Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



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I would just be cautious about buying too much up front if you haven’t used GH. It can do some weird things right away, so you don’t really know yet if you will want to try bigger doses.

Like the variation in bp increase, water retention, blood sugar increase are going to vary by person. Nevermind anabolic response, with guys who don’t get much and guys like Bleu Taylor who claim it was more important than AAS for building his size & can just push that hard.

Something I’m glad I learned about beforehand was the softserve poops it can give you. I started getting issues the mornings I would squat heavy where I was starting to **** my pants. I mean nearly, but one time under 500lbs I really did crap myself some. Then I put 2 & 2 together: the GH the night before was making the stool too soft, so even using the bathroom before training wasn’t enough to offset the pressurization of big lifting. Pulled GH away the day before squats and problem solved.
The soft serve shits are definitely gonna be a problem, even with mk and peptides that happens to me the first week. What causes that lol


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I had always wondered that myself, because I battle ulcers periodically, but the funny thing is over time HGH seems to help the gastrointestinal healing of ulcers from what I can tell. It seems though the loose stools may be caused from how well HGH shuttles nutrients through the intestinal tract at a higher rate than without. Obviously I know it’s more complicated than that, but here is an article on it.



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Fwiw..big Paul has a good diet hack..sugar free jello...can't wait till the fall gonna do the fruit cocktail thing in jello like grandma used to make lol..back in the day this one regional competitor told me jolly ranchers were the ticket but they never did anything because there was nothing to swallow( insert homo joke here ) but sugar free jello is like a jolly rancher with some added volume..also dr Todd replacing a cup of rice with peas and carrots that way carbs drop but food volume stays the same that'll be the real life saver the last week of May and first 2 weeks of June


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@Hyde And everyone else here really was watching a dave Palumbo video ( I know I know I can't stand him either) but anyways I know the roid tests are legit but now they have quantitative tests for both test e and c deca and tren e . So you can actually see not only of its real but also the exact milligram that's in thr oil. The only thing that sucks is obviously test and deca are never faked so I doubt the amount is really ever that off and who even does tren e, if om gonna take on tren it's damn well gonna be tren a


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I just did a delt injection, it's not abnormal for me to get a drop of blood or occasional a tiny bit trickle out. But when I pulled out the pin it sprayed like a foot on to the wall. Never had this happen ever. I feel fine. After the initial spray of maybe quarter teaspoon of blood it immediately stopped. Injection site feels normal, no oil taste in my mouth...

Any ideas 😆


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I'm honestly not worried at all. If something bad happened I'd already know. I actually laughed when it happened. Like shocked but laughing 😂🤣😆
Yeah, I’ve only had that happen once, and just for an instant it shocked me, then I did the same thing and waited to see if I had any weird symptoms. It’s usually never an issue, but it does make you wonder how a little vein has enough pressure to shoot blood that far.


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I'm honestly not worried at all. If something bad happened I'd already know. I actually laughed when it happened. Like shocked but laughing 😂🤣😆
Make sure you always have a tourniquet near by. Just in case


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Yeah, you must have nicked an artery, plenty of blood pressure enough to squirt blood out of a tiny pinhole if it is close to the surface. I have had this happen before a couple times. Not always a squirt but sometimes just a god amount of blood running down my thigh. I wouldn't worry at all unless you notice something wrong.


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I'm honestly not worried at all. If something bad happened I'd already know. I actually laughed when it happened. Like shocked but laughing 😂🤣😆
I would've done the same. As a matter of fact I had a pretty good one this morning as well, I laughed when I read your post. Mine didn't shoot out like that but it did shock me because I never bleed after. Went lower on my ventro this morning and when I pulled out a pretty nice sized stream came out with it. Enough to run down my leg a little and even a small drop on the floor. Was more surprised than anything cuz like I said I never bleed


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Yeah, you must have nicked an artery, plenty of blood pressure enough to squirt blood out of a tiny pinhole if it is close to the surface. I have had this happen before a couple times. Not always a squirt but sometimes just a god amount of blood running down my thigh. I wouldn't worry at all unless you notice something wrong.
It was a 28g slin pin too lol


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Cant wait to start smashing the gas peddle on this cycle, All weekend I had ppl asking me if I'm back on cycle so I guess I look bigger. I'm definitely getting leaner and floating around 208. I haven't been taking pictures or anything because I'm top damn busy lately but I gotta assume I'm heading in the right direction with all the comments being the same. It's always cool when someone says your getting big yet your the same weight or less. Looking bigger right now then in March when I was 218 from what I can tell by the last picture I took


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Supplies are here, just need the gear to show up and place a carnitine order and I'm all set.

Even grabbed a new sterile 50ml bottle to combine my stuff in.

Milo says he's gonna steal my **** so he can turn into a tiger this summer so I better watch my back

Just realized I ordered 23g instead of 25 but oh well, looks like IL do eod 1.5-2ml shots with a 23 g and save the slin pins for peps and what not. Or burn through the slin pins with daily injections and only use the 23 when I have to


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Supplies are here, just need the gear to show up and place a carnitine order and I'm all set.

Even grabbed a new sterile 50ml bottle to combine my stuff in.

Milo says he's gonna steal my **** so he can turn into a tiger this summer so I better watch my backView attachment 232026

Just realized I ordered 23g instead of 25 but oh well, looks like IL do eod 1.5-2ml shots with a 23 g and save the slin pins for peps and what not. Or burn through the slin pins with daily injections and only use the 23 when I have to
Exact same box I have but I have the 25 gauge and I order a box of 20 gauge tips to draw with


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Exact same box I have but I have the 25 gauge and I order a box of 20 gauge tips to draw with
I was going to say, couldn't you just buy a 2nd set of needles and use the 23 to pull the oil? I have 1" 23g for pulling and 25 g for the actual shot.


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I was going to say, couldn't you just buy a 2nd set of needles and use the 23 to pull the oil? I have 1" 23g for pulling and 25 g for the actual shot.
I can, but I don't think there's enough of a difference between 23 and 25 to worry about it.

My first cycle ever I used 21g 1.5in for every injection and I survived lol


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I can, but I don't think there's enough of a difference between 23 and 25 to worry about it.

My first cycle ever I used 21g 1.5in for every injection and I survived lol
My first few cycles were all 23g 1.5 inch needles and even those were hard to come by 27 years ago. LOL You couldn't have any muscle and try to buy them back then. The internet has really changed that.


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Does anyone know if a place like tractor supply would carry and sell me a 10ml syringe that will fit the luer lok tips? I just realized I'm gonna need to pull a bunch of 1-2cc at a time in order to make my blend but if I can find a 10ml I can draw the weeks worth into 1 barrel and put it in my 50ml jug in 1 shot


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Does anyone know if a place like tractor supply would carry and sell me a 10ml syringe that will fit the luer lok tips? I just realized I'm gonna need to pull a bunch of 1-2cc at a time in order to make my blend but if I can find a 10ml I can draw the weeks worth into 1 barrel and put it in my 50ml jug in 1 shot
They should I'd tractor supply doesn't there's gotta be feed stores around where you live


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Those are luer slip tips but I just went through tractor supply page too and they have 12cc luer lok ones for $3 so thank you for the tip
Ahh, didn’t notice they were slip tips.


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I had no reason to take a shot other then to test the 23 lol, and I drew and injected without switching tips


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They actually might have miss labeled these, I just found five 25g/1in tips I still had and they look identical to these 23g and there the same color
the one on the right is the 23 supposedly


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I mean medically it’s designed to work; I have no doubt it’s effective - I’m looking at longterm scar tissue accrual mainly.
I was wondering about something, opinions would be lovely.

My 2 hardest training days are typically early in the week.

As long as I don't get wild hormone Flux side effects. What you guys think about doing 1 3cc glute shot on Sundays and 3 slin pin shots on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday to get the weekly dose in and only need to use 1 big pin per week.

Wouldn't that initial hormone spike be benificial from a growth standpoint and then the smaller ones later in the week for a little stability?

I'm really probably overthinking it. I mean I know it will work fine. I just thought that big spike would be benificial and then the slin pins come in to pick up the rest of the dose.


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I was wondering about something, opinions would be lovely.

My 2 hardest training days are typically early in the week.

As long as I don't get wild hormone Flux side effects. What you guys think about doing 1 3cc glute shot on Sundays and 3 slin pin shots on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday to get the weekly dose in and only need to use 1 big pin per week.

Wouldn't that initial hormone spike be benificial from a growth standpoint and then the smaller ones later in the week for a little stability?

I'm really probably overthinking it. I mean I know it will work fine. I just thought that big spike would be benificial and then the slin pins come in to pick up the rest of the dose.
Yeah, I prefer doing stuff like that because my training is often spread a bit similarly. It works well for feeling good while also shifting the bolus towards the greatest recovery demands.

Same as how I eat more before and after the most intense sessions.


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I was wondering about something, opinions would be lovely.

My 2 hardest training days are typically early in the week.

As long as I don't get wild hormone Flux side effects. What you guys think about doing 1 3cc glute shot on Sundays and 3 slin pin shots on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday to get the weekly dose in and only need to use 1 big pin per week.

Wouldn't that initial hormone spike be benificial from a growth standpoint and then the smaller ones later in the week for a little stability?

I'm really probably overthinking it. I mean I know it will work fine. I just thought that big spike would be benificial and then the slin pins come in to pick up the rest of the dose.
That does seem logical and makes sense.


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I was wondering about something, opinions would be lovely.

My 2 hardest training days are typically early in the week.

As long as I don't get wild hormone Flux side effects. What you guys think about doing 1 3cc glute shot on Sundays and 3 slin pin shots on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday to get the weekly dose in and only need to use 1 big pin per week.

Wouldn't that initial hormone spike be benificial from a growth standpoint and then the smaller ones later in the week for a little stability?

I'm really probably overthinking it. I mean I know it will work fine. I just thought that big spike would be benificial and then the slin pins come in to pick up the rest of the dose.
Makes sense to me. Dave Crossland does talk about thar. The benefits of doing 1 bolus **** for the anabolic effect but you have to deal with peaks and troughs but your idea seems logical


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Here's what I'm looking like before I get into the next phase of this cycle. I'm fresh outta work Sporting the beginning of a farmers tan lol. I did ask my girl to take a few pictures and she caught her usual cunty attitude so I snapped 2 quick ones in the mirror. 210.8 but I have 2 meals in me so probably closer to 208 morning weight still. As usual most of the changes are just my arms and shoulders filling out. I might stop training shoulders directly for a while.

Very vascular for being my bodyfat %, probably 12-13% IL get some real pictures up soon hopefully that can be better used for before and after photos because these don't show much


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Here's what I'm looking like before I get into the next phase of this cycle. I'm fresh outta work Sporting the beginning of a farmers tan lol. I did ask my girl to take a few pictures and she caught her usual cunty attitude so I snapped 2 quick ones in the mirror. 210.8 but I have 2 meals in me so probably closer to 208 morning weight still. As usual most of the changes are just my arms and shoulders filling out. I might stop training shoulders directly for a while. View attachment 232040View attachment 232041

Very vascular for being my bodyfat %, probably 12-13% IL get some real pictures up soon hopefully that can be better used for before and after photos because these don't show much
Don't forget about saying Shoot or Cheese to take the shot. I just set it up against something stand in front of it and flex then say shoot loud enough for the camera to hear me and it snaps the shot.


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Don't forget about saying Shoot or Cheese to take the shot. I just set it up against something stand in front of it and flex then say shoot loud enough for the camera to hear me and it snaps the shot.
**** I forgot about that feature! I'm gonna do that later tonight.

Just got home from the gym, knocked out a couple sets of deadlifts with 365

Weighted chins

Chest supported db rows superset with hammer curls and then some fluff stuff.

My son came with me today, he's never done anything really physically demanding his form was terrible but he did everything with us. One of the guys spent a good chunk of time correcting him and explaining things better then I could so hopefully he keeps up with it. He couldn't make it on to the next portion of boxing type stuff so I basically skipped cardio today 🙀 darn lol


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**** I forgot about that feature! I'm gonna do that later tonight.

Just got home from the gym, knocked out a couple sets of deadlifts with 365

Weighted chins

Chest supported db rows superset with hammer curls and then some fluff stuff.

My son came with me today, he's never done anything really physically demanding his form was terrible but he did everything with us. One of the guys spent a good chunk of time correcting him and explaining things better then I could so hopefully he keeps up with it. He couldn't make it on to the next portion of boxing type stuff so I basically skipped cardio today 🙀 darn lol
I can't wait until I can look at the stepmill and be like Newp not tonight biotch


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**** I forgot about that feature! I'm gonna do that later tonight.

Just got home from the gym, knocked out a couple sets of deadlifts with 365

Weighted chins

Chest supported db rows superset with hammer curls and then some fluff stuff.

My son came with me today, he's never done anything really physically demanding his form was terrible but he did everything with us. One of the guys spent a good chunk of time correcting him and explaining things better then I could so hopefully he keeps up with it. He couldn't make it on to the next portion of boxing type stuff so I basically skipped cardio today 🙀 darn lol
That’s great that your son went with you. As they get older, working out together is a great way to bond and allows you to show him how the dedication and commitment to getting in shape can transcend into ever day life and success in any challenge.


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I can't wait until I can look at the stepmill and be like Newp not tonight biotch
I definitely wanted to get that session in but if I made him sit by himself for 45min to a hour while i did it he probably wouldn't come back again. My son is a little antisocial and doesn't like being in loud crowded places unless it's a amusement park or something like that. I gotta make sure I keep him interested long enough that he gets invested in this stuff before I Start pushing him or he will bail.


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That’s great that your son went with you. As they get older, working out together is a great way to bond and allows you to show him how the dedication and commitment to getting in shape can transcend into ever day life and success in any challenge.
I agree, He's turning 15 this summer and I got him a job at a private beach so I think in the back of his mind he knows I kinda try to look better for summer and he's probably thinking, beach, gotta wear a bathing suit, gonna be girls around so I need to try to look better. That's kinda the vibe I got. I can also tell he's been trying to do stuff to hang out with me more.

Whatever his reasons are, I'm just glad he's making a effort and I gotta try to keep him focused on it. I know if I can get him interested enough eventually the ocd will take over and he will want to get good at these things


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I definitely wanted to get that session in but if I made him sit by himself for 45min to a hour while i did it he probably wouldn't come back again. My son is a little antisocial and doesn't like being in loud crowded places unless it's a amusement park or something like that. I gotta make sure I keep him interested long enough that he gets invested in this stuff before I Start pushing him or he will bail.
Totally agree with you on that. The gym can be intimidating so I wouldn't be pushing it either. I'm telling you if you're son does get into it he's gonna be great. He likes plain food and he's antisocial !?! That's the definition of bodybuilding greatness lol


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Totally agree with you on that. The gym can be intimidating so I wouldn't be pushing it either. I'm telling you if you're son does get into it he's gonna be great. He likes plain food and he's antisocial !?! That's the definition of bodybuilding greatness lol
That's what I told him lol. I said you enjoy bland repetitive meals and not being bothered by people, That's the mean type of people that go to the gym bud lol


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I like that you had one of the other guys helping him with form. It is a lot easier for them to enjoy the time with you if you are not correcting them all the time. Sage enjoyed working out with me but also took my corrections a little personally since I am Dad. However someone else telling them how they could improve was accepted as them doing them a solid, not a correction.


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I like that you had one of the other guys helping him with form. It is a lot easier for them to enjoy the time with you if you are not correcting them all the time. Sage enjoyed working out with me but also took my corrections a little personally since I am Dad. However someone else telling them how they could improve was accepted as them doing them a solid, not a correction.
Yep, when I tell him he's doing something wrong he takes offense, but when the other guy was telling him he treats it differently. The guy is also a strength coach or student athletics so he's just better at teaching children in general then I am
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