Searching for pumps with APS (sponsored)



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I saw that bowl in your pics last week and wondered if that was your YG concoction! You keep that stuff sitting out and just eat it during the day? :lol:


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would you mind going into a little more detail about the mixture you need to cap??

Oh and how do i get my "Mesomorphican National Committee Member" card lol?


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Nice warm-up vid bud!!
Thanks bud, the guy in the video is smitty from diesel crew. He is one of the guys that is a big influence on me on how I workout.

omg thats just ridiculous
I assume that is over that picture huh? LOL I wouldn't mind hiking with her at all as long as she stays in front and leads the way I will follow like a rabbit following a carrot dangling off a stick in front of him

I saw that bowl in your pics last week and wondered if that was your YG concoction! You keep that stuff sitting out and just eat it during the day? :lol:
Yea I made it and mixed it all up a couple days ago and was just wanting for a day that I had time to cap it all. I didn't want to cap it little by little because I wanted to know how many total caps I willget out of the mix so I can estimate how many mg of narala/yg/cinnamon are in each cap


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Yea I made it and mixed it all up a couple days ago and was just wanting for a day that I had time to cap it all. I didn't want to cap it little by little because I wanted to know how many total caps I willget out of the mix so I can estimate how many mg of narala/yg/cinnamon are in each cap
Sounds like a good mix, and with all bulks I bet it's a great price too!


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yo what tournament are you gonna do? hassets is having another one? hopefully all this impetigo is cleared up in time. i havent trained all week but im pretty sure im ready to go.


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would you mind going into a little more detail about the mixture you need to cap??

Oh and how do i get my "Mesomorphican National Committee Member" card lol?
The mix is 25 grams of NaRALA, 100 grams of yellow gold, 25 grams of Cassia Cinnamon and 25 grams of some cinnamon that was in my cupboard. The exact ratio was suggested to me from a friend on the site.

Cinnamon - even in small doses has a substantial effect on glucose levels. It can be used to reduce the glycemic index of a meal up to 29%. Cinnamon also reduces serum glucose, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol.

Na-Rala - ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) is a potent antioxident and free radical scavenger. It has also been said that ALA regenerates vitamic C and vitamin E, restores levels of intracellular glutathione and increase excreation of toxic heavy metals such as mercury. ALA is a mixture of r-ala and s-ala. I supplement with regular ALA daily and just wanted to throw those benfits of ALA out there :) R-lipoic acid works (in terms of nutrient repartitioning) via the Insulin pathway of glucose homeostasis. ALA does this by recruiting GLUT-4 glucose transporters to the muscular cell membrane. More calories absorbed into muscle means fewer calories deposited as fat. Not only does ALA increase glucose and nutrient absorption but it also demonstrates triglycideride inhibition and fat storage.

Yellow Gold - This is berberine. Berberine circumvents insulin signaling pathways and stimulates glucose uptake via the AMPk pathway and improves your insulin sensitivity. Like the cinnamon berberine can help reduce LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides.

As for the "Mesomorphican National Committee Member" card.. just put it in your signature!!! I created a thread about it here - APS has been a stand up company and I am gladly helping to spread the word about them. The effects of mesomorph and creatine nitrate combo CAN NOT be denied...

Sounds like a good mix, and with all bulks I bet it's a great price too!
We will see how it goes. I am going to use this mix and when its gone I am gonna order either glycobol or need2slin but most likely I will get glycobol next


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Judo, this is my humble opinion. Don't get glycobol. I am running Recompadrol right now and like it significantly more. glycobol tastes like asss even though its in capsule form. and it lacks in the ingredient dept a bit


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Log is looking solid man!! I've used Glycobol, and I loved it, better than Anadraulic Pump, but I can't comment on the others. I would recommend trying them both, AI sells a trial size of Glycobol. I liked dosing a cap fasted pre-bed, great sleep and helps me drop pudge while I sleep. That way, you can try them both and form your own opinion.


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yo what tournament are you gonna do? hassets is having another one? hopefully all this impetigo is cleared up in time. i havent trained all week but im pretty sure im ready to go.
It is a school in a neary by city (Millville). I dont know much info about the place or the event. I can try and find out more for you if your interested in it.


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I've used the following Nutrient Partitioners in rank order of my preference:

Recompadrol (but it tore my stomach up with IBS, I cannot tolerate Berberine)
Slin Shot
Anabolic Pump

I think Need2Slin is the best out there with what it offers. Recompadrol is a good value if you can tolerate the ingredients. I actually have an opened bottle of Recompadrol I need to get rid of since I get IBS every time I use it.


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I've used the following Nutrient Partitioners in rank order of my preference:

Recompadrol (but it tore my stomach up with IBS, I cannot tolerate Berberine)
Slin Shot
Anabolic Pump

I think Need2Slin is the best out there with what it offers. Recompadrol is a good value if you can tolerate the ingredients. I actually have an opened bottle of Recompadrol I need to get rid of since I get IBS every time I use it.
I'll buy it off you if its still good


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Judo, this is my humble opinion. Don't get glycobol. I am running Recompadrol right now and like it significantly more. glycobol tastes like asss even though its in capsule form. and it lacks in the ingredient dept a bit
Thanks bud I really appreciate your feedback on it. They way I view supplements is while I read others logs and opinions on a particular supplement and that does have an impact on weather or not I buy that supplement most of my decision will be my curiosity of the ingredients and to see how it works for me. I take the view as my life is a big experiment and the more I experiment with certain things such as exercises or supplements the better I understand my body and the better I become.

I actually just posted this view in the bulbine thread in defense of APS new product. There is alot of people casting doubts on the possible effectiveness of the product based of a couple of studies. I say this is foolish to judge how a herb will effect you performance Ailey based of some study. There are too many variable, too many ways to interpet data, and different ways to sway the results in ones favor. Not to mention how complicated the human body is and remarkably different two people can be especially on how they react to things on a physiology level. The only way to tell if something is going to be good for you is to try it.

Recompadrol was up there with some of the nutrient partionners I was considering along with need2slin and glycobol. Part of the reason I wanted to try glycobol first was because I have a bottle of testopro that I got onsale from the erase/testopro stack on nutraplanet and I wanted to try the swole stack out and see how it is. Another reason is the above bulk mix I made is essentially glycobol (with some differences of course) and I want to be able to compare my bulk mix to the intended product, glycobol to see how it compares.

Sorry the the lengthy response :) again I really do appreacite your feedback and opinion on it and I definitely am gonna try recompadrol out but my next nutrient partioner is gonna be glycobol


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i liked glycobol. but never tried recompadrol or needtoslin. hey, josh after you try the recompadrol and then compare to needtoslin let me know what you think.



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btw-what day you on with testatropin v2? shoud get some gains around day 9.


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Log is looking solid man!! I've used Glycobol, and I loved it, better than Anadraulic Pump, but I can't comment on the others. I would recommend trying them both, AI sells a trial size of Glycobol. I liked dosing a cap fasted pre-bed, great sleep and helps me drop pudge while I sleep. That way, you can try them both and form your own opinion.
Thanks for the insight George and the compliment on the log. It is exactly what I plan on doing is just trying them all out. I might try the pre-bed cap idea too.. I wonder how does that work that it helkps fat loss while you sleep?

I've used the following Nutrient Partitioners in rank order of my preference:

Recompadrol (but it tore my stomach up with IBS, I cannot tolerate Berberine)
Slin Shot
Anabolic Pump

I think Need2Slin is the best out there with what it offers. Recompadrol is a good value if you can tolerate the ingredients. I actually have an opened bottle of Recompadrol I need to get rid of since I get IBS every time I use it.
N2S has a real solid profile and I will say I probably want to try that one the most but it is a little pricey so I am holding off on it. Waiting to for NTBM to have another BOGO sale and maybe get a couple then to try out

I'll buy it off you if its still good
HEY!!!!! This is my log shouldnt I get first dibs on this ? :drillsergeant:

just kidding.. Hope he still has it for you buddy. :fingersx: Have you seen this thread here.. .. some good info in there (,ostly by Milas :poke: ) on the two nutrient partioners. Lots of raving on need2slin in there by some reps but also some very good useful information

I am still trying to learn and understand fully all the differences between all the components of all these nutrient partioners and how they work on a physiological level. It is a challenege but I am slowly understanding it a little better. My main concern is to find one that works for me right now so I can have a go to one to use.


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2/9 & 2/10

So these two days and maybe a day or two before I have been unbelieveable hungry!!! Like unstopable.. so needless to say diet has been no where near where I planned it to be at. I dont understand it I am usually pretty controlled but it is like I am NEVER satsified. Anyway both days I went to BJJ class and like before took half scoop mesomorph and 6 caps nitrozone along with 3 caps CN and 4 caps test-v2before. I love this combo before grappling.. this stack is just so versatile. I am thinking I might omit the nitrozine next time to see if it makes a difference. To see if it is more of the CN/meso/Test v-2 stack or if the gplc is adding to it. Class went good both days.. my teacher came up to me and said I am improving really well and progressing along nicely. I am stubborn and used to hate triangles since I could NEVER get them so I made it a point to attempt a triangle every time we go live. I have a goal to master it, I refuse to accept the fact that I cant do it. Not much more to report besides the increased hunger and horrible eating.

There might be a while with no updates coming up. If you have been following along I had mentioned my wife was pregnant and alot of my time has been spent getting ready for my daughter to come into this world. Well her due date is the 19th which is next week but we are at the time where it can be any day now... I will prolly do a quick update from my phone to let everyone know we had the baby and so you guys dont think I just went MIA...


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2/9 & 2/10

So these two days and maybe a day or two before I have been unbelieveable hungry!!! Like unstopable.. so needless to say diet has been no where near where I planned it to be at. I dont understand it I am usually pretty controlled but it is like I am NEVER satsified. Anyway both days I went to BJJ class and like before took half scoop mesomorph and 6 caps nitrozone along with 3 caps CN and 4 caps test-v2before. I love this combo before grappling.. this stack is just so versatile. I am thinking I might omit the nitrozine next time to see if it makes a difference. To see if it is more of the CN/meso/Test v-2 stack or if the gplc is adding to it. Class went good both days.. my teacher came up to me and said I am improving really well and progressing along nicely. I am stubborn and used to hate triangles since I could NEVER get them so I made it a point to attempt a triangle every time we go live. I have a goal to master it, I refuse to accept the fact that I cant do it. Not much more to report besides the increased hunger and horrible eating.

a little

There might be a while with no updates coming up. If you have been following along I had mentioned my wife was pregnant and alot of my time has been spent getting ready for my daughter to come into this world. Well her due date is the 19th which is next week but we are at the time where it can be any day now... I will prolly do a quick update from my phone to let everyone know we had the baby and so you guys dont think I just went MIA...
This make number 2 for kids son and now little gal... Congrat!!!


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i liked glycobol. but never tried recompadrol or needtoslin. hey, josh after you try the recompadrol and then compare to needtoslin let me know what you think.

Most of the reviews I hear on glycobol are positive and I also hear it is good on a cutting type diet or recomp which is where I like to be at since I have a pretty high body fat percent. It doesnt make sense for me to bulk I dont think.. I tried to do a lean bulk from my last havoc pulse cycle and went from 185-200 but I didnt do a before and after BF test so not sure how much was fat or muscle but I have been floating around 197-200 now. I think this APS stack is allowing me to maintain what I gained and still trim away at the fat..

I am a logger.. I love to log on here pretty much everything I do. It keeps me on track and accountable and these board are full of so much intelligent people who are just willing to lend advice and help I want to take advantage of the knowledge and continue to learn. So when I take need2slin and recompadrol they will definetely be logged..

btw-what day you on with testatropin v2? shoud get some gains around day 9.
ummm...the log started on 1/30 so day 9 would have been 2/7 which was a couple of days ago. Maybe around the time I noticed the two pimples on my face.. I dont normally break out at all.. pretty much never so dont know if they are releated.. libido has been higher than normal.. agression has been growing fduring BJJ and weightlighting and hunger has been through the roof these past two days! 2/8 was a Max Effort day for lower body. I did hold back some since I had that slight pain in my groin so I prolly could have pushed myself harder and I woke up a little late and was kinda rushing though the workout. 2/11 is max effor upper body so I am gonna go balls to the wall and lets see if I can break a PR:aargh:


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ahhh this grappling talk makes me miss it so much still healing from this disgusting thing lol hopefully next week i can hit it full speed


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This make number 2 for kids son and now little gal... Congrat!!!
Thank you sir and yup this makes two for me now. Wife is saying she is done after this and doesn't wan to go through the whole pregnancy thing again.. It's gonna be weird having a daughter.. I really don't k ow why to expect. I am from a all boy family so I am clueless to everything. All I know is to get pink stuff for her.. LOL


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ummm...the log started on 1/30 so day 9 would have been 2/7 which was a couple of days ago. Maybe around the time I noticed the two pimples on my face.. I dont normally break out at all.. pretty much never so dont know if they are releated.. libido has been higher than normal.. agression has been growing fduring BJJ and weightlighting and hunger has been through the roof these past two days! 2/8 was a Max Effort day for lower body. I did hold back some since I had that slight pain in my groin so I prolly could have pushed myself harder and I woke up a little late and was kinda rushing though the workout. 2/11 is max effor upper body so I am gonna go balls to the wall and lets see if I can break a PR:aargh:
hahaha, even at my age i got a pimple on end of my nose. i also had the hunger thing real bad. only difference is my libido tanked, but endurance and strength showed decent increases. the libido came back very quickly and the gains in strength and endurance were well worth it. i gained 8 pounds and still have most of it, it has toned up a lot and i think it is all lbm now.

good luck, hope your results are as good or better than mine.


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Thanks for the insight George and the compliment on the log. It is exactly what I plan on doing is just trying them all out. I might try the pre-bed cap idea too.. I wonder how does that work that it helkps fat loss while you sleep?

N2S has a real solid profile and I will say I probably want to try that one the most but it is a little pricey so I am holding off on it. Waiting to for NTBM to have another BOGO sale and maybe get a couple then to try out

HEY!!!!! This is my log shouldnt I get first dibs on this ? :drillsergeant:

just kidding.. Hope he still has it for you buddy. :fingersx: Have you seen this thread here.. .. some good info in there (,ostly by Milas :poke: ) on the two nutrient partioners. Lots of raving on need2slin in there by some reps but also some very good useful information

I am still trying to learn and understand fully all the differences between all the components of all these nutrient partioners and how they work on a physiological level. It is a challenege but I am slowly understanding it a little better. My main concern is to find one that works for me right now so I can have a go to one to use.
The way it was explained to me by the good Dr.D was that it kicks you into a fasted state faster, thus letting you release gh faster. There's a post all about it, I'll see if I can dig it up. Gh release occurs when your fasted, hence why carbs are a no-no to encourage it. I got great sleep with 1 cap and lost some pudge as well.


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Originally Posted by DR.D View Post
My wife asked me this morning if I remembered to take my Glycobol. I looked over and saw that indeed I had forgotten and fell asleep last night before taking my bed-time vitamins. It improves my sleep that well, that it was readily apparent to her that I hadn't taken it!

Deep sleep increases GH release, and low blood sugar compounds that release even more. After years of supps and training, I can discern increased somatotropin biosynthesis by a distinct leaning effect. You develop a certain look of lean striation. I see lots of guys here use synthetic GH for bulking, but it seems more appropriate for leaning and 'anti-aging' effects IME. There are many ways to boost GH naturally. Deep sleep + low blood sugar + hyperaminoacidemia is a consistent, cheap and simple way to do this.

- Stop eating carbs at least 2hrs before bed
- Take 1-2 gbols
- Take a scoop of EAA or BCAA or protein powder, or some Mucuna (l-dopa), or an arginine based stack, or whatever you normally use to promote GH levels.

It's that simple. You'll start noticing what I mean pretty quickly. You lose fat, your cheeks might start to look leaner, your skin might feel a bit different, your arms/shoulders show more detailed striation, you 'feel' better in general, your wounds heal faster (but leave a little more scar tissue than normal), stuff like that. After a few weeks, it's easy for most people to observe these effects if their natural GH boosting has been successful.


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ahhh this grappling talk makes me miss it so much still healing from this disgusting thing lol hopefully next week i can hit it full speed
I asked and got some more info on that tournament.. Seems like alot of rules but I dunno if this is normal or not

Here is the link.. let me know if your gonna go I will keep an eye out for the guy with the big swollen ear lobe :rofl:

hahaha, even at my age i got a pimple on end of my nose. i also had the hunger thing real bad. only difference is my libido taked, but endurance and strength showed decent increases. the libido came back very quickly and the gains in strength and endurance were well worth it. i gained 8 pounds and still have most of it, it has toned up a lot and i think it is all lbm now.

good luck, hope your results are as good or better than mine.
My libido has honestly been great.. BUT... that may have something to do with the fact my wife is 9 months pregnent and I havent gotten any botty for the past 3 months or so :( Glad to hear you experienced the hunger thing too.. lets me know it isnt just my lack of self control but the Test-v2 :thumbsup: Strength is DEFINETELY up .. I hit a new PR today on the military press!!! I cant wait to dead lift again so I can really push myself. Endurance is defientely way up for sure too.

The way it was explained to me by the good Dr.D was that it kicks you into a fasted state faster, thus letting you release gh faster. There's a post all about it, I'll see if I can dig it up. Gh release occurs when your fasted, hence why carbs are a no-no to encourage it. I got great sleep with 1 cap and lost some pudge as well.
Can't wait to hear the info about it. I hope you find it!


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Originally Posted by DR.D View Post
My wife asked me this morning if I remembered to take my Glycobol. I looked over and saw that indeed I had forgotten and fell asleep last night before taking my bed-time vitamins. It improves my sleep that well, that it was readily apparent to her that I hadn't taken it!

Deep sleep increases GH release, and low blood sugar compounds that release even more. After years of supps and training, I can discern increased somatotropin biosynthesis by a distinct leaning effect. You develop a certain look of lean striation. I see lots of guys here use synthetic GH for bulking, but it seems more appropriate for leaning and 'anti-aging' effects IME. There are many ways to boost GH naturally. Deep sleep + low blood sugar + hyperaminoacidemia is a consistent, cheap and simple way to do this.

- Stop eating carbs at least 2hrs before bed
- Take 1-2 gbols
- Take a scoop of EAA or BCAA or protein powder, or some Mucuna (l-dopa), or an arginine based stack, or whatever you normally use to promote GH levels.

It's that simple. You'll start noticing what I mean pretty quickly. You lose fat, your cheeks might start to look leaner, your skin might feel a bit different, your arms/shoulders show more detailed striation, you 'feel' better in general, your wounds heal faster (but leave a little more scar tissue than normal), stuff like that. After a few weeks, it's easy for most people to observe these effects if their natural GH boosting has been successful.
Just posted it above your post boss,lol.
Lol we must have been typing at the same time cuz it wasnt up when I quoted you

Thanks for the info.. I'm definitely interested in trying this out with glycobol, I'm also wondering if my mix would give me the same results? I wonder if it is a particular ingredient in glycobol like the Na-Rala or berberine or if it just the synergy of them all. My luck it would be the banaba which is one I couldn't find in bulk to add into my mix :(

I definitely am gonna try this with glycobol but I am on the fence if I should try it now with my mix. I have some EAAs too so I just night give it a try and see what happens


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lol the impetigo is on my arm.

the rules are pretty standard for a bjj tournament. usually white belts are allowed straight ankle locks and wrist locks. weird that they dont allow wrist locks. doesnt really matter for you, you are just gonna toss the guy and go to side control. in preparation for the tournament I recommend practicing going into north south. its such a dominant position if you get good at it and the north south choke is pretty much unstoppable at white belt level. dont fall on your head taking someone down, they got the thin mats. good for rolling but i hate doing takedowns on those.


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lol the impetigo is on my arm.

the rules are pretty standard for a bjj tournament. usually white belts are allowed straight ankle locks and wrist locks. weird that they dont allow wrist locks. doesnt really matter for you, you are just gonna toss the guy and go to side control. in preparation for the tournament I recommend practicing going into north south. its such a dominant position if you get good at it and the north south choke is pretty much unstoppable at white belt level. dont fall on your head taking someone down, they got the thin mats. good for rolling but i hate doing takedowns on those.
LOL.. I actually am not too sure what impetigo is really I just assumed it is what it's called when your ear gets all big and swollen with puss.

It is my first BJJ tournament so I was just taken aback by all the rules I really didn't expect them to say upper body only.

Lol I wish I could just toss them. There is many differences between judo and BJJ. A big one is with judo I can get a throw off and it's done and we stand back up. So if I land with my back on top of him it's ok but in BJJ you just gave him your back. Also some of the throws leaves your back exposed and gives then the chance to jump on you. My teacher has been tryna show me a couple throws from stand up but they are a little different than judo as far as how you grab the guy and position yourself. Most likely though if I see a throw I will go for it but I dunno.

I haven't did ANY drills with north south so I won't attempt to go for that transition but ima ask my instructor about it and start drilling it if it's that good. What I am trying to do is pick a few moves and just drill the shiit out of them. When I go to the tournament I am not that concerned with winning or loosing I just want a feel for how it is to grapple with someone not from my school and work on my sweeps and passes. I am still VERY new at this with only about a little more than a month under my belt and only going twice a week i am still pretty new.

Thanks for all the tips and suggestions. I am DEFINETELY gonna ask abjuring north south transition and choke and start attempting them when we roll along with drilling them.


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you definitely want to have some kind of a plan though.

reason why i suggested north south or side control/mount is because you are so new to jits. being this new to jits, you probably wont have a very good quick guard. this makes it difficult to pull off triangles because you'll be basically telegraphing your intentions. pulling guard when you are not confident in it will results in your guard getting passed.

so since you have a background in judo and good strength you should start by playing the top game. if judo throws are too risky in your opinion, drill single leg takedowns. unles its a wrestler, at white belt level you can yank anyone with a good single. get a hold of that leg and trip the other or just drive the guy straight into the mat. then, work on staying heavy and low to the ground and passing the guys guard. use your strength from the gym to compensate for the lack of experience. once you get to mount or side control work on getting a kimura. most basic and effective white belt move. drill kimuras from side control and mount, over and over and over again.


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Need sone idea on how to cook white fish. My usual way is with butter, lemon juice, and old bay but I am looking for something new.

For salmon my go to is sun dried tomatoes, garlic, parsley and EVOO all food processed together and put on top


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Whatever give me what you got I would rather not have it breaded but anything else lemme know


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I like to pan fry it on olive oil with garlic salt, parsley and fresh lemon. I spry the pan with pam and use just a little bit of olive oil. This is the only way I have ever cooked my white fish lol


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Try grilling salmon, that's one of my favorites!! Some people grille it on cedar planks.

Make sure your control on top is in place, you don't want to get bucked off. I agree with the North/South, it's a very dominant position once your there. As was explained to me, to some degree, going for a move gives up control, and staying in control gives up a move. So if you don't feel comfortable doing a move, maintain control until the chance presents itself. I'm 100% with you on drilling and practicing a certain number of moves versus trying to remember them all. In my opinion, being well versed on a few is better than okay or just knowing many, and it will also let you concentrate on how to use those few moves from many combinations. Some examples would be people who specialize in say leg locks. You know they are gonna go for them, but they are so well versed in them they know how to slap them on no matter what. Kimuras/americanas are solid and much easier for stronger people, so that is good advice. Oh, and practice sweeps, as they will teach you what to look out for when your on top, as well as making you able to regain the mount/top position. Good luck, now go out and get that win!!


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you definitely want to have some kind of a plan though.

reason why i suggested north south or side control/mount is because you are so new to jits. being this new to jits, you probably wont have a very good quick guard. this makes it difficult to pull off triangles because you'll be basically telegraphing your intentions. pulling guard when you are not confident in it will results in your guard getting passed.

so since you have a background in judo and good strength you should start by playing the top game. if judo throws are too risky in your opinion, drill single leg takedowns. unles its a wrestler, at white belt level you can yank anyone with a good single. get a hold of that leg and trip the other or just drive the guy straight into the mat. then, work on staying heavy and low to the ground and passing the guys guard. use your strength from the gym to compensate for the lack of experience. once you get to mount or side control work on getting a kimura. most basic and effective white belt move. drill kimuras from side control and mount, over and over and over again.
The event is in march so I have some time to figure out what I want to do. Like I said before I am not too focused on winning, but it will be cool if I did, my main goal is to work on my sweeps and keeping control of the fight. If I see chances for a lock then I will go for it of course but I am not too concerned with that right now. If I go in and give the guy a good fight, maybe attempt a few submissions and end up getting tapped but put up a fight and made it hard for him then I will be happy. Like I said I have to be realalistic here.. I have only a little more than a month worth of training and only at 2 days a week MAX some weeks I didnt go at all or only went once. I cant really expect that much from myself so I think I have my goal at a decent level right now.

I suck at shooting I dont know what it is but I just cant grasp it fully and smoothly. My teacher has been shooting in at a wall to practice them. Hopefully I will figure out what I am doing wrong and get the hang of it by march. He also showed my a judo throw I could use but with some adjustments so i am trying to unlearn the judo throw and relearn it this new way. It is hard cuz when we go live and I try it I still go for the traditional throw

I like to pan fry it on olive oil with garlic salt, parsley and fresh lemon. I spry the pan with pam and use just a little bit of olive oil. This is the only way I have ever cooked my white fish lol
Thanks for the tip.. I may try this out.. If I do I will let you know how it comes out :food:


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Fasted morning workout as usual. Only difference is no anabolic pump left so I am not taking that before the workout and I am taking my bulk mix about 30 mins before im done the workout instead of the p-slin

Pushups - x20
Rotated lunges with band - x6 each side
Sandbag clean & press- x12
Standing Military Press - 50x5/60x5/85x3/90x3/95x3/105x3/110x3/115x4 *NEW PR FOR ME!!
Bent BB Row - 3x10@85
Reverse banded punches - x30/x50
DB farmer walks - till failure twice
Burpees - x10

Workout was great.. hit a new PR on my military press.. I really cant wait for DL day to see how high I can go! Defintely think the testatrophin is kicked into full gear now. I really need to work on my sleep though... I havent been consistently getting a full 8hours every night. Last night I feel asleep at around 7pm!!! And thats from the lack of sleep I had the 2 previous days. I cant wait to try testalensis and see how it effects my sleep pattern. One of the benfits from it is soupposed to be better sleep along with the plethora of other things it promises and since it has the APS label I KNOW it will be great :thumbsup:

By the way custom just announced that nutra planet has put the order in for the APS line up so expect to see it in the store soon. Hopefully we will get a email of a flash sale and NP will hoook it up with some sick stack and great prices :fingersx:


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Fasted morning workout as usual. Only difference is no anabolic pump left so I am not taking that before the workout and I am taking my bulk mix about 30 mins before im done the workout instead of the p-slin

Pushups - x20
Rotated lunges with band - x6 each side
Sandbag clean & press- x12
Standing Military Press - 50x5/60x5/85x3/90x3/95x3/105x3/110x3/115x4 *NEW PR FOR ME!!
Bent BB Row - 3x10@85
Reverse banded punches - x30/x50
DB farmer walks - till failure twice
Burpees - x10

Workout was great.. hit a new PR on my military press.. I really cant wait for DL day to see how high I can go! Defintely think the testatrophin is kicked into full gear now. I really need to work on my sleep though... I havent been consistently getting a full 8hours every night. Last night I feel asleep at around 7pm!!! And thats from the lack of sleep I had the 2 previous days. I cant wait to try testalensis and see how it effects my sleep pattern. One of the benfits from it is soupposed to be better sleep along with the plethora of other things it promises and since it has the APS label I KNOW it will be great :thumbsup:

By the way custom just announced that nutra planet has put the order in for the APS line up so expect to see it in the store soon. Hopefully we will get a email of a flash sale and NP will hoook it up with some sick stack and great prices :fingersx:
Congrats on the PR! TestatropinV2 seems to work really nice with strength gains, can't wait to see ya kill DL day:D


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Fasted morning workout as usual. Only difference is no anabolic pump left so I am not taking that before the workout and I am taking my bulk mix about 30 mins before im done the workout instead of the p-slin

Pushups - x20
Rotated lunges with band - x6 each side
Sandbag clean & press- x12
Standing Military Press - 50x5/60x5/85x3/90x3/95x3/105x3/110x3/115x4 *NEW PR FOR ME!!
Bent BB Row - 3x10@85
Reverse banded punches - x30/x50
DB farmer walks - till failure twice
Burpees - x10

Workout was great.. hit a new PR on my military press.. I really cant wait for DL day to see how high I can go! Defintely think the testatrophin is kicked into full gear now. I really need to work on my sleep though... I havent been consistently getting a full 8hours every night. Last night I feel asleep at around 7pm!!! And thats from the lack of sleep I had the 2 previous days. I cant wait to try testalensis and see how it effects my sleep pattern. One of the benfits from it is soupposed to be better sleep along with the plethora of other things it promises and since it has the APS label I KNOW it will be great :thumbsup:

By the way custom just announced that nutra planet has put the order in for the APS line up so expect to see it in the store soon. Hopefully we will get a email of a flash sale and NP will hoook it up with some sick stack and great prices :fingersx:
CONGRATS ON THE PR MAN!!:clap2: Glad I tuned into your log, I learn new stuff everyday!! Keep up the great work buddy!!

On a side note, great to see NP picked up APS finally!! Count me in for some deals!!


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Try grilling salmon, that's one of my favorites!! Some people grille it on cedar planks.

Make sure your control on top is in place, you don't want to get bucked off. I agree with the North/South, it's a very dominant position once your there. As was explained to me, to some degree, going for a move gives up control, and staying in control gives up a move. So if you don't feel comfortable doing a move, maintain control until the chance presents itself. I'm 100% with you on drilling and practicing a certain number of moves versus trying to remember them all. In my opinion, being well versed on a few is better than okay or just knowing many, and it will also let you concentrate on how to use those few moves from many combinations. Some examples would be people who specialize in say leg locks. You know they are gonna go for them, but they are so well versed in them they know how to slap them on no matter what. Kimuras/americanas are solid and much easier for stronger people, so that is good advice. Oh, and practice sweeps, as they will teach you what to look out for when your on top, as well as making you able to regain the mount/top position. Good luck, now go out and get that win!!
I had got some of those planks from wal mart one day but never used them. It says you have to soak in water for a couple hours prior or something and that is just way too much work for me.. lol

100% agree with the bold statement above.. my teacher always says, "he is not afraid of the guy who knows a million moves, he is afraid of the guy who has mastered a handful of moves" its not about how much you can remember is how you can master those moves and apply them to the situation you are in.


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Upped the nitro to 10 caps today and also took all 8 caps of CN prior to the workout. The feeling was INCREDIBLE!!!! Here is my workout

lunges x20
bridge x60sec
1 leg RDL - x10
Sumo Deadlift - 85x5/ 105x5/ 110x3/ 115x10/ 125x12/ 125x15* I got 3 more reps than last week
Sand Bag triple extension - 2x15 *increased from 10 reps to 15 reps this week. Feeling good and getting used to the movement. Going to keep shooting for more and more reps with this
KB Swing - 2x30
Reverse Hyperextension 2x15
Russian Twist Kicks - 2x20 @ 20

Workout was great.. Pump was unbelieveable. My biceps were even pumped and I dont even know why. LOL.. this stack is simply amazing!


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BTW this is how I am doing the reverse hypers since I dont really own the appratus to do them on.

Not sure if it really hits the target muscle or not but I think it should



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Congrats on the PR! TestatropinV2 seems to work really nice with strength gains, can't wait to see ya kill DL day:D
Thank you sir.. I am really pleased with it as well as all my other APS products so far and I think it is only gonna get better... APS is really making a name for themselves with a great solid line up. Cant wait to try some more of these samples I got

CONGRATS ON THE PR MAN!!:clap2: Glad I tuned into your log, I learn new stuff everyday!! Keep up the great work buddy!!

On a side note, great to see NP picked up APS finally!! Count me in for some deals!!
Thanks George.. what did you end up ordering?


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Thank you sir.. I am really pleased with it as well as all my other APS products so far and I think it is only gonna get better... APS is really making a name for themselves with a great solid line up. Cant wait to try some more of these samples I got

Thanks George.. what did you end up ordering?
Haven't ordered anything yet from them,lol they haven't stocked anything yet. I have 2 bottles of Plasmagen Nitrate sitting here, I ordered those thinking the ingredient list was wasn't. Sooooo, tehy are still sitting here and I'm going to order Nitrozine and pretty much darn near everything else once it's stocked.


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Just wanted to add what my diet was for this day. It was very clean and on point only thing better would have been to eat more veggies throughout the day.

Pre workout - 4 caps fish oil/ 4 caps testatrophin/ 10 caps nitrozine/ 8 caps creatine nitrate/ 1 full scoop mesomorph

Intra workout- 3 scoops xtend/ 1 scoop NP bulk BCAA

30 min before last workout - 4 caps of custom bulk mix

immeadiately after workout - 1 scoop xtend/ 1 scoop NP bulk BCAAs/ 1 scoop WMS

Meal 1 - 3 eggs scrambled/ 3oz chicken breast/ 3oz cooked quinoa

*30 mins before meal 2 - 1 cap yellow gold

Meal 2 - 4 eggs scrambled with a handful of spinach/ 3oz chicken breast/ half a grape fruit

Meal 3 - 4 eggs scrambled with a handful of spinach/ 3oz chicken breast/ half a grape fruit

Meal 4- 2 cans of tuna/ 2tbsp of mayo/ 1tbsp relish 5 caps fish oil

Meal 5 - 2 cans of tuna/ 2tbsp of mayo/ 1tbsp relish 5 caps CLA


Calories - 2496
Fat - 114g
Sat Fat - 21g
Carb - 97g
Fiber - 18g
Protein - 253g

I know I know it is a boring meal but I hit my marks for my 2 servings of fruit and my protein and fat for each meal. Only thing I need to do is add some broccoli or green beans to my last two meals. I have probaboly about 2 more weeks left of my nitrozine and testatrophin left and am gonna try and mimic my diet this day for the remainder. Should lean up some and show the weight I gained a little more better for my afterpics.


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Haven't ordered anything yet from them,lol they haven't stocked anything yet. I have 2 bottles of Plasmagen Nitrate sitting here, I ordered those thinking the ingredient list was wasn't. Sooooo, tehy are still sitting here and I'm going to order Nitrozine and pretty much darn near everything else once it's stocked.
What was wrong with the ingredient list? Was the old forumula posted and you got the new one or vice versa? I enjoy nitrozine very much but to be honest dont know if the creatine nitrate overshadow the effects of it. It is hard to try and break apart where what I am feeling is coming from which aspect of the stack, but all together the entire stack is pretty sweet!!! I am definetely going to use it again in the future but for now creatine nitrate is becoming a staple for me. Mesomorph is amazing but I dont like to take stims too much so it wont be a constent like CN will be BUT when I need an extra kick or want to stim it up believe I am gonna go with some mesomorph baby!!! I would like to try the nitrozine on its own sometime to really be able to guage how I like it. All I know is now I love it with everything else. Testatrophin is a solid test booster with a solid profile. Defientely feel the strength increase, not so much an alpha male feeling but it does give you some slight agression while rolling around or lifting which is always a plus. I am prolly going to try this same stack again and add in some recreate as a stim-free fat burner and maybe some erase for a monster cut/recomp cycle.


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Sorry for the lack of attention I have been giving the log..

On Feburary 16 2011 at 4:01am My daughter Alexandra was born.

It was the end of my second 12 hour shift when I got home from work I took my melatonin, zinc, a benedryl (cuz allergies were bothering me) and my bulk mix with some EAAs and was about to KNOCK OUT. I was exhausted from work and was barely staying awake while driving home... well before I even layed down my wife got up and said her water broke. So 5 hours later my beautiful daughter entered this world. I went home with my son at around 6 am and this little guy didnt want to sleep at all so I would doze off here and there but didnt get much sleep till that night. This brings us to today. The wife is home with the baby and everything is perfect! Needless to say my diet has been horrible and I havent workout out at all. I plan on picking everything back up on sunday and getting back on track. I prolly wont be updating as frequestnly but I am still here and going to keep the log going.

Thanks for your patientce and understanding.


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Sorry for the lack of attention I have been giving the log..

On Feburary 16 2011 at 4:01am My daughter Alexandra was born.

It was the end of my second 12 hour shift when I got home from work I took my melatonin, zinc, a benedryl (cuz allergies were bothering me) and my bulk mix with some EAAs and was about to KNOCK OUT. I was exhausted from work and was barely staying awake while driving home... well before I even layed down my wife got up and said her water broke. So 5 hours later my beautiful daughter entered this world. I went home with my son at around 6 am and this little guy didnt want to sleep at all so I would doze off here and there but didnt get much sleep till that night. This brings us to today. The wife is home with the baby and everything is perfect! Needless to say my diet has been horrible and I havent workout out at all. I plan on picking everything back up on sunday and getting back on track. I prolly wont be updating as frequestnly but I am still here and going to keep the log going.

Thanks for your patientce and understanding.
Congrats brother!!!! thats awesome news!!

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