XT's M1-D/MMV3 Run (sponsored)!


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Today I started a Methyl 1-D/MMv3 run. Special thanks to Kleen, AG, GMG760 and Met (insert homo joke here). I have added/will add a few other things to the mix, details to come. Based on Kleen's advice that he got from GMG, I am running the MMV3 at 10 caps per day and the M1D at 8 caps (how the hell EXACTLY I'm going to do that, I don't know!). Here's what the lineup consists of so far:

LG Sciences M1D, MMV3, ASGT, Anadraulic Pump, Postal, GHenerate, Receptor, BC+EAA, E-911

RPN DCP (I have half a bottle, so I'm finishing it)

Animal Pak

Vitamin C, Fish Oils, Flaxseed Oils, CEL Cycle Assist (3/4 bottle)

I will try to purchase a bottle of NTBM's Need 2 Slin--I've been wanting to try this, but it's mad expensive and I'm on a strict budget...we'll see.

I may throw in some Promagnon 25 at the end of the cycle, as I have a bottle with 45 caps...just to get rid of it and to see what happens. I may also use PES Erase as an on-cycle AI if needed.

My goal on this is recomp with a bit of fat loss. My workouts will be Monday thru Friday, with weekends being rest/aspirin days. The workout I will use is from a recent issue of M&F, with two bodyparts per day, trying to get a total of 60 reps within four minutes (this workout will KICK YOUR AZZ!). You have to be able to get 15-19 reps initially with the exercise, so the theory is to build strength and cuts. The first week, you rest 30 seconds between sets, the second week 20 seconds, the third week through the sixth week 15 seconds. By the way, this is a six-week cycle. PCT will consist of Formadrol, hopefully Bridge, GEAR and Need 2 Slin by NTBM.

Starting weight: 320.5 lbs at 20% BF.

Today's Workout: Chest, Biceps

Started at 4 am with 8 sprays of Ghenerate, then showered. Before leaving for the gym I took 4 caps of MMV3, 3 caps of M1D, Animal Pak, fish oils, Vitamin C, ASGT.

15 minutes prior to working out: Anadraulic Pump

During workout: BC+EAA

I did four sets of each exercise:

Smith Machine Bench: 275x20, 12, 8, 8

DB Bench: 80x 20, 10, 10, 6

Incline Flye: 30x 20, 12, 12, 12 (will have to go up in weight next week)

Cable Crossover: 50x19, 15, 12, 10 (will go up next week)

Curls: 50x18, 10, 6, 5

Alt Incline DB Curls: 25x12, 10, 5, 5

Preacher Curls: 75x15, 10, 10, 8

Kneeling Cable Crunch: 100x20, 110x15, 130x15, 140x10

Notes: There must have been a "placebo effect" because the workout went smoothly and quickly. This didn't happen a couple of weeks ago when this workout damn near killed me when I did a test run. Energy was good, especially on little sleep last night, but since I am a hot-tempered person, I'm watching my aggression on this stack. I mean I am staying as far away from people as possible. You know, the whole nine: iPod on while traveling, pretending not to hear stupid comments and questions, you name it.

Post-Workout: 3 scoops Postal, 2 scoops ON Whey in water

Upon returning home, I took 2 MMV3 and 2 M1D, waited a half-hour, and then had breakfast. I'll try to space it out a bit more, but this is NOT easy, also trying to keep cals up. Any advice is welcome.

My Natadrol run treated me VERY well, so we'll see how this goes. :think:


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*Damn I was fast

You should reserve the post below me ;)


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Seriously though, lot's of great products in here. This should give you great results.


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Man that is some serious dosing you are doing there Ex-T! Good luck with the run, I will be following along.


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Man that is some serious dosing you are doing there Ex-T! Good luck with the run, I will be following along.
Fin! What's up, my aquatic friend?! Welcome!


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Fin! What's up, my aquatic friend?! Welcome!
If I remember right you have taken T-911 before, do you feel the same spark of energy and intensity from the MMV3? I always like to run T-911 pre-workout when I take it, just gives me the edge that makes me want to kill the weights. Great workout above man, lots of reps with big weight! :swordfight:


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Good to see you again EX-T. Run this like u know how!


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Good to see you again EX-T. Run this like u know how!
Right back at ya bro! Will update later when I get to the library (I'm using my phone right now).


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If I remember right you have taken T-911 before, do you feel the same spark of energy and intensity from the MMV3? I always like to run T-911 pre-workout when I take it, just gives me the edge that makes me want to kill the weights. Great workout above man, lots of reps with big weight! :swordfight:
Actually, I only took T-911 for a few days because I had some sample packs. But so far, the MMV3 looks promising.


NutraPlanet Rep
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Has the MMV kicked in? What have you seen with it?


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Will update on Monday when I can get to the library. Too much info to type on my phone.


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Day 8

I decided to change my training to GVT style. Mostly because I can't find the issue of M&F that had my regimen, and it's pissing me off. Plus I think since I haven't tried it before, the results could be mind-blowing. I tried it this morning with chest, shoulders and triceps (don't have the numbers in front of me, will post them tomorrow), but DAMN! I hurt ALL OVER! As expected, the first couple of sets were amazingly easy, but it was all downhill after that! I mean I was in PAIN! It even hurts to type right now!

As far as the supps, I will say that the effects are starting to kick in. I didn't take the supps after Wednesday, realizing that I was going to have to change my routine, but what I can tell you is that number one, the MMV3 tastes like minted chalk, but, as I said, I think it's starting to kick in. My already-short temper is in full-blown mode, with things that usually wouldn't bother me irritating me, and those things that I DON'T like...well, I've been in several near-altercations already, and one at the library right before it opened. Don't try to jump me in line; I'm not the one. This wanna-be-crazy dude thought he was gonna cut in the line, and I told him in no uncertain terms that he was NOT. So he tried to side-step me when the door opened, and I elbowed him right in his chest...and I told him if there was a problem, we could either handle it right there or he could wait until I handled my business on the computer. Your choice, I told him.

"I can fight," he said.

"Ain't gonna be a fight. There's gonna be two hits: Me hitting you and you hitting the ground," I replied.

Does this make me a bully? I hope not. I just used to take so much sh!t when I was younger that I absolutely refuse to now. If that makes me overbearing now, well, that's just too bad.

Back to the supps: The MMV3/M1D combo also makes me very hungry;:food: I can finish a good-sized meal and be hungry again 30 minutes later. It also gives a slight burning/tingling sensation shortly after ingesting the MMV3, why is this?

I've already scarfed down six eggs, two packets of oatmeal, two glasses of 2% milk, water, yogurt and a banana for my first meal. My second meal, after I get done here and if I have to kick this fool's ass, will consist of two grilled salmon fillets, wild rice and green beans, maybe some more yogurt. After I come back from having my computer tower looked at I will have a London Broil steak, brown rice and veggies. I'll look in the freezer/cupboard for some more goodies and throw in a couple of shakes for the rest of the meals. I'll let you all know what happened tomorrow...if I'm not in jail.


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Hah.. After that^^ post I had to subscribe this log :)


NutraPlanet Rep
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Good to hear about the MMV/M1D combo. I felt the same exact thing in regards to hunger. Kind of a love hate thing, but it's money for appetite. You should start seeing some awesome leaning here soon, things are gonna kick up a notch. Especially at the doses you are at :D


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Day 9

OK, here are the numbers from yesterday:

Chest: Bench Press- 225x10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5

Shoulders: Smith Machine Overhead Press- 135x 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8. 8, 8
Triceps: Skullcrushers-75x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (will definitely go up 5-10 pounds next week)

I'm experiencing some deep muscle soreness right now, especially in my chest and shoulders, but this was to be expected. On this GVT program, I'm visiting the gym on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule, so today is an off day for training, but not for food and supps!

The only issue I have with the supps is that I sometimes feel queasy after dosing, especially the MMV3 and the BCAA+EAA. It's nothing I can't handle, but I thought that it should be noted. I especially felt queasy after the 10 sets of bench yesterday...ha!

Oh, well, off to shovel in some cals. I've kept my temper under control today and stayed the hell away from people for the most part. That in itself was no easy task, but it was doable. Thank God for iPods! I mean, on the one hand I can't complain when I'm wearing NFL gear every day, so I'm kinda asking for the stares and stupid questions. Oh, how 'bout dem Cowgirls? Fired their coach...I saw it coming, especially after that 45-7 ass-whipping Green Bay laid on them on NATIONAL TV Sunday night! Jerry Jones said he'd been contemplating it since Saturday. Yeah, right...and pigs fly! His mind was DEFINITELY made up, by, oh, say....halftime of the game! :sgrin:BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


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so your still dosing MMv3 at 10 per day?


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Day 10

Weight is holding steady at 320 lbs. No real increase yet, maybe a small increase in leaning out. Nothing too dramatic yet. Libido has taken a hit, I guess because of the dosage. Nothing a few tricks up my sleeve can't handle, but worth noting. Trying hard to keep my temper under wraps, and it ain't easy. Some woman crashed into me at the news stand, and kept going. I yelled, "In Philly, we say "Excuse me!" when we bump into people!" She came over to me and gave me all these excuses, such as she just healed from a broken hip (she walked without a limp--just sayin'), and she then proceeded to say that she HAD said it, I just didn't hear it. After I laughed in her face at that lie, she touched my chest and said she was "sorry for touching" me (meaning the bump).

"Well, you're STILL touching me," I replied as I looked down at her hand and then back at her. Embarrassed, she hurried off. So much for the bad hip!

The lady at the newsstand said, "You know she was trying to get your attention, right?"

I replied, "Well, then, she went about it in the wrong way. I'm too old for kiddie games. Besides, she was FUGLY!" If you like what you see, just say so. Why resort to adolescent games? Just like last night when I was at the store, this woman stared me up and down. We talked for a few minutes, and I had no real intention of going anywhere with it, I just wanted to do what they do to us and see how far she was going to take it. I have a test: I ask a woman her age and wait for her response and read her body language. If I can tell they're lying or they give me that bullsh!t about "not asking a lady her age," I end the conversation and walk away. Why, you ask? Because if a woman will lie or conceal her age, she's probably lying or concealing other info as well...and I refuse to deal with such childish BS. Of course, she replied that "You don't ask a LADY her age," :liar: to which I sarcastically replied, "I'm sorry, I thought I was asking a GROWN WOMAN her age," and walked away. I left her standing there with her mouth wide open. I don't have time for it. Anyway, today's GVT was back, biceps and abs. The sets went like this:

Back: T-Bar Rows- 135x10, 10, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5

Biceps: Preacher Curls- 75x10, 10, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4

Abs: Reverse Crunches- 25, 25, 25, 25 (they BURNED!)

I also received a tip from one of the guys there who is a Personal Trainer. He told me that he had observed me on Monday, and that the negative portion of my reps needed to be slower. This needed to be done to create more "damage," so I incorporated that into my training today. I must say that I did notice a difference. My back and arms HURT, even more so than my chest and arms on Monday. Tomorrow should be REAL interesting. Oh well, as long as I eat and stay on top of my supplementation, I should be OK.


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Day 12

Quads, hams and calves today...suffice it to say that I am having trouble walking. I guess that's a good thing...LOL!

Taking supps as per usual and trying to keep the cals up. Will be purchasing NTBM's Need to Slin and possibly SNS Magnesium Creatine Chelate to add to the mix...should be interesting, to say the least.

On a side note, I added in 4-AD UTT as a test base...when I used it before, it seemed to work well in helping to raise libido. Let's see if it does the trick this time as well; I'm dosing it on a twice-daily, 1.5 ml basis to start.

The Workout:

Quads: Squats- 175x10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6,6 (I was initially ashamed of the relatively low weight, but I have bad knees and lower-back issues from my basketball/football days, so I'm definitely NOT trying to impress anyone and further damage myself with heavy weight.

Hams: Prone Leg Curl- 60x 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7,7,6

Calves: Calf Raises- 405x50, 50, 50, 40, 40, 35, 35, 30, 25, 25. These got increasingly difficult and painful with only 60 seconds rest between sets. OWWW!

I gotta get my computer fixed real soon...this library sh!t isn't getting it done. Not only is it NOT quiet (isn't it supposed to be, in a library?), but I'm getting tired of having to tell people not to stand over me. It's rude and a pain in the ass.

Leaning out ever so slightly on the stack. Weight is holding steady at 320 lbs.


  • RockStar
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Wow, 10 mmv3 and 8 m1d a day?

how dose the dosing protocol look layed out the whole day?


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Wow, 10 mmv3 and 8 m1d a day?

how dose the dosing protocol look layed out the whole day?
I usually take four M1D and four MMV3 an hour before leaving for the gym (I work out early in the morning), another dose after returning home and eating, and then the final dose in the late afternoon/early evening.


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I usually take four M1D and four MMV3 an hour before leaving for the gym (I work out early in the morning), another dose after returning home and eating, and then the final dose in the late afternoon/early evening.
How do you handle all of the yohimbine at once? I don't mind it but 4 at once seems like a bit much. Could you throw in another dose say midday, then take the rest around 5-6? That way you could have equalized levels all day.


NutraPlanet Rep
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I've taken 4 at once, preworkout 45 min prior with no ill effects. He should be more than good since he's got over 100 lbs on me.


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M1D is one of my favorites! I havent tried MMV3, just MMV2. And Ghenerate is awesome, faster recovery and great sleep.

Good luck!


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How do you handle all of the yohimbine at once? I don't mind it but 4 at once seems like a bit much. Could you throw in another dose say midday, then take the rest around 5-6? That way you could have equalized levels all day.
Ah yes, the yohimbine. That would explain the queasiness. I may give your suggestion a try and compare.


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I've taken 4 at once, preworkout 45 min prior with no ill effects. He should be more than good since he's got over 100 lbs on me.
Ive maxed at 3 at a time, anymore, its just to much..i guess i have a tiny mouth!! hahahaha, I had to reword this 4 times!


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Day 16

Suffering from some serious DOMS today. I tried slowing the negative part of the rep down and it made a significant difference in terms of damage done to the muscle (as evidenced by how I feel today) and rep range. Pass the aspirin...

Yesterday was Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. The workout went as follows:

Chest: Bench- 225x10, 10, 7, 6, 6, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5

Shoulders: Smith Machine Overhead Press- 135x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8,8

Triceps: Skullcrushers- 80x10x10 (must raise the weight another five pounds next week)

As far as the supps go, libido has a mind all its own; that is, it comes and goes. Not the greatest thing, but I accept that at the doses I'm taking. Could be worse. Temper is off the mafukkin' chain; I'm ready to snap at a moment's notice, so my iPod is my best friend right now when out and about. Although, I must admit, it was hard to be mean watching last night's Eagles game at the sports bar. Just a LOTTA LOVE (no homo). Michael Vick played out of his ass! Pay that man!

The Ghenerate is giving me good sleep, which I don't always get at night. Gotta love that!

Today is off day for working out, but not supps and food! Getting ready to go back and feed the machine!

Weight is 322.5, so I have gained a couple of pounds. Also seems to be a bit of leaning out going on. Stay tuned.


  • RockStar
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Hell yeah....when I ran trifecta the DOMS felt great!

keep it up, your running a great log.

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