lol
Ya I saw most of that. I'm thinking 6 eod and then using the generic to up the dose as long as no weird sides are present. Fingers crossed.

If I can't work a deal I'm still picking up some generic and I'm gonna use my igf up and then switch to generic gh.


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I'm starting to make some decent progress again too, I noticed about a week ago that everything has kinda filled out, I'm not ripped obviously but body composition is getting more favorable to my liking, I'm feeling good moving forward.

I'm doing a lot of cardio now but heavy bag cardio and keeping it short and intense. Lifting is going to scale back to 4 days a week for a while because I'm noticing my sleep is getting weird and I'm sore more then usual so I might be hitting the gas on training a bit too much for the amount of food I'm eating, but I'm liking the subtle changes and don't wanna change much.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned how I've been eating, I've also been monitoring the scale just to make sure I don't slip into a real deficit. If my bodyweight drops more then 3 or 4 lbs I eat a little more the next day. But I'm kinds staying between 205-208 most days. I was as low as 201. 3 and as high as 211 I think.
The same gyms that did the bench comp in October are doing a DL comp in July so if I'm continuing to progress in strength as my cycle goes on IL probably jump in that as long as it doesn't interfere with anything else.

IL put progress pics up this weekend. Still need to make a lot of improvements but I'm heading in the right direction.

I gotta stop slacking off every time I set some kind of pr lol


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I missed this post, I actually rarely get enough sales from the supplements to qualify for anything. The research Chem site and ma supps are separate and so are my sales. I do decent with the Chem sales, I really should advertise more outside of am, I'm kinda limiting myself. But the supps don't seem to sell as well on anabolic minds. IL most likely be always paying for this product out of pocket, and I'm completely cool with that.
I’ll use your code. There are a LOT of people here who are interested in buying this initially to try it - make sure you post reminders about your code in all the threads Mike has made when it releases.

If 20 guys buy an average of 2 tubs, you will see some return for sure.


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I’ll use your code. There are a LOT of people here who are interested in buying this initially to try it - make sure you post reminders about your code in all the threads Mike has made when it releases.

If 20 guys buy an average of 2 tubs, you will see some return for sure.
Good idea


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Putting my order togther tonight. I'm looking at test, eq and mast all in higher doses then I normally do, I'm also contemplating 100-200mg tren on the back half.

450 test, 600eq, 400 mast. This is fairly mild by compound choice but yall know I'm typically 2 compounds around 300-450 each. So those is a big jump for me, especially if I add 100-200 tren.

The pharma gh is a no go, found another source but I can't afford it.

I'm gonna play with the igf I got and look to make a generic gh purchase still, 200iu should be enough, that's 20iu generics per week for 10 weeks.

Any thoughts?

I'm on 450 eq and 300 test right now


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Putting my order togther tonight. I'm looking at test, eq and mast all in higher doses then I normally do, I'm also contemplating 100-200mg tren on the back half.

450 test, 600eq, 400 mast. This is fairly mild by compound choice but yall know I'm typically 2 compounds around 300-450 each. So those is a big jump for me, especially if I add 100-200 tren.

The pharma gh is a no go, found another source but I can't afford it.

I'm gonna play with the igf I got and look to make a generic gh purchase still, 200iu should be enough, that's 20iu generics per week for 10 weeks.

Any thoughts?

I'm on 450 eq and 300 test right now
I love the idea of the Mast on 400 right now.

Mr Green

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@Smont Special request for you to trial the gh ed vs eod vs whatever other schedule and report back. Been reading up a lot about different dosing patterns. Would be cool to see real time anecdote.


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I would do 2iu per day for 20 weeks. You aren’t going to want to stop it. Good stuff, recovery-wise.

Also, have your Berberine/Metformin ready. You will need to do more than you are now once you add it in. I was seeing fasting glucose go from my normal 90-92 to 95-100 with at least 500mg Berberine daily, often 1,000. So I stopped the gh instead of adding Metformin, and to save it for an injury.

That cycle could be really dry, but if it is too dry slipping just a little NPP you already have in will patch you right up.


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600 mast when i went from 4 to 6 I saw a huge difference and it was the only variable. Agree with @Hyde On metformin or berberine with the gh. I use metformin as you know the berberine messed with my stomach.


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Putting my order togther tonight. I'm looking at test, eq and mast all in higher doses then I normally do, I'm also contemplating 100-200mg tren on the back half.

450 test, 600eq, 400 mast. This is fairly mild by compound choice but yall know I'm typically 2 compounds around 300-450 each. So those is a big jump for me, especially if I add 100-200 tren.

The pharma gh is a no go, found another source but I can't afford it.

I'm gonna play with the igf I got and look to make a generic gh purchase still, 200iu should be enough, that's 20iu generics per week for 10 weeks.

Any thoughts?

I'm on 450 eq and 300 test right now
You could do 4iu/ day 5 on 2 off ? And then mk on the weekends.


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600 mast when i went from 4 to 6 I saw a huge difference and it was the only variable. Agree with @Hyde On metformin or berberine with the gh. I use metformin as you know the berberine messed with my stomach.
What do you feel you’ve noticed going from 400 to 600? I’ve only used it up to 400 I believe. Makes me stronger, obviously keeps me drier & helps combat gyno. My muscles “feel” harder, even under all the bodyfat I feel solid as a brick on it.


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What do you feel you’ve noticed going from 400 to 600? I’ve only used it up to 400 I believe. Makes me stronger, obviously keeps me drier & helps combat gyno. My muscles “feel” harder, even under all the bodyfat I feel solid as a brick on it.
Muscles feel more dense and the vascularity is way more pronounced. I've noticed it more outside of the gym then when actually training. Now obviously in your case that may not be worth the extra 200mg because your bf is higher. Still no hair issues either but that's one thing i don't think I'll have to worry about. I've always had really thick healthy hair so I can really push the dht derivatives. My strength has gone up as well even as my cals have dropped. I remember Dave Crossland and Scott McNally talking about 800 and a gram of mast especially if your test is over a gram that just seems like a lot to me, I think at that point I would start looking at primo in combination with the mast


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I would do 2iu per day for 20 weeks. You aren’t going to want to stop it. Good stuff, recovery-wise.

Also, have your Berberine/Metformin ready. You will need to do more than you are now once you add it in. I was seeing fasting glucose go from my normal 90-92 to 95-100 with at least 500mg Berberine daily, often 1,000. So I stopped the gh instead of adding Metformin, and to save it for an injury.

That cycle could be really dry, but if it is too dry slipping just a little NPP you already have in will patch you right up.
All good ideas, I don't seem to get the dry thing often, even on mast and winni I never seemed to have issues so I think IL be good. But, now that you say that. It would probably make more sense to throw 200npp in instead of tren. It would probably keep health markers better allowing for another stretch to this cycle if needed. I'm hoping if I reach my desired outcome on time I can pull back without going to trt and ride something like 300/300 test mast through the remainder of summer (july/august) just thinking ahead. I placed a order for everything except the gh last night. I'm still trying to look at money and see if I can make a move. Financial I've been doing really good lately, at least for me. I'm not killing it but I'm bringing home after taxes about 500 a week more then I normally do, but I know I should probably bank that money for when things slow down. Adult **** is starting to happen lol. My daughter needs a car, she's gonna be going to college the year after next, my son wants to start coming to the boxing gym witj me so he needs a membership and equipment. I gotta be responsible 😆 but If I line up a few extra side jobs I might drop 1,000 on the good stuff still. 🤔


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All good ideas, I don't seem to get the dry thing often, even on mast and winni I never seemed to have issues so I think IL be good. But, now that you say that. It would probably make more sense to throw 200npp in instead of tren. It would probably keep health markers better allowing for another stretch to this cycle if needed. I'm hoping if I reach my desired outcome on time I can pull back without going to trt and ride something like 300/300 test mast through the remainder of summer (july/august) just thinking ahead. I placed a order for everything except the gh last night. I'm still trying to look at money and see if I can make a move. Financial I've been doing really good lately, at least for me. I'm not killing it but I'm bringing home after taxes about 500 a week more then I normally do, but I know I should probably bank that money for when things slow down. Adult **** is starting to happen lol. My daughter needs a car, she's gonna be going to college the year after next, my son wants to start coming to the boxing gym witj me so he needs a membership and equipment. I gotta be responsible but If I line up a few extra side jobs I might drop 1,000 on the good stuff still.
I would just be cautious about buying too much up front if you haven’t used GH. It can do some weird things right away, so you don’t really know yet if you will want to try bigger doses.

Like the variation in bp increase, water retention, blood sugar increase are going to vary by person. Nevermind anabolic response, with guys who don’t get much and guys like Bleu Taylor who claim it was more important than AAS for building his size & can just push that hard.

Something I’m glad I learned about beforehand was the softserve poops it can give you. I started getting issues the mornings I would squat heavy where I was starting to **** my pants. I mean nearly, but one time under 500lbs I really did crap myself some. Then I put 2 & 2 together: the GH the night before was making the stool too soft, so even using the bathroom before training wasn’t enough to offset the pressurization of big lifting. Pulled GH away the day before squats and problem solved.

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