Test Prop-Masteron Prop-Anavar.... Tren instead?


This will probably be my next cycle. Going for lean dry gains, cutting cycle. People keep saying just go Tren. I guess my question with Tren is, wouldnt that just blow me the **** up? Or would that cut me up better than this cycle above^ Maybe run Tren and Decca?

If you were going to run Masteron Prop, Test Prop, Var, and Aromasin PCT Nolva and Clomid, how would you run it? HCG necessary?

If you think Tren and Decca is a better cutting cycle (Or have a better recommendation) How would you run that?

Thanks guys I appreciate all and any feed back! I think I got the gist of it down, just seeing what you guys run it at ie mg per week, pin EOD? Var ED? length of cycle etc..

Thanks you guys da bomb
If u are looking for some sort of gains especially dry lean gains, tren is the best.
Test and tren is more than enough for what u are looking for, u could even run an oral turinabol as another compound if u want as it also is for lean and dry gains, but test and tren is also more than enough.
If u are looking for some sort of gains especially dry lean gains, tren is the best.

Anavar + testosterone blow tren away and anyone who has had disappointing results on this cycle had fake or underdosed var.

Anavar is 3-13 times as potent an anabolic as testosterone with 1/4th the androgenicity, is not liver toxic, has virtually no side effects, causes minimal shutdown, and can be run all year round with proper precautions. Tren is 5 times as potent as testosterone but with 5 times the androgenicity, a terrible side-effect profile, and tren (and all 19-nors) cause permanent HPG-axis damage and sharply increase the risk of testicular cancer.

Anyone who uses tren is an idiot.
^^^ Interesting... Also Spurfy looking good.
Anavar + testosterone blow tren away and anyone who has had disappointing results on this cycle had fake or underdosed var.

Anavar is 3-13 times as potent an anabolic as testosterone with 1/4th the androgenicity, is not liver toxic, has virtually no side effects, causes minimal shutdown, and can be run all year round with proper precautions. Tren is 5 times as potent as testosterone but with 5 times the androgenicity, a terrible side-effect profile, and tren (and all 19-nors) cause permanent HPG-axis damage and sharply increase the risk of testicular cancer.

Anyone who uses tren is an idiot.

I didnt answer based on safety or an opinion of who uses tren is an idiot, the answer was what he was aiming for.
Anavar + testosterone blow tren away and anyone who has had disappointing results on this cycle had fake or underdosed var.

Anavar is 3-13 times as potent an anabolic as testosterone with 1/4th the androgenicity, is not liver toxic, has virtually no side effects, causes minimal shutdown, and can be run all year round with proper precautions. Tren is 5 times as potent as testosterone but with 5 times the androgenicity, a terrible side-effect profile, and tren (and all 19-nors) cause permanent HPG-axis damage and sharply increase the risk of testicular cancer.

Anyone who uses tren is an idiot.
Anavar is liver toxic and it does have the ability to shut down. I'm glad you want to share your knowledge but telling people stuff isn't toxic is a good way to hurt them. That being said it's supposed to be mild in comparison to other orals.
I was thinking

Whys this not an option? Or just tren/winny?

Anywho, aside from boob growth, I love tren. It's pretty amazing. The winny takes care of that though.
I was thinking

Whys this not an option? Or just tren/winny?

Anywho, aside from boob growth, I love tren. It's pretty amazing. The winny takes care of that though.
Your boobs shouldn't grow keep your E in check right from the start and you won't even need Caber.
Anavar is liver toxic and it does have the ability to shut down. I'm glad you want to share your knowledge but telling people stuff isn't toxic is a good way to hurt them. That being said it's supposed to be mild in comparison to other orals.

Anavar is not liver toxic. It causes transient elevations in liver enzymes, but no toxicity to liver cells has been demonstrated. It's important to remember that elevations in liver enzymes are not proof of liver damage, and in the case of Anvar, The elevations and liver enzymes are seen solely as a response to the presence of the alpha-alkylated steroid.

Anavar is in fact FDA-approved for use for the treatment of liver damage from alcoholic cirrhosis.

With regard to shutdown, in dosages of 20 mg a day or less, Anavar causes minimal HPG- axis suppression. This has been repeatedly demonstrated in published studies.
Anavar is not liver toxic. It causes transient elevations in liver enzymes, but no toxicity to liver cells has been demonstrated. It's important to remember that elevations in liver enzymes are not proof of liver damage, and in the case of Anvar, The elevations and liver enzymes are seen solely as a response to the presence of the alpha-alkylated steroid.

Anavar is in fact FDA-approved for use for the treatment of liver damage from alcoholic cirrhosis.

With regard to shut down, I dosages of 20 mg a day or less, and of our causes minimal HPG- axis suppression. This has been repeatedly demonstrated in published studies.
Var. Is great for chicks though! Lol. Just joking I like Var I just prefer tren between the two. To be honest there not really comparable. Like Var and WINNY would be.
Lol I'm idiot I quess used both tren is better all around not even close.

Then your Anavar was fake/underdosed.

It's a fact that Anavar is 3-13 times (mean of around 6) as anabolic as testosterone, depending on genetic factors. Trenbolone is 5 times as anabolic. Anavar also increases androgen receptor density in muscle, something that directly results in the growth of new muscle cells. No other steroid is known to do this.

Anavar is the single best AAS for muscle growth. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact that's been proven in dozens of published studies.
Also you need a little bit of test in there.

Me personally I prefer tren without test.

Estrogen isn't what effects me on it.
I've tried it with, mast, epi, letro, adex, exem, none help. Winny and tbol dries it up for me.
The tbol side seems to be unique for me so I tend to not recommend it.
Anavar is not liver toxic. It causes transient elevations in liver enzymes, but no toxicity to liver cells has been demonstrated. It's important to remember that elevations in liver enzymes are not proof of liver damage, and in the case of Anvar, The elevations and liver enzymes are seen solely as a response to the presence of the alpha-alkylated steroid.

Anavar is in fact FDA-approved for use for the treatment of liver damage from alcoholic cirrhosis.

With regard to shut down, I dosages of 20 mg a day or less, and of our causes minimal HPG- axis suppression. This has been repeatedly demonstrated in published studies.
What's the longest you have ran it?
Then your Anavar was fake/underdosed.

It's a fact that Anavar is 3-13 times (mean of around 6) as anabolic as testosterone, depending on genetic factors. Trenbolone is 5 times as anabolic. Anavar also increases androgen receptor density in muscle, something that directly results in the growth of new muscle cells. No other steroid is known to do this.

Anavar is the single best AAS for muscle growth. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact that's been proven in dozens of published studies.
No accually it wasn't have taken it several times brother. I just prefer other compounds you seem pretty knowledgeable rule #1 everyone reacts differently.
Then your Anavar was fake/underdosed.

It's a fact that Anavar is 3-13 times (mean of around 6) as anabolic as testosterone, depending on genetic factors. Trenbolone is 5 times as anabolic. Anavar also increases androgen receptor density in muscle, something that directly results in the growth of new muscle cells. No other steroid is known to do this.

Anavar is the single best AAS for muscle growth. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact that's been proven in dozens of published studies.
And ease up on the know it all attitude this is a friendly sight where we help each other.
Me personally I prefer tren without test.

Estrogen isn't what effects me on it.
I've tried it with, mast, epi, letro, adex, exem, none help. Winny and tbol dries it up for me.
The tbol side seems to be unique for me so I tend to not recommend it.
And ease up on the know it all attitude this is a friendly sight where we help each other.

I have 17 years of pharmacology, endocrinology, and neurobiology research under my belt, including published studies. And I've been seriously lifting for 19 years.

Every post I make on this forum where I drop knowledge should be considered as a gift, because it is.
Very few bodybuilders would survive even a week in academia -- I have never seen any other group with such fragile egos.

The tone and content of my words is hurting feelings? Really?!?!

What a joke.
No accually it wasn't have taken it several times brother. I just prefer other compounds you seem pretty knowledgeable rule #1 everyone reacts differently.
The fact he's quoting numbers and studies without listing his sources is fine an all, but also shows his newbness. But I can appreciate his willingness to help.
I've called this forum home since 08. And it's seen it's fare share of drama. His demeanor isn't anything shocking and I have nothing to debate because technically I can't disagree with his info.
But, in terms he can understand, looking at a meta analysis of both anecdotatal evidence and data based evidence is very important in this area.
As we can see by looking at vida's adrogenic anabolic agents, what goes on paper doesn't always apply in practice.
I knew you guys would pull through.. Oh and by the way I "survived" a few years in "Academia" anyone else? :lol:
Ima have to friend request this guy so I can post stalk him and write down every single glorious nugget of wisdom that he drops for us peasants;).
I knew you guys would pull through.. Oh and by the way I "survived" a few years in "Academia" anyone else? :lol:

Currently surviving with a 4.00 GPA in pursuit of an Electrical Engineering and a Computer Engineering degree.
Yeah guys.. We are all in the same boat. Stupid as can be. I only have two law decrease and averaged Distinctions in both. Stupid us :/ Have to admit Engineering does sound incredible! How is electrical?
Yeah guys.. We are all in the same boat. Stupid as can be. I only have two law decrease and averaged Distinctions in both. Stupid us :/ Have to admit Engineering does sound incredible! How is electrical?

I really enjoy it. I'm not very deep into the degree. I've only taken two major-specific courses: Electrical Systems II and Electromagnetics this semester. E Systems II is circuit analysis and Electromagnetics is basically an advanced physics class.

I'm much further along in the Computer Engineering degree. It was my initial plan to just do the one, and then I took a basic circuits course that's required for CE. I really enjoyed it, so I decided to do EE, as well.

Overall, I think EE is a more valuable degree. But I'm happy that I did CE, as well. EE companies will appreciate my experience with things like programming, for example, as it's not something a lot of EE students are very experienced in.
I knew you guys would pull through.. Oh and by the way I "survived" a few years in "Academia" anyone else? :lol:

I walked away from a full ride, so that would put me into another degree, but I went through to a partial Ed.D and decided it wasn't for me. I'm more of an autodidact. It's less expensive.
Damn repost.
Why would you say that?

School is for specific people, it's not for everyone and I will adamantly stand behind that statement. I was forced in to it by overbearing parents and peer pressure. The mental aspect of school isn't for everyone, some people, like me, enjoy physical trials more than mental. School is all mental.
School is for specific people, it's not for everyone and I will adamantly stand behind that statement. I was forced in to it by overbearing parents and peer pressure. The mental aspect of school isn't for everyone, some people, like me, enjoy physical trials more than mental. School is all mental.

Very true! I loved it,because it is what I was good at. My sister on the other hand.
School is for specific people, it's not for everyone and I will adamantly stand behind that statement. I was forced in to it by overbearing parents and peer pressure. The mental aspect of school isn't for everyone, some people, like me, enjoy physical trials more than mental. School is all mental.
Then don't go to college for typical degrees. No need for a bachelor's in whatever especially if you hate it. Go to a trait school, become a lineman, a aero mechanic, welder. They all make upperish middle class money, there is a high need for people in these fields, school is 6 months to 2 years at most in trait schools, and you only learn what you need.

It actually pisses me off how much college is pushed by the government. Yes college is great but they brain wash people in to believing that you have to go to a 4 year University and get a degree. Hogwash!!!! Traits schools provide a better chance of getting a job after graduation. Graduates makes nearly the same.

Ive notice you taking alot of health science classes. If that what you are into look in to EMT paramedic school. It's very similar to traits schools. Once you get your prerequisite done, you only learn relevant information towards working as a paramedic and/or a firefighter. It's only a year and half long course and almost everything is hands on learning done in class with little to no homework. Although that doesn't mean it's easy.

Live a life of passion and you will always be happy, even if poor. Live a life of money and you will always be miserable, no matter how rich you are.
^^ Agree!!! My dad has a masters in engineering now, BUT he started as an appy (spelling there? :lol: ) but he started there and that is an awesome field in it's own. Also he can now do a lot more than regular engineers because of it.
Thanks bro you too. I didn't get a 4.00 like Mike, good work btw, but I was a professional student for a while, Masters in applied math, along with 2 BAs, a BS (different discipline) and a doctoral candidacy.

Edit: Sorry that was in response to this

Thanks man, but it's just a 4.00 so far. I still have 2 more years and my hardest classes to go. Your degrees are very impressive. Applied mathematics sounds interesting, although a little too theoretical for my tastes. ;)
Then don't go to college for typical degrees. No need for a bachelor's in whatever especially if you hate it. Go to a trait school, become a lineman, a aero mechanic, welder. They all make upperish middle class money, there is a high need for people in these fields, school is 6 months to 2 years at most in trait schools, and you only learn what you need.

It actually pisses me off how much college is pushed by the government. Yes college is great but they brain wash people in to believing that you have to go to a 4 year University and get a degree. Hogwash!!!! Traits schools provide a better chance of getting a job after graduation. Graduates makes nearly the same.

Ive notice you taking alot of health science classes. If that what you are into look in to EMT paramedic school. It's very similar to traits schools. Once you get your prerequisite done, you only learn relevant information towards working as a paramedic and/or a firefighter. It's only a year and half long course and almost everything is hands on learning done in class with little to no homework. Although that doesn't mean it's easy.

Live a life of passion and you will always be happy, even if poor. Live a life of money and you will always be miserable, no matter how rich you are.

Well I'm going for exercise science, but that's because I was forced. What I'm saying is that people need to accept that college isn't for everyone. No matter how much you make in the end sometimes it isn't about the money. But I'm almost done so I'm finishing my college out.