Tiny is on FIRE with AppNut's LIT-UP/DRIVE! (Sponsored)



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nice diet. I had a crazy hunger today so far, wow. too many calories at lunch. I need to watch myself. chest day today, if it off day for you tiny?


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nice diet. I had a crazy hunger today so far, wow. too many calories at lunch. I need to watch myself. chest day today, if it off day for you tiny?
Nope! DC workout A1 starts today :D leaving right now. With R/P Chest dips i'm probably gonna be adding at least 20lbs to them to hit the rep range i want :evil:


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Nope! DC workout A1 starts today :D leaving right now. With R/P Chest dips i'm probably gonna be adding at least 20lbs to them to hit the rep range i want :evil:
sick. im on my way out too. chest here I come.


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off day for me. my chest workout is tomorrow. the one aspect about DC that nobody really talks about is that, for me at least, when i work out three times a week, i never get burnt out. i always wanna go. when i used to do 4-5x a week, i would get burnt out so easily cause i was going to much. DC keeps my intensity up.


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Holy f***in sh*t! I seriously will never train another way again, in 45 minutes i literally was on the verge of puking which is extremely hard for me to get to. The stretches were the hardest part pain wise but still got 40-45 seconds each stretch. I could have done the workout quicker but i had to figure out my weights first. That was so amazing, i'm definitely going up to 4500 calories now, I'm actually still pumped as i sit here! This is a first for me, I LOVE DC. THE CHALLENGE ASPECT IS ABSOLUTELY GIGANTIC AND I WILL MORE THAN LIKELY NEVER TRAIN ANOTHER WAY AGAIN :D


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Also, is it bad if i trained my chest/shoulders/tri's so hard that i have a lat pump by the end of the workout?..... :D


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Also, is it bad if i trained my chest/shoulders/tri's so hard that i have a lat pump by the end of the workout?..... :D
I did this yesterday lol

late to the party but great log so far man :D


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I did this yesterday lol

late to the party but great log so far man :D
Glad to have ya man! I seriously can see myself gaining like crazy on this program now, The time under tension and weights are just insane. Plus the fact your doing so many different exercises makes it even better.


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DC Training A1 10/4/11
Duration: 45 Minutes
Mood: Excited
Energy: Strong
Other notes: Body weight at 233Lbs, Didn't do the 2 back movements since i trained back 2 days ago with R/P.
Chest Dips-
+55Lbs x 15 R/P *PR* Adding weight next workout
DC Chest Fly Stretch 30Lbs @ 40-45 Seconds. *OUCH*
Seated DB Overhead Press-
50 x 27 R/P *PR* Adding weight next workout
DC Shoulder Stretch 5th Bolt @ 45 Seconds.
Close Grip Bench Press in Power-Rack-
155 x 17 R/P *PR* Adding weight next workout
DC Tri stretch on Power-Rack hole *easier to control stretch deeper* @ 45 Seconds.

3 sets/3 PR's

I didn't do 60 seconds stretching off the first workout because i want to slowly move up there. This workout was so intense i literally almost puked and right now i am absolutely exhausted muscle wise. Pumped up i'm looking HUGE it makes me want to train even harder and more! Body weight is finally moving up so i'll aim for 4200+ calories a day. I should see some epic progress doing DC and just this first workout convinced me, I literally don't want to listen to my MP3 because i like having all 100% of my focus on that 1 set which is fine for me. Next A1 workout should go a lot faster considering now i know my weights.


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Whoo epic workout!!
Nice PRs. Looking To see some mean gains on this run man!!


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you will see some mass gains from DC but mostly strength. if you eat right, you will see mass gains


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Whoo epic workout!!
Nice PRs. Looking To see some mean gains on this run man!!
Oh without a doubt, i'll make sure i eat enough to get the size gains!

you will see some mass gains from DC but mostly strength. if you eat right, you will see mass gains
I'll eat better than right, starting at 4200-4500 well see if i start gaining or not. If not i'll just keep adding until i get enough.

Great news! I start training for working at the gym this week :D I might even get to work on the site full time. I could make it 100x better!


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Also not sure if i mentioned it but i'm up 1.2Lbs so far and slightly leaner. Pic's will be up at 2 weeks in so i can give myself/the stack time to do it's thing.


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damn bro at thos rate...well **** idont even know..you're already a beast haha


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damn bro at thos rate...well **** idont even know..you're already a beast haha
Beast is cool/Monster is better :)

With the way i eat + DC = Can see it happening! :evil:


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thats whats up.. dude i need to catch up on your workouts and get an idea of what DC is all about.. seems like i dont have time for **** these days or i woulda checked that link you hooked me up with.


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thats whats up.. dude i need to catch up on your workouts and get an idea of what DC is all about.. seems like i dont have time for **** these days or i woulda checked that link you hooked me up with.
Yeah definitely look into it, it's the opposite of what i used to do but it's SOO intense it's insane be very careful with the stretching though!


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right on man.. yeah i thought i read somethign you said about fascial stretching or somethign?? killer eh?
you already feelin some results then i take it..


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Fascia stretches are insaneeeee


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right on man.. yeah i thought i read somethign you said about fascial stretching or somethign?? killer eh?
you already feelin some results then i take it..
Yeah but these ones suck a** you have to use a weighted position and hold 45-60 seconds :(


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Fascia stretches are insaneeeee
The DB Fly for chest stretch was the most painful for me, my upper chest fascia is TIGHT so i literally felt it breaking up/slowly tearing. Burned sooo much


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gottdamn!!! sounds intense..any soreness afterwards?


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sweet dude ! sounds like your lovin DC. I got a lat pump today too doing deep DB flys :D

haha. I only ever puked once from actually lifting too hard and that was after those deadlifts I told you about... haha. blacked out once, and puked once. POS.

anyways bench went up 20 pounds today for reps :) so strength is coming back FAST.


Well-known member
sweet dude ! sounds like your lovin DC. I got a lat pump today too doing deep DB flys :D

haha. I only ever puked once from actually lifting too hard and that was after those deadlifts I told you about... haha. blacked out once, and puked once. POS.

anyways bench went up 20 pounds today for reps :) so strength is coming back FAST.
Great work man that's awesome, how long was your lay-off from injury?


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oh, you will be sore. and how do you not have time for it? its three days a week. now if you dont have three days, an hour each session, then yes, you wont have enough time which is understandable. DC gets me soooo sore. any questions about my DC workout i created, just ask. I love it.


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oh, you will be sore. and how do you not have time for it? its three days a week. now if you dont have three days, an hour each session, then yes, you wont have enough time which is understandable. DC gets me soooo sore. any questions about my DC workout i created, just ask. I love it.
Definitely will man, Today's session took a little longer than i though because i had to figure out poundages. I agree though it takes very little time but you have to PUSH really hard. I looked like i was dying each exercise and the fact that right after the insane rest/pause sets i would run to torture myself more with the stretching would really rat out people if they were ready. I was so happy it was that much more challenging though, my routine before was still really challenging but this took it to the next level!


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Congratz on the maybe promo!!
And DC is some mean training. Kill it man!!


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Diet Breakdown 10/4/11
Calories: 4600 (No shakes all food :D, Considering adding shakes again...)
Protein: 330 Grams


  • RockStar
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Diet Breakdown 10/4/11
Calories: 4600 (No shakes all food :D, Considering adding shakes again...)
Protein: 330 Grams
Dang you wanna add shakes?! That'll take your protein to over 400g lol


Well-known member
Dang you wanna add shakes?! That'll take your protein to over 400g lol
Yeah and i might soon too, weight somehow is down again to 231.5Lbs. I don't get how the more i eat it seems like my weight goes down for some reason, I need to pickup some peanut butter and oats today.


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Diet Breakdown 10/4/11
Calories: 4600 (No shakes all food :D, Considering adding shakes again...)
Protein: 330 Grams
Looks like the diet is on point man! Have you done Fascia stretches for your quads yet? They make for a rough few days lol!


Well-known member
Looks like the diet is on point man! Have you done Fascia stretches for your quads yet? They make for a rough few days lol!
Well tomorrow will be my 2nd workout, I've done deep stretching for my quads before so not sure how much it'll hurt or not, hamstrings fascia stretching is going to SUCK though. Surprisingly today my chest/shoulders/tri's aren't sore YET, usually soreness kicks in for me the 2nd day after so we'll see.


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Anyone got any sort of write up or tutorial on these DC (fascia) stretches? You guys have definitely peaked my interest on them


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haha yeah bro, my chest is sore a bit today, I think the fascia stretching helped with that. I feel big today... its awesome.

In short, I was out about 3 months in spring and 2-2.5 months end of fall til now. detailed below.

I was out back from early april-early july with torn hamstring. That was the 2nd time I have dislocated my SI joint. Then I was better and got back lifting again, and then I dislocated it again mid august doing timed 40s. I ran a 4.7 or 4.6 even tearing that out halfway through. I was a DumbA and tried to continue with the workout, and did another 40 and a few jumps. then felt like hell so I stopped. went to our the therapist and she said I was out, so I went to my physical therapist and she left 5 mins before. So then I stiffened up by that point, got home and count even walk. made it to the chiro next morning, got it set in. still couldnt walk. went to the doc, told me I had a bad muscle spasm and badly damaged SI joint would be 6-8 weeks until I would be at 75%. I was put on muscle relaxers and took those which helped but I had to go off so I didnt get addicted (I started to lol, they are damn good). I was playing ball so, I tried to come back and play and put it out two more times, the last time I got the pinched nerve which is whats really screwing me now. They told me I was gona keep doing it til I let it heal the whole way so I quit (not like I had a choice, but it still was really hard to do and upset me cause I never quit anything in my life.) so I went on some prednisone and that helped some but alot of issues still. I had some weird sides coming off it including bad acne, fat gain, and a few other things. But anyways, went through therapy for I guess like 2 months. finally out of that but still fighting issues from it. And here I am. haha.


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haha yeah bro, my chest is sore a bit today, I think the fascia stretching helped with that. I feel big today... its awesome.

In short, I was out about 3 months in spring and 2-2.5 months end of fall til now. detailed below.

I was out back from early april-early july with torn hamstring. That was the 2nd time I have dislocated my SI joint. Then I was better and got back lifting again, and then I dislocated it again mid august doing timed 40s. I ran a 4.7 or 4.6 even tearing that out halfway through. I was a DumbA and tried to continue with the workout, and did another 40 and a few jumps. then felt like hell so I stopped. went to our the therapist and she said I was out, so I went to my physical therapist and she left 5 mins before. So then I stiffened up by that point, got home and count even walk. made it to the chiro next morning, got it set in. still couldnt walk. went to the doc, told me I had a bad muscle spasm and badly damaged SI joint would be 6-8 weeks until I would be at 75%. I was put on muscle relaxers and took those which helped but I had to go off so I didnt get addicted (I started to lol, they are damn good). I was playing ball so, I tried to come back and play and put it out two more times, the last time I got the pinched nerve which is whats really screwing me now. They told me I was gona keep doing it til I let it heal the whole way so I quit (not like I had a choice, but it still was really hard to do and upset me cause I never quit anything in my life.) so I went on some prednisone and that helped some but alot of issues still. I had some weird sides coming off it including bad acne, fat gain, and a few other things. But anyways, went through therapy for I guess like 2 months. finally out of that but still fighting issues from it. And here I am. haha.
Wow man that's a real bummer, it really sucks when you have to take time off but when you come back it's really worth it. So are you fully recovered right now or what? Be careful man!


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My SI joint is "fully recovered" as far as I can tell, normal function wise. I get numbess and pain and tingling in my left leg down that side and in my hip when I sit alot, and in a few other positions. I have to like re-stretch everything out to normal over the next few months, because of that muscle spasm. There is a muscle that goes across the hip called the piriforus that is part of the pelvic girdle (I think) and it connects in to the SI, as do most tendons and muscles down there. and it was really tight still and is causing most of my pain and immobility. like I have trouble stretching because of the nerve and from being tight still. so I have to stretch which will bring flexibility back and then take tension off the nerves. I am recovered enough to do most lifts but no legs really only wimpy stuff, and anything upper body that hurts I just stop.


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My SI joint is "fully recovered" as far as I can tell, normal function wise. I get numbess and pain and tingling in my left leg down that side and in my hip when I sit alot, and in a few other positions. I have to like re-stretch everything out to normal over the next few months, because of that muscle spasm. There is a muscle that goes across the hip called the piriforus that is part of the pelvic girdle (I think) and it connects in to the SI, as do most tendons and muscles down there. and it was really tight still and is causing most of my pain and immobility. like I have trouble stretching because of the nerve and from being tight still. so I have to stretch which will bring flexibility back and then take tension off the nerves. I am recovered enough to do most lifts but no legs really only wimpy stuff, and anything upper body that hurts I just stop.
Well i wish you a swift and simple recovery man, keep up the good work and keep training smart.


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DC stretching is good I think. I should really incorporate them to add some flexibility and joint stability. Nice links. :)


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DC stretching is good I think. I should really incorporate them to add some flexibility and joint stability. Nice links. :)
It is but you really have to be careful as JohnSmeton pointed out to me as he forewarned me to be very gradual with the weighted stretching. I plan to work up to 90-120 seconds with a certain weight for stretching BEFORE i increase the weight used to stretch. Say for DB Fly DC Chest Stretch, i did 30lbs for 45 seconds so next week i will aim for 60-90 seconds then after i hit the time i will move to 35Lbs and repeat the process. The main factor of injury is someone using too much weight because you have to think your INTENTIONALLY trying to slightly tear the fascia so it NEEDS to be gradual. It's not like lifting a weight because your muscle is in a stronger position and contracted. Just keep that in mind and you'll be good to go!

Honestly i'm not sure how but my chest feels more round today, tri's are a tiny bit better too. Chest feels like it's so much bigger i can't explain it but i'm getting really excited about this training style now. Tomorrow is DC workout B1 which will involve Bi's/Forearms/calves/quads/hams. NOT looking forward to a 20-30 R/P Alternating bicep curl set!! I can already feel my bi's burning...


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Oh yea!! I love the bicep burn. Haven't done that In a while though. Lol.

I'll ease up to it for sure. Gonna start it up soon though. Off season starts in about 1 month lol. Gonna fuel this beast!!


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I did DC style with Bis tonight. just at the end of every exercise. 30-60 second rest between sets which is crazy fast for me... Im like a 3 minute breaker. lol. My bis hurt so bad and I was so blown up. holy crap. Then hit tris regular style and they felt good too.

and my chest feels just like you described too man, and I did the DC chest last night. its getting more sore as the night goes on...

now I need some protein! lol. I ate lunch at 1130. then had a cup of milk and 2 oreos at around 3... lol yeah good pwo I know. then didnt eat at all til just now. so almost 9.5 hours of no food (except cookies) thats pretty good for me. I usually would start dying. I guess diet is working haha. but for lack of fuel I was killin it tonite. Oh, and my LitUp came today, that might have helped ;) I am already getting some of the things (DAA and Beta Alanine) but a little extra never hurts. I felt good tonight, good steady motivation all night, not jittery. I am likin it alot. didnt use any 1mr so might try some mixed in tomorrow. also got samples of RPM and DRIVE to try. I actually bought the one for a buck, and they threw the other one in. I am content. and a drawstring bag. haha.

I felt so big and strong all day, and my back is feeling better every day. I just gota keep stretching. finally. haha.


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I did DC style with Bis tonight. just at the end of every exercise. 30-60 second rest between sets which is crazy fast for me... Im like a 3 minute breaker. lol. My bis hurt so bad and I was so blown up. holy crap. Then hit tris regular style and they felt good too.

and my chest feels just like you described too man, and I did the DC chest last night. its getting more sore as the night goes on...

now I need some protein! lol. I ate lunch at 1130. then had a cup of milk and 2 oreos at around 3... lol yeah good pwo I know. then didnt eat at all til just now. so almost 9.5 hours of no food (except cookies) thats pretty good for me. I usually would start dying. I guess diet is working haha. but for lack of fuel I was killin it tonite. Oh, and my LitUp came today, that might have helped ;) I am already getting some of the things (DAA and Beta Alanine) but a little extra never hurts. I felt good tonight, good steady motivation all night, not jittery. I am likin it alot. didnt use any 1mr so might try some mixed in tomorrow. also got samples of RPM and DRIVE to try. I actually bought the one for a buck, and they threw the other one in. I am content. and a drawstring bag. haha.

I felt so big and strong all day, and my back is feeling better every day. I just gota keep stretching. finally. haha.
Glad you like DC man, let me know how you like the products! I'm loving em so far :D

Diet Breakdown 10/5/11
Calories: 4520
Protein: 260 Grams


  • RockStar
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Glad you like DC man, let me know how you like the products! I'm loving em so far :D

Diet Breakdown 10/5/11
Calories: 4520
Protein: 260 Grams
Nice food intake :)
DC is proving to be working great for you.


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My bis and tris are so sore today. Thanks DC... lol.

yeah I already decided I will stick with Litup for a while, lovin it. Can't wait to get this anabeta down, I am itchin to start. I think I might toss it in with the rest of my Ghenerate, its takin too long to finish. lol.


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Sorry i didn't really get to update today, strength is still going up, DC style calf training is seriously hell on earth my calves still hurt right now including my legs. 20 Rep squats are awesome :D

I'll be posting it all up tomorrow i gotta get to bed going to work early tomorrow.


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Sorry i didn't really get to update today, strength is still going up, DC style calf training is seriously hell on earth my calves still hurt right now including my legs. 20 Rep squats are awesome :D

I'll be posting it all up tomorrow i gotta get to bed going to work early tomorrow.
Ah, yea get in that sleep my friend. I'm glad to say the last couple nights my dreams werent as insane! haha.

I'm sure you're killing it in the gym. And you're eating like a tank! I can't wait to see what kind of food you pounded down today and tomorrow :D


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Diet Breakdown 10/6/11
Calories: 4570
Protein: 338 Grams

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