To Infinity.... and Beyond!

That's a great problem to have. Now to figure out how to keep her happy in the position.

She's quite young, a Gen Z'er, and I got the vibe when I hired her that despite having zero experience, she is a very sharp cookie and would quickly learn the ropes. We have a couple proprietary apps that we use internally as well as 2-3 major software systems for order tracking, MRP/ERP, etc and I figured she'd pick them up pretty fast. lo and behold, by day 2 she was more comfortable in our systems than many people are after a month lol.
10 x 135
5 x 185, 225, 275
1 x 315, 335, 355, 375, 395
10 x 225

BB rows
3 x 10 x 135

Ez bar curls
10 x 70, 90, 70

Superset with lat pull downs (hammer strength)
3 sets

Hammer curls
10 x 37.5s,

Superset with hammer strength ground base twist combo (lol)

3 sets

Felt heavy today, no chalk (i'm out), no preWO (i'm out, lol), but I did have my belt and headphones so that was nice.

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Last edited:
10 x 135
5 x 185, 225, 275
1 x 315, 335, 355, 375, 395
10 x 225

BB rows
3 x 10 x 135

Ez bar curls
10 x 70, 90, 70

Superset with lat pull downs (hammer strength)
3 sets

Hammer curls
10 x 37.5s,

Superset with hammer strength ground base twist combo (lol)

3 sets

Felt heavy today, no chalk (i'm out), no preWO (i'm out, lol), but I did have my belt and headphones so that was nice.

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Are you still in a caloric deficit?
Are you still in a caloric deficit?

not intentionally, but most likely. I was definitely underfed for this session. Although when in a deficit I typically find that my brain power is greatly diminished and I feel like I'm in a really great space mentally/emotionally etc so I'm eating enough to fire well as a human in my job, but probably not well enough to perform at peak level in the gym. I did not have my normal preWO carb bowl today (although I didn't really feel like I needed it after this weekend lol).

with increased frequency returning though yeah.... i'll have to make nutrition a bigger priority again.

I did throw down 2 pumps of ultra epi (iconic)
and 2 caps of epiandrolean (muscle addiction) today to kick off april 1st.
I also have an itchy trigger finger right now... 

The two of you could be twinning

I’m just trying to get healthier for the moment. Don’t want to launch this expedition before I’ve really packed my lunch - it’s liable to be a long journey.
not intentionally, but most likely. I was definitely underfed for this session. Although when in a deficit I typically find that my brain power is greatly diminished and I feel like I'm in a really great space mentally/emotionally etc so I'm eating enough to fire well as a human in my job, but probably not well enough to perform at peak level in the gym. I did not have my normal preWO carb bowl today (although I didn't really feel like I needed it after this weekend lol).

with increased frequency returning though yeah.... i'll have to make nutrition a bigger priority again.

I did throw down 2 pumps of ultra epi (iconic)
and 2 caps of epiandrolean (muscle addiction) today to kick off april 1st.
Are you gonna run it like a real cycle this time?
That is awesome about the seahorses

Finally got my wifes little "all in 1" 4g tank started (that we had ordered when she was on painkiller post op back in feb, lol.

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Are you gonna run it like a real cycle this time?

so just before new years I had started an epi run for 6 weeks. it went pretty well with only mild hair shedding but I went pretty much 100% iconic and full dose ultra hard I found was really hard on my skin. I was putting lotion on my shoulders twice a day and getting creative looking for real estate. This was 6 consistent weeks though of using about 120% of the size of my previous doses.

I have a bottle of ultra epi (iconic) and like 6 bottles of epiandrolean in stock, so I'm splitting the epi dose between the two. I'm also going to be throwing in the occasional fast because my weight is slowly ticking up, but consistently and on my fast days I'm not planning on taking any supps.

Current stack:
anabolic effect
optimize t
ultra epi
epi androlean
orchic extract
ProteX by Vital Alchemy

I also am using
Pura d'or Argan Oil (DHT Blocking Shampoo)
A biotin conditioner
and 5% minoxidil
Some weight gain is to be expected but the lifting belt was very tight yesterday so I'd like to attempt to slim down a bit. I don't have a timeline though so I can do it more slowly with hopefully less strength sacrifice.

Today's weight was 194 -

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Cool to see the tanks coming along!

Feet, inner thigh and inner biceps are good spots for TD for me. Have the same problem as you
Cool to see the tanks coming along!

Feet, inner thigh and inner biceps are good spots for TD for me. Have the same problem as you

feet and inner biceps have definitely been solid real estate for TDs for me, but I used the sustain alpha on that inner thigh area and it irritated like crazy. XPG Gels don't seem to cause any skin irritation for me, so I like their delivery more. But the Ultra Hard had the andro that I wanted on that last run mixed with the epi whereas XPG is straight epi.

Alpha Gel I will put on my feet if I'm getting ready for bed so I don't rub it on my wife. or shoulders if I'm adding it in the morning before work...
feet and inner biceps have definitely been solid real estate for TDs for me, but I used the sustain alpha on that inner thigh area and it irritated like crazy. XPG Gels don't seem to cause any skin irritation for me, so I like their delivery more. But the Ultra Hard had the andro that I wanted on that last run mixed with the epi whereas XPG is straight epi.

Alpha Gel I will put on my feet if I'm getting ready for bed so I don't rub it on my wife. or shoulders if I'm adding it in the morning before work...
I agree the XPG doesn’t bother me at all. I ran one bottle of icon 7 I think I definitely had to use lotion on my shoulders. Not the end of the world but I definitely had to keep up with it.
Seated OHP/DB
10 x 35s, 40s
6 x 50s
8 x 60s, 70s

@GreenMachineX thanks for the motivation here. Haven't done these in ages

Reverse grip bench
10 x bar, 95, 135
5 x 185

1 x 185, 225, 250, 270

1 x 285, 300, 310
3 x 275

(Had rando help with liftoff on 310. Added 5lbs to raw and ss from last session)

6 x 225
10 x 185

Reverse seated dips
3 x 12

SS with laterals
3 x 10+ x 32.5s

Tri cable pushdowns
3 sets to failure (roughly)

SS with forward DB raises
3 x 15 x 25s (for blood flow)

Unfortunately a bit rushed session today, and no preWO cause I forgot I was out. But felt the fire in my loins for the first time in a while. Good preWO carb load. Practiced new movements, good session.

Weight 193
Fasted 20:4 yesterday, dinner with the wife after.

Feels good to be benching over 300 again even if it is slingshot work!

Meant to do banded work today but lacked the wherewithal to jam that into a 50min session.
Looks like we both tried some reverse grip tonight!

There's just been too much talk about it to not give it a try finally 😅

How’d that reverse feel?

awesome! If I had a spotter for lift off and a little more time I'd like to take these a bit heavier. it's a little awkward to unrack since I'm still learning the movement but I found it seemed OK to have my head further up on the bench since my bar path in reverse grip felt much more vertical and less likely to hit the j hooks....

between that and the db presses though it felt like a great warm up going into bench...
Seated OHP/DB
10 x 35s, 40s
6 x 50s
8 x 60s, 70s

@GreenMachineX thanks for the motivation here. Haven't done these in ages

Reverse grip bench
10 x bar, 95, 135
5 x 185

1 x 185, 225, 250, 270

1 x 285, 300, 310
3 x 275

(Had rando help with liftoff on 310. Added 5lbs to raw and ss from last session)

6 x 225
10 x 185

Reverse seated dips
3 x 12

SS with laterals
3 x 10+ x 32.5s

Tri cable pushdowns
3 sets to failure (roughly)

SS with forward DB raises
3 x 15 x 25s (for blood flow)

Unfortunately a bit rushed session today, and no preWO cause I forgot I was out. But felt the fire in my loins for the first time in a while. Good preWO carb load. Practiced new movements, good session.

Weight 193
Fasted 20:4 yesterday, dinner with the wife after.

Feels good to be benching over 300 again even if it is slingshot work!

Meant to do banded work today but lacked the wherewithal to jam that into a 50min session.
You’re putting in some good work on your bench…good job considering how busy you have been.
Warm up
Empty bb
RDLs, rows, cleans, press
RDLS, rows, cleans, press

10 x 135
3 x 3 x 225
1 x 275, 315, 365, 405
3 x 3 x 335

+ Greenband
2 x 5 x 225
10 x 225
(By the end, I finally felt like legs were working at it and pitching in. I just need to practice more)

Leg press
15 x +90
10 x +180
10 x +270
10 x +360
15 x +180

Lat pull downs
3 x 10

Reverse delt kleen swings
3 sets for symmetry
(Feeling like I'm building a little forward roll in the shoulders/front delts)

EZ bar curls
3 x 10 x 70

Superset with
T-bar rows
3 x 10+

Notes - 193lbs
Thursdays are always a hard day on a good training week. PreWO started hitting nicely in warmups though

Still no chalk, but it arrives today.

Was feeling lazy so didn't want to run high rep deads lol.

405 went up fine but I can tell I need to retrain the body how to pull. Been too infrequent.

Weight belt - on hole 2

Hole 1 is my fat hole
Hole 4 is my lean AF hole

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There's just been too much talk about it to not give it a try finally

awesome! If I had a spotter for lift off and a little more time I'd like to take these a bit heavier. it's a little awkward to unrack since I'm still learning the movement but I found it seemed OK to have my head further up on the bench since my bar path in reverse grip felt much more vertical and less likely to hit the j hooks....

between that and the db presses though it felt like a great warm up going into bench...

Hell yeah! Setup is a little different in this one. Bar definitely touching lower on the body. Once you find the perfect setup and hand position it’s gonna fly. A real shoulder saver too.
was looking at my "check-ins" at the gym and this week was my first 4 session week in ages. Feels really good to start getting the habit/routine back under control, although I have some travel coming up April 14 and again in May.

Hell yeah! Setup is a little different in this one. Bar definitely touching lower on the body. Once you find the perfect setup and hand position it’s gonna fly. A real shoulder saver too.

I felt it activate forward delts and triceps in new ways (not bad) but I've only done it twice now so I'm going to definitely have to get some more practice in with this new toy to figure it out. tbh it's like learning any new movement and I'm actually shocked I didn't kill myself this week. like trying to pat my head, rub my belly, and ride a unicycle
Unfortunately a bit rushed session today, and no preWO cause I forgot I was out. But felt the fire in my loins for the first time in a while. Good preWO carb load. Practiced new movements, good session.

Weight 193
Fasted 20:4 yesterday, dinner with the wife after.

Feels good to be benching over 300 again even if it is slingshot work!

Meant to do banded work today but lacked the wherewithal to jam that into a 50min session.

What is going on in this log?!  But congrats on the 300+ bench work!
Flat DB bench
3 x 15 x 45s

10 x 135
5 x 175
1 x 205, 225, 245, 265, 275

1 x 295, 305
3 x 275
10 x 230

5 x 135
EMOTM - 10 min
3 x 135

20 x 135

DB rows, bench supported.
10 x 70, 80, 80

Tricep cable push downs
3 x 10-15

Superset with DB hammer curls
10 x 40s, 45s, 50s

EZ bar curls
2 x 10 x 70

Seated DB concentration curls
4 x 10 x 25s
(Pump hunting)

Reverse seated dips
3 x 15

Lat pull downs
3 x 10

That beta alanine + ultra Epi + epiandrolean cocktail is slapping preWO this morning! Got them go get it tinglies . I feel like I'm in the matrix moving 2000mph.

+5lbs to raw bench. Wanted 315 so bad on the slingshot but 305 was just far to slow to go for it.

I love benching raw after banded work. The barbell just floats.

Awesome session. Best of 2024 probably.

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That’s a fun sesh right there! Congrats on the the +5!
It's coming back! Felt like a monster session today, loved every minute.

Yesterday I felt like total dogshit. Couldn't shake a headache, had mental, physical, and an emotional fatigue bordering on brief but severe depression. Threw down with the wife and felt like king of the world. Today I feel awesome. It's almost bipolar but I'm riding a good wave today. I swear sex is the greatest antidepressant in the world.
Flat DB bench
3 x 15 x 45s

10 x 135
5 x 175
1 x 205, 225, 245, 265, 275

1 x 295, 305
3 x 275
10 x 230

5 x 135
EMOTM - 10 min
3 x 135

20 x 135

DB rows, bench supported.
10 x 70, 80, 80

Tricep cable push downs
3 x 10-15

Superset with DB hammer curls
10 x 40s, 45s, 50s

EZ bar curls
2 x 10 x 70

Seated DB concentration curls
4 x 10 x 25s
(Pump hunting)

Reverse seated dips
3 x 15

Lat pull downs
3 x 10

That beta alanine + ultra Epi + epiandrolean cocktail is slapping preWO this morning! Got them go get it tinglies . I feel like I'm in the matrix moving 2000mph.

+5lbs to raw bench. Wanted 315 so bad on the slingshot but 305 was just far to slow to go for it.

I love benching raw after banded work. The barbell just floats.

Awesome session. Best of 2024 probably.

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Nice workout….good job.

When your pre workout goes beyond just the tingles…..
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Nice workout….good job.

When your pre workout goes beyond just the tingles…..
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thanks man, it felt great!
Yesterday the local theater was running the original Godfather so I had to jump on the opportunity to see the classic in the theater which meant I moved lower/legs/pulls to today instead... but man, that movie gets better every time you see it.
It's coming back! Felt like a monster session today, loved every minute.

Yesterday I felt like total dogshit. Couldn't shake a headache, had mental, physical, and an emotional fatigue bordering on brief but severe depression. Threw down with the wife and felt like king of the world. Today I feel awesome. It's almost bipolar but I'm riding a good wave today. I swear sex is the greatest antidepressant in the world.

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thanks man, it felt great!
Yesterday the local theater was running the original Godfather so I had to jump on the opportunity to see the classic in the theater which meant I moved lower/legs/pulls to today instead... but man, that movie gets better every time you see it.

That’s badass! I wish our theatre was cool like that lol
Power cleans
10 x bar, 95
5 x 135, 155
3 x 175, 195, 205

5 x 225, 275
1 x 315, 365, 395, 415
5 x 345
10 x 225

Hang power cleans
2 x 10 x 135

5 x 135, 185, 225
(Just cause)

Leg curls
3 x 10

Leg ext
3 x 10

+10lbs from last session but it did feel heavy. Need more practice and need to bring deficits back into the diet I think.

I'd love to figure out a GPP day with focus on explosiveness. I don't like jumping, but I do like throwing in cleans for the general benefits.

Squats were more to test mobility than anything.
Power cleans
10 x bar, 95
5 x 135, 155
3 x 175, 195, 205

5 x 225, 275
1 x 315, 365, 395, 415
5 x 345
10 x 225

Hang power cleans
2 x 10 x 135

5 x 135, 185, 225
(Just cause)

Leg curls
3 x 10

Leg ext
3 x 10

+10lbs from last session but it did feel heavy. Need more practice and need to bring deficits back into the diet I think.

I'd love to figure out a GPP day with focus on explosiveness. I don't like jumping, but I do like throwing in cleans for the general benefits.

Squats were more to test mobility than anything.
Sprints are about as explosive a movement as you can get for legs. Jumping is fine going up just don't jump down from the box.
5 x 225, 275
1 x 315, 365, 395, 415
5 x 345
10 x 225

90minutes later and I'm feeling pretty recovered. but in the moment, my conditioning for heavy deads just isn't feeling there right now. Nothing wrecks me more than deads these days but they are sure are fun.

Sprints are about as explosive a movement as you can get for legs. Jumping is fine going up just don't jump down from the box.

I like that idea. I'll have to work into them to protect the feet and achilles a bit, but generally sprints should be a good fit for me. probably wouldn't hurt to throw in light power snatch work and kettlebell work I'm thinking.

I agree 100% on the jumps. I honestly would not program them in for athletes over 40 when I owned my gym I've seen so many blown out achilles and it's 99% of the time athletes over about age 35-40. I feel 16 most of the time, but I'm also aware of the bad injuries I simply do not have time for!
90minutes later and I'm feeling pretty recovered. but in the moment, my conditioning for heavy deads just isn't feeling there right now. Nothing wrecks me more than deads these days but they are sure are fun.

I like that idea. I'll have to work into them to protect the feet and achilles a bit, but generally sprints should be a good fit for me. probably wouldn't hurt to throw in light power snatch work and kettlebell work I'm thinking.

I agree 100% on the jumps. I honestly would not program them in for athletes over 40 when I owned my gym I've seen so many blown out achilles and it's 99% of the time athletes over about age 35-40. I feel 16 most of the time, but I'm also aware of the bad injuries I simply do not have time for!
There is this 65 year old man at the gym across the street who jumps on a 30 inch ply box all the time. I told him I am impressed he said yeah you could do it too. I said yeah, I could but it isn't worth the injury risk for me right now. I will keep my feet on the ground. We both had a laugh but it is impressive to see him in there getting some good height. He looks like he could probably land a 36 inch box jump.
Friday my wife and I met friends for dinner -> Cubano sandwich. Took half home and ate it immediately
Saturday took her on a date to the fish stores up north, didn't get any fish but did have some italian -> spaghetti, meatballs and cheese.
Sunday we met friends for breakfast -> philly cheese steak scramble.
took my avg weight from 193 to a whopping 199 by monday morning, and today was 197.
obv some nutritional slacking here since I'm not really "bulking". I would like to get back to 188/189. I feel much more comfortable there.

woke up sore as a 16yr old on the wrestling team going through growth spurts today. the increased volume/frequency and variety (cleans etc) is taking it's toll, but I'm happy to experience that again.

415 deads! Someone's not playing games!
appreciate it homie! Trying not to fall backwards too far.

There is this 65 year old man at the gym across the street who jumps on a 30 inch ply box all the time. I told him I am impressed he said yeah you could do it too. I said yeah, I could but it isn't worth the injury risk for me right now. I will keep my feet on the ground. We both had a laugh but it is impressive to see him in there getting some good height. He looks like he could probably land a 36 inch box jump.

yup, I'm with you. I think I will try to ease my way back into more running/sprints. I'm not feeling very mobile/athletic at the moment and I would like to regain some of that. box jumps though are always a high risk movement in my mind.
Friday my wife and I met friends for dinner -> Cubano sandwich. Took half home and ate it immediately
Saturday took her on a date to the fish stores up north, didn't get any fish but did have some italian -> spaghetti, meatballs and cheese.
Sunday we met friends for breakfast -> philly cheese steak scramble.
took my avg weight from 193 to a whopping 199 by monday morning, and today was 197.
obv some nutritional slacking here since I'm not really "bulking". I would like to get back to 188/189. I feel much more comfortable there.

woke up sore as a 16yr old on the wrestling team going through growth spurts today. the increased volume/frequency and variety (cleans etc) is taking it's toll, but I'm happy to experience that again.

appreciate it homie! Trying not to fall backwards too far.

yup, I'm with you. I think I will try to ease my way back into more running/sprints. I'm not feeling very mobile/athletic at the moment and I would like to regain some of that. box jumps though are always a high risk movement in my mind.
Yeah, I have definitely become less functionally fit this year with focusing on bodybuilding. I really miss some of the more explosive work and cross training I did over the years previously. Part of what I can't wait to get back to once I have completed this mission and begin to focus on whatever goal I set for myself next. I am still contemplating sizing down after my competition but realistically I will probably just let that come on as it does on it's own without making too much of an effort. I do think the year following my contest will definitely be more focused on overall health and maintaining relatively low bodyfat and body weight to make things easier on my heart, and joints for that matter. Similar to how you are mentioning you feel better at a certain weight. I want to find that weight wherever it is and hang out there.
. I am still contemplating sizing down after my competition but realistically I will probably just let that come on as it does on it's own without making too much of an effort.

it's a total mind F.
Once I can see even a small size difference in my shoulders or how my arms fill out a shirt, I then become miserable that I've lost too much size. But once the shirt fills out the way I like it, I take it off and I'm back to being unhappy with the extra BF lol

Similar to how you are mentioning you feel better at a certain weight. I want to find that weight wherever it is and hang out there.

honestly I probably felt the best on my feet around 176lbs. I wasn't as strong as I am now, but I was actually not THAT far off for being 20lbs lighter. I think my bests back then were like 450/330/275. The difference was that my recovery from heavy lifting could take a week+, but every single day I could slam out 200 double unders, or 40 butterfly pull-ups, or 7 million deadlifts at 225lbs with a 6 minute mile in the middle. It was a different kind of strength and fitness, definitely not a brute 1rm strength though.
3 x 10 x 95
3 x 135, 175, 205, 235
1 x 255, 270

1 x 275, 285, 295, 305
4 x 275
9 x 240

3 x 10 x 185 (wide grip)
18 x 135 (really wide grip)

10 x 95
3 x 8 x 135

Tricep rope push downs
15, 10,
(Ascending weight)

Pec deck
3 sets

Kb snatch
2 x 10 per arm

20 min treadmill, mostly incline

Pretty stiff and slow today but otherwise all good.

That 30 x 185 wide grip was pumpalicious!

Threw in some sprints but nothing more than a 6mph for 45-60seconds. Left arch is a little tight so I'll have to work up to a good HIIT session.
it's a total mind F.
Once I can see even a small size difference in my shoulders or how my arms fill out a shirt, I then become miserable that I've lost too much size. But once the shirt fills out the way I like it, I take it off and I'm back to being unhappy with the extra BF lol

honestly I probably felt the best on my feet around 176lbs. I wasn't as strong as I am now, but I was actually not THAT far off for being 20lbs lighter. I think my bests back then were like 450/330/275. The difference was that my recovery from heavy lifting could take a week+, but every single day I could slam out 200 double unders, or 40 butterfly pull-ups, or 7 million deadlifts at 225lbs with a 6 minute mile in the middle. It was a different kind of strength and fitness, definitely not a brute 1rm strength though.
You know the solution to the shoulders not filling out the shirt is to buy a shirt that it fills out so you can see the much more defined yet still well rounded shoulders you have.

Also I think you could probably hit most of your numbers or very close in the low to mid 180's now since you aren't burning the candle at both ends like you were back then. It was the volume of the work you were doing messing with your recovery more than your body weight. You simply aren't overworking your body now like you were back then. Now bench might drop because there you are really losing leverage as you get smaller but I think you might be pleasantly surprised what you could lift, and recover from at lower body weight and body fat without all of the crazy conditioning work that you did back then. At 185 around 10% with a smaller shirt than you where now you would look pretty damn impressive.
You know the solution to the shoulders not filling out the shirt is to buy a shirt that it fills out so you can see the much more defined yet still well rounded shoulders you have.

Grind Athletics!! their shirts fit perfect for this!

At 185 around 10% with a smaller shirt than you where now you would look pretty damn impressive.

I think you're right and that might be achievable or very close. I do feel like I'm holding more lean mass now at 41 than I ever did before. I don't know if I accredit that to nearly 2 years of eating in surplus, or if it's the supplementation, or if it's a combination of the two. But today for instance I was looking in the mirror and I do feel like I have more ab definition at 196lbs than I did in prior years at say 187lbs.

In theory, if I'm 196lbs today and 16% BF, then a very perfect cut to 10% would have me around 184.25lbs. That would be probably 8-10lbs heavier than previous years at that bf. Which is a great accomplishment. but in reality, I doubt that getting to 10% would be anywhere near that perfect in terms of keeping lean mass.

honestly I actually have no idea what an average expectation is in terms of lean mass lost during a smart cut.
Grind Athletics!! their shirts fit perfect for this!

I think you're right and that might be achievable or very close. I do feel like I'm holding more lean mass now at 41 than I ever did before. I don't know if I accredit that to nearly 2 years of eating in surplus, or if it's the supplementation, or if it's a combination of the two. But today for instance I was looking in the mirror and I do feel like I have more ab definition at 196lbs than I did in prior years at say 187lbs.

In theory, if I'm 196lbs today and 16% BF, then a very perfect cut to 10% would have me around 184.25lbs. That would be probably 8-10lbs heavier than previous years at that bf. Which is a great accomplishment. but in reality, I doubt that getting to 10% would be anywhere near that perfect in terms of keeping lean mass.

honestly I actually have no idea what an average expectation is in terms of lean mass lost during a smart cut.

Most of it, without steroids. That’s what nobody wants to talk about.
You know the solution to the shoulders not filling out the shirt is to buy a shirt that it fills out so you can see the much more defined yet still well rounded shoulders you have.

My problem is, when I find a shirt that makes my shoulders/chest look good, it also shows my spare tire. Can't win!

But I feel you @Dustin07, it's the lifters dilemma. Get big and bulky, or get shredded and small. It's the constant struggle!
You know the solution to the shoulders not filling out the shirt is to buy a shirt that it fills out so you can see the much more defined yet still well rounded shoulders you have.

Also I think you could probably hit most of your numbers or very close in the low to mid 180's now since you aren't burning the candle at both ends like you were back then. It was the volume of the work you were doing messing with your recovery more than your body weight. You simply aren't overworking your body now like you were back then. Now bench might drop because there you are really losing leverage as you get smaller but I think you might be pleasantly surprised what you could lift, and recover from at lower body weight and body fat without all of the crazy conditioning work that you did back then. At 185 around 10% with a smaller shirt than you where now you would look pretty damn impressive.
What brand shirt does that?
Grind Athletics!! their shirts fit perfect for this!

I think you're right and that might be achievable or very close. I do feel like I'm holding more lean mass now at 41 than I ever did before. I don't know if I accredit that to nearly 2 years of eating in surplus, or if it's the supplementation, or if it's a combination of the two. But today for instance I was looking in the mirror and I do feel like I have more ab definition at 196lbs than I did in prior years at say 187lbs.

In theory, if I'm 196lbs today and 16% BF, then a very perfect cut to 10% would have me around 184.25lbs. That would be probably 8-10lbs heavier than previous years at that bf. Which is a great accomplishment. but in reality, I doubt that getting to 10% would be anywhere near that perfect in terms of keeping lean mass.

honestly I actually have no idea what an average expectation is in terms of lean mass lost during a smart cut.
I wish Grind just had less of the tough guy imagery.