How to "pulse" orals



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This wk I've been pulsing epi 50mg M/W/F. I only have 100mg left for the last wk so should I go 50/40/30 or 50/50/0?
Get this man a calculator. 50+40+30=120, lol
I would actually go 40/30/30, just to have some epi for every workout.


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Sorry......epidrol. Thanks for the help.
Well, it would also help to know your size, age and training experience before I suggest you bump it up a notch. But if you fell like it, you could go up to 50 mg. for the next week and see what effect it has on you. When doing a pulse you need to use higher dosages than you normally would take on a straight run. Hope this helps.:thumbsup:


New member
Well, it would also help to know your size, age and training experience before I suggest you bump it up a notch. But if you fell like it, you could go up to 50 mg. for the next week and see what effect it has on you. When doing a pulse you need to use higher dosages than you normally would take on a straight run. Hope this helps.:thumbsup:

My age is 46 years and I am training for 7 years.

My weight is now 92 kg and I am 1.80 m (height)

I will try next week with 50 mg and see what happens.

Thanks and greetings from Belgium:clap2:


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My age is 46 years and I am training for 7 years.

My weight is now 92 kg and I am 1.80 m (height)

I will try next week with 50 mg and see what happens.

Thanks and greetings from Belgium:clap2:
Hello in Belgium from the United States!!:welcome: At your size and experience, I don't see any problem with going up to 50 mg. of epi-drol. I'm pretty sure you should see some results from this dose. Good luck with your training friend!!


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Get this man a calculator. 50+40+30=120, lol
Holy sh!t I'm a dumb a$$. Thanks for pointing that out. lol
I'm thinking of just going 50/50/0. Not because I can't calculate the dosages the other way:think: but because 30 & 40 weren't doing it anymore. lol


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50/50/0 Is what I would do but lets see if doc chimes in!

CALLING DR.D!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, I'm a pyramid guy usually (nice way of saying OCD :p) so I'd probably go 40,30,30 just to cover one more w/o and offer myself a pseudo-taper at the end. With a pulse though, there's nothing wrong with an abrupt 50,50,0 though so either way is about equal probably.


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Hey D,
HDx2 for PCT and ATD for ON pulse or vice versa? With SD
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Well-known member
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Hey D,
HDx2 for PCT and ATD for ON pulse or vice versa? With SD
Dude, seriously -- try conversing in complete sentences and maybe we'll understand what you're trying to say. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.


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Dude, seriously -- try conversing in complete sentences and maybe we'll understand what you're trying to say. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
ImJ2x-- I just had to say that you're looking great in your new avatar! :clap2:And at 46 too. I turn 44 in a couple of months and I've peeled off 20 pounds slowly over the past 6 months or so. I'm gonna get my bodyweight from the present 265 down to about 245 over the next year. You're very inspiring dude!! Keep up the hard work.:head:


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ImJ2x-- I just had to say that you're looking great in your new avatar! :clap2:And at 46 too. I turn 44 in a couple of months and I've peeled off 20 pounds slowly over the past 6 months or so. I'm gonna get my bodyweight from the present 265 down to about 245 over the next year. You're very inspiring dude!! Keep up the hard work.:head:
ahh!!! I love you, man -- very kind words.
I've been lifting off-and-on for over 30 years now. But I really have to thank genetics. I'm the all-time ecto/meso -- ecto enough that I never get fat, and never have to do cardio or abs (though I intend to start, just to really get shredded); but meso enough that I can always pack on muscle whenever I try. And I've always been completely natural, until my recent Superdrol pulse. My grand total of PH/DS intake is 1 bottle of Superdrol, and 16 caps of a Phera clone (just to see how I'd react).
But to hear you call me "inspiring" is the ultimate compliment. Thanks, thunder -- you made my day. :cheers:


dead sexy wino
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Yeah, it does make a slight difference in the long run. These are the most optimal:

M,W,F - Can't go wrong with this one!

2 days on, 2-3 days off - Great if you w/o 3.5-4x/wk instead of 3.

3 days on, 4 days off - I like this one best because the consecutive doses further support the previous days w/o recovery. You can still train hard with no DOMS until the ~5th day instead of the 2nd or 3rd day. Plus you get a nice long off time to bounce. If you're smart with a handful of healthy supps everyday and just lift for good strength maintenance, you might could do this one indefinitely.

Hey stranger :D

What else would you recommend for "intracycle support"? I may join in on this pulsing campaign. I'm thinking that it would be a good "blast and cruise" technique for us old guys.


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Dr. D,
I know 1-ad doesn't cause very many sides at all, but of course still has them. My question is do you think this compound would work well for a pulse? I was thinking somewhere in the range of 1200mg/3x a week?
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Well-known member
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Hey stranger :D

What else would you recommend for "intracycle support"? I may join in on this pulsing campaign. I'm thinking that it would be a good "blast and cruise" technique for us old guys.
SJA -- I thought you died, man.
I remember you from years ago, back in Superdrol's heyday. But I haven't seen you around in a long time. How ya been?
[Actually, I just checked -- you've been posting recently. I just didn't notice, lol.]


dead sexy wino
  • Established
SJA -- I thought you died, man.
I remember you from years ago, back in Superdrol's heyday. But I haven't seen you around in a long time. How ya been?
[Actually, I just checked -- you've been posting recently. I just didn't notice, lol.]

I'm on some other boards.....I lurk here from time to time. Been busy....but I keep an eye on B5150 to make sure he is behaving :D


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Been busy....but I keep an eye on B5150 to make sure he is behaving :D
Yeah, some people call those people their P.O. ;)

It was uncomfortable at first but now when he stops by for random UA's I have no problem letting him hold the cup. He tells me it's S.O.P.


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"Oveall, the 3-week mark post-cycle appears preliminarily to be a time of universal cortisol up-regulation. The first two weeks are assumed to remain in suppression almost independent of the type of agent used. Use of substances such as 7-oxo / 7-keto compounds seems better left out of post-cycle planning for that immediate 2-week time frame."
I pulled the above quote from another forum. Would this also be true if you are pulsing epi? I've been taking Retain2 On Days 1 dose pre-w/o & Off Days 1 morning & 1 early afternoon. For my 4 wk PCT I had planned to take it ED 3x/day for the first 2wks, then 2, 1 for the last 2wks. Is my planned use of Retain2 during PCT wrong? Thanks.


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Yep, I heard the same thing about phera. Epi and super seem to be the very best pulsers.
Agreed! SD is great for pulsing. I had great results with min sides while pulsing. Not sure if I will pulse again given what compounds I have but if I get some more SD I will def pulse it, maybe stacked with Havoc and take Havoc everyday and pulse SD 3x. I know Dr.D had good results doing that.


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Hey stranger :D

What else would you recommend for "intracycle support"? I may join in on this pulsing campaign. I'm thinking that it would be a good "blast and cruise" technique for us old guys.
Hey man, your a blast from the past! How's things?

Yeah, it's well suited for us old timers that don't wanna get too suppressed or body burdened, but still want an edge to stay strong and healthy on our way to the old folks home. :D

Intracycle support is whatever you do normally day-to-day. A smart oil blend with plenty of monos, some healthy herbs that cover a lot of bases, good vitamins and minerals, etc.. plus a test booster or AI if you're gyno prone or just wanna play it safe (I recommend it.)


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Dr. D,
I know 1-ad doesn't cause very many sides at all, but of course still has them. My question is do you think this compound would work well for a pulse? I was thinking somewhere in the range of 1200mg/3x a week?
Doesn't that stuff cause bad urinary tract burning sensations and allergic reactions at high doses?


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Hey man, your a blast from the past! How's things?

Yeah, it's well suited for us old timers that don't wanna get too suppressed or body burdened, but still want an edge to stay strong and healthy on our way to the old folks home. :D

Intracycle support is whatever you do normally day-to-day. A smart oil blend with plenty of monos, some healthy herbs that cover a lot of bases, good vitamins and minerals, etc.. plus a test booster or AI if you're gyno prone or just wanna play it safe (I recommend it.)
Whats up doc come drop by my log!


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I pulled the above quote from another forum. Would this also be true if you are pulsing epi? I've been taking Retain2 On Days 1 dose pre-w/o & Off Days 1 morning & 1 early afternoon. For my 4 wk PCT I had planned to take it ED 3x/day for the first 2wks, then 2, 1 for the last 2wks. Is my planned use of Retain2 during PCT wrong? Thanks.
I see it differently that Dana. Administration of anabolics lowers the metabolism and clearance of corticoids in the liver, but reduced biosynthesis of corticoids (via negative adrenocorticotropic feedback mechanism) is usually quite minimal. That means that once the cycle is over, you suddenly have adrenals that will respond to ACTH as usual, but you have enzyme conditions that will fail to break down that cortisol efficiently, plus you probably have lower androgen levels too. I think I'll stick to my position that the first 2-3wks is indeed the perfect time to add an anti-catabolic! Even if not, it certainly doesn't seem to hurt anything. I do suggest R2 or DHEA in early PCT.


New member
Dr. D, I want to pulse epi at 40mg for 6 weeks on training days, which would be 4 times a wk, you said saturday, sunday, and other days that I don't lift, so can it still be effective at 40mg but 4 times instead of 3, or do you think i should do the MWF tecnique?


New member
Let me be more specific, I train M, T, T, F, and I want to take 40mg on those days for 6 weeks, so want to know if that is better than a MWF, or am I right on track, start my cycle in two days so want to know the best option for best gains and I want the bottle to last as well, as it is out of stock now and I have one last bottle


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Let me be more specific, I train M, T, T, F, and I want to take 40mg on those days for 6 weeks, so want to know if that is better than a MWF, or am I right on track, start my cycle in two days so want to know the best option for best gains and I want the bottle to last as well, as it is out of stock now and I have one last bottle
I am not D but when I pulsed I did it 4x a week like u have planned. I used Ergo/SD/TRN. Its very doable esp with 40mg. 30-40mg I have always said seeing from feedback to be the sweet spot even guys pulsing.


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On training days was it 20mg before lifting and 20 after, or how did you pulse the 40?


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On training days was it 20mg before lifting and 20 after, or how did you pulse the 40?
I didn't pulse Havoc. This is how I did my pulse with the 3 compounds I mentioned.

I pulsed TRN for the first couple weeks. Wanted to run Ergo really bad hehe.

I did 20mg of Ergo spilt pre and post, 20-30mg of SD spilt pre and post.

With the Havoc when doing 40mg I would do 20/20 spilt. If higher or lower I would take more pre.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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OKAY? Well, after reading this thread, and the theories/tactics of "Pulsing," I think I have read IT ALL now. Like, "I see a flying cow" type all.

Straight cycles or no cycles. Be a big boy and just do it.


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What where your results?, I have wanted to pulse SD and P-plex, It would be a long one too, curious to know how much you gained


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What where your results?, I have wanted to pulse SD and P-plex, It would be a long one too, curious to know how much you gained
I believe I gained close to 11lbs or so. Nice strength increases and the gains were very lean. Sides were little to none.


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On training days was it 20mg before lifting and 20 after, or how did you pulse the 40?
I did 20/20 but before I moved up to 50mg I did 30/10 for a wk & it seem to help in the gym. May of been psychological I don't know but either way it helped. I'll take psychological/placebo any day over nadda. lol


dead sexy wino
  • Established
Yeah, some people call those people their P.O. ;)

It was uncomfortable at first but now when he stops by for random UA's I have no problem letting him hold the cup. He tells me it's S.O.P.

LMAO......I wear gloves and I don't peak :D

Hey man, your a blast from the past! How's things?

Yeah, it's well suited for us old timers that don't wanna get too suppressed or body burdened, but still want an edge to stay strong and healthy on our way to the old folks home.

Intracycle support is whatever you do normally day-to-day. A smart oil blend with plenty of monos, some healthy herbs that cover a lot of bases, good vitamins and minerals, etc.. plus a test booster or AI if you're gyno prone or just wanna play it safe (I recommend it.)
I'm going to give this a shot with Havoc and SD for three weeks. After I get too buff.....I'll report back.


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Some are finding that this pulsing method, when the proper androgen is used, is working wonder in their TRT protocol.


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OKAY? Well, after reading this thread, and the theories/tactics of "Pulsing," I think I have read IT ALL now. Like, "I see a flying cow" type all.

Straight cycles or no cycles. Be a big boy and just do it.
There are none more hopelessly enslaved that those who believe falsely that they are free. Liberate your own mind first, only then may you be able to free somebody else's.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Thank you for shedding some inspiration on me, Dr.D. I will further look in to this and maybe give it a test round to conclusivley say if it can be effective.
There are none more hopelessly enslaved that those who believe falsely that they are free. Liberate your own mind first, only then may you be able to free somebody else's.


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Thank you for shedding some inspiration on me, Dr.D. I will further look in to this and maybe give it a test round to conclusivley say if it can be effective.
i personally believe that superdrol was made for pulsing. It cuts down the sides and is still strong enough and fast acting to produce excellent results.Thats just my .2cents.


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i personally believe that superdrol was made for pulsing. It cuts down the sides and is still strong enough and fast acting to produce excellent results.Thats just my .2cents.
I'm currently pulsing M-drol as we speak and my buddies are trying to get me to just do it straight cycled. Though I have noticed for the 3 on / 4 off and 4 weeks in...and if I'm not mistaken...I think my boys are trying to tell me something :blink:


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I'm currently pulsing M-drol as we speak and my buddies are trying to get me to just do it straight cycled. Though I have noticed for the 3 on / 4 off and 4 weeks in...and if I'm not mistaken...I think my boys are trying to tell me something :blink:
You haven't got any gains yet or what? Confused about what you are saying?


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You haven't got any gains yet or what? Confused about what you are saying?
3 weeks up 7lbs...I wanted to do this pulsed to relieve some of the sides and it def has worked out well so far. Though I feel as if my nuts have lost some size...


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So are you saying you like pulsing or not? I am still confused sorry :blink:


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I like it...but def different from pulsing Havoc (obviously). But for 3 weeks in and 7lbs up and I actually look more lean than when I started so yeah I'd def do this again pulsed...can't go wrong with that. Just wish my boys would head into the light :p


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...I think my boys are trying to tell me something :blink:
Have you been 'bouncing' on the off days? If you're not using an AI or test booster, I suggest you start. It sounds like you may be extra sensitive to shut down. If you suspect you'll need a PCT anyway, you could end the pulse and just go straight with it for the rest I suppose, but after 3 wks you may just wanna stick to the script and see it through.


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Have you been 'bouncing' on the off days? If you're not using an AI or test booster, I suggest you start. It sounds like you may be extra sensitive to shut down. If you suspect you'll need a PCT anyway, you could end the pulse and just go straight with it for the rest I suppose, but after 3 wks you may just wanna stick to the script and see it through.
Yeah i totally miss read that last post you put mayne. Def add it a test booster or ai like D said.try some diesel test.


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Have you been 'bouncing' on the off days? If you're not using an AI or test booster, I suggest you start. It sounds like you may be extra sensitive to shut down. If you suspect you'll need a PCT anyway, you could end the pulse and just go straight with it for the rest I suppose, but after 3 wks you may just wanna stick to the script and see it through.
Funny you say that as I started taking DHEA 100-150mg a day few days ago on my off days to aid in bouncing. I am going to continue on as is to keep the sides to minimum and because I just like pulsing as it is. Sad thing is D is that my boys look smaller, but I'm bouncing and hornier as ever on my 3rd and 4th day off. I mean, even a hole in the wall was looking good! So what would you make of that? Me being paranoid? hahaha


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Funny you say that as I started taking DHEA 100-150mg a day few days ago on my off days to aid in bouncing. I am going to continue on as is to keep the sides to minimum and because I just like pulsing as it is. Sad thing is D is that my boys look smaller, but I'm bouncing and hornier as ever on my 3rd and 4th day off. I mean, even a hole in the wall was looking good! So what would you make of that? Me being paranoid? hahaha
I think a lot of guys put too much emphasis on the size of their nuts! If you're horny and having lots of sex, why worry about the size of your marble sack? I always heard, "Small potatoes make the meat look bigger"!!:lol: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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Funny you say that as I started taking DHEA 100-150mg a day few days ago on my off days to aid in bouncing. I am going to continue on as is to keep the sides to minimum and because I just like pulsing as it is. Sad thing is D is that my boys look smaller, but I'm bouncing and hornier as ever on my 3rd and 4th day off. I mean, even a hole in the wall was looking good! So what would you make of that? Me being paranoid? hahaha
Thats exactly how I was and then as soon as i got off and started pct,they came right back.

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