Re-starting T3, Adrenals and HPTA!! Massive log W. REAL Sarms!



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OFF Days - 2 & 3

Yesterday was very stressful cause of my ex so I relaxed ect and went out at night... Got a little tipsy on my favorite non-alchoholic beverages / supp mix. And really threw off my sleeping and eating pattern...

Fighting the good fight and staying away from the stims! Absolutely dead and have been taking quick naps but I am proud to say I'm staying off stims... One day at a time...


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Quick observation... Went out for a pretty big carb cheat meal and took 3 of my custom carb control pills (approx 450mg Yellow Gold and 50mg 20% colosoric acid banaba EACH)

The biggest difference I notice is the uncontrolable thirst carbs usually give me is definetly less with this combo. that is very scary because it suggests that I am pre-diabetic or even full out. Still I am happy this combo seems to help.

Also I have been indulging in things that I know give me prolactin issues but 800mg 1-carboxy 2 times a day and 1.6g pre-wo seems to really help.


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Day 4 - Stoping T3!

My lugols Iodine came today so i am stopping t3. i've only been at 20-25mcg so it should not be too much of a shock. I may continue with 10mcg just for the mental benefit ha but its research grade so it wont do much to shut me down and I am sure my t3 recovery stack can work still. Weight is up to 205 from 202 but its prob from my cheat last night ha.

Note: 1-carboxy is my favorite anti-prolactin so far. Honestly might be better than the research grade caborgoline

Workout today sucked! No matter what I did I didnt feel my muscles working! The wieghts moved great but did feel the muscles!

I forgot to take my Cordy5 - Took the rest of my PWO stack.

Starting to feel the Chocamine at only 500mg so thats a nice sign for sure from my CRAZY stim tolerance.

Short Workout!

Flat Bench - 260 - 5X5
Felt good, will go up 5 pound next week - Definetly getting strong

Pull up - BW - 5X5
I suck at them but could not do bent over rows cause of my bicep tendon

Then did a few bent over reverse flys, finally felt a pump.

Damn bicep tendon!


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OFF Days - 2 & 3

Yesterday was very stressful cause of my ex so I relaxed ect and went out at night... Got a little tipsy on my favorite non-alchoholic beverages / supp mix. And really threw off my sleeping and eating pattern...

Fighting the good fight and staying away from the stims! Absolutely dead and have been taking quick naps but I am proud to say I'm staying off stims... One day at a time...

non alcoholic and tipsy ?!?


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I think he was joking


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aaha i figured u were jokin but i was jus makin sure u werent holdin out !


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Things just went from bad to worse...

Day 5 - shoulders

Completely off t3 - looking bloated/fat for sure. But really I could care less after my workout.

I was dizzy, not motivated and overall like a zombie.


Front BB press - 165 5x5 - Felt dead but the weights kept moving SO easy!

Moved on to skull crushers... Doing that my bicep tendon thats been bothering me gave way!

I had to call it a day. I was in bad pain and dizzy so I just did 3 sets for the good arm which is actually the smaller one.

I think I may stop the cordygen5 until I am healed. It looks like i will only be able to do chest and shoulders for a while. I already cant do legs from when I tore my hammy and it never healed so well. To make it worse I pretty much ruined my budget getting ready for this phase so i have very little money left for supps to heal this like Osteo sport or animal flex... maybe if someone knows a rep the can beg them to get me a sponsored log? (right now I'm not too proud to beg ha)

Life kinda sucks right now - Coming off Anti-depressants, fighting NON-stop with my ex/whatever, can't find a job, coming off stims and coming off of t3 while tapering down and then coming off a long cycle... Oh and my lifting is F'ed!


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Lexapro/Lorazepam is a b1tch. My idiot of a doctor put me on that sh*t as well as Ativan to help with generalized anxiety (that I was unware of until he explained what he saw in my vitals. I was in there for acid reflux which he linked to anxiety...). Back then, I didn't have the curiosity I have now, and blindly took the drugs he prescribed (without any warnings on potential side effects either). Nearly put me in the ground, man... I had NEVER dealt with depression or weight gain, and I was ready to give it up on that stuff. My body/brain didn't like it one bit, and I became worthless for almost a year. This was the first, but not last, time a doctor ended up doing harm to me. What happened to "First, do no harm", and the idea of taking graduated steps to solve a medical problem?

It almost cost me my fiance (at the time), and I asked him to take me off it, but the next week he just up and refused to see me... ever again. I had only seen him twice in over 6 months to try and get him to figure something out with my dosing. I had to come off it myself, by refilling the sh*t, and looking up online how to dose my way back down. It took me a year to fully recover, but because of this I found the gym again because I was a fatass for the first time in my life. Now, using what I've learned here at AM, I am as stable, calm, and un-anxious as I have ever been in my life. I would seriously take a look at the benefits/sides of Lexapro versus the symptoms you are using it to fix (EDIT: just realized you were coming off it).

Ativan at low doses as needed, helped me transition into training / herbal solutions while holding back the newly debilitating anxiety.

Anywho, I realize the drug works for many different problems, but wanted to recount my story for you in case there were any similarities.

Good luck with your goals!!!!


  • Established

Lexapro/Lorazepam is a b1tch. My idiot of a doctor put me on that sh*t as well as Ativan to help with generalized anxiety (that I was unware of until he explained what he saw in my vitals. I was in there for acid reflux which he linked to anxiety...). Back then, I didn't have the curiosity I have now, and blindly took the drugs he prescribed (without any warnings on potential side effects either). Nearly put me in the ground, man... I had NEVER dealt with depression or weight gain, and I was ready to give it up on that stuff. My body/brain didn't like it one bit, and I became worthless for almost a year. This was the first, but not last, time a doctor ended up doing harm to me. What happened to "First, do no harm", and the idea of taking graduated steps to solve a medical problem?

It almost cost me my fiance (at the time), and I asked him to take me off it, but the next week he just up and refused to see me... ever again. I had only seen him twice in over 6 months to try and get him to figure something out with my dosing. I had to come off it myself, by refilling the sh*t, and looking up online how to dose my way back down. It took me a year to fully recover, but because of this I found the gym again because I was a fatass for the first time in my life. Now, using what I've learned here at AM, I am as stable, calm, and un-anxious as I have ever been in my life. I would seriously take a look at the benefits/sides of Lexapro versus the symptoms you are using it to fix (EDIT: just realized you were coming off it).

Ativan at low doses as needed, helped me transition into training / herbal solutions while holding back the newly debilitating anxiety.

Anywho, I realize the drug works for many different problems, but wanted to recount my story for you in case there were any similarities.

Good luck with your goals!!!!
For me lexapro was great... i got zero sides and tolerated it awsome... then i tried to stop iot a few months back and just couldnt do it. i went back on and now it doesnt work anymore so I'm going to stop... who knows


  • Legend!
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damn that all really sucks man. were here for your support tho brother :cheers:


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damn that all really sucks man. were here for your support tho brother :cheers:
I'm considering getting back on lexapro with this funk... i really stopped for financial reasons. i don't have a job or insurance and order it online and while its not that bad ($60 a month-ish), its hard right now...

this bs might be too much to handle without it...

also sucks cause i need to stay with my ex/whatever because she really does take good care of me and help me and right now i need that.


  • Established
I'm considering getting back on lexapro with this funk... i really stopped for financial reasons. i don't have a job or insurance and order it online and while its not that bad ($60 a month-ish), its hard right now...

this bs might be too much to handle without it...

also sucks cause i need to stay with my ex/whatever because she really does take good care of me and help me and right now i need that.
pm me or text me


  • Established
I'm considering getting back on lexapro with this funk... i really stopped for financial reasons. i don't have a job or insurance and order it online and while its not that bad ($60 a month-ish), its hard right now...

this bs might be too much to handle without it...

also sucks cause i need to stay with my ex/whatever because she really does take good care of me and help me and right now i need that.
Alright, as a close friend of justreading, I got his permission to write the following rant. I am NOT flaming, I just want to shed a little light and my strong opinion on this man's situation.

First and foremost, JR's ex ruined his life. UTTERLY and COMPLETELY. Although he wants to think that she treats him well, she in fact makes any and every attempt to control every aspect of his life. JR wants a job, she does not want him to have a job that she does not have a hand in. In other words, it has to be handpicked by her. On more than one occasion she has told him that she does not want him to get a job, so that she has someone to hang out with whenever she feels like it.

She has gone as far as getting him a cell phone on her plan so that she can monitor minutes and calls. She has deleted numbers of his friends from this phone so that the only person he has contact with is HER. Funny thing is, she HAS all HIS friend's numbers, and will not hesitate to call 6000000 times to find out where he is and who he is with.

JR's ex has him exactly where she wants him...jobless, phoneless, and depending on her. While it may seem sweet that she purchases groceries, cleans their apt. obsessively, etc. it is only for means of control.

My opinion on this situation is that it is the wrong time to come off of everything. WRONG WRONG WRONG. One cannot cope with all of this stress at once. Yes, JR has probably gone overboard in his supplementation over the years, and possibly messed with his health. He has the right idea in trying to get his system back to normal, but he cannot do it while looking for a job and being controlled by his ex. This is simply too much for anyone to handle all at once.

The happiest I ever saw JR was with one of his former GFs or when he was single and we would george foreman 600 turkey burgers a day, eat, work out, work, then go out. There was no absolute obsession with one aspect of life or another, there was a happy balance.

In closing, the single JR was a pleasure to be around (minus the late night Mike Tyson sparring of the walls around the apt). I thought he was starting to come around until I saw his last few posts. Do not let someone else control every aspect of your life, JR. Take control of your life and be happy again, please.

Kind regards (end of thread hijack),


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Damn. I can relate. I married a sugar momma who controlled my life too. I ended up running away when I caught her in bed with another guy. She chased and stalked me down, thinking she could get me back. But I had to put my foot down and take control of my life. Id stay away JR. Find a job like you planned and move on and away from her. GL bro
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Metroba, when you say sugar-momma, do you mean 'sugar-daddy'? jk. hahaha.

JR... I can definitely relate to you as well. I tried coming off of crystal meth, Cymbalta, and light gear as well.... and all the other nootropics I was on. I also tried to keep my physique. My ex would lend me her car and help me with groceries once in a while. I didn't even eat much either, as crank kills appetite. It got to the point where I'd be blackmailed on an hourly basis. She had pictures of me and some 'chemicals' for making things and if I didn't do as she said, I'd be facing incriminating evidence that she'd submit to authorities and I'd be behind bars for 20 years+. At one point, she would blaim me for her being behind on bills (she was a spend-thrifty b*tch) and would place ads on craigslist to turn tricks and try and blaim it on me. One day I destroyed the evidence, took what I could in 2 suitcases, and vacated. I checked into a rehab on the opposite side of the country.

I lost my apartment.
I lost my cars.
I lost my furniture.
I lost my pride.
I lost my ego.
I lost my physique.

But... I lost some other sh*t as well. Sh*t I didn't need. And what I got back, can never be taken away.


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u gotta stay away bro i was with a girl like that its just NO good .. after we broke up i would not answer her calls b/ce she was a physco broo she would show up at my house cryin this and that .. she showed up at the gym once .. my advice would get out of there as fast as possible only b/ce ur never gonna get the time back that you are going to be wasting with her man


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The hard part is separating from someone you think you are dependent upon. You think you need her, but as I found out while with a VERY similar woman, you don't. Shortly after I left her, I met my wife and everything I thought I had lost (personality and enjoyment of life included) came back and fell right into place. It's easy to say "****, I got it bad, amirite??". You need someone that will build you UP, not tear you down... or no one at all.

SureShot is a good friend. It took a similar friend to wake me up. I kept with the "yeah, sad but true" and he kept with the doses of reality. Eventually it took hold, and I got out before she could get pregnant (holy sh*t dude, don't let her get pregnant). She was so f'd up about it she went and got pregnant to some guy she barely knew. But that's none of my concern, and it seems they are married and she's got something else to occupy her obsessive nuturing attention. Happy on all fronts. It'll work out.

Speaking of working out... any updates?


  • Established
The hard part is separating from someone you think you are dependent upon. You think you need her, but as I found out while with a VERY similar woman, you don't. Shortly after I left her, I met my wife and everything I thought I had lost (personality and enjoyment of life included) came back and fell right into place. It's easy to say "****, I got it bad, amirite??". You need someone that will build you UP, not tear you down... or no one at all.

SureShot is a good friend. It took a similar friend to wake me up. I kept with the "yeah, sad but true" and he kept with the doses of reality. Eventually it took hold, and I got out before she could get pregnant (holy sh*t dude, don't let her get pregnant). She was so f'd up about it she went and got pregnant to some guy she barely knew. But that's none of my concern, and it seems they are married and she's got something else to occupy her obsessive nuturing attention. Happy on all fronts. It'll work out.

Speaking of working out... any updates?
Before this Mantervension I wrote an update yesterday... It's not looking so good. Gotta spend more money I dont have on crap to fix my tendon.


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Before this Mantervension I wrote an update yesterday... It's not looking so good. Gotta spend more money I dont have on crap to fix my tendon.
Aw snap, I completely overlooked the bicep injury. D*mn, good luck on the recovery.

Mantervention, lol. That's a great way to put it.


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Alright, as a close friend of justreading, I got his permission to write the following rant. I am NOT flaming, I just want to shed a little light and my strong opinion on this man's situation.

First and foremost, JR's ex ruined his life. UTTERLY and COMPLETELY. Although he wants to think that she treats him well, she in fact makes any and every attempt to control every aspect of his life. JR wants a job, she does not want him to have a job that she does not have a hand in. In other words, it has to be handpicked by her. On more than one occasion she has told him that she does not want him to get a job, so that she has someone to hang out with whenever she feels like it.

She has gone as far as getting him a cell phone on her plan so that she can monitor minutes and calls. She has deleted numbers of his friends from this phone so that the only person he has contact with is HER. Funny thing is, she HAS all HIS friend's numbers, and will not hesitate to call 6000000 times to find out where he is and who he is with.

JR's ex has him exactly where she wants him...jobless, phoneless, and depending on her. While it may seem sweet that she purchases groceries, cleans their apt. obsessively, etc. it is only for means of control.

My opinion on this situation is that it is the wrong time to come off of everything. WRONG WRONG WRONG. One cannot cope with all of this stress at once. Yes, JR has probably gone overboard in his supplementation over the years, and possibly messed with his health. He has the right idea in trying to get his system back to normal, but he cannot do it while looking for a job and being controlled by his ex. This is simply too much for anyone to handle all at once.

The happiest I ever saw JR was with one of his former GFs or when he was single and we would george foreman 600 turkey burgers a day, eat, work out, work, then go out. There was no absolute obsession with one aspect of life or another, there was a happy balance.

In closing, the single JR was a pleasure to be around (minus the late night Mike Tyson sparring of the walls around the apt). I thought he was starting to come around until I saw his last few posts. Do not let someone else control every aspect of your life, JR. Take control of your life and be happy again, please.

Kind regards (end of thread hijack),
Damn, to hell with Dr. Phil, that's shoot'n it straight.

Best of luck JR, I hope things sort out, man. Geeze, I'm sort of speechless after that e-intervention.


  • Established
Aw snap, I completely overlooked the bicep injury. D*mn, good luck on the recovery.

Mantervention, lol. That's a great way to put it.
When life gives me lemons... it runs up from behind me and squeezes the juice in my eyes.


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I can't wait to see the S4 results
To be fully honest it looks like they will be like 3 months away.

I am thinking I will run IGF and MGF first in about a month. My system is going through too much right now...

I am still following my outlined plan but the SARM may switch to phase 3...


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Metroba, when you say sugar-momma, do you mean 'sugar-daddy'? jk. hahaha.
For the last time Force! Im not interested! Stop leaving me all those dirty texts. Why do you think I didnt pick up the phone!


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Days 6 & 7

Day 6 was yesterday - Off the gym.

I was a total mess. No energy, felt drugged all day and a step away from tearing up... Had to break down and have an energy drink spiked with ALCAr and tyrosine. This helped but i also restarted lexapro at half my normal dose. I guess I'll try 10mg because I think thats been the biggest change.

Sleep was very bad as well...

Overall this is definetly an uphill battle!

Day 7 - Chest, back, arms

Thursday and Firday are my non-strength days. i really take them by feel but was very careful for my arm.

DB Incline - 85's x 13 x 2 - (second set dropped to 70 and 55 for 6 each)

Incline fly - 40's x 15 / 40's x 12

Hammer row - only 70 each side (from like 180 before) - Kept it light and slow - 3 sets, 13,12, 8... Shoulder started hurting

Machine low row - 145 x 12

Preacher curl (right side only) - 30 x 15 / 30 x 12 / 30 x 8
- Did one set of half reps standing up for the bad left arm then one preacher curl set with 10 pounds... Just keeping it moving

Close grip bench (first time in years!) - 165 x 10 / 165 x 8 (drop) 135 x 6 / 135 x 7

One arm reverse push downs - 25 x 12 / 25 x 10 / 25 x 8 (drop) 15 x 6

Sitting bent over shrug thing I do (ha) - 85's x 13 / 85's x 10

Reverse fly machine - 145 x 12 (then like 4 drops... forget them all.)

Honestly I felt like death - Almost gave up mid set like 4 times, almost had a breakdown so I took decently long rests and didnt have time for cardio. Took 4 Cordygen 5 before workout and noticed a BIG difference in my stamina from the first set ot the second. Normally I lose half my reps from 1st to 2nd set but today I only lost like 1-2 reps then
Force of Green

Force of Green

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For the last time Force! Im not interested! Stop leaving me all those dirty texts. Why do you think I didnt pick up the phone!
Bro, I'll cover all your expenses. You wouldn't have to worry about a thing! Just give me a chance! :aargh:


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Took a lunesta and 1.6g 1-carboxy then went to bed at 12:30. Spelt 1.5 hours then woke up and 2am. Kept waking up till like 4-430.

Finally around 430 I got up.... It's now 530am!!

WTF! I was never great at sleeping but to be this awake on lunesta???

Someone HAS to have an idea what is wrong?

I even took a gram of phenibut 45 minutes ago and still not sleepy, tired, but not sleepy.


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I think you have too much going on to be sleepy bro. That last workout was not bad at all, I am actually surprised you got that much done; good work.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Took a lunesta and 1.6g 1-carboxy then went to bed at 12:30. Spelt 1.5 hours then woke up and 2am. Kept waking up till like 4-430.

Finally around 430 I got up.... It's now 530am!!

WTF! I was never great at sleeping but to be this awake on lunesta???

Someone HAS to have an idea what is wrong?

I even took a gram of phenibut 45 minutes ago and still not sleepy, tired, but not sleepy.
I cheap solution for you may be to do this. Get some Source Naturals sublingual pregnenolone and use 20mg in the morning and 20mg in the afternoon. Pregnenolone will provide a REALLY good regulatory effect. When I'm dragging ass in the morning and I take 20mgs of pregnenolone, I get motivated and almost too amped at first.


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I would highly recommend not throwing this stim and that stim in the mix because you need some pep, that's how this all got started no?

The hardest thing I gave up was smoking, cold turkey. I recommend ramping down everything non natural and even those that are until you can function normally again(normal? :D)

Don't beat yourself up about taking another dose of whatever just make sure you use ever decreasing amounts...
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I would highly recommend not throwing this stim and that stim in the mix because you need some pep, that's how this all got started no?

The hardest thing I gave up was smoking, cold turkey. I recommend ramping down everything non natural and even those that are until you can function normally again(normal? :D)

Don't beat yourself up about taking another dose of whatever just make sure you use ever decreasing amounts...
I do agree on this. I said to myself, "damn, this meth tore the fat off of me... when i come off, i'll get pretty chubby"... so I tried to create this HUGE damage control and taper, titration system and in the end, I had to come off EVERYTHING and take nothing. Week 1 in rehab, people thought I was a zombie or a nightmare creature. I weighed 168 and I would sit in a reclining chair in the detox lobby eating all the saltines.

Week 2 of nothing... 190 or so. Filling out and I was still zapped to kingdom come. Starting to raise my hands in meetings.

Week 3 of nothing. 200lbs+. My body was calibrating again and the brain zaps started subsiding. I was able to walk without feeling nauseas. I was more and more social and made some friends. I had a call-sign/nickname... someone would walk by and say "yo GHB" and I'd say, "yeah you know me". hahaha.

Week 4 of nothing. 220lbs+. My metabolism was hellish, indeed. I would eat about 15,000 cals per day. I ate as much junk as I could get my hands on. From the start, I'd be the one polishing off the deserts and junk food. The baskets of graham crackers would be stocked daily and I'd drain them. I'd try and duck out of meetings for a bathroom break only to hoard nutragrain bars and stuff my face whilst sitting on the jon pretending to have constipation.

Week 5 of nothing. 225lbs+. Discharged. I still had energy issues. Sleep was great though. I'd use green tea in the morning to help with appetite and whatnot. I did get a hold of DL-Phenylalanine to help my appetite and dopamine levels. It helped tremendously along with B vitamins. I started dropping excess weight by just not eating as much crap. I had some binge fits every other night. My birthday cake was this homemade strawberry layer cake that had took up an entire rack on the fridge. 5 slices were eaten during the day. I got hungry and came down at 11pm that night and finished the cake, then a box of wheat thins, then half a can of smokey flavored almonds....

Now... well... life goes on ;)

I lost touch with my rehab roots kinda and I feel like I wish I can go back to that place every so often. It changed my life and I need to be refreshed again on what it's like to not have anything except food, water, friends, and meetings.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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what about internet porn?
You need to titrate that one...

Week 1: Phasing off the snuff
Week 2: Gangbangs only
Week 3: Hardcore interracial
Week 4: Lesbian Porn
Week 5: Move from movie clips to standard jpegs
Week 6: Total porn removal


  • Established
Days 8

Day 8 was decent... Not so bad despite no sleep

1. Prolactin is killing me - Nipples suck. Ordering Cabergoline

2. Obviously got no sleep

3. Workout was short cause of yesterday...

4. Felt decent today - could hold a thought had some small amount of energy

5. Upped tyrosine dose from 1.2 pre-wo to 2.1 and it frlt like it helped

Just Shoulders:

DB Shoulder press - 75 x 11 / 75 x 10 / 65 x 10 (drop) 50 x 5

DB Raise - 35 x 15 / 35 x 15 (drop) 25 x 10

Took 4 Cordygen5 again and it DEFINETLY helps with set to set endurance. I've never had my reps only drop like 1 rep from first to second set...


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You need to titrate that one...

Week 1: Phasing off the snuff
Week 2: Gangbangs only
Week 3: Hardcore interracial
Week 4: Lesbian Porn
Week 5: Move from movie clips to standard jpegs(no lube allowed)
Week 6: Total porn removal(but you can still imagine sh~t)
LOL I wish I could rep you again for that post :) :thumbsup:
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Honestly, that was one of the best posts I have read in a long time.! Thanks for sharing bro.
haha! thanks Neoborn. I'm still MUCH recovering. I can tell that my brain chemistry is a bit off... I'm having cravings again for the stuff. Can't give in though.


Never enough
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Wtf, dood, come back center field needs you!

I was just sayin i've quit smoking, and quitting internet porn is way harder :D

Quitting cold stone creamery is even harder I think


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I was just sayin i've quit smoking, and quitting internet porn is way harder :D

Quitting cold stone creamery is even harder I think
Internet porn is not supposed to be given up. It is to be embraced for life, don't get your priorities all f'd up :)
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Internet porn is not supposed to be given up. It is to be embraced for life, don't get your priorities all f'd up :)
hahaha! nice.

you're right though... when all else fails, internet porn will always be there with new, fresh, and exciting material.


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If anyone's wife / gf doesn't understand the true value of Internet Pron then, I think its time to try out "THE SHOCKER!!" on her. That'll learn her.

/end thread hijack


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Days 9 and 10

Off both...

Both no sleep EVER!! Seriously went back to stims...

Night of day 10 (last night) went back to lunesta - 3mg and it kicked my ASS! Slept like 12 hours and was a zombie. Could not get to eh gym till 6pm.

Day 11 - Chest/Back heavy

Weight is holding around 205 which I am happy with. I have been off all t3 for a week and feel ok besides the lack of sleep. Prolactin is still kicking my ass but I am getting cab soon so hopefully it will go down but right now I am definetly puffy or even worse in the nips.

Shoulder hurt and so did tha bad bicep tendon so it was short but weights went up.

Flat Bench - 265 - 5x5
Will try 270 next week. This strength is very good for me as I am tapering off stuff and also not using stims (besides chocamine) before my workouts)

Pull up - bw+10 - 5x5
May try +15 next week but might fail

Surpisingly my bicep tendon only midly hurts. I would much rather do bent over rows on my heavy day but my arm just cant take it


  • Established
Days 9 and 10

Off both...

Both no sleep EVER!! Seriously went back to stims...

Night of day 10 (last night) went back to lunesta - 3mg and it kicked my ASS! Slept like 12 hours and was a zombie. Could not get to eh gym till 6pm.

Day 11 - Chest/Back heavy

Weight is holding around 205 which I am happy with. I have been off all t3 for a week and feel ok besides the lack of sleep. Prolactin is still kicking my ass but I am getting cab soon so hopefully it will go down but right now I am definetly puffy or even worse in the nips.

Shoulder hurt and so did tha bad bicep tendon so it was short but weights went up.

Flat Bench - 265 - 5x5
Will try 270 next week. This strength is very good for me as I am tapering off stuff and also not using stims (besides chocamine) before my workouts)

Pull up - bw+10 - 5x5
May try +15 next week but might fail

Surpisingly my bicep tendon only midly hurts. I would much rather do bent over rows on my heavy day but my arm just cant take it
nice workout. short and to the point. 270 will be easy mess

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