Unanswered Topic of The Week: Do you worry about long terms effects of preworkouts?

My biggest worry is quality control...what, how, and where it came from.

But I did stop taking massive 400mg+caffeine scoops. I would only use 1/3 or half.
I also just try to stick with things like focus xt and some hemavol+glycergrow+beta alanine and I'm good to go.
With the amount of stims being added together, do you worry about the long terms effects of "preworkouts"?

No, not at all.

Provided you don't have any underlying, pre-existing conditions - the one's I use (ephedrine/caffeine) are safe and effective. See attached study. That goes for both the synthetic forms (ephedrINE and USP caffeine), as well as the herbal (EphedRA, Kola Nut, Guarana etc.) BTW. I have that study too, although its not at my fingertips...

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Unfortunately, the same can't be said about high dose caffeine, plus yohimbe and DMAA, DMHA etc. as far less data is available on those. Yohimbe is downright nasty stuff IMO, and should never be co-ingested with other stimulants. Ironically then, the proven safe/effective E/C combinations are illegal in the US (at least when sold as supplements), whereas the kitchen sink formulas (which are not as well studied/have far worse sides), are legal....
I dont think i mentioned this, but Its a good idea to give your body a break. I quit using reg pre workouts but I do 2 cycles a year of about 12 weeks of eca ( sometimes add y) and it seems i get ok results.

I do have some clen and thought about running one 40mcg clen per day and then 1 or two eca, I know i am not planning on doing much with clen as there are health issues
I like to limit caffeine so it hits harder when I need it.

At this point I'm used to not using any type of preworkout.
Once upon a time everyone had much better workouts, gains and overall health without any stims whatsoever. I quit stims a couple of years ago and have epic workouts.
I have been using PWO's for about 20+ years, no problems so far.