I’ve been looking and can’t find it yet…I think it was from a rabbit hole of googling…I’m annoyed I haven’t found it. Pretty certain it wasn’t this forum…
I went down a deeper binge into YouTube videos kidney vs back pain, and there’s a lot of them…(not steroid related, was just for my own info on what I was going thru) Doing 5+ grams of taurine, plus liquid IV, etc wasn’t completely helping and my pain was higher up, making me think kidney…
I was training hard and certain I did have lower back pumps from squats and rdls…So with everything going on it was a clusterfuckk…As mentioned I think I did a number on my lower lat, as I found a bruise and it responded to ice and heat…I was relieved I figured it all out.
In my mind it’s hard to separate the fact that orals stress the kidneys, so that ‘must be what it is’ …Cause I had never strained this particular part of my back before. It’s close enough to where I’ve felt back pumps…and all this stuff can play on my mind, dudes….
Anyway I’m glad you more experienced bros are more certain it’s that the lower back muscles are just susceptible AF to getting pumped