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I've had some people out to talk about erosion and explore better retaining walls but it seems like the consensus is take down heavy trees, leave roots, grow deep root plants like rhodies, get rid of black berries.....
Yeah my experience with retaining walls is yes they do work, you better have a big fat wallet ready though. I’d go for the deep root plants, cover grass to hold it. Sounds like that’s your plan.

awesome looking session you got in!!


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Do you normally use your knee sleeves on deadlifts?
I'd say more than half the time I do. I think that started when I was oly focused so I was squatting in the clean or the snatch with deads and squats as the accessory (so my sleeves were already on), and now days I'm more deadlift focused, with my accessories having more hinging at the knee. My rehbands are typically so comfortable that I will often leave them on for light cardio as well though, only really having to strip them off if I have a high volume squat day that causes an uncomfortable pump.

I've definitely had those workouts where I'm stripping them down to my ankles as fast as possible so my legs can breathe though.

Yeah my experience with retaining walls is yes they do work, you better have a big fat wallet ready though. I’d go for the deep root plants, cover grass to hold it. Sounds like that’s your plan.

awesome looking session you got in!!
so expensive man... a legit retaining wall is a win the lottery type situation there....


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Oh interesting, if I’ve ever had them on before deadlifts for something like cleans I’d just take them off when I changed shoes or if not changing shoes I’d flip them down like shin guards.

I also just don’t tend to use them for much else anyways though and I’ve never been able to even imagine how people run in them.


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Oh interesting, if I’ve ever had them on before deadlifts for something like cleans I’d just take them off when I changed shoes or if not changing shoes I’d flip them down like shin guards.
Funny thing is yeah, when I was oly lifting more I used my ristos a lot, but in the past year I've started adapting to my flats for squats so I'm wearing the same shoes for deads and squats now. Although I haven't truly worked cleans or snatch in ages now.

I also just don’t tend to use them for much else anyways though and I’ve never been able to even imagine how people run in them.
that was probably a biproduct of xfit since a WOD might include running and squatting/etc.


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Ya I don't ever really use sleeves or belts for most wods, I’ve ended up really just a minimalist for most of it.


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Ya I don't ever really use sleeves or belts for most wods, I’ve ended up really just a minimalist for most of it.
I don't recall if I ever had a wod that was heavy enough to justify a belt, although in those days I usually kept a velcro style valeo on hand for a little extra assistance. plus I liked how it stayed out of the way of bar path for snatch. that worked for me for a long time until the velcro busted free one time and I just never trusted it again lol.

It certainly seems like I can recall having a valeo on me loosely during a wod, tightening it down when I needed it, and relaxing it on different movements but I can't in my head picture a wod where I used it. Definitely played that game with wrist wraps a lot though. cinching them down tight for a barbell movement or kettlebells and having to relax them for something like burpees or pushups.


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So this bank drops down about 65+ feet behind our house. We tied a 20ft ladder to a rope and down I went with a chainsaw. Put in about four hours fighting the brush, stickers, nettles and tiny little maples. Took out around 200 trees from 1-4" diameter and a few bigger ones around 8-14" diameter. You can see the progress but I'm probably only like .... 1/5th done. This is basically what I'll be doing this summer

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Dang bro, party at your house!


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Warm up
Laterals, curls with 10lb plates

20 x bar
15 x 95
3 x 135, 175, 205
1 x 230, 255, 270, 285
0 x 300
1 x 290

3 x 305 (probably reps PR?)
1 x 315
5 x 280

4 x 245 (3sec pause)
16 x 185
20 x 135

EZ bar laying skull crushers
3 x 12 x 60lb

SS with laterals
3 x 12 x 30lbs

Tri cable extensions.
3 x 15

That 300 was a crazy miss, I'm like 90% sure that's a mental thing I have to just get over. My cadence out of bottom position was off, my bar path sucked, I hit an instant wall like 2" off my chest. And this was after 285 moved like butter. Dropped back to 290 and no problem. 300 out of the rack felt smooth. 305 for a triple was no problem with sling shot. So I'm pretty sure it's practice / mental.


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Meant to spend this spring leaning up and shifting gears a bit, not stopping my lifting, but basically swapping an extra lifting day for an extra golf day. Instead, I tipped the scales at 201lbs this morning and most of my golf practice days came after a lifting session. additional cardio has been almost non existent lol.


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15 x bar, 95
5 x 135, 175
3 x 205, 235
1 x 265, 285, 295

2 x 315
1 x 320

Paused - 3 seconds
3 x 3 x 250

No pause
9 x 225

Incline press
10 x 135, 150, 160

Reverse seated dips
3 x 12

DB laterals
12 x 30s, 35s, 40s

Rope tricep pushdowns
3 sets

SS w/ ez bar curls
3 sets

Pec deck
3 sets

295 was clean. Sticking to my plan. Just incremental progress.

320 went faster and smoother than 315, need a session with my boy tho cause rando spotters do make the handoff awkward.

Very sodium filled meals this week, tipped the scale at 204 this morning.

Also dosed up one more day of epi cause I didn't see a reason to stop with barely 1.5days worth in the bottle.

Up about 6lbs since I started cutting.



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It's a dubious PR, but I don't think I've ever intentionally run paused reps at 250+. The second set felt amazing and easy. Pretty sure 225 x 10 was in the bag but without a spotter I didn't see a need to get pinned lol.


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Put in a couple more hours down the bank today. Tied the ladder to the deck and ended up about three ladder lengths down with a chainsaw, climbing the rope back up

Today we had what you call, apparently, a atmospheric river. Not something I had ever heard of until about two years ago now that's what they call it every time it rains.

I just love the juxtaposition in weather from these photos my wife took last weekend vs the pics I just took today




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It's a dubious PR, but I don't think I've ever intentionally run paused reps at 250+. The second set felt amazing and easy. Pretty sure 225 x 10 was in the bag but without a spotter I didn't see a need to get pinned lol.
Pauses payoff for sure!


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Put in a couple more hours down the bank today. Tied the ladder to the deck and ended up about three ladder lengths down with a chainsaw, climbing the rope back up

Today we had what you call, apparently, a atmospheric river. Not something I had ever heard of until about two years ago now that's what they call it every time it rains.

I just love the juxtaposition in weather from these photos my wife took last weekend vs the pics I just took today


View attachment 242755View attachment 242756
Still can’t get over that badass view. Good on ya man.


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Weighed in at 204 today, which honestly raises a lot of questions for me. I felt rather bloated hand hands were stiff this weekend. my low last week was 196 so 200 or 201 seems like a normal fluctuation when I'm sodium filled. Today I have to visit a eye/plastic surgeon dude cause I'm prone to these styes that get under my eye lid and have to be surgically removed. not a fun experience but I'm guessing that will probably have me not straining/lifting tonight so my plan is to fast today and hit it tomorrow. I'm hoping that with a little dehydration and a very clean day I get some clarity on where my scale is supposed to be right now...

Pauses payoff for sure!
I hope so! it does feel like it so I'm going to keep them in there. I feel like once I break through 300 again, then 305, that hopefully 310 and 315 are a bit quicker targets...

Still can’t get over that badass view. Good on ya man.
thanks man! took down this huge alder this weekend on the left side of that pic, the bank drops so steep that the ladder was about a ladder length past the edge.. and it kept sliding down with me on it, lol. I sat there in the thick of it all staring at the tree for like 15 minutes. I had to cut through a ton of small stuff just to get to it. it was only like 15ft past the ladder, but took some strategizing to get to it. Then I looked all around me trying to figure out an escape route in case it bucked up the wrong when when it went down. the trunk was only about 12-14" in diameter but being alone down that bank in the thick of the woods it felt huge. damn thing was big enough that my wife came running outside to make sure I was alive when she heard it crashing down lol. Every time I clear some of the trees out I realize how much more I have to do still, lol.


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I should be off my epi by now but I had 3 caps of epiandrolean left in the bottle as well so I'm going to pound those today and call it good. So todays stack is starting a fairly natty run + those last three caps of epiandrolean (900mg total oral).

xpg alpha gel
xpg dhea
anabolic effect
phosphatidic acid xt (day 1 is today)
epiandrolean (3 caps/900mg)

Yesterday I only ran the fast about 20 hours till dinner but put in a walk with my wife and the dogs for half our of LISS.

Todays weight 199.6.
Felt much better to shed 5lbs of excess water.
My wedding ring that my wife bought me at 180-183lbs felt loose on my finger today.


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Warm up
Bicep BB curls
All with empty bb, in the squat rack nonetheless.

10 x 95
5 x 135, 175
3 x 205
1 x 235, 265, 285, 305, 315
10 x 235
15 x 185

Walk outs - 15 count
375, 405

Front squats
5 x 135
1 x 155, 175, 195, 215
10 x 95

Leg ext
3 sets

Leg curls
3 sets

Adductor machine
2 sets

Did it again. Found my lifting belt in the lost and the part that made me most nervous was breaking in a new one.
I did not give myself enough credit on that 315 attempt. That was smooth
235 x 10 was a grind for real though.
My legs were legit shaking on that 405 lol.


Opted to forego my usual bicep work for time economy, will try to get a back/bicep focused day tomorrow.
Found my let's go Brandon shirt my wife bought me in my gym bag, and a beer
Going full redneck today.

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So, for everyone else here who doesn't know, because obviously I do.... What's a walk out

Edit: Google is my friend, nm
I've been fascinated by them for years but never ever really did them until I started watching @SkRaw85 doing holds on bench. I recall years ago when I was first squatting like 330, putting 365 on my back just to see what it felt like and I thought I shrunk 2 inches that day lol. So I'm trying to get used to holding heavier weight in the various lifts. My use of the slingshot over the past year has made me really love that approach. Not too long ago, 275lbs felt insanely heavy on bench, but now 330 feels completely comfortable in the top position (not that I can bench it raw yet, but it feels comfy at top and I feel like that's a big part of the battle for me.)


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It appears the crowd is chanting, “Let’s go, Brandon!” 🤣🤣🤣

never gets old, what a POS
I'm not one to usually make public political statements like that, and living in a blue state... it is what it is, but I reach into my gym bag and figured, well whatever, lol. I also felt more pressure to not suck today since I had that shirt on 😂


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I'm not one to usually make public political statements like that, and living in a blue state... it is what it is, but I reach into my gym bag and figured, well whatever, lol. I also felt more pressure to not suck today since I had that shirt on 😂
Man it might be a blue state, but damn if red isn't out spoken. I guess that's par for the course in either direction in times of "duress."


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Man it might be a blue state, but damn if red isn't out spoken. I guess that's par for the course in either direction in times of "duress."
tis true. I mean geographically, like most of the nation, we're like 90% red. but Seattle/Tacoma kinda own the vote and taxes lol.


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Todays leg doms are very real.
Got another dog walking session in with the wife last night. 30 minutes.
weight 198.6 today.


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Vanity / back day

BB rows
20 x bar
15 x 95, 135, 155
10 x 175

Snatch grip
10 x 135
20 x 95

EZ bar curls
15 x 50, 70, 70, 80, 70

Kroc Rows
10 x 50, 55, 60

Superset with incline seated DB curls
3 x 10 x 25s
(So hard )

Rear delt swings
15 x 22.5s, 25s, 27.5s

Superset with DB hammer curls
10 x 37.5s, 42.5s, 45s

Cybex T-bar rows
3 x 12

Lat pull downs
4 sets basically to failure.

1 set, 50lb straight bar

Was not feeling it, but the preWO hit, the tunes popped, the weights started moving. Feeling pumpy.

Pretty much kept pushing it till I felt the pump fading.

On a note of hygienic fails, I should have swapped out my shoes and shorts from yesterday. I had the pleasure of starting today's workout with pre sweated clothes lol. Even my shoes .... This Sweat version preWO is solid



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So here I am a half hour later and I feel wrecked lol.
in the moment, that workout didn't seem that intense because nothing there is heavy. But the volume and variety was good.
I have to admit, these days I feel like I get better pumps when one of the main 3 lifts are incorporated.


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On a note of hygienic fails, I should have swapped out my shoes and shorts from yesterday. I had the pleasure of starting today's workout with pre sweated clothes lol. Even my shoes .... This Sweat version preWO is solid
Feel bad for anyone else around you too, must've been funky!


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Feel bad for anyone else around you too, must've been funky!
ahaha no didn't stink, thankfully. The shorts are crazy old. a long time ago lulu used to sell some decent mens clothes before they switched more effeminate clothing among their mens lines. My wife complains about it a lot because the old stuff was legit. a cotton gym t shirt from anyone else has a shelf life for me for sure. they get ruined and funky but the lulu clothes I can wear to the gym for 10 years and the fabric they use never gets stinky.


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15 x bar, 95
5 x 135, 135
3 x 175
1 x 205, 235, 255, 275, 290, 300 (PR tie)
11 x 230 (reps PR)
14 x 205 - wide grip
25 x 135

Lying ez bar skullies
5 x 12 x 60lbs

SS with DB laterals
3 x 12 x 25s

Cable tricep extensions
3 x 12

Pec deck
3 sets

Played with my warm up and progression a bit today.

300 was butter!

That 230 PR caught me off guard. Might have had 12+ in me with a spotter.

Easily had 15+ on the 205 but again didn't wanna get pinned while that hot chick across from me was leg pressing. Plus that set honestly made me light headed. My body is still trembling a bit from the 230lb set.

Today's dinosaur is the Peckasaurus Rex. It's diet is thought to have been Phosphatidic acid xt, anabolic effect, xpg alpha gel, dhea, and when the Epiandro trees are in blossom, a healthy dose.


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Kicking some ass in here!


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Rep PR means it’s working and you’re getting stronker
Kicking some ass in here!
Man I am still on cloud 9. It's no 315 but it went up so much cleaner than the last time I hit 300 and it's only the 2nd time I ever hit 300.

I'll never forget like 10 years ago when I put up 250lbs for the first time on NYE with my brother spotting me. it was a big big day for me. I was not a good strength trainer, my emphasis was conditioning. now days, including yesterday, when I throw 250 on for my upward progression and it just floats I always remember that day when 250 was my PR and it feels surreal.


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it's just this awesome feeling when I throw 255 on, sit down, pound out my 1 rep not really thinking much of it cause no part of me is worried about it and I sit up remembering that used to be beyond my reach and now it's just a warmup. really awesome place to be mentally.


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No doubt it is an addicting venture. I will be setting some personal best action on the physique front soon enough!


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So today instead of our normal bench session I was able to talk my boy into learning squats.

So I never went heavy, which maybe the body needed anyways. But it was super rewarding to see him squat.

I think he could squat 365 this year if we wanted to, zero joke.

5 x 135, 185, 225

Front squats
5 x 65, 95, 135,

Leg press
5 x 10


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Oh boy, I bet he is going to be sore. That is a different stimulus than leg press for sure. Pretty decent form?


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Oh boy, I bet he is going to be sore. That is a different stimulus than leg press for sure. Pretty decent form?
Nope, almost no form lol.
He squatted 155-175 today, which everything above an empty bar was a PR for him. The first time in his life with 155 on his back he sat into his squat and stood up like there was literally nothing on his back. He even commented that he thought I had lied about how much weight was on the bar because it didn't feel like anything.

His legs are nearly twice as thick as mine though and he only turned 15 2+ weeks ago...

I think he has a 315+ squat in him now if he understood how to do it.

Now that said ..... By the end of the day his squats looked better than many athletes I have worked with over the years after weeks of practice. His heels were planted, his balance and strength in the posterior looked great, he could sit back into an air squat and lift his toes to display his balance.

His natural stance is a little narrow for my liking and I need to watch his knees, but his tendency to cave has improved a lot I think from me calling out his knee form a lot on leg press (which he loves)

His adductors were a little sore after squatting, and I warned him that the toilet may be rough to sit on tomorrow lol

But if he takes to the squat.... What a victory. He is built to be twice my genetic potential, easily.


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That is really awesome. I am sure he will like it just keep bringing up how awesome it was to see him under the bar. Dad's opinion and praise goes a very long way.


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it's just this awesome feeling when I throw 255 on, sit down, pound out my 1 rep not really thinking much of it cause no part of me is worried about it and I sit up remembering that used to be beyond my reach and now it's just a warmup. really awesome place to be mentally.

Keep up the good work in here. I'll throw a dirty word out here, but any deloads in your future? I'm just overly cautious these days, but putting it out there for you to consider before going for the true PR.


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Always a great feeling getting athletes clicking on a new lift and getting them to make positive connections.

No problems with a close stance some people excel there, adjust if needed as confidence grows.

Slightly confused tho on the toes up test, I can’t lift my toes unless I’m sitting back pretty hard or shift my weight back when I lift my toes.

Feeling it in the adds is great though proper squats will really hit them. As long as form is drilled in well from the start should lead to some good lifting down the road.


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Keep up the good work in here. I'll throw a dirty word out here, but any deloads in your future? I'm just overly cautious these days, but putting it out there for you to consider before going for the true PR.
na, it's been a long time since I felt like I needed one. Kleen did point out a while back that my normal life schedule often forces deloads in for me anyways with work travel and whatnot. But generally speaking I haven't really felt the need for one in probably 2 years.

Always a great feeling getting athletes clicking on a new lift and getting them to make positive connections.

No problems with a close stance some people excel there, adjust if needed as confidence grows.

Slightly confused tho on the toes up test, I can’t lift my toes unless I’m sitting back pretty hard or shift my weight back when I lift my toes.

Feeling it in the adds is great though proper squats will really hit them. As long as form is drilled in well from the start should lead to some good lifting down the road.
absolutely. He's only squatted with a barbell one other time that I can think of. It was after we finished a bench day and the rack was empty so I talked him into giving it a try. We only used an empty barbell and like many first timers he was coming forward into the toes, heels could not stay planted, etc. So while there are a number of very basic things that will need improvement (I mean, who on earth has zero to improve on their squat?) I was really impressed by how his feet stayed so perfectly planted yesterday.

Knees are improving, but I want to watch that. He's incredibly strong for a young man, so the knees caving is really more of a coordination/awareness thing than anything. and it's not every rep.

I also want to get him firmer / tighter in position. He's a little squirrely, and again I think it's just lack of awareness.


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Al those things will come with time and confidence. If he does a closer stance and continues to have issues have him point his toes out a little farther, his knees should naturally track outward more that way, and it might help. Also, I think any empty bar is harder to squat than one with just a little more weight on it. Helps you feel more stable and able to sit into the squat.


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Al those things will come with time and confidence. If he does a closer stance and continues to have issues have him point his toes out a little farther, his knees should naturally track outward more that way, and it might help. Also, I think any empty bar is harder to squat than one with just a little more weight on it. Helps you feel more stable and able to sit into the squat.
I agree with that, and actually when I do my warmups with an empty bar I'm often pulling the bar down into myself to create that tightness. You're right, there is a happy medium where the bar is heavy enough to create some good practice, but not so heavy to as risk injury. 175 was just enough yesterday for dad to call it good because I could tell he didn't know how to handle/manage the weight even though it was not anywhere near too heavy for his legs. He finished out with 6-8 plates on the leg press for sets of 10+ lol.

Actually, if I did 8, he'd do 10. if I did 10, he'd do 12 reps lol. He loves to display his strength on leg press

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