The skinny on ALRI and Venom stack (attn RAVEN)



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]First off a big ol thank you to RAVEN.I had asked for samples and some minor problems occured so she sent me a bottle of Hyper Drive 3.0 and Lean Dreams.Now thats what I call integrity being true to your word and very generous compensation.:head:
First a little background Ive been training seriously for 6 or 7 years and in Nov 05 I was 245 lbs @ 20 0r so % bf lift total for the big three was 1625.
I had to take on a second fulltime job as my son was born and it is my wifes desire to raise our child.Needless to say serious training was out of the question so maintenance work was all I had time for and that was sparatic at best.So I adjusted my kcal and macros accordingly,and finaly decided to shed the fat and lowe and behold Venom came along.
Nothing has EVER suppressed my appetite NOTHING except Venom period!!! And Ive dumpend too much money into thermos and such to have expected the results that I got in 6 weeks.
Most reported this stuff being almost too strong for them.Not the case here I actually take 3 a day 2 weeks on 1 off,but take into account Im a nonresponder to almost everything so dont be a knucklehead and try more than 1 at a time to test your tollerance.
I also switched my diet up to a timed carb with a 50/40/10 split and took kcal to 750 to 1000 below maintenance.So now my condensed review.
  1. Thermogenic properties 10 (heartrate up 40% and felt like I was ON FIRE)
  2. Alertness and (JITTER FREE)energy 10 (also experieced little sleep problems(last Hyperdrive 6 hrs before bed and Lean Dreams 1 hr before bed))
  3. Appetite suppression (actually was totally dependant on force feeding) 10
  4. Feeling of wellbeing 8 (good buzz first 2 days then just peaceful(the buzz really isnt important to me))
  5. Cost effectiveness 10 (nothing worked before so 70 bucks for the 2 is fantastic)
    1. Muscle sparing (most importatly) 10 (what I did lose was due to training protcol and cutting kcal)

      Final thoughts: fantastic stack Hyperdrive and Lean Dreans did the trick 20 lb loss,3" waist reduction ,Veins where theyve never been before.Minimal muscle and strength loss so Im starting to look like a body builder but feeling like a power lifter(which is by far the best of both worlds)
      I know this sounds like an advertisement but its the truth or I wouldnt write it.So way to go ALRI and thanks again RAVEN for the hookup.


20 lbs and 3" waist reduction ! I understand you were at a large caloric deficit but that's sick. :clap2: How long did this take? You said 2 weeks on and 1 week off, but did you repeat that cycle twice?


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Yes , a total of 4 weeks with 3 Hyperdrives and 2 Lean Dreams per day. My maintenance kcal was 4000 which took me down to around 3200.Which after my first meal of the consisted almost entirely of whey(3 scoops 60GR protein 360 kcal) and olive oil(3 tbsp 42 gr fat 360 kcal)I also carbed up once a week which consisted of an OVER INDULGANCE of pizza.


I might have to reconsider Hyperdrive for my upcoming stack. I was thinking Thyrogen-X would be a better ALRI product for fat loss, and Hyperdrive better for energy and appetite...


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Im starting Hyperdrive Next Monday, along with 4 other ALRI products :) I will log it here too daily :)


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Im starting Hyperdrive Next Monday, along with 4 other ALRI products :) I will lod it here too daily :)
My girl is REALLY looking forward to your log. Pm me the link when you start please.


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Yes , a total of 4 weeks with 3 Hyperdrives and 2 Lean Dreams per day. My maintenance kcal was 4000 which took me down to around 3200.Which after my first meal of the consisted almost entirely of whey(3 scoops 60GR protein 360 kcal) and olive oil(3 tbsp 42 gr fat 360 kcal)I also carbed up once a week which consisted of an OVER INDULGANCE of pizza.
20lbs and 3" is one hell of a transformation. You should be very proud! Lol, I do the same thing with pizza, it's soooooo good!.


Registered User
I am on the stack right now and I have been having a problem over the past 3 days or so... I have been getting really bad cotton mouth and my throat feels sort of tight and sore. I drink about a gallon and 1/2 throughout the day but I can't seem to get rid of the symptoms. Did you have any problems like this?


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I get cotton mouth from Venom (and Hyperdrive 3.0).

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