Weights up, scales down…



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Nice work, yeah once you find your form and develop the core, and upper back muscle required to support the weight it becomes much easier.


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A long day yesterday, was a little slow getting out of bed!
wake up 4:45am cup of coffee, 1 big scoop of all out, very little water just one gulp. Felt this pretty dang quick this morning, no tingling or anything but just felt that energy and was ready to go!

gym time 5:15-6:15 ish
Day 3/week 4/ wave 2
BB OHP (65%)
90lbs x8 x8 x8

Wide grip bench (6-7 rpe)
155lbs x8 x8

behind the neck seated press
115lbs x8 x8

Standing lateral raise DB
15lbs x12 x12 x12

Skull crusher ez bar
60lbs x12 x12 x12

Cable rope tricep push downs
30lbs x15 x15 x15

was a little slow and stiff getting going but after the first set the motor was full throttle


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So something I was going to post this morning but got sidetracked with work.

I did not fully understand the “bend the bar” when bench pressing. Found this video the other day and watched it and today during my wide bench I implemented it and seemed to click and felt really stable and strong. So will be curious how things go forward. Anyway I’m sure most of you guys have this figured out. But for anyone new or happens across this maybe the video will help out some like it did for me.



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So something I was going to post this morning but got sidetracked with work.

I did not fully understand the “bend the bar” when bench pressing. Found this video the other day and watched it and today during my wide bench I implemented it and seemed to click and felt really stable and strong. So will be curious how things go forward. Anyway I’m sure most of you guys have this figured out. But for anyone new or happens across this maybe the video will help out some like it did for me.

Hey, that’s my mum’s favorite YouTube channel!

Reece makes some great instructional content, and his bench & squat technique is really good. He’s also a 900lb conventional puller, but I wouldn’t say everyone could pull like him - he’s really built awesome for how he pulls.


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Hey, that’s my mum’s favorite YouTube channel!

Reece makes some great instructional content, and his bench & squat technique is really good. He’s also a 900lb conventional puller, but I wouldn’t say everyone could pull like him - he’s really built awesome for how he pulls.
I just can’t believe how wrong I was on my set up 😂 I’m almost embarrassed to admit how I just was not understanding the bend the bar. Then watching his instructions and seeing him do it, it clicked. I literally was laughing at myself in the truck at how dumb I was 😂


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Started my break today from work so slept in. Wake up 6:30 am cup of coffee and a big scoop of All Out.
Gym time 7 am- 8 am

dead lift (65%)
205lbs x8 x8 x8

deadlift (felt the need to pull some more weight)
275lbs x3
315lbs x1 ( had more in the tank but didn’t want to over do it)

Romanian deadlift (6-7 rpe)
185lbs x8 x8

bb good morning (6-7 rpe)
135lbs x8 x8

bb bent over row
115lbs x12
125lbs x12 x12
155lbs x5

Seated hamstring curl
100lbs x12 x12 x12

hanging leg raise
X12 x12 x12

really good session this morning, things are coming along well. Getting a lot stronger on Romanian dead lifts, finally getting the feel for good mornings And starting to add some weight.


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Be really careful on GMs. I have had the most significant hamstring tear of my life many many years ago on them keeping my knees too straight, and damaged my tspine or cspine (can’t remember) maxing out on a SSB GM and losing upper back position.

They are a movement that is very high consequence if you lose your concentration or brace on, and they actually are very rewarding at higher volume too - so don’t be too quick to add load vs reps. Sets of 15 are awesome for hypertrophy.


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Be really careful on GMs. I have had the most significant hamstring tear of my life many many years ago on them keeping my knees too straight, and damaged my tspine or cspine (can’t remember) maxing out on a SSB GM and losing upper back position.

They are a movement that is very high consequence if you lose your concentration or brace on, and they actually are very rewarding at higher volume too - so don’t be too quick to add load vs reps. Sets of 15 are awesome for hypertrophy.
Yeah I will be staying at 135 for a while and reps will go up the next 2 weeks. Definitely not comfortable enough to go anywhere Near a heavy weight.


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Yeah I will be staying at 135 for a while and reps will go up the next 2 weeks. Definitely not comfortable enough to go anywhere Near a heavy weight.
I have done 500x5 on the transformer bar; they can be done safely and be a great tool. But I have also been hurt with something like 135 lifting with improper technique.

There are lots of variations in torso/bar/foot/knee position, but the big common points for safety are letting the knee bend enough & staying a neutral, strong braced core throughout. I think arch-backed is a total waste since that’s not ideal for competitive squats or deadlifts, and rounded back work is generally best with deadlift variations (if they are done at all).


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I have done 500x5 on the transformer bar; they can be done safely and be a great tool. But I have also been hurt with something like 135 lifting with improper technique.

There are lots of variations in torso/bar/foot/knee position, but the big common points for safety are letting the knee bend enough & staying a neutral, strong braced core throughout. I think arch-backed is a total waste since that’s not ideal for competitive squats or deadlifts, and rounded back work is generally best with deadlift variations (if they are done at all).
Why do I see videos of people doing them sitting on a bench? Or is that something different that just looks like a seated GM?


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I recently subbed GM’s for RDL’s for fear of overzealous injury. The Epiandro, Pump Addict, and Black Label Society have me chewing on plates. Not necessarily a bad thing


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We have had almost 8” of rain here in the last 48hrs. Roads flooded all around here, lots of roads washed out completely (mostly gravel roads) bunch of houses flooded because of either non working sump pumps or lack of enough volume to keep up. More rain expected tonight, we are hoping that her parents will be able to make it here tomorrow afternoon!


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Thank you guys for the best wishes!
everything went very well and very fast. We are now relaxing in the postpartum ward. He was a healthy boy! Ended up weighing 6.8lbs and 20” long. We’ll see if we get to go home tomorrow! Wife and little guy are all doing well!


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Thank you guys for the best wishes!
everything went very well and very fast. We are now relaxing in the postpartum ward. He was a healthy boy! Ended up weighing 6.8lbs and 20” long. We’ll see if we get to go home tomorrow! Wife and little guy are all doing well!
Congratulations to you and your wife! Our second came super fast as well, maybe it's a baby boy thing? Hope you get a little rest because pretty soon you won't be getting much! But hey, at least you're already used to waking up at 3:30 in the morning!


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Congrats on the new addition to your family! Happy everything went well, enjoy your time with the lil one!


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Thank you guys for the best wishes!
everything went very well and very fast. We are now relaxing in the postpartum ward. He was a healthy boy! Ended up weighing 6.8lbs and 20” long. We’ll see if we get to go home tomorrow! Wife and little guy are all doing well!
Congrats brother! Glad mom and baby boy are doing well!


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Getting adjusted back at home now, everyone is doing great. Did some grocery shopping today and will be doing all the cooking and house work for my time off, I enjoy cooking and cleaning a little too much! This afternoon when everyone was laying down for a nap I slugged some All out pre work out and got away to the gym. Also added a pinch of Redmond salt to it today.

probably a little under fed and not super well rested for optimal performance but felt good to get some movements in.

gym time 1 Pm - 2 pm
1 scoop All Out Ultra and a pinch of salt
Day 1/week 5/ wave 2

Bench (67.5%)
155lbs x8 x8 x8 x8
Press felt strong and solid very happy with how these felt and moved.

Wide bench (6-8rpe) ring finger on ring
135lbs x8 x8 x8

Incline bench (6-8 rpe) I did a 2-3 second pause
115lbs x8 x8 x8

T bar rows
80lbs x12 x12 x12 x12

lat pull downs
120lbs x12 x12 x12
100lbs x12

cable strict curls
45lbs x12 x12 x12 x12

Very good session, for lacking food still had a great pump. Pressing strength seems to be feeling really strong and stable, I will be excited to see what I can max at the peaking of the program. Great day, definitely need a little time with the iron and get a sweat going 💪🏻💪🏻


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probably a little under fed and not super well rested for optimal performance but felt good to get some movements in.
Good for you man. Sending best wishes to you, your wife, and the little ones that this time together is fantastic. Glad to hear everyone is doing well!!


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Very blessed!

well this morning I cooked up a big batch of a sorta kinda monster mash. Also mix in some low fat plain Greek yogurt. Had a small bowl for Breakfast. 1 scoop of All Out Ultra to follow it.

gym time 1pm- 2pm

BB squat (68% )
185lbs x8 x8 x8 x8

wide stance squat (6-8rpe)
205lbs x8 x8 x8

front squat (6-8 rpe)
135lbs x8 x8 x8

leg extension machine
90lbs x12 x12 x12 x12

one leg leg press
115lbs x12 x12 x12 x12

hanging leg raise
X12 x12 x12 x12

Granted I had pre workout meal but man the strength is just feeling good. Squats moved fast and felt so solid. Front squat is finally feeling good and getting stronger and better at. I was definitely drenched after front squats. Pump was really good!


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Such beautiful babies! Congratulations again. Oh yeah, and also some nice workouts, but the kids stole the show! :)

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