To Infinity.... and Beyond!

Awesome thank you for that advice, I wondered about taking them together in that type of scenario.

I took one of those weekly pill cases down with me to keep my mtest, anabolic xt etc going daily. I think anabolic xt has always been my best natty PR builder.

I would love to get another bottle from Steve and make it a 3 month run. Would it be a waste to run it with this anavar/dbol product or do you think it will still be complimentary?

I'm about 5 weeks in so I'd have to decide soon on getting a third bottle
Honestly, I think that would be like tossing gasoline on a napalm fire. It MIGHT increase combustion, but could you even tell with the big fire already burning? I would just let the var stand on it's own so you can see exactly how it treats you. Save the other bottle for your PCT / Bridge since you know it treats you well as a natty supplement..
Honestly, I think that would be like tossing gasoline on a napalm fire. It MIGHT increase combustion, but could you even tell with the big fire already burning? I would just let the var stand on it's own so you can see exactly how it treats you. Save the other bottle for your PCT / Bridge since you know it treats you well as a natty supplement..
Definitely my thoughts; that’s a much better supplement for PCT/off time to help keep things feeling better than otherwise
I like this plan, I think it's coming together. Sounds pretty simple. Lets me spend the next two week still focusing on squats a bit, shave off a couple Mexico pounds, then make a hard push for end of year bench PRs (hopefully). Then start new years in PCT mode and regroup.
Lol you found out that Light Day just means the primary Bench absolute load is lesser than the Heavy Day…but it’s actually the Volume Day! AKA you should be eating the most food of your entire week the day prior to & on this day, because you stand to realize the greatest overall hypertrophy stimulus of your training week.

I think if you do this program while actually cutting you are asking for an injury. I’m not saying you need to try to push the scale up, but you should really target a modest surplus of 3-400 calories at least to try to recover sufficiently & make the work worthwhile.

I don’t know what calculator you’re using, but all of the accessories are really just bodybuilding rep scheme based. Pick the weight that lets you hit the target reps listed near failure, and try to generally progress that whenever it seems doable. Only the primary bench/variants have suggested %.

I'm not sure I ever posted this, but I grabbed it again as I prepare to wrap up the year:

sharing in case anyone has any suggestions, advice/concerns since my plan is to prioritize bench for end of year, with squats secondary and throwing in occasional pulls for practice but trying not to trash recovery with excessive pulling.
I'm not sure I ever posted this, but I grabbed it again as I prepare to wrap up the year:

sharing in case anyone has any suggestions, advice/concerns since my plan is to prioritize bench for end of year, with squats secondary and throwing in occasional pulls for practice but trying not to trash recovery with excessive pulling.
Sharing is caring!!!…. I’ve never checked bench program out
15 x 95
5 x 135, 175
3 x 205, 225, 245, 265

1 x 285, 305

10 x 225

3 x 8 x 185

Overhead cable extensions
20, 12, 12, 12
(Ascending weight )

Lateral raises
15 x 27.5s, 30s

SS with rear delt swings
2 x 15 x 22.5s

Roc-it shoulder press
3 x 10

SS with matrix lateral raise
3 x 10

Awesome day. Wanted to challenge my 3 rep and hold some heavy weight, enjoy some bb style work before I get ready for a shift in a couple weeks. I figure I have 2 more good session in me before I run into the cube predator programming so I want to get a good speed/banded work day in, followed by a raw 1rm day then shed some fatigue, recover a bit before going balls to the wall for the last 6 week so of the year.

in other news, my boy tested 1rm today in school and texted me to let me know he nailed a 275lb squat. up from 245lbs. he's only been doing this since summer................ what's really cool is he's catching the bug, he's super jazzed about this PR.

I truly think he has 315 in him now, but I want him to be safe about it.
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Bench day with the boy

Bar x 25
2 x 5 x 135
5 x 175, 205, 235, 250
10 x 225
16 x 185
35 x 135 (PR? )

Cable push downs
3 x 20+

Skull crushers
1 x 20

Nautilus incline bench - palms facing
3 sets
seeing as how my last session was 250 x 5 before we went on our trip, I don't feel bad about my 265 x 3 today at all. seems about on par. I think things in a good holding pattern right now preparing for the next launch.
15 x 95
5 x 135, 175
3 x 205, 225, 245, 265

1 x 285, 305

10 x 225

3 x 8 x 185

Overhead cable extensions
20, 12, 12, 12
(Ascending weight )

Lateral raises
15 x 27.5s, 30s

SS with rear delt swings
2 x 15 x 22.5s

Roc-it shoulder press
3 x 10

SS with matrix lateral raise
3 x 10

Awesome day. Wanted to challenge my 3 rep and hold some heavy weight, enjoy some bb style work before I get ready for a shift in a couple weeks. I figure I have 2 more good session in me before I run into the cube predator programming so I want to get a good speed/banded work day in, followed by a raw 1rm day then shed some fatigue, recover a bit before going balls to the wall for the last 6 week so of the year.

in other news, my boy tested 1rm today in school and texted me to let me know he nailed a 275lb squat. up from 245lbs. he's only been doing this since summer................ what's really cool is he's catching the bug, he's super jazzed about this PR.

I truly think he has 315 in him now, but I want him to be safe about it.
Good workout….. always love hearing about the youngsters getting the workout bug and getting fired up. And that’s good numbers for his age and having just started. You’ll have to let him know you shared it on your workout forum and we were all impressed.💪😎
BB rows
2 x 15 x 95
4 x 15 x 145

Bent over DB rows
3 x 10-12 x 70s

SS with seated DB curls
4 x 10 x 32.5s

H/S shrugs
15 x +90, +180, +270, +180, +180

SS with DB hammer curls
3 x 10 x 37.5s

H/S ISO lateral low rows
3 x 15

SS with ez bar curls
3 x 12 x 70

Lat pull downs
3 x 12

EZ bar 21s
1 set with 60lbs

Serious DOMs today from this week's work already, lol. Nothing super heavy but some fun volume.

Weight was 188 this morning

Stack is pretty simple. Finished Mtest and Alpha One so just:

Blood pressure XT
Anabolic XT
SNS Pine Pollen
And some TDs
Squats - high bar
10 x bar, 135
3 x 175, 205, 235, 265, 290
1 x 310 (absolutely burried)
10 x 225

10 x 135
12 x 115
15 x 95

H/S V squat
3 x 10

MTS Leg ext
3 sets

Wife's last surgery was yesterday (she's doing fantastic), all good in the hood but was feeling a bit worn down / lazy today so took my 3s and called it a success.

3 at 290 is still +5lbs of linear progression on high bar so pretty happy just didn't take 5 today. May or May not have actually had 5.

I'm really loving the MTS leg extensions for isolating the legs rather than doing the trad leg ext machine with one leg at a time.

Still neglecting the additional ab work (and cardio) I need/want but it's still an agenda item.
Squats - high bar
10 x bar, 135
3 x 175, 205, 235, 265, 290
1 x 310 (absolutely burried)
10 x 225

10 x 135
12 x 115
15 x 95

H/S V squat
3 x 10

MTS Leg ext
3 sets

Wife's last surgery was yesterday (she's doing fantastic), all good in the hood but was feeling a bit worn down / lazy today so took my 3s and called it a success.

3 at 290 is still +5lbs of linear progression on high bar so pretty happy just didn't take 5 today. May or May not have actually had 5.

I'm really loving the MTS leg extensions for isolating the legs rather than doing the trad leg ext machine with one leg at a time.

Still neglecting the additional ab work (and cardio) I need/want but it's still an agenda item.
That’s great to hear about your wife brother. Hope she recovers quickly.🙏
Squats - high bar
10 x bar, 135
3 x 175, 205, 235, 265, 290
1 x 310 (absolutely burried)
10 x 225

10 x 135
12 x 115
15 x 95

H/S V squat
3 x 10

MTS Leg ext
3 sets

Wife's last surgery was yesterday (she's doing fantastic), all good in the hood but was feeling a bit worn down / lazy today so took my 3s and called it a success.

3 at 290 is still +5lbs of linear progression on high bar so pretty happy just didn't take 5 today. May or May not have actually had 5.

I'm really loving the MTS leg extensions for isolating the legs rather than doing the trad leg ext machine with one leg at a time.

Still neglecting the additional ab work (and cardio) I need/want but it's still an agenda item.

Awesome news brotha!!!
On your high bar do you do narrower stance, shoulder width, or you normal stance?
It's been very very close to my normal stance which is already not super wide but I've noticed I feel more stable with just a slightly narrower stance on the higher rep (10+) sets and with front squats. Generally I've been mostly focused on what my knees are doing, making sure levers look like theyre maintaining good position and ROM and then putting my feet where I feel most stable.

I think the difference though between my wider and narrower stances is like 1/2" though it's really insignificant. My buddy with the 500lb squat thinks I squat a little narrow but he's a much wider dude than me.

I've also been trying hard to find the right spot where adductors feel more engaged, trying to recruit any lazy muscle group that's dodging the effort
3 x 8 x 95
3 x 135, 175, 205, 235, 250

5 x 135

5 x 3 x 155
5 x 3 x 165
(Added weight halfway through)

3 x 8 x 185

Wide grip
20 x 135

Standing cable skull crushers
15 x 60lbs, 70lbs, 80lbs, 90lbs
+ 20 x 60lbs dropset

Lateral raises
5 x 15 x 25s

H/S dips - reverse seated
3 x 15 x +180
Forward seated
3 x 15 x +180

Life fitness lateral raises
3 x 12-15

Still a little tenderness inside the left elbow but once I'm under load (135lbs+) it disappears.

Last couple FAFO bench days before I launch the 6 week push.
2 x 12 x 135

2" deficit
5 x 5 x 225

Bb rows
3 x 10 x 135

Rear delt swings
15 x 22.5s, 25s, 27.5s
20 x 17.5s

SS with seated db curls
3 x 10 x 30s

3 sets

Lat pull downs
3 x 15

H/S shrugs
5 x 15
+ 1 x 20

Roc-it mid row
3 sets

SS with rear/delt flies
3 sets

Looks like a lot of volume but that was like a 50min bro sesh
It is still a solid amount of volume even if it was only 50 minutes.
Was supposed to bench today, but a coworker called in sick. (Meaning my normal lifting buddy would join me as a spotter). So I figured squat today, bench tomorrow. But had an eye procedure done (AGAIN) this morning and they asked me not to lift so that everything can heal ok without extra strain today.

I'm on the fence. I might still go in and squat after work, at least light, and hit bench tomorrow. no idea why the pic is upside down lol. it looked pretty clean right after the procedure but I"m back at work now and it's pretty bloody lol.

Was supposed to bench today, but a coworker called in sick. (Meaning my normal lifting buddy would join me as a spotter). So I figured squat today, bench tomorrow. But had an eye procedure done (AGAIN) this morning and they asked me not to lift so that everything can heal ok without extra strain today.

I'm on the fence. I might still go in and squat after work, at least light, and hit bench tomorrow. no idea why the pic is upside down lol. it looked pretty clean right after the procedure but I"m back at work now and it's pretty bloody lol.

View attachment 247084

You’re crazy! Don’t squat! You’ll blast a stream of blood right out of that angry thing lol. But seriously, I’d just chill
Leg ext
3 x 15

Matrix leg press ()
3 x 10

Squats - high bar
5 x bar, 135, 185
5 x 225
1 x 265, 295, 315

Seated DB curls
3 x 12

Yeah, eye started fogging up a bit on the squats so pulled back the throttle a lot. It's sorta embarrassing to have to cancel a session for such a minor thing. Wanted to give it a try though cause energy was good and I intentionally fed for this session ... Live to fight another day!
I wouldn’t be embarrassed about having to cancel a session. Any kind of procedure on or around the eye is serious enough to deserve a shortened session. Ha, I do have to admit my old eyes had to look twice, the upside down eye threw me off.🤷🏻‍♂️
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Bro was seeing red for real in that squat session

I wouldn’t be embarrassed about having to cancel a session. Any kind of procedure on or around the eye is serious enough to deserve a shortened session. Ha, I do have to admit my old eyes had to look twice, the upside down eye threw me off.🤷🏻‍♂️

it's the weirdest thing. about 4 years ago I got this drain duct in the eye lid clogged so my eye doc spent from jan-june trying to solve it naturally then sent me to a costmetic surgeon for a consult, who then prescribed me a valium to take prior to the procedure which of course was booked another month out. I go in, she flips the eyelid inside out, cut out the cyst (basically), and gives me a little antibiotic ointment for my eye for a few days. I got it again a year later, then this year I've had this one come back three times.

That old doc retired though, my new doc... I go in for the consult and I'm like so do I have to take the valium again? he goes na, your a big tough guy lets just do it now and get it over with 😂 😂 so he's sitting there injecting my eyelid with the numbing agent, flips it upside down, cuts away. this time it healed way better, last time though I had this string of blood across my eye for a day:


it's not THAT big of a deal all in all, a very uncomfortable 5 minutes in his chair, but it's a lot better than looking like Sloth from the goonies for months on end while the eyelid gets all swollen and droopy. feels a bit like I got punched in the eye today but it will likely look like nothing ever happened within a couple days.
Yeah, probably could have just waited o the squats, but hey, an unintentional light day should put you in a nice position for a big leg day next go round. Hope the eye heals up quickly and completely.
That just looks nutty. Glad you’re making out alright. Valium is for puzzies 🤣
ahaha for sure. I still got a bit queezy as I can feel the needle in my eyelid and I'm like... accutely aware of how close it is to my eyeball, but I just sit there and let him do his thing. He's a good doc, a mans man for sure but also great bedside manors so he puts you at ease
Yeah, probably could have just waited o the squats, but hey, an unintentional light day should put you in a nice position for a big leg day next go round. Hope the eye heals up quickly and completely.

agreed! and thank you!
ahaha for sure. I still got a bit queezy as I can feel the needle in my eyelid and I'm like... accutely aware of how close it is to my eyeball, but I just sit there and let him do his thing. He's a good doc, a mans man for sure but also great bedside manors so he puts you at ease

agreed! and thank you!

That would make me squirm. I don’t think I could do needles in eyelids lol. You are a warrior sir
20 x bar
2 x 10 x 95
2 x 135, 185, 205, 225
1 x 245, 265, 285, 295
9 x 225

OH cable extensions
3 x 15 x 42.5lbs
+ 1 x 17 x 30lbs dropset

Seated incline DB curls
3 x 10+ x 25s

SS with Arnold's
10 x 35s, 40s, 45s

Pec deck
15 x 130lbs
10 x 170lbs
8 x 205lbs
+ 10 x 130pbs dropset

Weight 189 this morning
I was contorting in my seat reading his post, and I guarantee I’ve stuck more needles in me than all of you this last week
The first couple times it was really nerve wracking but at this point its something that when it occurs I just want it over with cause watching the eyelid start to get swollen over a couple weeks sucks ass. It's like you bust your ass to be strong, build a physique, take a million supplements, minoxidil in the hair, sometimes my wife's skin stuff on the dry face skin in the winter etc then you just look like a pretty Sloth who lifts lol.

Next time it happens I might just start wearing this shirt and suspenders when I go to the gym

Doc says he sees it most frequently in men right over the age of 40 for whatever reason. I've been a lot more tedious about cleaning my hands and contacts and rotating to fresh contacts more frequently but it doesn't seem to have an effect.

Oh well, party on

Goblet squats
2 x 10

DB curls
5 sets

Squats - high bar
3 x 135, 175, 205, 245, 265
1 x 295, 295
2 x 295
2 x 3 x 275
10 x 185

3 x 135, 155, 175, 195
15 x 95

Hack squats
2 x 10

V squats
2 x 10

H/S ab crunch machine
3 x 15

Russian twists
3 x 20 w/ 16lb ball (heaviest available)

Leg extensions.
3 x 12

Goal was 3-5 at 295 today but just wasn't feeling it so I dropped a few lbs to find a point where I could feel productive.

I might have had my 295 x 3. But I just didn't want to go to a 10 or 11rpe there and blow myself out or fail a rep.
No sweat; usually best not to risk failing a big lift - you’re training, not testing. You know enough at this point to know if taking the rep will be sketchy, and those don’t usually make good training effect anyway. They can teach bad patterns or dig a bigger recovery hole than the extra stimulus they give sometimes.
Day 1 - Cube Predator
10 x 95, 125
8 x 150
5 x 180
3 x 210
21 x 180 (AMRAP)

3 x AMRAP x 175
12, 14, 10

Incline db
12 x 45s
10 x 50s
8 x 55s
6 x 65s

Skull crushers
80lbs x 12, 10, 8 , 6, 5

Seated Arnold's
4 x 12 x 25s (? Super light?)

DB flies
12 x 27.5s, 30s, 32.5s, 35s

Extra credit
Cable OH extensions
2 sets to failure

Those amraps are serious cardio.
Super happy with performance despite waking up with a crazy head cold.

Used 300lb max for the calculator despite 295 being my recent high.

Added a little tricep work cause it felt appropriate.

Pump was insane. Popped 2 anavar and 1 Epiandro preWO with a little XPG Pump gel for fun.
Day 1 - Cube Predator
10 x 95, 125
8 x 150
5 x 180
3 x 210
21 x 180 (AMRAP)

3 x AMRAP x 175
12, 14, 10

Incline db
12 x 45s
10 x 50s
8 x 55s
6 x 65s

Skull crushers
80lbs x 12, 10, 8 , 6, 5

Seated Arnold's
4 x 12 x 25s (? Super light?)

DB flies
12 x 27.5s, 30s, 32.5s, 35s

Extra credit
Cable OH extensions
2 sets to failure

Those amraps are serious cardio.
Super happy with performance despite waking up with a crazy head cold.

Used 300lb max for the calculator despite 295 being my recent high.

Added a little tricep work cause it felt appropriate.

Pump was insane. Popped 2 anavar and 1 Epiandro preWO with a little XPG Pump gel for fun.
And so it begins.

I have found, specifically with that program, that it is ideal to set the max value everything is based on up/aggresively like that. Especially because you will be adding weight and tissue as you go.

2 pieces of advice on this program I’ve mentioned but need to highlight:

1) Eat a surplus. You should expect to add a little weight; there’s a ton of hypertrophy work & you’ll need it to recover/progress.

2) AMRAP means as many CLEAN reps as possible. If there’s any breakdown technically, you’re done. I’ve strained my pec multiple times on this program pushing into reps that weren’t technically sound. You will get enough volume no matter what.
Day 1 - Cube Predator
10 x 95, 125
8 x 150
5 x 180
3 x 210
21 x 180 (AMRAP)

3 x AMRAP x 175
12, 14, 10

Incline db
12 x 45s
10 x 50s
8 x 55s
6 x 65s

Skull crushers
80lbs x 12, 10, 8 , 6, 5

Seated Arnold's
4 x 12 x 25s (? Super light?)

DB flies
12 x 27.5s, 30s, 32.5s, 35s

Extra credit
Cable OH extensions
2 sets to failure

Those amraps are serious cardio.
Super happy with performance despite waking up with a crazy head cold.

Used 300lb max for the calculator despite 295 being my recent high.

Added a little tricep work cause it felt appropriate.

Pump was insane. Popped 2 anavar and 1 Epiandro preWO with a little XPG Pump gel for fun.

Oh snap! Cube and var?!?! This is gonna be sweeeet! I’m gone for a day and Dustin joins the dark side
Oh snap! Cube and var?!?! This is gonna be sweeeet! I’m gone for a day and Dustin joins the dark side
Ahahaha yeah let's see how this run goes

@Hyde good advice. The 21 rep AMRAP felt like I possibly had 22-25 reps in me but at some point the cardio effect is just as taxing as the muscular fatigue at 20+ reps lol. I restocked creatine as well so I think I'm good to go!
And so it begins.

I have found, specifically with that program, that it is ideal to set the max value everything is based on up/aggresively like that. Especially because you will be adding weight and tissue as you go.

2 pieces of advice on this program I’ve mentioned but need to highlight:

1) Eat a surplus. You should expect to add a little weight; there’s a ton of hypertrophy work & you’ll need it to recover/progress.

2) AMRAP means as many CLEAN reps as possible. If there’s any breakdown technically, you’re done. I’ve strained my pec multiple times on this program pushing into reps that weren’t technically sound. You will get enough volume no matter what.
So I'm sorta going at this recognizing that 301lbs is a PR, 305lbs is a PR. 315 is the gold standard, but baby steps so if a 6 week push gives me a clean 301-305 I will 100% take and enjoy it and have my eyes set on 2025
Day 1 - Cube Predator
10 x 95, 125
8 x 150
5 x 180
3 x 210
21 x 180 (AMRAP)

3 x AMRAP x 175
12, 14, 10

Incline db
12 x 45s
10 x 50s
8 x 55s
6 x 65s

Skull crushers
80lbs x 12, 10, 8 , 6, 5

Seated Arnold's
4 x 12 x 25s (? Super light?)

DB flies
12 x 27.5s, 30s, 32.5s, 35s

Extra credit
Cable OH extensions
2 sets to failure

Those amraps are serious cardio.
Super happy with performance despite waking up with a crazy head cold.

Used 300lb max for the calculator despite 295 being my recent high.

Added a little tricep work cause it felt appropriate.

Pump was insane. Popped 2 anavar and 1 Epiandro preWO with a little XPG Pump gel for fun.
Yeah budday! This should be fun.
Yeah budday! This should be fun.
I'm feeling pumped. Through my smartwatch on the charger tonight to try to grab random steps again and improve NEAT a little on non lifting days. Fully accepting that scale will tilt upwards on this push, but trying to keep it as lean as possible as we grow.

Sunk back into my old pre-cold routine today pounding elderberry, zinc, vit D and washing it down with more C. Hydrating, generally making good health choices and abstaining from alcohol through this entire run for the sake of both liver health and better use of calories, etc.

If the head cold doesn't feel on the mend tomorrow I'll plan to add Pho back in at lunch or dinner. It may or may not be scientifically backed but I swear between the nutrients, sodium, and jalapeno it clears everything up and speeds recover from these minor colds.

Also Seahawks won, so it's a good Sunday

Honestly no idea what to expect from the var, or when to expect it so just enjoying using someone else's programming and being able to spend my mental capacity on lifting hard rather than creative mind games to find solutions
Front squats
10 x bar, 95
1 x 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 230, 245
1 x 260 (PR)

Back squats - high bar / paused
5 x 135, 225, 245

Not paused
15 x 135

H/S V squats
10 x +90, +180, 270
+ 3 reps bottomed out like box squat style almost.

Leg ext
3 x 12 x 135lbs

Weight 189
I think I've only hit 245 on a front squat 4-5 times in my life so really that today was a solid vibe even before the PR. May have had 270 but saved it for a future victory.

Tried hard to get some volume in to make sure I'm earning the current stack.

HCL creatine
20mg var
1 cap epiandrolean
SNS liver assist
SNS cardio assist
2 pumps XPG Pump Gel
1 pump Alpha Gel for fun

Wife had Pho ready for me when I got home. I'm not at 100% but I feel 100% better than yesterday. I noped out of some fasted cardio with a crazy headache, achey hot eyes, sore neck etc. Today feels like $999,999 bucks.

really felt like running back day today and pushing squats off tomorrow but had meetings run all the way up until gym time and forgot how exhausted I was, so I was running off adrenaline and gave it a go.
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I’ll give you a buck so u can feel like 7 figures man!!

LOL 😂 I had hoped Sunday was the worst and Monday would go well but Monday still had that sensitive skin, flu like symptons where everything was starting to hurt. I've been pounding Vitamin C for days, added in D, elderberry and zinc a few days ago. Today is really close to fully recovered. Ears have been ringing since I showered, and a bit of a runny nose, but energy level is good. I actually felt like a million bucks when my alarm went off, it was standing up that got things a little off kilter. but I'm pumped for day 2 on my cube predator bench day.
LOL 😂 I had hoped Sunday was the worst and Monday would go well but Monday still had that sensitive skin, flu like symptons where everything was starting to hurt. I've been pounding Vitamin C for days, added in D, elderberry and zinc a few days ago. Today is really close to fully recovered. Ears have been ringing since I showered, and a bit of a runny nose, but energy level is good. I actually felt like a million bucks when my alarm went off, it was standing up that got things a little off kilter. but I'm pumped for day 2 on my cube predator bench day.
Congrats on the front squat PR.
I do the same thing during cold and flu season….load up on Elderberry, C, Zinc, D, and Garlic. It’s way better than the vaccines that has been pushed onto society lately.😎
Front squats
10 x bar, 95
1 x 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 230, 245
1 x 260 (PR)

Back squats - high bar / paused
5 x 135, 225, 245

Not paused
15 x 135

H/S V squats
10 x +90, +180, 270
+ 3 reps bottomed out like box squat style almost.

Leg ext
3 x 12 x 135lbs

Weight 189
I think I've only hit 245 on a front squat 4-5 times in my life so really that today was a solid vibe even before the PR. May have had 270 but saved it for a future victory.

Tried hard to get some volume in to make sure I'm earning the current stack.

HCL creatine
20mg var
1 cap epiandrolean
SNS liver assist
SNS cardio assist
2 pumps XPG Pump Gel
1 pump Alpha Gel for fun

Wife had Pho ready for me when I got home. I'm not at 100% but I feel 100% better than yesterday. I noped out of some fasted cardio with a crazy headache, achey hot eyes, sore neck etc. Today feels like $999,999 bucks.

really felt like running back day today and pushing squats off tomorrow but had meetings run all the way up until gym time and forgot how exhausted I was, so I was running off adrenaline and gave it a go.

Nice PR Dustin! That’s a heft front squat. It’s wise that you saved some in the gas tank too. Especially this early on, it’ll pay out in the end.