Bulk D-Aspartic Acid



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You mean an anti homocysteine product, as homocyesteine causes hardening of the arteries and possibly damages brain cells.

As regards a methyl donor the best ive used is trimethylglycine , i had a far improved mood and noticed an improvement in my libido.
What was the daily dose R?


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SAMe worked better for me in that regard...but its cost prohibitive. Methylcobalamin might also be of use.

I'll give the D-aspartic a run in a few months.


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SAMe worked better for me in that regard...but its cost prohibitive. Methylcobalamin might also be of use.

I'll give the D-aspartic a run in a few months.
While SAMe is probably the strongest in this department, I do not like the effects it has on me LOL, so TMG it is hehe.:silly:


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Just took another lookat Omegas Ultima, I think would be the perfect stack with this. Methyl donors, creatine.


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While SAMe is probably the strongest in this department, I do not like the effects it has on me LOL, so TMG it is hehe.:silly:
Exactly the same with me, dont like the sides either, DMAE seems ok, but not fussed on that either lol.


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Exactly the same with me, dont like the sides either, DMAE seems ok, but not fussed on that either lol.
what sides if you dont mind me asking.


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Anxiety, panic, and nervousness, me and Russian have over 1000ng's of test, so we do NOT need neuro-stimulatives.
Lucky SOBs!!:irked:


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Now that a contest is around the corner this peaks my interest further... Hmmmm


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Okay, so I'm taking 3g a day now of the d-aspartic acid. This is day 5 and I'm not seeing much difference. What has everyone else noticed in terms of gains etc?


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Okay, so I'm taking 3g a day now of the d-aspartic acid. This is day 5 and I'm not seeing much difference. What has everyone else noticed in terms of gains etc?
It could be the solubility factor.


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Anxiety, panic, and nervousness, me and Russian have over 1000ng's of test, so we do NOT need neuro-stimulatives.
I'm jealous :censored:

Okay, so I'm taking 3g a day now of the d-aspartic acid. This is day 5 and I'm not seeing much difference. What has everyone else noticed in terms of gains etc?
Wow that sucks

Well I took the plunge and picked up 400 grams of D-Aspartic acid at NP, will run 4 grams a day see what happens. It's a risk as it's pretty untested but I want to see if this stuff can help me out.
Jeez haha your no joke


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Okay, so I'm taking 3g a day now of the d-aspartic acid. This is day 5 and I'm not seeing much difference. What has everyone else noticed in terms of gains etc?
What do you expect after 5 days though. How are you dosing it 3 grams all at once.


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A solubility issue in terms of what? The study I read only listed b vitamins as being taken in conjunction. What else could I take to ensure solubility? And yeah, I do expect to see something after 5 days at 3grams. The only thing that I have taken and did not notice after 5 days was a stand alone m-drol cycle


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I repped you saying that TMG and SAMe can help but Patrick Arnold has said that even those may not be enough which is why he coming out with a DAA product that will ensure solubility for most.


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Anxiety, panic, and nervousness, me and Russian have over 1000ng's of test, so we do NOT need neuro-stimulatives.
ah ok i often get anxiety and nervousness aswell. i may stay away from SAMe and try tmg if i decide to try this daa out.


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So in terms of what is on the market now, are there any legit DAA products that aren't all hype and that get the job done? If not, what are my options in terms of ensuring solubility aside from your fore mentioned supplements? I have read that taurine helps in the absorption of certain compounds, has anyone tried taking DAA along with other amino acids; specifically l-form amino acids?


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Yeah, Pat has been playing with this stuff for awhile, a few years from what I read. Im sure he will put out a good product. He did mention that he would just be putting out straight DAA, I would like to see him go all out and really nail an all in one DAA product though.

Maybe he will or at least put his thoughts down in writing on DAA what he believe needs to be stack with it.


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So in terms of what is on the market now, are there any legit DAA products that aren't all hype and that get the job done? If not, what are my options in terms of ensuring solubility aside from your fore mentioned supplements? I have read that taurine helps in the absorption of certain compounds, has anyone tried taking DAA along with other amino acids; specifically l-form amino acids?
At the moment nope lol, one needs to make their on conoction.


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What about DAA and Ultima by Omega??


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Okay, this is the 7th day of 3g of DAA, and still I'm noticing nothing. If anything, I'm shrinking. I'll run this for another week or so and then see where I am. If I don't notice a single change by day 14, then I am going to write this product off as hype and an intelligently formulated advertising campaign created by supplement companies and Fitness RX (which is where the article on DAA can be found).


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Okay, this is the 7th day of 3g of DAA, and still I'm noticing nothing. If anything, I'm shrinking. I'll run this for another week or so and then see where I am. If I don't notice a single change by day 14, then I am going to write this product off as hype and an intelligently formulated advertising campaign created by supplement companies and Fitness RX (which is where the article on DAA can be found).
What are you taking this with? I would at least try and take it with what they added to it from the study. :drive:


Okay, this is the 7th day of 3g of DAA, and still I'm noticing nothing. If anything, I'm shrinking. I'll run this for another week or so and then see where I am. If I don't notice a single change by day 14, then I am going to write this product off as hype and an intelligently formulated advertising campaign created by supplement companies and Fitness RX (which is where the article on DAA can be found).
Sorry you're not responding. It's not hype for me. Day 4 and it rocks. I'm only using 750mg and I get a neuro boost, aggression, fully body pump and definite strength gains. I did the 3g for a couple of days and the work outs rocked but I was left real real tired (fatigue) a few hours later. I think I found my sweet spot. You know, we either respond to something or we don't. And I don't think it takes forever for something to kick it. You either respond or you don't. AX and Muscle Warfare and G.E.T. are not using anything near 3g.

For all the popular test boosters I did not respond to, this is finally something that may be the ticket for me. Only time will tell--will my body adapt to it after a few weeks?

Oh yea, definitely increased hunger. Not like Natadrol but about 70% of that level.


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Sorry you're not responding. It's not hype for me. Day 4 and it rocks. I'm only using 750mg and I get a neuro boost, aggression, fully body pump and definite strength gains. I did the 3g for a couple of days and the work outs rocked but I was left real real tired (fatigue) a few hours later. I think I found my sweet spot. You know, we either respond to something or we don't. And I don't think it takes forever for something to kick it. You either respond or you don't. AX and Muscle Warfare and G.E.T. are not using anything near 3g.

For all the popular test boosters I did not respond to, this is finally something that may be the ticket for me. Only time will tell--will my body adapt to it after a few weeks?

Oh yea, definitely increased hunger. Not like Natadrol but about 70% of that level.
So you digged the Natadrol eh? I might have to try that after this and run the Daa in cycles. Great review so far so and keep us updated please. :drive:


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Anxiety, panic, and nervousness, me and Russian have over 1000ng's of test, so we do NOT need neuro-stimulatives.
Exactly, the anxiety isnt pleasant.


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Sorry you're not responding. It's not hype for me. Day 4 and it rocks. I'm only using 750mg and I get a neuro boost, aggression, fully body pump and definite strength gains. I did the 3g for a couple of days and the work outs rocked but I was left real real tired (fatigue) a few hours later. I think I found my sweet spot. You know, we either respond to something or we don't. And I don't think it takes forever for something to kick it. You either respond or you don't. AX and Muscle Warfare and G.E.T. are not using anything near 3g.

For all the popular test boosters I did not respond to, this is finally something that may be the ticket for me. Only time will tell--will my body adapt to it after a few weeks?

Oh yea, definitely increased hunger. Not like Natadrol but about 70% of that level.
Good info thanks Paul, I think that 3 grams at once may be a bit much I was thinking of splitting up the daily doses. Any reason why people are dosing it all at once.


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Sorry you're not responding. It's not hype for me. Day 4 and it rocks. I'm only using 750mg and I get a neuro boost, aggression, fully body pump and definite strength gains. I did the 3g for a couple of days and the work outs rocked but I was left real real tired (fatigue) a few hours later. I think I found my sweet spot. You know, we either respond to something or we don't. And I don't think it takes forever for something to kick it. You either respond or you don't. AX and Muscle Warfare and G.E.T. are not using anything near 3g.

For all the popular test boosters I did not respond to, this is finally something that may be the ticket for me. Only time will tell--will my body adapt to it after a few weeks?

Oh yea, definitely increased hunger. Not like Natadrol but about 70% of that level.
What exactly are you taking if you don't mind me asking?


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Also, I'm not buying this "it works for some people and doesn't for others" sentiment. For example, take a product like m-drol; I don't know anyone who took it and did not experience gains; yes some experienced stronger sides than others, but all experienced gains nonetheless. What I am trying to determine here is whether or not this product is worth while and applicable to the community at large. If it is simply going to only work for half of us, then this product is not worth the money.


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Also, I'm not buying this "it works for some people and doesn't for others" sentiment. For example, take a product like m-drol; I don't know anyone who took it and did not experience gains; yes some experienced stronger sides than others, but all experienced gains nonetheless. What I am trying to determine here is whether or not this product is worth while and applicable to the community at large. If it is simply going to only work for half of us, then this product is not worth the money.
Your taking the product in bulk, your body may need more then just that powder to utilize it correctly. (Just my thought) What I'm thinking is I need to try diff things in combination with this to see what helps. PA recommended stacking this product as he said he has ingested up to 12+ grams a day but did not have much of mass gain.


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Yeah, I'll try stacking this with an actual legitimate product, or wait, maybe I should just forget about the DAA all together. I hear a stack of water and sustanton 250 is incredible, therefore, water has to be incredibly anabolic. Furthermore, the only company that I have found who carry products that have nmda in them is MW. Isn't MW the same company as Fizogen and Legalsteroids? If that is the case, then there is absolutely no way I am giving that company a penny of my money. I have taken several fizogen products early on in my bodybuilding journey and wow, I was better off with muscletech.


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And second of all, after a week of taking 3 GRAMS of this stuff, the person who said that we should take a post cycle with DAA should hang their head in shame. Seriously. A post cycle with an amino acid? Wow. I don't think I have to say anything else.


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And second of all, after a week of taking 3 GRAMS of this stuff, the person who said that we should take a post cycle with DAA should hang their head in shame. Seriously. A post cycle with an amino acid? Wow. I don't think I have to say anything else.
lmfao you sound really pist off :drive:
Sam I Am

Sam I Am

Good info thanks Paul, I think that 3 grams at once may be a bit much I was thinking of splitting up the daily doses. Any reason why people are dosing it all at once.
I'm on day seven of 6g (3g - 2x ED) but I cannot tell you if I am benefiting in the slightest. I shot-gun the powder first thing in the morning, then workout in a fasted state. 10-12 hours later, I do a second low-level (55-65% MHR) cardio, followed by my second dose. I'm not writing it off just yet, but for those who say it kicks in on day 2 are flipping placebo-ridden whores! (That is a joke, by the way). I have enough for 16 weeks at up to 9g daily if I wanted. My plan is to incorporate Sustain Alpha-LV on day 21.


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I'm on day seven of 6g (3g - 2x ED) but I cannot tell you if I am benefiting in the slightest. I shot-gun the powder first thing in the morning, then workout in a fasted state. 10-12 hours later, I do a second low-level (55-65% MHR) cardio, followed by my second dose. I'm not writing it off just yet, but for those who say it kicks in on day 2 are flipping placebo-ridden whores! (That is a joke, by the way). I have enough for 16 weeks at up to 9g daily if I wanted. My plan is to incorporate Sustain Alpha-LV on day 21.
Exactly! This is the kind of thing I am pissed about. My time and money are too valuable to be wasted on nonsense. Too many people on this forum are either uneducated or on the payroll of the supplement companies who are force feeding us this garbage.


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I'm on day seven of 6g (3g - 2x ED) but I cannot tell you if I am benefiting in the slightest. I shot-gun the powder first thing in the morning, then workout in a fasted state. 10-12 hours later, I do a second low-level (55-65% MHR) cardio, followed by my second dose. I'm not writing it off just yet, but for those who say it kicks in on day 2 are flipping placebo-ridden whores! (That is a joke, by the way). I have enough for 16 weeks at up to 9g daily if I wanted. My plan is to incorporate Sustain Alpha-LV on day 21.
What are you taking with it?


New member
Sorry you're not responding. It's not hype for me. Day 4 and it rocks. I'm only using 750mg and I get a neuro boost, aggression, fully body pump and definite strength gains. I did the 3g for a couple of days and the work outs rocked but I was left real real tired (fatigue) a few hours later. I think I found my sweet spot. You know, we either respond to something or we don't. And I don't think it takes forever for something to kick it. You either respond or you don't. AX and Muscle Warfare and G.E.T. are not using anything near 3g.

For all the popular test boosters I did not respond to, this is finally something that may be the ticket for me. Only time will tell--will my body adapt to it after a few weeks?

Oh yea, definitely increased hunger. Not like Natadrol but about 70% of that level.
Dosing it with anything?

Taking it in the morning, empty stomach?


So you digged the Natadrol eh? I might have to try that after this and run the Daa in cycles. Great review so far so and keep us updated please. :drive:
Stacking this with Natadrol might be out right insane.


Also, I'm not buying this "it works for some people and doesn't for others" sentiment. For example, take a product like m-drol; I don't know anyone who took it and did not experience gains; yes some experienced stronger sides than others, but all experienced gains nonetheless. What I am trying to determine here is whether or not this product is worth while and applicable to the community at large. If it is simply going to only work for half of us, then this product is not worth the money.

How well supplements work are so case dependant. Check out this list of stuff people rave over: Jungle Warfare, Bad Ass Mass, Activate Extreme, T-Force, T-bol, Beta Alanine, Citrulline Mallate, Prime, X Factor, Creatine Monohydrate, Glyobol. I DON"T RESPOND TO ANY OF THEM.

M-drol (superdrol) can not be compared to a naturally occurring D form of an amino acid.

I bet (from the looks of you) that you respond to many things I don't. It's really just the luck of the draw.


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How well supplements work are so case dependant. Check out this list of stuff people rave over: Jungle Warfare, Bad Ass Mass, Activate Extreme, T-Force, T-bol, Beta Alanine, Citrulline Mallate, Prime, X Factor, Creatine Monohydrate, Glyobol. I DON"T RESPOND TO ANY OF THEM.

M-drol (superdrol) can not be compared to a naturally occurring D form of an amino acid.

I bet (from the looks of you) that you respond to many things I don't. It's really just the luck of the draw.
Right you are, especially in the case of herbal products. With aminos I have not seen as much in the way of varying response but this would be much harder to assess. Certainly there is some differences based on your reaction to it as apposed to TheFaces... It's just a reality, we are all so different when it comes to adding things into our body, even Protein.


Right you are, especially in the case of herbal products. With aminos I have not seen as much in the way of varying response but this would be much harder to assess. Certainly there is some differences based on your reaction to it as apposed to TheFaces... It's just a reality, we are all so different when it comes to adding things into our body, even Protein.
Right you are sir. How many times does someone not respond to a supplement and people always chirp about "how is your diet, how is your training?" I'm dead set against fooling myself something is working. I'm not interested in filling any board with bad reviews so when something doesn't work for me I generally keep it to myself.

Yea, even protein. Not everyone's body can use 200g of protein a day.


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Right you are sir. How many times does someone not respond to a supplement and people always chirp about "how is your diet, how is your training?" I'm dead set against fooling myself something is working. I'm not interested in filling any board with bad reviews so when something doesn't work for me I generally keep it to myself.

Yea, even protein. Not everyone's body can use 200g of protein a day.
Nutrient efficiancy is a really good example of how different we really are. Body type is a major factor when calculating nutrient intake. Efficient bodies simply don't need as much as inefficient.

A lot of herbs work well for me where others don't. Most do something but some really help a lot. I am pretty close to an expert when it comes to my own diet so if something doesn't work then I am must not responding to it. If something does then the fact that my diet is very effective enhances the effects of the product. One thing about diet though, constant improvement and adaptation are required; no matter how good your diet is, it will never be perfect, it just gets closer.
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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Yeah, I'll try stacking this with an actual legitimate product, or wait, maybe I should just forget about the DAA all together. I hear a stack of water and sustanton 250 is incredible, therefore, water has to be incredibly anabolic. Furthermore, the only company that I have found who carry products that have nmda in them is MW. Isn't MW the same company as Fizogen and Legalsteroids? If that is the case, then there is absolutely no way I am giving that company a penny of my money. I have taken several fizogen products early on in my bodybuilding journey and wow, I was better off with muscletech.
I would have to disagree. There is a BIG difference between DAA and a pro-hormone. Also, everyone responds a little different to everything. If I take even half a mg of Yohimbine, I feel like my heart is about to explode, while I know others who take 20mg per day, with no sides whatsoever. Though, I can take 60mg of 1,3 and drink a pot of coffee and then go straight to bed.

Plus, if you are in the same shape as your avatar, then I would imagine your test levels are already pretty high. So, it might not be something that you even need or will optimally benefit from at this point in your life. Either way, I truly hope you find the results you are looking for. Please keep us posted on any changes. Thanks.

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