XPG Ursa-Gel - Ursolic Acid - 70 mg. per ml/100 servings - Intro Thread


Board Sponsor
Ursolic Acid Skin Gel
70 mg. per ml/100 servings per bottle

70 mg. Ursolic Acid (from Sodium Ursolate) per ml.
7 grams Ursolic Acid (from Sodium Ursolate) per bottle

Ursa-Gel is a topical Ursolic Acid product that contains 70 mg. per ml. (7 grams per bottle).

What is Ursolic Acid?
Ursolic Acid is a naturally occurring triterpenoid found in apples, rosemary, basil, certain berries, and some other plants.

What is Ursolic Acid commonly used for?
Ursolic Acid is commonly used to support body-recomposition benefits including promoting a more fit and athletic appearance and to support building or retaining lean muscle while burning fat.

Can Ursa-Gel be stacked with other Xtreme Performance Gels products?
Yes, Ursa-Gel can be stacked with other Xtreme Performance Gels products including Suppress-C and Ab-Solved as well as a several other upcoming products.


Why doesn't Xtreme Performance Gels have a website and when will there be one?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions that we receive, and the reason is that when we originally launched, pre-Covid, we were primarily selling to brick and mortars and just a couple of online retailers, so we weren't doing direct sales because we didn't want to compete with the retailers that we were selling to. We had thought about doing an informational website to market the products, but many of the brick and mortars that we sell to are very appreciative that we didn't have one, so that's the way that we left it for a long time.

Now, with the way the market has changed, we will be launching our website within the next month to month and a half and will be launching several new and exciting products.

When it is launched, you will be welcome to order directly from us, but we will still encourage you to buy from and support your favorite retailers that carry our products.


Where Can Ursa-Gel Be Purchased?
Ursa-Gel is already available for sale at DPS Nutrition in the US and will be available within the next couple of days from Predator Nutrition in the UK and is available to ship right away to any other retailers interested in carrying it.
We will have a subforum here on Anabolic Minds shortly and I'll post a link in this post as soon the admin creates it.

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Please check it when you can for new product releases, articles, information, sales, company information, and suggestion threads.
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Congratulations on the new product launch.

I could see this product being a great stack with XPG Ab-Solved and/or Suppress-C and also with a lot of SNS or CEL products.
Another great product. I love Ursolic Acid, I find I can get a little lazy on my diet with no ill effects if using UA. Excited to try this with the XPG topical formula that's held in high regard with many.
We will have a subforum here on Anabolic Minds shortly and I'll post a link in this post as soon the admin creates it.

Please check it when you can for new product releases, articles, information, sales, company information, and suggestion threads.
Another great product. I love Ursolic Acid, I find I can get a little lazy on my diet with no ill effects if using UA. Excited to try this with the XPG topical formula that's held in high regard with many.
Good to know. Might just pick some up for that.
We will have a subforum here on Anabolic Minds shortly and I'll post a link in this post as soon the admin creates it.

Please check it when you can for new product releases, articles, information, sales, company information, and suggestion threads.

Yesssss .. love the new products .. I see DPS already has it in stock, will be placing it with my next order.

Good to see you guys here.
Another great product. I love Ursolic Acid, I find I can get a little lazy on my diet with no ill effects if using UA. Excited to try this with the XPG topical formula that's held in high regard with many.

Thank you. I look forward to hearing how you'll like it.
Is it because i am in Canada or Flexit nutrtion does not get the credit card option for paiement?
It fluctuates for them since they carry some of the 'gray' area supps... They can do Venmo/cash apps or ACH/electronic check options
Coming in soon to Flexit nutrition as well, btw, them and DPS are my go to shops

Both are great retailers and I'm glad that they are both stocking the new products.

Hopefully they will be in stock at some other online retailers soon too.
It being more of a cream than a gel threw me off at first but wow, that dries ULTRA fast after spreading it and noticeable body temp rise having the higher dose. Great job y'all
It being more of a cream than a gel threw me off at first but wow, that dries ULTRA fast after spreading it and noticeable body temp rise having the higher dose. Great job y'all

I haven't started it yet for a cycle of it but I did apply some to see what the consistency was going to be like and I agree, it dries super fast and I liked the consistency of it.
similar to their other products?

Yes, I would say that its pretty similar to the others.

The consistency varies just slightly from product to product since their are carrier customizations per ingredient(s) but overall they're all pretty similar imo and all dry quickly which is a big thing to me with topicals.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, we got our start as mostly a brand that sold almost exclusively to brick and mortars and select online retailers which is why we hadn't already done a direct-to-consumer sales website. We are now in the process of having one built and hope to have it ready by the end of the year.

Because of that, many people assumed that we weren't going to have any special Black Friday Sales, but we have a great surprise for everyone.

Since we didn't have the ability to do a direct Black Friday sale, we have teamed up with DPS to offer one to you through them.

Xtreme Performance Gels Black Friday Sale at DPS Nutrition

Save 30 to 35% off All Xtreme Performance Gels Products

25% off Brand Sale + Additional 5% off Any Order or 10% off 150+ Orders at Checkout

- Ursolic Acid Skin Gel (Sodium Ursolate)
- 70 mg. Sodium Ursolate per ml/100 ml per bottle
- 7 Grams Sodium Ursolate Per Bottle
- As low as 36.24 each

CurcuPrime Gel
- Topical Curcumin Skin Gel
- 100 mg. CurcuPrime Tetrahydrocurcumin per ml/100 ml per bottle
- 10 Grams CurcuPrime Per Bottle
- As low as 32.90 each

- Maximum Strength Slimming Gel
- As low as 28.68 each

EpiAndro Gel
- Epiandrosterone Skin Gel
- 75 mg. per ml/100 ml per bottle
- 7.5 Grams Epiandrosterone Per Bottle
- As low as 26.99 each

- Topical Defining & Lean Muscle Matrix
- 25 mg. B-Androstenetriol per ml/100 ml per bottle
- As low as 29.22 each

Ab-Solved/Suppress-C Twinpack:
- 1 bottle of each
- As low as 51.97 per twinpack
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I think I will same mine until after the holidays when I am trying to lose some fat and retain muscle !!
I think I will same mine until after the holidays when I am trying to lose some fat and retain muscle !!

I'm looking forward to seeing your results on this when you try it.
Bumping this, any member feedback?

thinking about adding this in to my (never ending) absolved + alpha gel run (marathon)

huge fan of your guys carriers
Bumping this, any member feedback?

thinking about adding this in to my (never ending) absolved + alpha gel run (marathon)

huge fan of your guys carriers

Been using Ursa-Gel for the past ~6 months, using 3 pumps per day Mon-Fri, 2 pumps on my weekend off days. Love the stuff, I more or less consider it a staple at this point haha. Increased body temp/more sweating/more vascularity are noticeable early on, but the muscular endurance benefits after extended use are by far my favorite part about UA.
Been using Ursa-Gel for the past ~6 months, using 3 pumps per day Mon-Fri, 2 pumps on my weekend off days. Love the stuff, I more or less consider it a staple at this point haha. Increased body temp/more sweating/more vascularity are noticeable early on, but the muscular endurance benefits after extended use are by far my favorite part about UA.

Sounds Like A Real Winner !!
Xtreme Performance Gels Black Friday Sale:
25% off of All Orders w/code blackfriday25
30% off All Orders of 500.00+ or more w/code blackfriday30

For a limited time, buy your Xtreme Performance Gels products along with your SNS products.
See this thread for full details - https://anabolicminds.com/community...rmance-gels-massive-black-friday-sale.338736/


Ursa-Gel - 3 Bottle Multi-Pack:

Ursa-Gel - 6 Bottle Multi-Pack:

Ursa-Gel - 12 Bottle Multi-Pack: