who is using Trenavar?


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so have we come up with a range to dose this?


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cool well just started dbol and test e was going to run dbol for 5wks then take 4 wks off orals then hit trenavar for last 6 wks


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i was researching this and found several studies showing that 4-androstenedione binds to the androgen receptor.
4-Androstenedione competitively displaced fluorescent androgen from AR ligand-binding domain with a lower affinity than dihydrotestosterone (K(d), 648 +/- 21 and 10 +/- 0.4 nm, respectively).
the higher the number the less affinity for the receptor.
what i'm gettin at is, with trens high affinity for the AR(higher than dht), its dione should bind fairly well and probably the metabolites also. so trenavar may be a decent anabolic even without a conversion.
Here is an excerpt from the abstract in the study you referenced:

"4-androstenedione is an androgen that binds AR, induces AR nuclear translocation, and promotes myogenesis in vitro, with substantially lower potency than dihydrotestosterone. 4-androstenedione administration in high doses to hypogonadal men increases testosterone levels, FFM, and muscle strength, although at the dose tested, the anabolic effects in hypogonadal men are likely because of its conversion to testosterone."

The androstenedione AR binding study was done in vitro, and from what I remember when I read that paper, they had to use a high concentration to achieve measurable binding. It's not likely that you'll achieve high enough levels in vivo to bind the AR to a significant extent. In fact the authors conclude that even when dosed at 1500mg per day to hypogonadal men, the effects probably come from conversion to test and not from the parent compound.

Also, we can't really infer trenedione AR affinity from andro affinity. Just because tren binds with higher affinity than test doesn't necessarily mean that their respective pre-cursors or metabolites will retain this relationship. That said, it seems like this product is getting rave reviews so far. My bet though is that the effects are due to conversion to tren with an adequate level reaching target tissues.


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@60mgs I'm getting some androgenic sides such as increased aggression I can control it but it's there for sure no pumps or strength gains yet tomorrow is day 4


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"real tren ph?" could you elaborate i'm interested in this.


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Not for nothing, but you can order real tren ph from UK websites for about $40 a bottle. Why spend money on a possibility when the real deal is out there to be had?

I'm running Fusion Supp Trenadrol right now with few sides and great gains. Bridged from SD 2 weeks ago, and I can honestly say I'm seeing strength and endurance gains that I've never experienced before.

IBE has some work to do. Underdosed or not, they need to take pride in putting out a product that people will actually like, not one with a ton of hype that will rock in presales but fail shortly thereafter.
is that "tren" dienolone? or does it convert directly into tren. I've never used tren but I'm interested in this.


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I've been cutting on 30mgs for a week now, just upped it 45mg this weekend, solo trenavar btw. This is week 3 of an 8 week cut, with week 9 being PCT. Not much strength increase, as i expect, however i should note that I'm at a tremendous deficit, eating about 1800 a day, which i started on the 1st day of trenavar. It is doing a magnificent job at maintaining my muscle mass and strength. Fatloss is pretty amazing, as i started to notice something resembling abs. One thing i should note is my grip strength on my Deadlifts. I usually max 5 plates per side (495lbs), and when i do it, i do it quick because my grip can only hold for around 5 secs, or else i use straps. This weekend, i was able to lock 495 out STRAPLESS, and not only that, i locked it out for at least 10secs! That's an amazing increase in grip strength. Everything else was kinda ok; Benchpress was kind of difficult at 3 plates per side but I should remind you that im at a tremendous deficit so I guess that is kind of good that my lifts haven't dropped yet.

As for side effects, bloodpressure is ok, and for me, it tends to drop during cutting season. I haven't notice much aggression. I did notice i was getting a bit irritated with a coworker regarding some minor syntax in coding (I work in Electrical Engineering btw), but that was about it. Still, This is the beginning of week 2 (of trenavar) so I'll see how it goes.


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I've been cutting on 30mgs for a week now, just upped it 45mg this weekend, solo trenavar btw. This is week 3 of an 8 week cut, with week 9 being PCT. Not much strength increase, as i expect, however i should note that I'm at a tremendous deficit, eating about 1800 a day, which i started on the 1st day of trenavar. It is doing a magnificent job at maintaining my muscle mass and strength. Fatloss is pretty amazing, as i started to notice something resembling abs. One thing i should note is my grip strength on my Deadlifts. I usually max 5 plates per side (495lbs), and when i do it, i do it quick because my grip can only hold for around 5 secs, or else i use straps. This weekend, i was able to lock 495 out STRAPLESS, and not only that, i locked it out for at least 10secs! That's an amazing increase in grip strength. Everything else was kinda ok; Benchpress was kind of difficult at 3 plates per side but I should remind you that im at a tremendous deficit so I guess that is kind of good that my lifts haven't dropped yet.

As for side effects, bloodpressure is ok, and for me, it tends to drop during cutting season. I haven't notice much aggression. I did notice i was getting a bit irritated with a coworker regarding some minor syntax in coding (I work in Electrical Engineering btw), but that was about it. Still, This is the beginning of week 2 (of trenavar) so I'll see how it goes.
Thanks for the review, man. I'd like to see more updates from people running it solo like this. It's also nice to see someone using it in a pure cutting scenario.

Hopefully you'll continue to update (great job on the grip strength increase, btw).


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I've been cutting on 30mgs for a week now, just upped it 45mg this weekend, solo trenavar btw. This is week 3 of an 8 week cut, with week 9 being PCT. Not much strength increase, as i expect, however i should note that I'm at a tremendous deficit, eating about 1800 a day, which i started on the 1st day of trenavar. It is doing a magnificent job at maintaining my muscle mass and strength. Fatloss is pretty amazing, as i started to notice something resembling abs. One thing i should note is my grip strength on my Deadlifts. I usually max 5 plates per side (495lbs), and when i do it, i do it quick because my grip can only hold for around 5 secs, or else i use straps. This weekend, i was able to lock 495 out STRAPLESS, and not only that, i locked it out for at least 10secs! That's an amazing increase in grip strength. Everything else was kinda ok; Benchpress was kind of difficult at 3 plates per side but I should remind you that im at a tremendous deficit so I guess that is kind of good that my lifts haven't dropped yet.

As for side effects, bloodpressure is ok, and for me, it tends to drop during cutting season. I haven't notice much aggression. I did notice i was getting a bit irritated with a coworker regarding some minor syntax in coding (I work in Electrical Engineering btw), but that was about it. Still, This is the beginning of week 2 (of trenavar) so I'll see how it goes.
Nice review. I can't wait for mine lol.


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Thanks. I was going to cut on a low dose SD stacked with Trenazone but when I heard of Trenavar and how it converts to Trenbolone, it sounded too good to be true, and I've seen the effects of Tren A on some of my buddies, so i planned this for my cutting cycle.


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Thanks. I was going to cut on a low dose SD stacked with Trenazone but when I heard of Trenavar and how it converts to Trenbolone, it sounded too good to be true, and I've seen the effects of Tren A on some of my buddies, so i planned this for my cutting cycle.
How high r u gonna take up the dose?


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Estra-4,9-diene-3,17-dione (Tren) is the only PH I use these days. I just finished a pulse cycle (120 mg. three times/week) and gained 7 lbs in 5 weeks with no sides. I also used a good natty test booster and a good AI at the same time. Thsi may be slighly different than Trenavar.


What's the fascination of oral tren? Why would you want something that supposedly converts to tren inside your body when you can get the real stuff and inject it once a day? Genuine question here, as I really dont understand the fascination with this stuff.


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What's the fascination of oral tren? Why would you want something that supposedly converts to tren inside your body when you can get the real stuff and inject it once a day? Genuine question here, as I really dont understand the fascination with this stuff.
It's Legal

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What's the fascination of oral tren? Why would you want something that supposedly converts to tren inside your body when you can get the real stuff and inject it once a day? Genuine question here, as I really dont understand the fascination with this stuff.
It's legal and it works.


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What's the fascination of oral tren? Why would you want something that supposedly converts to tren inside your body when you can get the real stuff and inject it once a day? Genuine question here, as I really dont understand the fascination with this stuff.
Any more questions??

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yeah the conversion to tren would definately make more sense. people are saying it doesn't feel like tren and may have something else goin on. i wonder would an in vivo test on ar binding like that even be possible?
I don't think you could directly measure AR affinity or kd with an in vivo model, at least not that I know of. You might be able to estimate it by extrapolating from known pharmacokinetic variables in conjunction with some sort of read out for AR stimulation in an animal model though. I doubt there's currently an established model that's used to assess this though.


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Where did this legal and illegal sh** came from? Sounds like a geico insurance commercial lol..


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Fock it I'm gonna try trenavar after I get some tren ace, just for sh*ts and giggles.


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The research chemicals you use for pct are illegal for human consumption, so the legality aspect of it can't be that big of a deal.
Nolvadex and Clomid are not a felony offence. Trenbolone Acetate and other anabolic steroids are.. Trenavar you can swallow in front of a cop.

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i guess because daily injects suck. i've got visible scar tissue in my delts from all those repeated injects. i wish i had that to do over.
I've never injected into the delts

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Seems like it would hurt a lot more than the good old glutes

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slin pin's my brothers... they work wonders in smaller muscles, and minimal if any scarring


slin pin's my brothers... they work wonders in smaller muscles, and minimal if any scarring
Agreed. I use a 1/2 in, 27 gauge slin pin for my tren acetate, and it works perfectly. Injections into the upper end of the quad produce very minimal post injection pain (and none later into the cycle). There's little fat in the region, so a slin pin gets right through to the muscle. Fukc pinning into the visible regions of my delts. Sounds problematic and painful. After trying several locations, upper quads are my favorite. Only person who might notice the temporary tiny pin marks there is a chick as she's going down on me lol, although she'll be way too distracted to notice.

I understand the hopes surrounding trenavar as an oral version of trenbolone. Of course that's exciting! But naturally I have my doubts. I'm curious about the bioavailabity and rate of conversion to active trenbolone and whether there are any other metabolites. I've read the trenavar hormone profile info, and there's a lot of speculation on its bioavailability and potency. Let's say it's 80% resistant to first pass metabolism and 80% converted to trenbolone (very unlikely), the 30 to 45 mg dose people are taking would be on the very low side of a tren acetate dose. This doesn't mean that this low dose is not effective, as trenbolone is a super potent compound. People could definitely see gains. But why not go with the tren ace instead? I saw that legality was a huge concern. The line of legality has already been crossed with most cycles. I don't worry about illegally using a SERM, smoking a blunt every once in a while, or going a bit over the speed limit. As long as I'm not driving down the street and shooting up my tren ace at the same time, I'm not worried about it lol. But that's just me.

Anyway, I'm posting without reading through all 15 pages. I'll look back and see if people have gotten good results. I can't argue with kept gains. Trenbolone's a beast for keeping gains due to its antagonism of the cortisol receptor. Even at low doses, I could see some benefits. No matter what, it still can never replace the good ol' tren acetate in my book.

Edit: After reading through several pages, it appears trenavar is mostly ineffective as speculated. Plus most of the things I've said have already been mentioned. Definitely go with the Tren A or even another PH if you have to IMO.


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you are reading the wrong board first all the logs are on another board and secound show one person that was not happy with trenavar..you will not even though it;s only been out for over a month so far everyone is loving it. I am sending free tren to any one who wants to challange us with trenavar. this is first product we will fight to death for...lol thats how much we are seeing the results.

Agreed. I use a 1/2 in, 27 gauge slin pin for my tren acetate, and it works perfectly. Injections into the upper end of the quad produce very minimal post injection pain (and none later into the cycle). There's little fat in the region, so a slin pin gets right through to the muscle. Fukc pinning into the visible regions of my delts. Sounds problematic and painful. After trying several locations, upper quads are my favorite. Only person who might notice the temporary tiny pin marks there is a chick as she's going down on me lol, although she'll be way too distracted to notice.

I understand the hopes surrounding trenavar as an oral version of trenbolone. Of course that's exciting! But naturally I have my doubts. I'm curious about the bioavailabity and rate of conversion to active trenbolone and whether there are any other metabolites. I've read the trenavar hormone profile info, and there's a lot of speculation on its bioavailability and potency. Let's say it's 80% resistant to first pass metabolism and 80% converted to trenbolone (very unlikely), the 30 to 45 mg dose people are taking would be on the very low side of a tren acetate dose. This doesn't mean that this low dose is not effective, as trenbolone is a super potent compound. People could definitely see gains. But why not go with the tren ace instead? I saw that legality was a huge concern. The line of legality has already been crossed with most cycles. I don't worry about illegally using a SERM, smoking a blunt every once in a while, or going a bit over the speed limit. As long as I'm not driving down the street and shooting up my tren ace at the same time, I'm not worried about it lol. But that's just me.

Anyway, I'm posting without reading through all 15 pages. I'll look back and see if people have gotten good results. I can't argue with kept gains. Trenbolone's a beast for keeping gains due to its antagonism of the cortisol receptor. Even at low doses, I could see some benefits. No matter what, it still can never replace the good ol' tren acetate in my book.

Edit: After reading through several pages, it appears trenavar is mostly ineffective as speculated. Plus most of the things I've said have already been mentioned. Definitely go with the Tren A or even another PH if you have to IMO.


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you are reading the wrong board first all the logs are on another board and secound show one person that was not happy with trenavar..you will not even though it;s only been out for over a month so far everyone is loving it. I am sending free tren to any one who wants to challange us with trenavar. this is first product we will fight to death for...lol thats how much we are seeing the results.
Stopped over PHF and looked at PoopyPants' log. He is getting good results I would say. But he is doing a full on bulk. I wanna see what tren can do to shred. Are their any logs of a tren cut using trenavar? PM with link is cool too.


Well-known member
you are reading the wrong board first all the logs are on another board and secound show one person that was not happy with trenavar..you will not even though it;s only been out for over a month so far everyone is loving it. I am sending free tren to any one who wants to challange us with trenavar. this is first product we will fight to death for...lol thats how much we are seeing the results.
I would love to try trenavar for my cut, and I will definitely log if u would b so kind to send me some. I'll b as detailed as possible.


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Stopped over PHF and looked at PoopyPants' log. He is getting good results I would say. But he is doing a full on bulk. I wanna see what tren can do to shred. Are their any logs of a tren cut using trenavar? PM with link is cool too.
So far, Bulky (can't recall if he posted in this thread or the other tren thread) appears to be the only one I know of who is running it solo and purely to cut.

Everybody wants to freaking recomp lol. And most people are so quick to give up what their initial plans are the second they start to gain a little weight; the cut instantly turns into recomp.


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So far, Bulky (can't recall if he posted in this thread or the other tren thread) appears to be the only one I know of who is running it solo and purely to cut.

Everybody wants to freaking recomp lol. And most people are so quick to give up what their initial plans are the second they start to gain a little weight; the cut instantly turns into recomp.
I will definitely use it for a cut. If my weight stays the same while I drop a lot of bf I'll b satisfied.


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I will definitely use it for a cut. If my weight stays the same while I drop a lot of bf I'll b satisfied.
that would be called a re-comp lol... a true cut requires losing body weight no matter what your on


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that would be called a re-comp lol... a true cut requires losing body weight no matter what your on
Lol yeah your right. Well yeah it'd b a recomp then cuz I have another competition this year, gotta keep my weight up.


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Lol yeah your right. Well yeah it'd b a recomp then cuz I have another competition this year, gotta keep my weight up.
lol see?! Nobody wants to cut!

That's why I said Bulky's log will prove to be one of the only ones that ends up being beneficial in this. Everyone gets greedy ;)


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lol see?! Nobody wants to cut!

That's why I said Bulky's log will prove to be one of the only ones that ends up being beneficial in this. Everyone gets greedy ;)
Lol well the thing is I don't losing weight if I'm cutting without anabolics, but i'd have to really cut calories hard if I was on cycle to drop the scale, which just seems uneccesary to me honestly. I'd rather lose 3% bf and keep my weight the same.


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Lol well the thing is I don't losing weight if I'm cutting without anabolics, but i'd have to really cut calories hard if I was on cycle to drop the scale, which just seems uneccesary to me honestly. I'd rather lose 3% bf and keep my weight the same.

I'm not hating at all, man; I'd want to do the same thing. What I'm just getting at is SO few people cut anymore. Everybody wants to gain muscle while losing fat.

I'm actually a bit supporter of just pure cutting until you reach a body fat percentage that you should be at and then slowly bulking from there on out. The whole add 20 pounds, drop 15, repeat nonsense is hard on the body.


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I'm not hating at all, man; I'd want to do the same thing. What I'm just getting at is SO few people cut anymore. Everybody wants to gain muscle while losing fat.

I'm actually a bit supporter of just pure cutting until you reach a body fat percentage that you should be at and then slowly bulking from there on out. The whole add 20 pounds, drop 15, repeat nonsense is hard on the body.
Yeah I agree. I bulk slowly too cuz I hate accumulating bf. That's what so many ppl love about gear though is that they can gain weight without gaining bf if they set their macros right.

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