Tiny is on FIRE with AppNut's LIT-UP/DRIVE! (Sponsored)



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high rep squats really are killer. I want to use DC for my legs once I can lift lower body again, to gain as much as I can. I havce never really been able to target specific muscles in the legs.


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DC Training B1 10/6/11
Duration: 1 Hour
Mood: Focused
Energy: Great
Other notes: Need to up the weight a little on these exercises next time.
DB Alt. Curls-
30 x 33 R/P Adding weight next workout. *PR* These were strict form as well.
DC Stretch 90 Seconds/7th Bolt on smith machine.
EZ Bar Reverse Curls-
50 x 22 *PR* Adding weight next workout.
Stand Calve Raises DC Style- 5 second negative, 15 second stretch at bottom. SUCKS
75 x 11, Might add weight next week.
Barbell Back Squat-
315 x 2 *PR* Staying at this weight for next workout.
225 x 20 *PR* Adding weight next workout.
Notes: Okay so i tried the DC stretch for quads and i literally didn't feel it. So instead i went to the squat rack and put 1 leg at a time up on the rails and sat down stretching as far as i could, 100x better. I did these all last year until it hurt so it could explain why the other one didn't work that well. Who knows i'll try it again next workout.
Stiff-Legged Dead lifts-
185 x 15 Straight set realized was too light.
225 x 16 R/P *PR*
DC Stretch with hyper extension chair for 90 seconds.

6 Sets/5 PR's


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Nice! I was shrugging 315 tonight :) felt good. I am sore and tired though. Then my friends came over, ended up playing ping pong, basketball, soccer, then a bunch sports on xbox kinect at my cousins. I am freakin beat lol. can you say cardio? I think I tore up my back too. lol.

but nice dude. Numbers are lookin good.


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Nice! I was shrugging 315 tonight :) felt good. I am sore and tired though. Then my friends came over, ended up playing ping pong, basketball, soccer, then a bunch sports on xbox kinect at my cousins. I am freakin beat lol. can you say cardio? I think I tore up my back too. lol.

but nice dude. Numbers are lookin good.
That's awesome man, i had to sell my xbox :( I used to love playing Forza, Halo and Call Of Duty back in the day. Nice on those shrugs keep up the good work and thanks excited to train tomorrow.


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My god that is one mean workout! 225x20 lol. That's insane. Good work man. Yea I'd add weight to those curls. You obviously are stronger than that ;)


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My god that is one mean workout! 225x20 lol. That's insane. Good work man. Yea I'd add weight to those curls. You obviously are stronger than that ;)
Yeah those squats were sooo hard, my glutes/hams were pumped up after that. Quads seem like they'll start growing again once i get my hams/glutes built up a little more. The curls i initially was gonna start at 35Lbs but i wanted to make sure i didn't jump the gun. Next workout i might push for 40's considering that i'm going to do another week of another bi exercise that i can kill myself on. That's the cool thing about this, after next week i may be able to make a larger increase in weight due to other exercises. Guess well find out soon enough.


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my xbox is broken... lol so we were at my cousins. Shrugs were tough, hard on my hips because I was doing them from a bent over position lift deadlift style to the shrug position and then down. so got the top half of a deadlift in.


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Diet Breakdown 10/7/11
Calories: 4440
Protein: 260 Grams


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So today i did the DC training for back and holy crap those hangs from a pull-up bar are intense, i had a hard time breathing because my upper chest was tightening around my neck. One thing i don't understand is why they said hold the bar wide because dorian yates made it clear to hit the lats you need a close grip. I can't find the pic but theres one of the SM guy and from those wide grip stretches you can clearly see he stretched the crap out of the teres major/minor area and all of that which gives width up by the armpit but from that down it's not as drastic. I'm willing to put money on the fact that shoulder width or little closer than shoulder width with that stretch will make the lats round out and become more full all the way to the insertion point because it's just plain muscular function. Imagine alternating every 12 weeks. I have a feeling somebody could build lats that even dorian would be proud of with this technique. Just my opinion though, dorian didn't even use extreme stretching and he had an absolutely incredible back, imagine if he would have used it o.o''

Found pic
Dante stretching using wide grip

Dorian Training Close Grip


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Dorian is a beast!!


Anyway I guess I'd say to do both. Or maybe do one for a six week cycle then do the other for the next and see which one you like better.

Anyway I understand your huge pec problem lol. You growing man!


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I agree I like the lat hands alot better with a close grip. plus it tears my shoulders up if I go wider.


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Dorian is a beast!!


Anyway I guess I'd say to do both. Or maybe do one for a six week cycle then do the other for the next and see which one you like better.

Anyway I understand your huge pec problem lol. You growing man!
This will sound weird but for me when i did the lat stretch hanging from the bar i got a hugeeee stretch in my entire chest too. I think it would be smart to alternate the chest stretch with an over head style stretch for the pectoralis minor, That way you get even MORE fullness. Imagine how many angles you could do to stretch the fascia on a muscle? Only thing limiting it is your pain tolerance, i try to think of how the muscle will look after the stretch. I sure hope i'm growing, so far i'm up to 233.1Lbs which is about 2Lbs up from the beginning. Even at 4.5k calories it seems to almost not be enough..

I agree I like the lat hands alot better with a close grip. plus it tears my shoulders up if I go wider.
Yeah thats another reason i like close but i'll still be trying wider every once in a while. I think if you cycle the stretches you would get the best overall roundness out of the muscle.


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Diet Breakdown 10/8/11
Calories: 4740
Protein: 299 Grams


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DC Training A2 10/8/11
Duration: 1 Hour 10 Minutes (Did some chatting)
Mood: Confident
Energy: Good
Other notes: Body weight at 234Lbs
Decline Bench Smith Machine-
245 x 30 R/P *PR* Adding weight next workout
DC Chest Fly Stretch 20Lbs @ 90 Seconds.
Smith Machine Overhead Press-
215 x 15 R/P *PR*
DC Shoulder Stretch 5th Bolt @ 60 Seconds.
Wide Reverse Grip Bench-
155 x 13 R/P *PR* Adding weight next workout
DC Tri stretch on Power-Rack hole *easier to control stretch deeper* @ 45 Seconds each arm
Lat Pull-Down Close Grip-
150 x 18 R/P *PR* Adding weight next workout.
DC Lat/chest stretch hang BW @ 60 Seconds
Bent Over Row Barbell-
205 x 11 *Squeeze at top*

5 sets/4 PR's


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Yeah thats another reason i like close but i'll still be trying wider every once in a while. I think if you cycle the stretches you would get the best overall roundness out of the muscle.
I do 4 sets one of each under and over and narrow and wide but do like lat extensions from hanging to flexed before I do any lat work to get them warmed/pumped.

Nice bench, and that bent over row is huge!


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I do 4 sets one of each under and over and narrow and wide but do like lat extensions from hanging to flexed before I do any lat work to get them warmed/pumped.

Nice bench, and that bent over row is huge!

Diet Breakdown 10/9/11
Calories: 4280
Protein: 250 Grams


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np bro. go for my interview for the job at the gym today. prob gona get the job. but that means ill have work wednesday, or at least training. which I dont really miss working lol.


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np bro. go for my interview for the job at the gym today. prob gona get the job. but that means ill have work wednesday, or at least training. which I dont really miss working lol.
Hope it all goes well for you dude, I'm still in training for working but it shouldn't be for much longer till i'm good to go.

Lit-Up/Drive Update
-Weight is now 233Lbs (+2Lbs)
-Energy is good
-Strength is up

Nothing much else to note but this is exactly what i was looking for with this stack.


  • RockStar
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Hope it all goes well for you dude, I'm still in training for working but it shouldn't be for much longer till i'm good to go.

Lit-Up/Drive Update
-Weight is now 233Lbs (+2Lbs)
-Energy is good
-Strength is up

Nothing much else to note but this is exactly what i was looking for with this stack.
Nothing better than that man lol.


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Yep, got the job today,gota do paper work in the city at HR then training but its easy.

Litup is freaking awesome I was so damn pumped today, used the fascia stretching with Bis today and wow. they hurt so bad. I swear my bis pumped up like 2-3 inches bigger than normal.


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Grats! I get to train tomorrow morning so hopefully i get a good pump going :)

Diet Breakdown 10/10/11
Calories: 2800
Protein: 195 Grams


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sweet bro. man my bis feel good today. a little sore, its still setting in. but they are like hard all day long and big. I feel beast. hahaha. started anabeta last night ;) hell yes


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sweet bro. man my bis feel good today. a little sore, its still setting in. but they are like hard all day long and big. I feel beast. hahaha. started anabeta last night ;) hell yes
That's awesome man hope that run goes good for you, i hear a lot of good things about anabeta :)

Hope you have a good workout man ;)
It was pretty good, gotta post it all up today! Sorry for slackin on the posts guys i'm out of the house a lot now because of new job!


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Diet Breakdown 10/11/11
Calories: 2560
Protein: 239 Grams

Been taking a break from the diet a little bit, appetite was down a little so just gonna take it easy until i start getting hungry again. Going by pure instinct now, if i'm hungry i'll eat. If not, i won't!


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nice man sounds good, u likin the new job?

anabeta seems sweet, I put on 3 pounds over night from one cap... hahaha. but seriously weighed in at 187 most I have weighed since 11 months ago. and diet keeps getting cleaner and cleaner, so. im pumped for this run.


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That's awesome man hope that run goes good for you, i hear a lot of good things about anabeta :)

It was pretty good, gotta post it all up today! Sorry for slackin on the posts guys i'm out of the house a lot now because of new job!

Working hard ;)
Ive been really busy lately. Will probably be busy till the middle of next month... Got a lot of stuff to do for work and my school (one in the same though the jobs and responsibilities are different...)


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DC Training B2 10/11/11
Duration: 1 Hour
Mood: Focused
Energy: Solid
Other notes: Some exercises i definitely started with too light of weight but this is just the first time i need to get used to the movements and find my starting weights.
EZ-Bar Cable Curls
80 x 30 R/P *PR* Adding weight next workout
DC Stretch 90 Seconds
Hammer Curls
35 x 12 , Staying at this weight next workout.
Leg Press Calve Raises- 5 second negative, 15 second stretch at bottom.
140 x 12 *PR*
180 x 9 *PR*
Glute Ham Raises on Hyper-Extension with pads below knees
BW x 20 R/P *PR*
DC Stretch 90 Seconds
Notes: These aren't full range but damn these are HARD! Literally felt my hams quivering after this exercise. Next week i plan to do them with my feet under something and use my hands to push me off the bottom of the movement.
Front Squats on Smith Machine for Quad emphasis-
105 x 20 *PR* WM
125 x 8 *PR*
DC Stretch 60 Seconds

7 Sets/6 PR's

These PR's aren't to amazing to me considering their my starting weight, as workouts go on those PR's will be a lot harder earned!


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Diet Breakdown 10/12/11
Calories: 2510
Protein: 186 Grams*

* Experimenting with lower amounts of protein*


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Looks like DC training is paying off for you bro! Killing those lifts and doing it in good time as well. I haven't experimented with DC yet, but I may get into it as the weather starts turning...well see. Keep up the hard work bro.


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Looks like DC training is paying off for you bro! Killing those lifts and doing it in good time as well. I haven't experimented with DC yet, but I may get into it as the weather starts turning...well see. Keep up the hard work bro.
Well this is only the middle of week 2 so i can't say for sure yet but after a couple more weeks i'll see how well it works. So far i love it, the intensity and focus you have to have is bar none to any other program i've tried. The stretches are just insane, i literally have to focus in on what i want to stay in that grueling stretch for 90 seconds without giving up. So far the hardest stretch for me is hanging from a pull-up bar with just my body weight, Last time i did this i was only 170Lbs so these are extremely tough but i have no doubt i'll benefit the most from them, i feel it literally everywhere, chest/shoulders/back/arms/forearms. Thanks man it'll be interesting to see how i end up in a couple more weeks.


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dang GHR??? for 20??? that's insane!!!

nice workouts. Been busy lately so I haven't been able to keep up with many of the logs. just here and there on my phone.

Lower protein is not a bad thing. I think so long as you are hitting the .8g/LBM and keepin in a caloric surplus with enough carbs you don't need that much protein. Specialy if you aren't on any anabolics or test boosters that have the chance to raise protein synthesis. Other than that fuel is fuel, and the body has it's limitations. Well maybe not your's ;)


Well-known member
dang GHR??? for 20??? that's insane!!!

nice workouts. Been busy lately so I haven't been able to keep up with many of the logs. just here and there on my phone.

Lower protein is not a bad thing. I think so long as you are hitting the .8g/LBM and keepin in a caloric surplus with enough carbs you don't need that much protein. Specialy if you aren't on any anabolics or test boosters that have the chance to raise protein synthesis. Other than that fuel is fuel, and the body has it's limitations. Well maybe not your's ;)
They were just partials to get my hams used to some of the movement and rest/paused so nothing to get excited over. If those were full range face touching the floor then i would be PROUD! Next workout i plan to try them with a push off the ground. Good point, i jumped up the calories today so i should be good. Not sure if DAA would kick up my test that much but i was hungrier today. Had a good session today too, Arnold presses are sick! Literally only felt it in my shoulders no triceps at all. Also had some crazy good stretches too i'll post it up tomorrow after work.


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Diet Breakdown 10/13/11
Calories: 4000
Protein: 250


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damn straight about the arnolds, I did like 7sets yesterday and I was wrecked the rest of the workout lol. destroyed upper chest/shoulders.


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DC Training A3 10/13/11
Duration: 1 Hour
Mood: Confident
Energy: Great
Other notes: Body weight at 231Lbs
Reverse Grip Incline Bench Press- Used a different range of motion.
195 x 15 R/P, Adding weight next workout
DC Chest Fly Stretch 30Lbs @ 90 Seconds.
Arnold Press with DB's- Love these! Felt it only in shoulders.
40 x 20 R/P *PR*
DC Shoulder Stretch 7th Bolt @ 90 Seconds.
DB Skullcrushers- Felt these a lot in my elbows so i'm not sure if i want to keep them or not.
25 x 28 R/P *PR*
DC Tri stretch on Power-Rack hole *easier to control stretch deeper* @ 90 Seconds each arm
Close Grip Chins-
BW x 18 R/P *PR*
DC Lat/chest stretch hang BW @ 70-80 Seconds
T-Bar Rows
225 x 12 *PR*
DC Stretch hang BW @ 45 Seconds

5 sets/4 PR's


Pro Virili Parte
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Looks like DC training is paying off for you bro! Killing those lifts and doing it in good time as well. I haven't experimented with DC yet, but I may get into it as the weather starts turning...well see. Keep up the hard work bro.
x2.. That DC training seems to be working well for you. This log has definitively sparked my interest in it. I think I'ma start with the stretches and possibly give the routine a shot in the near future.


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x2.. That DC training seems to be working well for you. This log has definitively sparked my interest in it. I think I'ma start with the stretches and possibly give the routine a shot in the near future.
Glad your enjoying it man, DC would work well for anyone IMO. It's just so damn hard that as long as your eating it HAS to be effective. It's very challenging too which is exactly what i want :). I'll be putting up pic's this weekend!


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I am loving the DC aspects I have been throwing in too, all thanks to you bro, thanks! keep killin it. I expect some good before and after picks of you all jacked up when this is said and done, hahaha.


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I am loving the DC aspects I have been throwing in too, all thanks to you bro, thanks! keep killin it. I expect some good before and after picks of you all jacked up when this is said and done, hahaha.
No problem man glad your lovin it, i think the reason my weight has plateau'd is because i need over 5k if i want to gain. I had 5090 calories yesterday and my weight finally started to go up. :)


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Holy fckn shyt!! I don't know how it happened but i literally got over 2x stronger with my bi's!! Last time i did Standing ez-bar curls i had a 25 on each side and today i had 50 on each side so 100 not including the bar AND got 30 Reps with Rest/pause o.o I could have done MORE weight too and this is with good form i'm so shocked right now. Also for pinwheel curls i used to only get 10 reps MAX with 70lb DB's and today i got 14 reps with the 80's!! DC is really starting to kick in, my appetite is rising as well. 6000 Calories today and nothing less!


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Diet Breakdown 10/14/11
Calories: 5090
Protein: 291 Grams

Diet Breakdown 10/15/11 - THE SIGN OF GROWTH! I didn't have a problem with this much food and NO shakes!! Adding in mass gainer shakes from work soon!
Calories: 6628
Protein: 377 Grams


  • RockStar
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Diet Breakdown 10/14/11
Calories: 5090
Protein: 291 Grams

Diet Breakdown 10/15/11 - THE SIGN OF GROWTH! I didn't have a problem with this much food and NO shakes!! Adding in mass gainer shakes from work soon!
Calories: 6628
Protein: 377 Grams
Omfg that's some mean food intake man!!
Growing like a weed? Haha. Good stuff. I'll be dropping by later to drop my next log of dhea transaderm. Starting it tomorrow. ;)


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No problem man glad your lovin it, i think the reason my weight has plateau'd is because i need over 5k if i want to gain. I had 5090 calories yesterday and my weight finally started to go up. :)
Thats good bro! and dang man keep eatin good like that! yeah I was tryin to cut cause I want the abs back so bad, but its been going slow now. Its like I cant have abs and grow at the same time haha. but I feel like I am gaining and I have been getting ppl tellin me I am lookin bigger. this anabeta is startin to make me feel pretty good. lovin the whole stack I am on now.


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Omfg that's some mean food intake man!!
Growing like a weed? Haha. Good stuff. I'll be dropping by later to drop my next log of dhea transaderm. Starting it tomorrow. ;)
I know right? Before the last meal i was like " You know what, i'm just gonna go all out this meal and add 1200 more so that's how i got to 6628, but today i'm gonna try and get 5-6k since i'm not training. Who knows maybe more, all depends on my appetite!


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Thats good bro! and dang man keep eatin good like that! yeah I was tryin to cut cause I want the abs back so bad, but its been going slow now. Its like I cant have abs and grow at the same time haha. but I feel like I am gaining and I have been getting ppl tellin me I am lookin bigger. this anabeta is startin to make me feel pretty good. lovin the whole stack I am on now.
You might just need more cardio or a diet adjustment then the fat-loss would really kick up, especially since your running anabeta too which in my experience while on a natural test booster i noticed my body wanting to lean out even at 5k calories. Keep at it man, if you want to gain and lose fat i would experiment with calories around maintenance or just below. The workouts will burn calories but you should still have enough to make gains as long as your challenging yourself.
Outside Backer

Outside Backer

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Sorry i didn't really get to update today, strength is still going up, DC style calf training is seriously hell on earth my calves still hurt right now including my legs. 20 Rep squats are awesome :D

I'll be posting it all up tomorrow i gotta get to bed going to work early tomorrow.
i remember my days of the widow maker, vomit everywhere and pain for days good stuff lol


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i remember my days of the widow maker, vomit everywhere and pain for days good stuff lol
Good thing i did 20 rep squats for a while before this otherwise i'd be dead haha, DC ='s :love:


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Yeah man I know what you mean. I have been messing with the cals, I am still lowering them but I was weaning off eating like 6-7k a day, I am around 4k a day which I feel is about a good number for me to gain mass and lose fat at the same time. I have definitely leaned out and grown alot. This is like day 6 or so of anabeta and I can def feel something. I was seriously killing weight the past few days. I just need to sleep more. I have barely slept the past 2 days but I am still feelin great. so with proper sleep I will be growin even more! haha. I want to get back running again soon, as soon as my back permits long distance though. All I have been able to do was bike, which I try to do like 2 times a week. it doesnt burn a ton of calories but gets me warmed up and I burn a little better. I am sweatin like crazy during these DC workouts now. I know it will come together once I am back to normal workouts and back is 100%. I am def making progress though and thats what counts.

DC on back and then on bis today was awesome. burned so good.


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I know right? Before the last meal i was like " You know what, i'm just gonna go all out this meal and add 1200 more so that's how i got to 6628, but today i'm gonna try and get 5-6k since i'm not training. Who knows maybe more, all depends on my appetite!
Hehe when you're growing and eating the right foods I'd say get in as much as your appetite says to and a bit more. Good job on having that shake ;)
6k is an amazing amount of food though.
Kill it all man! Haha

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