X-Factor and Superdrol NG sponsored log



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Day 9 of log

Day 1 GBC
A2- Chin Ups 4 x 10 (311) 60 sec - body-125lbs
A1 - Step Ups 4 x 12 (20X) 60 sec - 25lb dumbbells

B1 - Lunges (dynamic) 3 x 12 (311) 45 sec no added weight. B2 - Incline Dumbbell Chest Press 3 x 10-12 (411) 45 sec 40lb dumbbells

C1 - Seated Leg Curl 3 x 10 (401) 45 sec 110lbs
C2 - Barbell Shoulder Press 3 x 12 (311) 45 sec 50lbs on smith machine standing rather than seated

D1 - Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 2 x 10-12 (411) 30 sec 25 lbs left elbow hurts too much for 30s still
D2 - Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 2 x 10-12 (422) 30 sec 35lbs

So no increases, but thats ok, stayed stable :) Was a nice workout, nothing extraordinary. Tried Ragnarok out as pre-workout drink, it tasted good, gave some decent energy, but wasn't as spectacular as I have come to expect from MST :) Not that it was bad, I just had hi hopes


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203 on scale today

Off day, still doing 16 eggs a day. Today I turned 40, so I went a little cheatish for dinner (not really but for me it was). I had a sunflower butter + rasberry jam sandwich on whole grain oatnut bread, and 2 fried plantains :D Getting a little tired of eggs and red meat really, tomorrow tho is halloween at the winghouse, and that is the best lunch of the year :D


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203 on scale today

Off day, still doing 16 eggs a day. Today I turned 40, so I went a little cheatish for dinner (not really but for me it was). I had a sunflower butter + rasberry jam sandwich on whole grain oatnut bread, and 2 fried plantains :D Getting a little tired of eggs and red meat really, tomorrow tho is halloween at the winghouse, and that is the best lunch of the year :D

and can i take dayquil or nyquil on xfactor, im sick total head cold and i wanna get rid of it so my mom picked that up. ingrediants are
acetaminophen 325mg
dextromethorphanhbr 10mg
phenlyephrine hci 5mg


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Well, jury is out on acetominophen. Its not a direct cox2 inhibitor/NSAID, so its the safest of the normal ones to use. Still not sure if it affects x-factor tho


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Oh I keep forgetting to add, Superdrol NG smells really nice. Its got a warm earthy smell to it.

Also, I'm not getting doms, but my pumps are holding on off days? Maybe its not quite pumps or soreness but a sort of puffy stiffness? Its somewhere between a pump and DOMS :D Not super strong, but still with me tonite, and different than it felt a pre-xfactor.


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Oh I keep forgetting to add, Superdrol NG smells really nice. Its got a warm earthy smell to it.

Also, I'm not getting doms, but my pumps are holding on off days? Maybe its not quite pumps or soreness but a sort of puffy stiffness? Its somewhere between a pump and DOMS :D Not super strong, but still with me tonite, and different than it felt a pre-xfactor.
like just a wellbeing fullness feeling?


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yeah, plus a little bit of range of motion restriction, not really sore but tight.


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Day 11 of log

Wed is day 2 of GBC (monday is day 1, fri is day 3) which now with my modifications consists of...

A1 - Swiss Ball Push Ups 4 x 12-15 (222) 45 sec
A2 - Deadlift 3 x 10-12 (311) 60 sec 75

B1 - Seated Cable Row w/rope to Neck 3 x 10-12 (321) 45 sec 130lbs
B2 - Leg Press 3 x 12-15 (411) 60 sec, 90lbs on sled, going to try higher next week

C1 - Single Standing Leg Curl 3 x 10 (411) 45 sec 80lbs
C2 - Lateral Raise 3 x 12 -15 (221) 45 sec 15lbs - these were done as palm up, palm down hurts my left elbow area

D1 - Barbell Curl 2 x 10 - 12 (311) 45 sec 60lbs
D2 - EZ Bar French Press (seated) 2 x 10- 12 (311) 30 sec 60lbs, used regular barbell, for whatever reason its less strain on my elbows that way.

Used cytosport Fast Twitch as a pre-workout drink, was a good workout, sweated like a pig. Didn't buy hard boiled eggs today, so only this morning. i'll have more later :)


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Happy Belated b-day E! Log looks real good man, real good.


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thanks! I didn't hit the goals I had hoped by 40, but i've made consistent progress. I mostly blew the goals cause so far they haven't been very realistic. I've learned a lot in the last year tho! And i'm pretty close to being in as good or in some ways better shape than i've been since I was in high school :D


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Day 13 of log, day 3 gbc

A1 - Squat 4 x 12-15 (401) 60 sec - 95lbs for all 3 sets, only got 10 on set 4

A2 - Bench Press 4 x 10-12 (411) 60 sec again now I know real weight, I was previously counting bar as 20lbs. 135lbs! but only managed 8 on set 3 + 4.

B1 - Lunge (static) 3 x 15 (311) 60 sec - 2 10lb dumbbells
B2 - Barbell Rows 3 x 12 (311) 60 sec - compound rows on a machine, 185lbs

C1 - Good Mornings 3 x 10 (312) 60 sec - 60lbs
C2 - Standing Alt. Dumbbell Press 3 x 12 (201) 45 sec - 35lbs set 1, 30lb set 2, 25 set 3. just was worn out already, couldnt get em up

D1 - Reverse Barbell Curls 2 x 12 -15 (212) 30 sec - 50lb - muscles coulda handled more, but left elbow couldnt
D2 - Triceps Pushdowns (underhanded) 2 x 12 -15 (312) 30 sec - 110lb

Pretty good workout! weights going up. Feeling "thick" in chest + shoulders. I'm not really getting doms so much as a sort of tight/thick feeling in the major muscle groups. Sort of a pumpish feeling. Its pretty much staying round the clock on off days too. nice pump in the gym too :)


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Good stuff Easy! Thickness, full feeling is a good sign!


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my pump today is maintaining itself incredibly well.my shoulders / chest / bis / tris and maybe upper back are all still heavily pumped a good 6 hrs post workout. I sorta feel like I'm wearing one of those lead vests they put on you at the dentists office before xrays :D


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Some light doms today, still feels more like a pump with stiffness and a little soreness than a pump. but i'll take it. I'll also stop taking any cissus now, jusat to make sure it isn't interfering.


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i never really ahd the HUGE DOMS either..........guess it affects everyone differently, i def had good gains though!

:thumbsup: keep up the good work and congrats on the Rep position.


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Day 15 of log

202 lbs this morning, feeling REALLY lean. I'm still a lardass, but far less so :D calipers reading somewhere between 17-19mm, so 20-22% bf. Some soreness today in shoulders still not much else. Going to start adding chicken livers to my diet, seems like they are one of the highest in AA content food items.


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Easy Reppin eh?..good job bruv...congrats..told ya it was a matter of time


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thanks :D
Day 16 of xfactor, switched to SAIS for a workout routine now that x-factor is kicking in


Monday: Chest, biceps
Bench press (free weights, barbell) 3 sets 6 reps 1x6 160 1x3 185 1x6 160
Incline press (free weights, barbell) 2 sets 10 reps 2x10 115
Vertical bench press (machine) 1 set 20 reps 100 total (machine is set per side)

Barbell curls (shoulder wide grip) 1x4 85 2x6 75
Dumbbell curls (seated) 2 sets 10 reps 1x9 30 1x10 25
EZ-barbell curls (narrow grip) 1 set 20 reps 1x19 bar + 20, 20 sec pause at 14

then I added on 2 sets of 12 of roman chair crunches (or whatever those are called on a roman chair) and 1 set of 15 of roman chair russian twists. I'm going to continue doing more ab work.

I took 2 stimulant x today as well as the 2 superdrol ng. gave great energy and aggression in the gym! was a very nice combo.


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201 on the scale today. So i'm guessing I break below 200 again by sunday. Today is legs on SAIS, headed that way in a little bit. Can't decide whether to use RPM today or try primaforce N20. I think RPM, i'll save opening the primaforce till I run out of swell


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Today was day 2 of SAIS, its legs

Squats (free weights, barbell) 3 sets 6 reps 135x6 135x5 125x6
Leg press (machine) 2 sets 10 reps 2x10 2 plates per side on sled
Hack squats (machine) 1 set 20 reps 100lbs

I then added stomach crunches on a machine for 2 sets of 12 @ 100, 2 sets of 12 of roman chair russian twists, and 1 set of 15 of leg lifts.

I would have even gone and done cardio after, but was running late. Squats are ass to heels.

Tomorrow is an off day, depending on how my legs feel, I may do cardio. Otherwise, i'm WAY looking forward to thursday and friday. 2 reasons really, one i'm now taking drive as well as rpm :woohoo: I asked jjohn and he was ok with it. so by thursday friday I should have some noticeable activity from that. also tho, thurs is shoulders (and tris), and friday is back (and calves). I am SOOOOOOOO looking forward to fridays 3 sets of 6 lat pulldowns. just to see what weight i use. Used to do it with around 135-140 for 10-12, I bet I can do close to 180, maybe even 200 for 6 reps nowadays.


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202 today. Change in supplementation as well

So now dosage is

strength days

3 drive (just for frontloading week, will be 2 after)
3 rpm
2 superdrol ng
2 x-factor

later in day is
3 drive (just for frontloading week, will be 2 after)
3 rpm
1 superdrol ng
2 x-factor

off days is

3 drive (just for frontloading week, will be 2 after)
2 rpm
1 superdrol ng
2 x-factor

twice a day.

Feeling some doms today, but not too severe except in my crotch. I used the adductor/abducter machine yesterday and that was the first time :)


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keep up the intensity !!! fats dripping off


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day 19 of x-factor


Behind the neck press (free weights, barbell) 3 sets 6 reps 7x70 6x80 5x80 smashed left index finger racking
Standing upright rows (free weights, EZ-barbell) 2 sets 10 reps 6x85, 10x55
Front overhead press (machine) 1 set 20 reps (slow-twitch red muscle fibers) 20x100
Lying triceps press (free weights, EZ-barbell) 3 sets 6 reps 3x75, 4x 65, 6x55
Overhead triceps press (free weights, EZ-barbell) 2 sets 10 reps 8x55, 10x45
Triceps pushdown (machine, cable) 1 set 20 reps 20x100, just barely!

upright rows felt a little odd, and so did the lying triceps press. I need to both look at some videos of them both, and maybe even record myself to check form.

Other than that, a good workout. Still no real doms other than my crotch from teh adductor/abductor machine, but that hurts like a mofo. 202 on the scale.


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word eric....looks good bruv....still checking my mail box everyday....getting a lil discouraged.


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202 on scale today. Got some doms going on today, my triceps hurt, shoulders a little too when I shrug. :D


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202 on scale today. Got some doms going on today, my triceps hurt, shoulders a little too when I shrug. :D
how do you know if they are DOMS or just normal soreness from a workout which is totally NORMAL?


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how do you know if they are DOMS or just normal soreness from a workout which is totally NORMAL?
I don't :)

since doms is "delayed onset muscle soreness" I guess since they are sorer this morning than they were last night when I went to bed means they are DOMS...


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day 20 of xfactor

Front latpulldown (machine, shoulder wide grip) 3 sets 6 reps 160x6 150x7 150x6
Seated cable rows (machine, narrow grip) 2 sets 10 reps 120x13 140x10
Dumbbell rows (one arm at a time) 1 set 20 reps 40x18
Standing calf raises (machine) 3 sets 6 reps 200x13 240x10 240x8
Seated calf raises (machine) 2 sets 10 reps 10x90 9x90
Bend-over calf raises (machine) 1 set 20 reps no donkey calf machine, so I subbed standing in, 20x60

A nice workout. I had hoped for higher on lat pulldowns, but it still feels good to do em. Actually tricep soreness/doms limited me some on them. I need to decide what to do about calves really as I don't particularly want them any bigger, they are already 15.5 + 16, so at most I want to even them out. not really sure yet. Using primaforce n20 as a preworkout drink, that seems really nice, the lemonade flavor mixes well with syntrax lemonade for getting protein in at the same time.


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Man you're puttin up some big numbers! Way to go!!

Any bad sides from the Superdrol?


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No, its superdrol NG, so no sides to speak of. Seems ok, really even its stim effect has started to drop so I started using RPM + pre workout drinks to get that CNS jump in the gym


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You likein' that Primal N20 so far?
Its some good stuff! the flavor is nice, mixes with syntrax lemonade perfectly. bcaas/glutamine go in nicely as well. its not quite stimmy enough to make me want to puke (after 4 rpm, 2 superdrol NG and a reset AD) but its noticeable. I like the pumps too. Today I was irrrrrrritated as heck cause I forgot to charge my zune, so I had to listen to gym music. I bet with some metallica I would have gotten 180x3 on the pulldowns. I actually did leave that out, the warmup sets of 20 reps of light weight, and my "hmm how much should I be trying for a working set" pulls :) I had 1/2 rep of 200, then around 5/6 rep followed by half rep of 180, then went down to 160 :D


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yeah, I think I will. I like it preworkout, and i'm using swell from nimbus with meals now :) I really like beta alanine


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day 21 of x-factor

200 on the scale today, off day. Soreness is getting worse. Nothing horrifying or unbearable at all, but my tris, forearms and a good bit of my back are pretty sore, far more sore than they normally would be 1-2 days post workout


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6 lbs total so far cut and you're increasing your gains and endurance! Awesome job!


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I've gotten good at this at this point ;) I'd have to guess that 100% of loss is fat, and that i'm doing some small amount of recomping each week as well, adding muscle in place of even more fat. Still a ways to go tho. I probably need to get down to near 180 in the end. I'm definitely leaner by far today at 200 than I was at 196 in august. Although that bulking did put a bit of fat on, it DEFINITELY put at least 6-8 pounds of muscle on too in 4 weeks.


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Chest, biceps
Bench press bb 3 sets 6 reps 1x2 170 1x3 160 1x3 150 :(
Incline press bb 2 sets 10 reps 10x110, 9x110
Vertical bench press (machine) 1 set 20 reps 80lbs. did 7 for 100, knew I couldn't make it. lowered it to 80 and did 20 like that.

Barbell curls 8x80 6x90 5x80
Dumbbell curls (seated) 2 x 10x 25
EZ-barbell curls (narrow grip) 1x20 x bar + 20, failure at 20 :)

Good on curls, bad on bp. Not sure what happened there. I'm back to taking neovar preworkout, so pumps hit major fast so maybe thats it, but then i'd expect curls to have been affected too, and they were actually better than last week. I was happy to do the curls with 90 :) pumps are pretty ferocious now. I've also changed to doing 2 cups of mixed berries + whey post workout, which is even more pumpalicious with neovar.

We'll see how i'm feeling tomorrow. I'll be shifting legs from tomorrow to wednesday as tonite i'm flying to baltimore tonite for a meeting at 9am tomorrow morning. luckily wed is supposed to be rest day, so i'll just move it to tuesday. Comically I tried on some suits I haven't worn in a long while, and well, I have to go shopping today :) the pants are so loose that even with a belt they look silly like clown pants, and the sleeves on the jackets are maybe 4" above my wrists (I guess my shoulders grew a bit :D)


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wuzup easy.. nice that the weight is dropping off i aint sure how your strength is lately though having been following that closely hopefully its moving up

Bench press bb 3 sets 6 reps 1x2 170 1x3 160 1x3 150

personalyl id rewrite your workouts seems easier like this

BB Bench Press 170x2, 160x3, 150x3

(at least i think i read that right let me know)


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I just caught up with your log Easy, looks good so far and keep it up man.



Never enough
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wuzup easy.. nice that the weight is dropping off i aint sure how your strength is lately though having been following that closely hopefully its moving up

Bench press bb 3 sets 6 reps 1x2 170 1x3 160 1x3 150

personalyl id rewrite your workouts seems easier like this

BB Bench Press 170x2, 160x3, 150x3

(at least i think i read that right let me know)
yeah, that makes more sense. Strength has mostly been going up. bench presses took a dip today, but hard to say. inclines stayed the same. I haven't felt all that well the last few days, a cold or sinus infection so that might have affected it :)


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today is day 24 of xfactor, and a relocated off day :) i'm in baltimore for the day for a 2hr meeting, flew in last nite, and back out this afternoon. Since i'm now doing more sales than technology, I had to actually wear dress clothes. MAN it was a comedy. I went to put on the last suits I wore, and I would have needed suspenders to keep the pants up, and the sleeves on the jackets were around 2" too short :D I guess I gained more around the shoulders/chest than I thought since i've started. The pants were tight when I last put them on in mid-april (sales convention) after I had already lost some weight from my peak. I possibly can get them tailored, probably need a good 2-3 inches taken in. At least there will be decent thigh room then. I felt back like when I was a little kid (we grew up poor) and I was trying on jackets + dress pants at salvation army trying to find somethign that went together that fit. So instead went shopping, bought a nice separate jacket and pants (non-matching) and a green shirt. So apparently now I'm a 46R jacket size, 16/34-35 shirt. Previously was wearing 44R, with as large as 17.5/34-35 shirts.... :D

I'm not going to buy any more for now, I think I won't travel much again till Feb or so, and i'll see more change in the interim. I don't think i'll gain that much more in shoulders (maybe tho) but I'll definitely go down further in waist. Once I reach where i'm pretty happy with shape of my body, i'll go drop some big $ getting some tailored stuff, and some of those custom shirts.


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Thats what it's all about Easy. Good stuff bro, great log as always!
:) its this last bit below here weightwise that I need to conquer, get rid of the love handles completely this time around. Its going to hurt :)

I'm still torn over whether to do a hormonal cycle in december/jan. I'm starting to feel like that will be my best opportunity to do it without having a problem with travelling for work. I wouldn't even mind so much having to take a trip on cycle, its more about during PCT that I am concerned. Regardless of whether I am using dermacrine sustain, nolva, whatever, it will likely be something I dont want to bring on a plane and DONT want to skip a day or two of either....


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Day 25, halfway there...

Starting to get more soreness now. Took today as an off day as well, hoping to get to feeling a little better as I have some sort of respiratory infection. its not horrible yet, but I dont want to overexert and make it worse. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, I can actually add legs onto tomorrow anyhow if I feel good enough

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