When Cutting Meets Anabolic Innovation



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I say pwr lift now while young and build a nice solid base of size, then BB later to refine that base. My .02


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Let me not get anyone confused....i lift for strength and strength only. The cutting though it is an intricate part of bodybuilding, i never plan on getting competitive. The reason why i wanna cut is to lose all unfunctional weight for fighting. I want to be as lean as i possibly can be while pushing as much weight as is humanly or inhumanly possible.

I like to powerlift b/c of the strength it gives me and I have always been an avid martial artist. I plan to compete in these two areas in the near future. Though i dont post it I do practice martial arts almost daily.

Now to address Kleen...i first started lifting with that goal in mind. Something my dad told me to do to avoid injury. I may go back to that in a bit just to mix things up.

John gave some point on advice about warming up that rotator cuff. It really helps prevent a lot of injuries.

DW... the reason i wanna try cycling from one week to the next is to basically allow myself to really beat myself up on heavy weeks but because im on caloric deficit...give my body and CNS a good amount of time before i tackle that weight again. That week of light lifting i can work on sprint style HIIT cardio and just a nice pump/burn calories.

AZ i dont think i have it in me to bodybuild....not yet at least. Maybe I will take up ur advice and look more into bodybuilding once im close to DW's age b/c i may not be able to powerlift at that point and my body will be too beaten up to be an effective competitive martial artist. Ill never not lift...and not fight...so i might as well find something to stay competitive in and bodybuilding may just be that.

Quick update....im gaining weight....no idea how. I weighed in at 191 this morning and im downing 2000 calories or less a day. If you all remember I was down in the mid 180's a few weeks back but now i cant break 190. Heck monday i was 188 after increasing calories on saturday and now after a week at 2000 calories im up to 191. Where is my body getting the material to gain any sort of weight? I mean i know the Swole Stack is very anabolic but i mean im not eating enough to be gaining weight....

Im confused....this is freaky....im leaning out and getting bigger....at caloric deficit.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Nice post GH. you have a plan my friend and that is half the battle


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I have no clue where you are gaining weight my friend, but if you find out let me know! I am having a hell of a time getting above 180 consistently at 4000+ a day! I have a feeling its because I am not lifting very big yet. Meh.

I like your style though, you put a lot of thought into your actions and it definitely shows.


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Gaining weight, and getting leaner, while eating less.



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Nice post GH. you have a plan my friend and that is half the battle
the boring half...now the fun half is the ATTACK!

I have no clue where you are gaining weight my friend, but if you find out let me know! I am having a hell of a time getting above 180 consistently at 4000+ a day! I have a feeling its because I am not lifting very big yet. Meh.

I like your style though, you put a lot of thought into your actions and it definitely shows.
Maybe you should try getting SWOLE? haha I mean I remember when Kleen told me I would like this stack...i didnt know how prophetic he was being at the time till now.

Now mind you i really believe the reason why i am moderately going up is due to my diet....but its ridiculous im still consistantly progressing. Im tempted just to raise my caloric intake to maintenance and see what happens haha...but alas just one day of increased caloric intake and then back to the fat shredding diet.

Next week....i start grazing and increase my protein intake reducing my over all fat intake. Still maintaining ~2000 a day...i really dont wanna go under that b/c at that point ill be pushing it. Yesterday i was at 1800 and i felt very weak and this morning i was just out of it. So im spiking calories today getting in a few simple sugars nothing crazy and then back to the grind tomorrow. Calories wont surpass the 5000 mark(realistically between 3000-4000).

Gaining weight, and getting leaner, while eating less.

I really dont understand it...but this is the shizza. I mean i actually dont believe how this is happening and if i were to be reading it from someone else I would be heavily skeptical.

Whoever gave this stack its name obviously ran this stack...and named it accordingly.


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I spoke with a friend of mine who is a certified nutritionalist. She is also a body builder, she reiterated some of my beliefs of the fact we have conditioned our bodies to run on way more food than what it needs, and way more protein. That gaining or losing LBM once your body is in a homeostasis with lower calories is very easy and most people really only need half the calories they consume to gain LBM. I am gradually going to step my calories down to about 1800-2000 and test her theory. During my contest prep I NEVER stopped adding a little LBM and I got down to 1600 calories a day. If this is the case and I am eating way more than I need to I am going to stick with it and add LBM slowly. She is averaging 7 lbs of LBM a year eating about 1000-1200 calories a day and is 153 right now very lean with a six pack. This will be a gradual drop for me so I can monitor the LBM but heck I can't imagine how much money I would save in food and protein alone. Her man is 5'10" and 225 shredded and eats about 1400 cals a day that's it. AMAZING.

Happy Independence Day! Here is a Montage of patriotic sexiness!



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^^^ is that sarah palin?


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A look a like I'm sure.


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I spoke with a friend of mine who is a certified nutritionalist. She is also a body builder, she reiterated some of my beliefs of the fact we have conditioned our bodies to run on way more food than what it needs, and way more protein. That gaining or losing LBM once your body is in a homeostasis with lower calories is very easy and most people really only need half the calories they consume to gain LBM. I am gradually going to step my calories down to about 1800-2000 and test her theory. During my contest prep I NEVER stopped adding a little LBM and I got down to 1600 calories a day. If this is the case and I am eating way more than I need to I am going to stick with it and add LBM slowly. She is averaging 7 lbs of LBM a year eating about 1000-1200 calories a day and is 153 right now very lean with a six pack. This will be a gradual drop for me so I can monitor the LBM but heck I can't imagine how much money I would save in food and protein alone. Her man is 5'10" and 225 shredded and eats about 1400 cals a day that's it. AMAZING.
I think what they've done is slowed there metabolisms down slowly to enable themselves to be able to eat less calories. Obviously that's what would have had to happen. I don't want to go through my life eating 1400 calories a day when I can achieve the same thing eating almost tiwce that amount. Seriously if I monitor my diet I can start a cut at 2700 calories and finish around 2300 by maintaining a faster metabolism. I just don't like the diet much and was looking for an easier way. That being said, I agree with the theory but it's taken to extremes in this case. I also wouldn't rule out the use of anabolics in this case as well.

If you don't lower the calories slow enough you will lose muscle, or I will that's for sure. Like I said I agree, we have trained our bodies to survive on X amount of calories and it takes some time to untrain it. One good thing about it, is you would not have to do any cardio going this low...:veryhappy:


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Kleen i want you to know it took days for me to actually read what you said. Im so freaking....."frustrated"....on this stack it ridiculous. I think someone referred to it as Testopro eyes...yeah im about heart beat away from going cave-man on the next non-related female i see.

Libido is sky high...

Now onto what u said. It sounds like ur friend is onto something but i dont think it may function well for strength athletes. Lowering your calories leave very few building blocks for recovery. Now for bodybuilding it sounds point on. It sounds like a very intelligent way to pack on lean mass while not downing lbs and lbs of food. I would love to see how many strength athletes/fighters adhere to a similar philosophy. No doubt she is correct we americans/those who live in a modern world have trained our bodies to live on an excess of calories. But at the same time it amazes me how a 225 man can build muscle on 1400 calories a day.

I remember when I was in wrestling i would eat atrociously small amounts of food...but that was a very unhealthy practice that lead to a lot of muscle loss/weakness.


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4 Week Review and Light lift

So here is my 4 week review on the Swole Stack in caloric Deficit:

Strength: 8/10
In a caloric deficit it is impossible for the true anabolic potential of any strength supplement to shine. But the fact that I am able to make consistant gains in the gym means this is by far the best strength stack I have taken to date. If i were at maintenance this would easily be a 10/10 and if i was above then it would be an 11/10. But to be unbiase I cannot give this a 10 out of 10 due to the conditions of my routine.

Recovery: 10/10
Even though I am at a deficit I am recovering faster then ever. Even rivaling or even surpassing my previous favorite Asteroid Stack. This is a whole new beast that I cant wait to finish off the 8 weeks and then try this when not on deficit.

Libido: 11/10
If i had a girlfriend she wouldnt be walking str8....actually should wouldnt be walking at all...

Muscle Hardness/fullness: 10/10
Looking big, looking pumped, looking like my muscle bellies are starting to fill out. I Feel like im finally starting to look worth a dam.

Muscle Building: 10/10
I am putting on size while on a cut.

Ability to lose fat while staying anablic: 10/10
Look at previous post. This stack is just a beast.

Overall rating for Swole Stack on a cut: 9.7/10
Best stack to have an anabolic cut. To shred fat and gain muscle. Excellent for bodybuilding contest prep, strength athletes or anyone that wants to shred fat and not lose their muscle. Even if your going on a deep catabolic cut to go down in a weight...this stack may help preserve more then you would have originally.

Is this worth running for only 4 weeks? Hell to the yes. Highly recommend this to the more experienced athletes so they can truly reap the benefits. Even though newbies will benefits from this....you need to have your diet and routine on point to get the max gains possible. If your eating well and training hard I dont see how this stack wont help you in your goals.

Will i run this stack again? Yes...3 or 4 times a year this will be cycled in and out of my routines. Its worth every single penny for a natural stack.

Can you add to this stack? yes...you can add HGHpro, Perform, DAA(testoforce), Prime, Pre-workout of your choice, fat burners of your choice, Motivate, creatine, BCAA, glutamine, etc etc. This is an excellent stack and is extremely versatile. My personal recomendation is to add in HGHpro which I will personally do. Perform day have extra ingredients used in many testboosters and can potentiate the effects of Testopro and Stoked even though they are ridiculously effective on their own.

I do not think one should add to this stack until you have tried it on its own. You can run each other products in this stack solo and will still be happy with your results.

Light Lift 1: Chest and shoulders

Incline: 135x10>185x8>225x8>275x3>225x1>135x6>185x2>135x6

Dumbells: 100x6>100x5>65x8>65x5>45x10>45x6

Flies: 15>20 slow reps

Perfect pushup: 2 sets

Upright Rows: 45x12x12x12

Side Laterals: 20x8x8x8

Rear Laterals: 20x8x8x8

1 scoop RecoverPro
2 OEP, 1 AT2, 2 DCP

5 minutes later:
1 free sample of Trutein
3 pills Flax, 3 pills Fishoil, 1 pill sesamin, Tpro, Stked

20 minutes later
4 hard boiled eggs
1 Lean Xtreme

1.5 hours later:
7 oz Boars Head Roast Beef
3 slices smoked Cheddae
1 green apple
Army Guy

Army Guy

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hey great review my friend!!! I had similar results, which is why it is on my table for next month!!! :)


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Libido: 11/10
If i had a girlfriend she wouldnt be walking str8....actually should wouldnt be walking at all...

im gonna make an assumption and say i feels sorry for your hand. lol


AI Sports Nutrition
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So here is my 4 week review on the Swole Stack in caloric Deficit:

Strength: 8/10
In a caloric deficit it is impossible for the true anabolic potential of any strength supplement to shine. But the fact that I am able to make consistant gains in the gym means this is by far the best strength stack I have taken to date. If i were at maintenance this would easily be a 10/10 and if i was above then it would be an 11/10. But to be unbiase I cannot give this a 10 out of 10 due to the conditions of my routine.

Recovery: 10/10
Even though I am at a deficit I am recovering faster then ever. Even rivaling or even surpassing my previous favorite Asteroid Stack. This is a whole new beast that I cant wait to finish off the 8 weeks and then try this when not on deficit.

Libido: 11/10
If i had a girlfriend she wouldnt be walking str8....actually should wouldnt be walking at all...

Muscle Hardness/fullness: 10/10
Looking big, looking pumped, looking like my muscle bellies are starting to fill out. I Feel like im finally starting to look worth a dam.

Muscle Building: 10/10
I am putting on size while on a cut.

Ability to lose fat while staying anablic: 10/10
Look at previous post. This stack is just a beast.

Overall rating for Swole Stack on a cut: 9.7/10
Best stack to have an anabolic cut. To shred fat and gain muscle. Excellent for bodybuilding contest prep, strength athletes or anyone that wants to shred fat and not lose their muscle. Even if your going on a deep catabolic cut to go down in a weight...this stack may help preserve more then you would have originally.

Is this worth running for only 4 weeks? Hell to the yes. Highly recommend this to the more experienced athletes so they can truly reap the benefits. Even though newbies will benefits from this....you need to have your diet and routine on point to get the max gains possible. If your eating well and training hard I dont see how this stack wont help you in your goals.

Will i run this stack again? Yes...3 or 4 times a year this will be cycled in and out of my routines. Its worth every single penny for a natural stack.

Can you add to this stack? yes...you can add HGHpro, Perform, DAA(testoforce), Prime, Pre-workout of your choice, fat burners of your choice, Motivate, creatine, BCAA, glutamine, etc etc. This is an excellent stack and is extremely versatile. My personal recomendation is to add in HGHpro which I will personally do. Perform day have extra ingredients used in many testboosters and can potentiate the effects of Testopro and Stoked even though they are ridiculously effective on their own.

I do not think one should add to this stack until you have tried it on its own. You can run each other products in this stack solo and will still be happy with your results.

Light Lift 1: Chest and shoulders

Incline: 135x10>185x8>225x8>275x3>225x1>135x6>185x2>135x6

Dumbells: 100x6>100x5>65x8>65x5>45x10>45x6

Flies: 15>20 slow reps

Perfect pushup: 2 sets

Upright Rows: 45x12x12x12

Side Laterals: 20x8x8x8

Rear Laterals: 20x8x8x8

1 scoop RecoverPro
2 OEP, 1 AT2, 2 DCP

5 minutes later:
1 free sample of Trutein
3 pills Flax, 3 pills Fishoil, 1 pill sesamin, Tpro, Stked

20 minutes later
4 hard boiled eggs
1 Lean Xtreme

1.5 hours later:
7 oz Boars Head Roast Beef
3 slices smoked Cheddae
1 green apple
LMAO on the 11/10 rating. Great job GH.


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x3 on the 11/10

I want to try swole stack so bad! Waiting til I am in the states though...want my diet square and guaranteed when I go on it...its sitting in a box calling my name at my moms house lol!


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Nice review GH! Kind of wondered how this stack would perform on a calorie cut....I guess you've now answered that.


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x3 on the 11/10

I want to try swole stack so bad! Waiting til I am in the states though...want my diet square and guaranteed when I go on it...its sitting in a box calling my name at my moms house lol!
That would be the best thing to do and it will still be here when you get home.:)


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I think what they've done is slowed there metabolisms down slowly to enable themselves to be able to eat less calories. Obviously that's what would have had to happen. I don't want to go through my life eating 1400 calories a day when I can achieve the same thing eating almost tiwce that amount. Seriously if I monitor my diet I can start a cut at 2700 calories and finish around 2300 by maintaining a faster metabolism. I just don't like the diet much and was looking for an easier way. That being said, I agree with the theory but it's taken to extremes in this case. I also wouldn't rule out the use of anabolics in this case as well.

If you don't lower the calories slow enough you will lose muscle, or I will that's for sure. Like I said I agree, we have trained our bodies to survive on X amount of calories and it takes some time to untrain it. One good thing about it, is you would not have to do any cardio going this low...:veryhappy:
I know the gentlemen used AAS 10 years ago but he is clean now and has been for some time. He is just maintaining his muscle. He used to be a good big bigger but he is 45 and doesn't compete anymore. She is a lifelong natural athlete.

Think of alcohol when you first drink it immediate buzz off of very little, then after some more exposure it takes more. The more you drink the more tolerant you become. To the point in some cases a 12 pack of beer won't even buzz you. Yet you back off for a while and then have a beer or two and immediate buzz again. I don't know that they have changed their body to run on less so much as overindulgence has reset our efficient base to a higher tolerance. Like you said though they are in the extreme there. I have no intentions of going to 1400 calories per day but down to 1800-2000 a day if I can feel good stay lean and become efficient enough that my performance stays up. I started my contest prep last year at 2000 + incidental carbs from nuts and grapefruit. I stayed there for 3-4 months then dropped to 1800. I honestly feel had I have not gone stupid post contest I could have gained some more LBM by moving back up to 2000 calories. My main point though was I have been trying to follow general guidelines on diet and they do not fit me. For me 2400 is basically a maintenance diet, and if more than 200 grams of carbs a day in it becomes a get a little soft diet. So I know I need less calories than the average person.

Kleen i want you to know it took days for me to actually read what you said. Im so freaking....."frustrated"....on this stack it ridiculous. I think someone referred to it as Testopro eyes...yeah im about heart beat away from going cave-man on the next non-related female i see.

Libido is sky high...

Now onto what u said. It sounds like ur friend is onto something but i dont think it may function well for strength athletes. Lowering your calories leave very few building blocks for recovery. Now for bodybuilding it sounds point on. It sounds like a very intelligent way to pack on lean mass while not downing lbs and lbs of food. I would love to see how many strength athletes/fighters adhere to a similar philosophy. No doubt she is correct we americans/those who live in a modern world have trained our bodies to live on an excess of calories. But at the same time it amazes me how a 225 man can build muscle on 1400 calories a day.

I remember when I was in wrestling i would eat atrociously small amounts of food...but that was a very unhealthy practice that lead to a lot of muscle loss/weakness.
The guy we are talking about is done building muscle and only trying to maintain, and doing so successfully. He is like 7-8% 225 and 5'10 that is about perfect in my eyes. I will be in that 1800-2000 range you are in, and as you have said on multiple times you are still gaining LBM. I believe the longer we stay in that area the more efficient we will become in that range. I don't really get hungry all that often on a low caloric intake as long as I am using fat as my fuel. As soon as i start adding in more carbs like grains and oats on a daily basis I start getting cravings and becoming hungry throughout the day again.

So here is my 4 week review on the Swole Stack in caloric Deficit:

Strength: 8/10
In a caloric deficit it is impossible for the true anabolic potential of any strength supplement to shine. But the fact that I am able to make consistant gains in the gym means this is by far the best strength stack I have taken to date. If i were at maintenance this would easily be a 10/10 and if i was above then it would be an 11/10. But to be unbiase I cannot give this a 10 out of 10 due to the conditions of my routine.

Recovery: 10/10
Even though I am at a deficit I am recovering faster then ever. Even rivaling or even surpassing my previous favorite Asteroid Stack. This is a whole new beast that I cant wait to finish off the 8 weeks and then try this when not on deficit.

Libido: 11/10
If i had a girlfriend she wouldnt be walking str8....actually should wouldnt be walking at all...

Muscle Hardness/fullness: 10/10
Looking big, looking pumped, looking like my muscle bellies are starting to fill out. I Feel like im finally starting to look worth a dam.

Muscle Building: 10/10
I am putting on size while on a cut.

Ability to lose fat while staying anablic: 10/10
Look at previous post. This stack is just a beast.

Overall rating for Swole Stack on a cut: 9.7/10
Best stack to have an anabolic cut. To shred fat and gain muscle. Excellent for bodybuilding contest prep, strength athletes or anyone that wants to shred fat and not lose their muscle. Even if your going on a deep catabolic cut to go down in a weight...this stack may help preserve more then you would have originally.

Is this worth running for only 4 weeks? Hell to the yes. Highly recommend this to the more experienced athletes so they can truly reap the benefits. Even though newbies will benefits from this....you need to have your diet and routine on point to get the max gains possible. If your eating well and training hard I dont see how this stack wont help you in your goals.

Will i run this stack again? Yes...3 or 4 times a year this will be cycled in and out of my routines. Its worth every single penny for a natural stack.

Can you add to this stack? yes...you can add HGHpro, Perform, DAA(testoforce), Prime, Pre-workout of your choice, fat burners of your choice, Motivate, creatine, BCAA, glutamine, etc etc. This is an excellent stack and is extremely versatile. My personal recomendation is to add in HGHpro which I will personally do. Perform day have extra ingredients used in many testboosters and can potentiate the effects of Testopro and Stoked even though they are ridiculously effective on their own.

I do not think one should add to this stack until you have tried it on its own. You can run each other products in this stack solo and will still be happy with your results.

Light Lift 1: Chest and shoulders

Incline: 135x10>185x8>225x8>275x3>225x1>135x6>185x2>135x6

Dumbells: 100x6>100x5>65x8>65x5>45x10>45x6

Flies: 15>20 slow reps

Perfect pushup: 2 sets

Upright Rows: 45x12x12x12

Side Laterals: 20x8x8x8

Rear Laterals: 20x8x8x8

1 scoop RecoverPro
2 OEP, 1 AT2, 2 DCP

5 minutes later:
1 free sample of Trutein
3 pills Flax, 3 pills Fishoil, 1 pill sesamin, Tpro, Stked

20 minutes later
4 hard boiled eggs
1 Lean Xtreme

1.5 hours later:
7 oz Boars Head Roast Beef
3 slices smoked Cheddae
1 green apple
Excellent Review and loving the nutrition. How was the Trutein? Is it a buyer? Very interested in it.


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im gonna make an assumption and say i feels sorry for your hand. lol
no comment hahaha

LMAO on the 11/10 rating. Great job GH.
hey hey it aint funny...ok maybe a little funny...but i gotta watch out not to stand up in class at the wrong time..

x3 on the 11/10

I want to try swole stack so bad! Waiting til I am in the states though...want my diet square and guaranteed when I go on it...its sitting in a box calling my name at my moms house lol!
Its worth the wait. Good planning...i hope you enjoy it as much as i am!

Nice review GH! Kind of wondered how this stack would perform on a calorie cut....I guess you've now answered that.
It easily is making this cut...into a hardcore recomp....cause i cant say its a true cut b/c my weight hasnt changed that much. But my body has especially considering this is a natural stack.


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I know the gentlemen used AAS 10 years ago but he is clean now and has been for some time. He is just maintaining his muscle. He used to be a good big bigger but he is 45 and doesn't compete anymore. She is a lifelong natural athlete.

Think of alcohol when you first drink it immediate buzz off of very little, then after some more exposure it takes more. The more you drink the more tolerant you become. To the point in some cases a 12 pack of beer won't even buzz you. Yet you back off for a while and then have a beer or two and immediate buzz again. I don't know that they have changed their body to run on less so much as overindulgence has reset our efficient base to a higher tolerance. Like you said though they are in the extreme there. I have no intentions of going to 1400 calories per day but down to 1800-2000 a day if I can feel good stay lean and become efficient enough that my performance stays up. I started my contest prep last year at 2000 + incidental carbs from nuts and grapefruit. I stayed there for 3-4 months then dropped to 1800. I honestly feel had I have not gone stupid post contest I could have gained some more LBM by moving back up to 2000 calories. My main point though was I have been trying to follow general guidelines on diet and they do not fit me. For me 2400 is basically a maintenance diet, and if more than 200 grams of carbs a day in it becomes a get a little soft diet. So I know I need less calories than the average person.

The guy we are talking about is done building muscle and only trying to maintain, and doing so successfully. He is like 7-8% 225 and 5'10 that is about perfect in my eyes. I will be in that 1800-2000 range you are in, and as you have said on multiple times you are still gaining LBM. I believe the longer we stay in that area the more efficient we will become in that range. I don't really get hungry all that often on a low caloric intake as long as I am using fat as my fuel. As soon as i start adding in more carbs like grains and oats on a daily basis I start getting cravings and becoming hungry throughout the day again.

Excellent Review and loving the nutrition. How was the Trutein? Is it a buyer? Very interested in it.

YES Trutein IS DEFINITELY a buy! Im going to hit up the chocolate banana when i run through the myofusion. That or vanilla...not because of taste but because it has 2 extra grams of protein. But it is definitely worth it. It tastes great and the profile is spot on.


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So this morning i woke up at 5:30 and got a light back lift fasted. Was a pretty quick workout since i didnt rest too much and kept everything nice and light.


Clean and press:

Superset: 3 sets no rest at all

1) Bent over row: 135x8x8x8
2) Seated V-bar Rowx8x8x8
3) Laying dumbell lat raisesx8x8x8

Superset: no rest

1) Dumbells Hammer: 20x10x10x10
2) Preacher machine: 20x10x10x8

Ab roller for 3 sets

After lift 3 scoops RecoverPro

30-45 minutes later:
2 cans tuna
2 tablespoons EVOO
Italian dressing mix

Weighed myself after having drank a liter of water...and the 2 cans of tuna...and the RecoverPro...weighed in at 192.8....meaning i was probably around 189-190 upon waking up.

Meals throught day(divided up of course):

4 Whole eggs
5 ounces ham
2 cups egg whites
1/2 cup cheddar cheese shredded
5 drumsticks

Fat: 101 g
Protein: 246 grams
Carbs: 25 grams

Tomorrow fat will drop since not lifting so i dont need that much fuel. Friday will raise but probably not to 100. Saturday will be a controlled carb refeed.


AI Sports Nutrition
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So this morning i woke up at 5:30 and got a light back lift fasted. Was a pretty quick workout since i didnt rest too much and kept everything nice and light.


Clean and press:

Superset: 3 sets no rest at all

1) Bent over row: 135x8x8x8
2) Seated V-bar Rowx8x8x8
3) Laying dumbell lat raisesx8x8x8

Superset: no rest

1) Dumbells Hammer: 20x10x10x10
2) Preacher machine: 20x10x10x8

Ab roller for 3 sets

After lift 3 scoops RecoverPro

30-45 minutes later:
2 cans tuna
2 tablespoons EVOO
Italian dressing mix

Weighed myself after having drank a liter of water...and the 2 cans of tuna...and the RecoverPro...weighed in at 192.8....meaning i was probably around 189-190 upon waking up.

Meals throught day(divided up of course):

4 Whole eggs
5 ounces ham
2 cups egg whites
1/2 cup cheddar cheese shredded
5 drumsticks

Fat: 101 g
Protein: 246 grams
Carbs: 25 grams

Tomorrow fat will drop since not lifting so i dont need that much fuel. Friday will raise but probably not to 100. Saturday will be a controlled carb refeed.
Great job GH!!!


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Nice workout!!!!


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I actually end up eating more on a lot of off days as I train later in the day... I need more for recovery than I do for energy...
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Great review Andre. Glad it worked out for you and the libido can be a plus or a minus.

I actually do not like when I can not fall asleep because I am too wound up. On the other perspective low libido sucks.

As far about the discussion about the guy that eats 1400 calories a day, he must be using anabolics or he simply would shrink and shrink fast.


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I actually end up eating more on a lot of off days as I train later in the day... I need more for recovery than I do for energy...
I think you got confused when i said ill drop fat....if you are assuming im dropping calories then dont worry I am not. What im doing is rearranging my macros to increase protein consumption and decrease fat. When i have high fat intake its usually because those days i need more energy, example...days i lift. Days i dont lift i shift the focus to recovery and increase my protein intake.

Today i was studying all day so i didnt do cardio...same for tuesday. I think studying for 4-6 hours str8 counts as some sort of fat burning activity right? lol

I gotta get a little more strict with my off days and hit cardio in the mornings.

Diet today I slept in so i skipped a meal so my total macro intake was actually around 1800. Felt good all day.

73 grams of fat
51 grams of carbs ----->broccoli
226 grams of protein

Wanted to get in 250-275 grams of protein but 226 too isnt bad. I should be getting my myofusion in the mail whenever nutra sends it out. Ive been round 2 weeks without whey so it will be nice to be able to have that luxury again.

Current pill popping for the day:
4 tpro a day
4 stoked
1-4 glycobol a day
8 DCP...may go to 9 or 10
3 AlphaT-2
2 Lean Extreme...will bump up to 3 next week

Things i may try....

increase to

4 Lean extreme
12 DCP
4 AT2(no more then a week)
6 Stoked

Jury still out if ill do that or not...probably not but its floating in the back of my mind. Popped DCP before bed. Night everybody!


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That's a hefty stack right thur :p No wonder you were without whey for two weeks!


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Myofusion has spoiled me for other proteins, cuz now others taste like shyte in comparision...


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That's a hefty stack right thur :p No wonder you were without whey for two weeks!
Dont be confused that stack was accumulated over a long time and many sales. Especially the DCP, AT2, lean Xtreme, and OEP. I couldnt drop that much in one shot without giving up food money and that is a sin to trade food for supplements.

Basically my next stack after this will be after saving up for a bit.

Yes DW myofusion is probably my favorite protein out there. Even though the Trutein Chocolate banana may give myo run a for its money...but nothing beats the fact that myofusion is like a thick chocolate shake. And thats with water. Milk it actually tastes like a chocolate shake and feels like im cheating.


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Dont be confused that stack was accumulated over a long time and many sales. Especially the DCP, AT2, lean Xtreme, and OEP. I couldnt drop that much in one shot without giving up food money and that is a sin to trade food for supplements.

Basically my next stack after this will be after saving up for a bit.

Yes DW myofusion is probably my favorite protein out there. Even though the Trutein Chocolate banana may give myo run a for its money...but nothing beats the fact that myofusion is like a thick chocolate shake. And thats with water. Milk it actually tastes like a chocolate shake and feels like im cheating.
It makes great pudding if you mix it thick enough...


AI Sports Nutrition
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I think you got confused when i said ill drop fat....if you are assuming im dropping calories then dont worry I am not. What im doing is rearranging my macros to increase protein consumption and decrease fat. When i have high fat intake its usually because those days i need more energy, example...days i lift. Days i dont lift i shift the focus to recovery and increase my protein intake.

Today i was studying all day so i didnt do cardio...same for tuesday. I think studying for 4-6 hours str8 counts as some sort of fat burning activity right? lol

I gotta get a little more strict with my off days and hit cardio in the mornings.

Diet today I slept in so i skipped a meal so my total macro intake was actually around 1800. Felt good all day.

73 grams of fat
51 grams of carbs ----->broccoli
226 grams of protein

Wanted to get in 250-275 grams of protein but 226 too isnt bad. I should be getting my myofusion in the mail whenever nutra sends it out. Ive been round 2 weeks without whey so it will be nice to be able to have that luxury again.

Current pill popping for the day:
4 tpro a day
4 stoked
1-4 glycobol a day
8 DCP...may go to 9 or 10
3 AlphaT-2
2 Lean Extreme...will bump up to 3 next week

Things i may try....

increase to

4 Lean extreme
12 DCP
4 AT2(no more then a week)
6 Stoked

Jury still out if ill do that or not...probably not but its floating in the back of my mind. Popped DCP before bed. Night everybody!
Very nice setup.


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It makes great pudding if you mix it thick enough...
My current protein pudding is a cup of Greek ***E 0% yogurt with a scoop of True Nutrition Sciences vanilla isolate mixed in. This is spoiling me big time!!


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Ive been so busy i thought i updated my log but realized i didnt!!

Ok so here is what went down friday morning:

Light lift:

Squats: minimal rest
315x10----extra low

Total: 100 reps

Leg curls:
25lbs: 25 for 2 sets

Calves: 150 reps broken into 3 sets

After that i called it a day. Legs were really pumped and slightly wobbly.

Macro profile for Friday:

Fat: 54 gram
Carbs 68 grams
Protein: 265 grams

Today is a carb refeed. Nothing crazy. Calories will stay below 4000. Carbs will spike up to about 400 and protein will stay around 200. Fat will stay low. Sunday switching up and raising fat up around 100 and carbs very low. Calories will be around 2000.


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dam that sounds like a crazy workout, i think i might die trying that


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dam that sounds like a crazy workout, i think i might die trying that
I disagree....i think you should try it BECAUSE you think you may die....MUAHAHAHAHA!! I guarantee if it doesnt kill you, it WILL make you stronger.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Ive been so busy i thought i updated my log but realized i didnt!!

Ok so here is what went down friday morning:

Light lift:

Squats: minimal rest
315x10----extra low

Total: 100 reps

Leg curls:
25lbs: 25 for 2 sets

Calves: 150 reps broken into 3 sets

After that i called it a day. Legs were really pumped and slightly wobbly.

Macro profile for Friday:

Fat: 54 gram
Carbs 68 grams
Protein: 265 grams

Today is a carb refeed. Nothing crazy. Calories will stay below 4000. Carbs will spike up to about 400 and protein will stay around 200. Fat will stay low. Sunday switching up and raising fat up around 100 and carbs very low. Calories will be around 2000.
Very nice workout and wow that is low carbs. Them refeeds make me sleep very nice.


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You know you trashed the legs when you walk out of the gym different than you walked in LOL.
You know you had an epic workout when you look like a newbown foal

Very nice workout and wow that is low carbs. Them refeeds make me sleep very nice.
Normally when im not on any stims i fall asleep like a baby. But now that Im using OEP and AT2, i just get a little tired but then that goes away and i get the clean raise in energy...kinda like popping 5 motivate on an empty stomach...i miss that stuff...i should get some more.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Motivate makes me :)
great lift GH!


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Motivate makes me :)
great lift GH!
I like that motivate is not a really strong stim and I can dose it easier. I don't use stims often and don't like to get too wired.


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I want to try motivate...bought perform on accident lmao/.


  • RockStar
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I want to try motivate...bought perform on accident lmao/.
Not a mistake you want to make when you're stuck in Iraq :ponder:


AI Sports Nutrition
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I like that motivate is not a really strong stim and I can dose it easier. I don't use stims often and don't like to get too wired.
Motivate is great if your looking for a focused energy and not to be hyped that is what I like. That and no crash.


  • RockStar
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Motivate is great if your looking for a focused energy and not to be hyped that is what I like. That and no crash.
Focus is definitely there, the hyped feeling can interfere with that.


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haha bottom line...motivate is the shizzza!! I think im gonna try stacking Maniac with motivate. But first ill try maniac on its own and then gauge if i want to add in motivate for that clean burning focus.

So todays lift was quite nice despite the fact I had an exam this morning. Felt a lot stronger then i thought i would...especially with only having 1 meal and a protein shake in my belly before hand.

5 minute walk to warm up
5 minute rotator cuff warm up

Bench: 1-2 minute rests

315x4...felt like 275
335x2...could have done at least 2-3 more
365x1...clean...next time ill got for 2 or 3
315x3...strip set

Decided to go heavy instead of repping out with 315. 315 felt very light and 365 was very smooth. Much smoother then last time. 335 was also feeling light. Next time i try this ill go for more reps on each set.

INcline dumbells:

drop set

No rest
Close grip:

30 second break

2 sets of Dips till failue.

Called it a day.

2 scoops of recoverpro immediately after

30 minutes later
2 scoops whey
5 flaxseed oil pill
4 fish oil pills
2 Sesamin
2 Tpro
2 SToked

2 hours later
6 eggs

2-3 hours later
2 chicken breasts(6.5 oz) with broccoli


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1 meal is my preference for lifting. Hate lifting at the end of the day...body seems to be getting used to lifting fasted now...but had a hell of a time the first week doing it...

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