Summar blast test/tren/ (masteron or winstrol) with t3 and clen??


Feb 1, 2017
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Hey guys, i hope ur all doing well. So after cruising for a while after a very successful offseason that really put some good size and changed me(really brought up my weak parts), i have been handling the bloat, puffy face, looking softer than i like, and loosing definition and aesthetics, bulked till i got to 16% body fat going from 9% at the start(gained 45 lbs in total). While cruising on 250mg test E for the past 3 months i have been cutting/recomping on a very comfortable diet not cutting out anything with carbs and fats relatively high and not really caring about the quality and strictness of my food and keeping a 200-300 deficit just to slowly lean out till now where i am sitting at around 11% body fat before my blast as i dont believe gear(especially cutting agents) show their true effectiveness over 12% body fat.
Current stats in summary
187 cm (not sure if thats 6'1 or 6'2 :p)
220 lbs
11% body fat
this will be 4th cycle/ 2nd blast.

So with this cycle on my mind throughout the entire year as i want to get as shredded and diced as ****, test and tren were the staples of course, but the dilemma began with what to stack as i want to make the most out of my compounds and the money im paying for this blast and its all results that i want, i dont want whats cheaper or a bit safer or any of that i want most bang for ur buck but results wise mainly.
So which of these two layouts do u guys think is superior in terms of definition,dryness, and vascularity. Btw i want u guys to keep in mind my body holds a lot of water which is why im following a keto diet with an occasional carb refeed every 10 days or when i feel like i need it.

test E 250 mg/week
Tri tren 500 mg/week (1-12)
Masteron E 500 mg/week (1-12)
All ran for 12 weeks(test e is cruising dose and will be ran till next blast so basically just tren and mast are new)

Test prop 300mg/week (1-10)
Tren ace 500 mg/week (1-10)
Winstrol 50 mg ed (6-10)

Both being ran with t3 and clen with ketotifen. The reason i have different esters and duration is price and availability issues.
I have AI, blood pressure supps, heart health supps and lots of supplements all taken care of(potassium and magnesium).

Feel free to give me ur thoughts and experience on what u think is best for my goals and mainly results wise like forget about the sides like joint and cholesterol issues from winny just talking results wise for my goals and thanks to all in advance.
Second one I would do

Forgot to mention i have a bottle of caber on hand but i doubt i would use it when i have t3.
And if u dont mind me asking why would u go with the second option and would u still pick it if it were tri tren and test e(test at 250) for 12 weeks?
Basically guys, the thread is about masteron and if it is effective or better than winstrol and if its worth stacking it with test and tren instead of winstrol as i have never tried masteron.
i was thinking doing both but will have to do test e at 250 mg/week, so i wanna know if test E at 250mg/week will cause water issues and really be against my goals?
If yes then i will run cycle layout 2, if not ill run the first layout with winny too at 50 mg ed last 6 weeks.
Basically guys, the thread is about masteron and if it is effective or better than winstrol and if its worth stacking it with test and tren instead of winstrol as i have never tried masteron.
i was thinking doing both but will have to do test e at 250 mg/week, so i wanna know if test E at 250mg/week will cause water issues and really be against my goals?
If yes then i will run cycle layout 2, if not ill run the first layout with winny too at 50 mg ed last 6 weeks.

Do cycle layout 2 imo.
DarkWarrior Cgkone

yeh i decided on test/tren/winny, u guys think prop at 300mg will hold less water than 250 mg of enanthate?
And do u think i could get away with 8 weeks of winny at 50mg ed(liver support and everything)?
DarkWarrior Cgkone

yeh i decided on test/tren/winny, u guys think prop at 300mg will hold less water than 250 mg of enanthate?
And do u think i could get away with 8 weeks of winny at 50mg ed(liver support and everything)?

yea it will hold less water, and maybe, I know people who ran 50mg winny for longer durations although that's mostly indivualized, some can get away with, some cant. I think you can get away with it, I would advise you get your liver enzymes checked after the 8 week mark, but thts up to you
yea it will hold less water, and maybe, I know people who ran 50mg winny for longer durations although that's mostly indivualized, some can get away with, some cant. I think you can get away with it, I would advise you get your liver enzymes checked after the 8 week mark, but thts up to you

alright so prop it is, and for the winny i think im good as the last time i ran an oral steroid was a year ago and my history of drinking is very brief and is basically just a few nights in my teens plus im young(im 22 no one freak out and start going ape ****).

For the prop i have access to 150mg/ml would u say running 450-500 mg of prop a week with my cycle would really benefit me more in this cycle(i dont feel like i need that extra test for my goals while already running test tren and winny )?

Im also running 50 mcg t3 everyday throughout and might bump to 75 mcg last 4-6 weeks and cycling clen.
Winstrol feels more drastic and adds more size and strenght and it dries you out like crazy but this water will come back.

Masteron is great to kinda shape your body. A bit like a mild tren that gives no size.

None of these are better really and it comes down to what you want. As a finnisher winstrol is probably better.

You still seem to be fully commit to tren. Why not do a sculpture cycle like test mast winstrol or mast npp primo or eq primo mast (there are many combinations) You can run mast as a finnisher for maybe 4-6 weeks.

If you're cutting then primo is actually better than tren even though it's a mild compound.

And skip t3 and especially clen, it's just a recipe for disaster.. you're increasing metabolism... big deal, go for a run, change diet.
Forgot to mention i have a bottle of caber on hand but i doubt i would use it when i have t3.
And if u dont mind me asking why would u go with the second option and would u still pick it if it were tri tren and test e(test at 250) for 12 weeks?
I do t like the wait with slow esters.
Also with tren ace if u get bad sides you can feel better in a couple days.
Winstrol feels more drastic and adds more size and strenght and it dries you out like crazy but this water will come back.

Masteron is great to kinda shape your body. A bit like a mild tren that gives no size.

None of these are better really and it comes down to what you want. As a finnisher winstrol is probably better.

You still seem to be fully commit to tren. Why not do a sculpture cycle like test mast winstrol or mast npp primo or eq primo mast (there are many combinations) You can run mast as a finnisher for maybe 4-6 weeks.

If you're cutting then primo is actually better than tren even though it's a mild compound.

And skip t3 and especially clen, it's just a recipe for disaster.. you're increasing metabolism... big deal, go for a run, change diet.
I think the t3 is for prolactin....
I do t like the wait with slow esters.
Also with tren ace if u get bad sides you can feel better in a couple days.

im going with short esters because as u said, the thought of me injecting mast e for a month at first and will have to do it MWF so thats a month of pinning that i feel is wasted.
But im sticking with tri tren as i know my experience with tren and its much more cost efficient plus less ml to pin(more space in syringe and less golf balls :p )
Winstrol feels more drastic and adds more size and strenght and it dries you out like crazy but this water will come back.

Masteron is great to kinda shape your body. A bit like a mild tren that gives no size.

None of these are better really and it comes down to what you want. As a finnisher winstrol is probably better.

You still seem to be fully commit to tren. Why not do a sculpture cycle like test mast winstrol or mast npp primo or eq primo mast (there are many combinations) You can run mast as a finnisher for maybe 4-6 weeks.

If you're cutting then primo is actually better than tren even though it's a mild compound.

And skip t3 and especially clen, it's just a recipe for disaster.. you're increasing metabolism... big deal, go for a run, change diet.

Yo man i was hoping u would chime in. So yeh test and tren are a staple but what did u mean by masteron shaping my body?
Forget about size as im after pure shreds plus i have tren but with the test and tren what will give a more shredded/cosmetic look?
During my offseason i really did begin to look watery and bloated towards the end and i really want that hard and dry look to my muscles, kinda looking like theres no way im not on gear or atleast a **** ton of gear, people assume im on gear because of my size but now i want that for dryness and definition u know?
Btw my vascularity is pure and utter ****, just like 4 veins on my forearm and 1 going through my bicep that only shows when pumped so i would like to add more vascularity but thats a whole other topic for later on.

So yeh all that i wrote above is for ur opinion on which is better for my goals test/tren/mast or winny but im really leaning towards winny as i hear mast's main use is just couple of weeks before contest and i would be better off with winny but i dont know im stilling reading through and asking around but im 80% sold on winny.