Cleanest/safest injectable compound for lean bulk (already on TRT)


Active member
Hey guys.

This question may have been asked 3 million times. Looking for a solid recomposition. Went from 220 18% body fat to 170 13% body fat (took up cycling over the pandemic and got really competitive with it lol).

Coming back to the weights and wanna know what I can add to my TRT to give me the cleanest bulk with minimal water retention / side effects. I’m currently running some low dose anavar that I had lying around just for shits. Seems to be working for muscle fullness / density and I’m looking a little more refined but wanted to pin something for safer option. I’ve tried EQ before, didn’t really see all that much from it.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance
Minimal water retention would point me to primo or mast since you're not an eq fan. Primo being the more anabolic of the two
I don't believe primo or mast will do a whole lot on top of trt for a bulk. They really shine when you're lean and cutting to get leaner. However, if you added one to a higher test dose 3-500mg, they should help offset the water retention. May cancel out the need for an AI, person dependent.

As far as sides go for the primo and/or mast alone, epistrong is correct. Plus BP and hair loss if you're prone.
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"cleanest bulk with minimal water retention / side effects."

GH Insulin and L-carnitine, as long as you are not an idiot and can do basic math these at reasonable doses are about as side effect free as it gets with PED's.
"cleanest bulk with minimal water retention / side effects."

GH Insulin and L-carnitine, as long as you are not an idiot and can do basic math these at reasonable doses are about as side effect free as it gets with PED's.
I haven't delve into insulin yet but hgh has been melting me. It's surprising how effective it is for myself.
Cleanest and safest is test, clean diet and estrogen control will take care of the wet/dry part.

Otherwise my personal choices for "safe" are mast and eq because those 2 compounds have the least impact on my bloods after test.

Every compound will be different for everyone tho
"cleanest bulk with minimal water retention / side effects."

GH Insulin and L-carnitine, as long as you are not an idiot and can do basic math these at reasonable doses are about as side effect free as it gets with PED's.
Test - gh - slin

Bioidentical hormones all day👍
Hey guys.

This question may have been asked 3 million times. Looking for a solid recomposition. Went from 220 18% body fat to 170 13% body fat (took up cycling over the pandemic and got really competitive with it lol).

Coming back to the weights and wanna know what I can add to my TRT to give me the cleanest bulk with minimal water retention / side effects. I’m currently running some low dose anavar that I had lying around just for shits. Seems to be working for muscle fullness / density and I’m looking a little more refined but wanted to pin something for safer option. I’ve tried EQ before, didn’t really see all that much from it.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance
Anadrol first 6 weeks get fast gains with test 400 then at 6 weeks throw a tri tren blend I got 42 lbs gains on a 16 week cycle wdnt from 10 stone to 13 stone leans muscle but I'd try tren ace first see how your body reacts to it that way if it foesnt agree with you be out your cystem 24 hours , iv ran tren test anadrol for 9 months straight bloods were all good but had to come off as liver needed a break.
What brand are you using alot of stuff going around under dosed and some has nothing in it apart from oil you need test strips to check cause equipoise is good with test so you should have got some decent gains iv got a site where I get mine from really good stuff pharmaceutical grade and cheaper because they do mix blends like test tren masteron £50 and anadrol £40