Well, that's what 95% of bodybuilders use during cutting. I personally put on a pound or two or muscle while cutting with this combo. So if it adds lean mass while in a deficit, then it must obviously work as a lean bulking cycle. I would just eat maintenance calories +/- 200kcals during week and refeeds on weekend. Add cardio as needed to prevent any fat gain.
And how you think masteron would keep up with other things like anavar winstrol? It's an interesting thing to try some day. Cardio on tren could be rough, guess it would have to be a low dose tren
Masteron is superior to both of those orals. Winny will probably be stronger than a modest dose of Mast, but anabolic potency isn't the only thing that makes a steroid good. Masteron is the better choice over longer periods of time and I find that I would not need Winny unless I was competing, which is why I have never used it outside of the last 4-5 weeks of a contest prep. This Is a proven combo, the three you mentioned. Winny should only be used if you insist on being as strong and grainy as possible while cutting. Otherwise, save your liver & kidneys from the extra work.
Masteron does great things for strength, hardness and motivation and at 300-400mg/wk, is mild, other than for myself I get some hair shedding after being on it a few months.
Has anyone ever tried this? Size might not be crazy but I'm curious how this would add up at low body fat vs let's say test tren winstrol/anavar or primo. Not planning on this just curious if anyone had experience.
Lol test/tren/mast is basically the gold-standard. You could have done a google search and come up with plenty of information and feedback from the variety of forums on AAS.
Tren has been one of the best bulking compounds for me personally. People like to think about it as a cutting compound, but it makes me so damn hungry I just eat and grow on it. It's like EQ with insomnia LOL!!
Haha , that is a true statement. I don't see it as good for gaining weight as anadrol,dbol and deca but the look of your body just changes.. It just keeps everything so clean. It's just so much more enjoyable to see the results
And so much less work when its time to cut.
I'd drop the mast and keep it with test-tren and maybe an oral
Yes masteron is mild and it's one of my favorite compoundsWell anadrol is a beast for sure and would definitely make you bigger but masteron is interesting cause it's mild and can be run for longer and is more to keep it clean and not really to make you huge.of course you have tbol winstrol etc
Not really because people use it for cutting
Correct, that stack shines as a contest finisher especially after dropping tren. However your diet controls your body composition and said stack also shines as a lean bulk. I don't think you really understand how the endocrine system, and these agents, work.
So, you're actually wrong.
Lets get something clear - there is no better muscle builder than a long ester Tren. It build exclusively muscle. From contest to contest or cutting season to cutting season, all the mass made up of water and fat is just dead weight and is usually also detrimental to your health in the long run. That form of mass is what you have to work to get off your body.
We always say that other more watery hormones are better at mass building than Tren, but in the grand scheme of things, putting on a greater percentage of muscle to mass gains is always better. The Test/Deca/Dbol crowd may have some other arguments as to why its a better stack than Tren is, but building lean mass isn't one of them.
If I recall, it's the lean mass that we really care about anyways. Some take the other steroids because lets be honest, eztra fat and water make us feel "tight" and "pumped". Lean, dry gains aren't as massive feeling.
So it just depends on what matters most to you - how you feel while you pack on muscle mass or what the end result really is?