Swim's cut


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Ive been over 300 for about 10 years. During that time ive bounced up to 360..test, anadrol, insulin to 315 test, tren, t3. 320 to 330 is usually where i hover. I like my strength at 360, but carrying around all that weight sucks. Im fairly comfortable between 300 and 315. Keep in mind im pretty tall.
Cool and the height doesn't matter. That hovering weight is what I was thinking about the most.
Building above or cutting below is harder, getting as lean as you can around that weight will keep your body working with you. I've been a fatty most my life but have always found keeping within a stone either side of my maintenance weight is where I respond easiest. In the short term at least. Changing body weight is a different thing.


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I never had success with radical low cal diets. I found my "holy grail" is intermittent fasting (One meal in a 3 hour window after training at night). Basically recomping very slowly, with minimum to moderate gear use. A cruise is about 400mg/w of gear (200-250mg test/w + 20mg var/d) and a blast goes up to 650mg/w , all while intermittent fasting. Only difference is , I try to eat more in my 3 hour window in a blast.


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I never had success with radical low cal diets. I found my "holy grail" is intermittent fasting (One meal in a 3 hour window after training at night). Basically recomping very slowly, with minimum to moderate gear use. A cruise is about 400mg/w of gear (200-250mg test/w + 20mg var/d) and a blast goes up to 650mg/w , all while intermittent fasting. Only difference is , I try to eat more in my 3 hour window in a blast.
How much would you eat in this 3 hour window


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I never had success with radical low cal diets. I found my "holy grail" is intermittent fasting (One meal in a 3 hour window after training at night). Basically recomping very slowly, with minimum to moderate gear use. A cruise is about 400mg/w of gear (200-250mg test/w + 20mg var/d) and a blast goes up to 650mg/w , all while intermittent fasting. Only difference is , I try to eat more in my 3 hour window in a blast.
A lot of people have success with intermittent fasting, but I wasn't one of them. Often ended up binging late at night when I was supposed to be fasting if I stayed up later than usual.


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I never had success with radical low cal diets. I found my "holy grail" is intermittent fasting (One meal in a 3 hour window after training at night). Basically recomping very slowly, with minimum to moderate gear use. A cruise is about 400mg/w of gear (200-250mg test/w + 20mg var/d) and a blast goes up to 650mg/w , all while intermittent fasting. Only difference is , I try to eat more in my 3 hour window in a blast.
How much would you eat in this 3 hour window


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How much would you eat in this 3 hour window
Here what it will be tonight:

5 chicken legs + salad+ a cup of rice, 8 scrambled eggs, 75g whey (2 shakes), 2 slices whole wheat bread with thick ham, a handful of peanuts, one frozen yogurt, 2 banana and 2 cup of popcorn (made without oil in a machine)

I train from 9pm to 10pm. Start eating at about 10.45pm until 1.30 am. Popcorn and peanuts last, while browsing and watching series at night.


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...Last night was:

400gr tilapia filet + rice+ salad, 2 steaks without sides, popcorn and peanuts.


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Here what it will be tonight:

5 chicken legs + salad+ a cup of rice, 8 scrambled eggs, 75g whey (2 shakes), 2 slices whole wheat bread with thick ham, a handful of peanuts, one frozen yogurt, 2 banana and 2 cup of popcorn (made without oil in a machine)

I train from 9pm to 10pm. Start eating at about 10.45pm until 1.30 am. Popcorn and peanuts last, while browsing and watching series at night.
What about during the day? BTW oral tren crushes my appetite....i usually end up training on an empty stomach at noonish...and i go hard for over two hours. After training i usually cant eat for at least an hour. Today was 6 chicken breasts mixed with chili beans and some cottage cheese. The chicken and beans was broken into 3 meals and probably two gallons of water.


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What about during the day? BTW oral tren crushes my appetite....i usually end up training on an empty stomach at noonish...and i go hard for over two hours. After training i usually cant eat for at least an hour. Today was 6 chicken breasts mixed with chili beans and some cottage cheese. The chicken and beans was broken into 3 meals and probably two gallons of water.
During the day.... ZERO... Coffee, black...that is all.


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That works? Hmmm? Google here i come..lol
Works GREAT! Its not a quick solution -but a way of life. At the weekends BBQ and more fruits, also a vodka-orange or a bourbon-cola Saturday night (well, not one but 2-4). Overall, I watch what I eat, no donuts or crap. If I feel I need something sweet, I take a regular yogurt and freeze it, eating it like its ice cream.


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That works? Hmmm? Google here i come..lol
It is a sure way to a recomp. Don't expect it to be a magical weight loss. I lost about 14 pounds over a 3 month period -BUT all fat. Now hovering with the same weight for a couple of weeks BUT muscles growing, while waist is getting slimmer.

Edit: The only allowed liquid is water or coffee, when in the feeding window I have occasionally whole milk


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That works? Hmmm? Google here i come..lol
Hunger is usually hard the first few days for the fasting periods, but hunger pains subside after a couple of days as your body gets use to the new feeding routine.


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Hunger is usually hard the first few days for the fasting periods, but hunger pains subside after a couple of days as your body gets use to the new feeding routine.
It depends on the person, I guess. Never felt hungry during day but raided the fridge all night. I used that failed behavior and tweaked it a bit.


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It depends on the person, I guess. Never felt hungry during day but raided the fridge all night. I used that failed behavior and tweaked it a bit.
Ya, my hunger pains weren’t bad after a few days doing the intermittent fasting. Unfortunatly I am just a classic binge eater and it was all a psychological feeling I needed food in front of the tv on the couch late at night. Didn’t end well for me while I was on intermittent fasting lol.


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Today was heavy training..3 hours..back and arms. Trained on an empty stomach..then came home and crushed chicken breast, chilli beans, and rice for 5 meals...just finished the last one. Thinking of adding another injectable. Want to stay this weight and shed some body fat and build some muscle. Dont really want to run injectable tren...hate the sides. Was thinking deca or trest. Ive done deca many times, never done trest...but i want the injectable kind...cant find it anywhere. Curious about trest...would like to run it.


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Today was heavy training..3 hours..back and arms. Trained on an empty stomach..then came home and crushed chicken breast, chilli beans, and rice for 5 meals...just finished the last one. Thinking of adding another injectable. Want to stay this weight and shed some body fat and build some muscle. Dont really want to run injectable tren...hate the sides. Was thinking deca or trest. Ive done deca many times, never done trest...but i want the injectable kind...cant find it anywhere. Curious about trest...would like to run it.
Talk to Matthersby about the trest


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Sorry, just now seeing the mention. Don’t always get notifications on my phone. I’m in!


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Today i upped oral tren, upped test e, and started 200 test prop eod. Ate two meals of chicken breast rice and beans before the gym.

Incline bench
135...bunch for warm up
225 for 15
275 for 15
315 for 10
365 for 10
405 for 3
365 to failure
315 to failure
275 to failure
225 to failure
135 to failure
135 to failure

Cabels cross overs high, mid, and low
I dont know...alot of sets

Hammer strength bench...because it was monday and all the kiddos were benching..lol
10 heavy sets 8 to 10 reps or failure

Hammer strength flys
Lots of sets to failure

Hammer strength incline press
Again...lots of sets to failure

2 hours of training

Two more meals of chicken rice and beans

Bowl of oats with peanut butter

Extra gear has me feeling very full and strong. Almost a constant hard on...lol. Got a feeling sleep is going to suck. Waiting for my girl to come home so i can smash her..lol. Probably try some otc sleep aides.


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Today i upped oral tren, upped test e, and started 200 test prop eod. Ate two meals of chicken breast rice and beans before the gym.

Incline bench
135...bunch for warm up
225 for 15
275 for 15
315 for 10
365 for 10
405 for 3
365 to failure
315 to failure
275 to failure
225 to failure
135 to failure
135 to failure

Cabels cross overs high, mid, and low
I dont know...alot of sets

Hammer strength bench...because it was monday and all the kiddos were benching..lol
10 heavy sets 8 to 10 reps or failure

Hammer strength flys
Lots of sets to failure

Hammer strength incline press
Again...lots of sets to failure

2 hours of training

Two more meals of chicken rice and beans

Bowl of oats with peanut butter

Extra gear has me feeling very full and strong. Almost a constant hard on...lol. Got a feeling sleep is going to suck. Waiting for my girl to come home so i can smash her..lol. Probably try some otc sleep aides.
Whats your oral tren dosage at? I wanna keep mine at no more than 500.


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Today i upped oral tren, upped test e, and started 200 test prop eod. Ate two meals of chicken breast rice and beans before the gym.

Incline bench
135...bunch for warm up
225 for 15
275 for 15
315 for 10
365 for 10
405 for 3
365 to failure
315 to failure
275 to failure
225 to failure
135 to failure
135 to failure

Cabels cross overs high, mid, and low
I dont know...alot of sets

Hammer strength bench...because it was monday and all the kiddos were benching..lol
10 heavy sets 8 to 10 reps or failure

Hammer strength flys
Lots of sets to failure

Hammer strength incline press
Again...lots of sets to failure

2 hours of training

Two more meals of chicken rice and beans

Bowl of oats with peanut butter

Extra gear has me feeling very full and strong. Almost a constant hard on...lol. Got a feeling sleep is going to suck. Waiting for my girl to come home so i can smash her..lol. Probably try some otc sleep aides.
You lost me at 315 which I haven’t benched in 2 years....

**** you’re strong.


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You lost me at 315 which I haven’t benched in 2 years....

**** you’re strong.
I never do incline bench..
But the kids were hogging the two flat benches. One group had 25s on each side with bands...lmfao


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I never do incline bench..
But the kids were hogging the two flat benches. One group had 25s on each side with bands...lmfao
I can almost incline what I can on flat. I’ve always felt my upper needed it more since I do a lot of heavy dip exercises and never need much emphasis on mid-lower chest. So for my scrawny ass just being able to get 275 for 8 on incline was always really good for me.

I’d really like to hear how you put size and strength on those long ass arms. I could use it over here too bro.


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I can almost incline what I can on flat. I’ve always felt my upper needed it more since I do a lot of heavy dip exercises and never need much emphasis on mid-lower chest. So for my scrawny ass just being able to get 275 for 8 on incline was always really good for me.

I’d really like to hear how you put size and strength on those long ass arms. I could use it over here too bro.
Lol...eating and lots of years of heavy training. I wish there was an easy way for long armed guys like me. My arm routine has no rhyme or reason. I just crush them with heavy weight, circuit style, until i cant touch the top of my head. I do it differently just about every time i do them..different exercises..etc


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Lol...eating and lots of years of heavy training. I wish there was an easy way for long armed guys like me. My arm routine has no rhyme or reason. I just crush them with heavy weight, circuit style, until i cant touch the top of my head. I do it differently just about every time i do them..different exercises..etc
Side note...post workout muscle cramping on oral tren reeeeeeaally sucks!


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What about during the day? BTW oral tren crushes my appetite....i usually end up training on an empty stomach at noonish...and i go hard for over two hours. After training i usually cant eat for at least an hour. Today was 6 chicken breasts mixed with chili beans and some cottage cheese. The chicken and beans was broken into 3 meals and probably two gallons of water.
IM Tren Ace killed my hunger, despite the other benefits... Added EQ and hunger returned. Being a long ester takes a few days but EQ def helps hunger for me.


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Breakfast...12 eggs and 4 slices of toast

Lunch 1...2 chicken breasts, 2 cans of chili beans, 2 cups rice

Lunch 2...same as lunch 1

Training...back and shoulders. Sore as hell for some reason. Killed it best i could

Dinner 1...same as lunch 1 and 2

Dinner 2...hoping i can get it down later. Same as dinner 1

Weight at 325...strength is almost back to when i was 360.

Muscle cramps are awful. Insomnia is messing with my head a bit. On the tren...i go from euphoric to sad to super pissed all in a matter of minutes. I think my girl is going to kill me...lol


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Awesome, back in full swing again.


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Breakfast...12 eggs and 4 slices of toast

Lunch 1...2 chicken breasts, 2 cans of chili beans, 2 cups rice

Lunch 2...same as lunch 1

Training...back and shoulders. Sore as hell for some reason. Killed it best i could

Dinner 1...same as lunch 1 and 2

Dinner 2...hoping i can get it down later. Same as dinner 1

Weight at 325...strength is almost back to when i was 360.

Muscle cramps are awful. Insomnia is messing with my head a bit. On the tren...i go from euphoric to sad to super pissed all in a matter of minutes. I think my girl is going to kill me...lol


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Breakfast...12 eggs and 4 slices of toast

Lunch 1...2 chicken breasts, 2 cans of chili beans, 2 cups rice

Lunch 2...same as lunch 1

Training...back and shoulders. Sore as hell for some reason. Killed it best i could

Dinner 1...same as lunch 1 and 2

Dinner 2...hoping i can get it down later. Same as dinner 1

Weight at 325...strength is almost back to when i was 360.

Muscle cramps are awful. Insomnia is messing with my head a bit. On the tren...i go from euphoric to sad to super pissed all in a matter of minutes. I think my girl is going to kill me...lol
Oops...my bad


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Also...for those wondering. Oral tren is no match for injectable.


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What you mean by that
Injectable is much much better. No cramping no lethargy. On inject i feel pinned to the wall all day. The sides are much worse, but it works much better. At least for me.


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Injectable is much much better. No cramping no lethargy. On inject i feel pinned to the wall all day. The sides are much worse, but it works much better. At least for me.
Can't wait to try it and see what happens.


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Injectable is much much better. No cramping no lethargy. On inject i feel pinned to the wall all day. The sides are much worse, but it works much better. At least for me.
Good info there SF. appreciate the feedback...not much out there on oral tren at all


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Good info there SF. appreciate the feedback...not much out there on oral tren at all
On the other hand...you can find oral tren..not a ph..real oral tren super cheap. I got 200 tabs for 60 bucks.


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Breakfast...12 eggs and 4 slices of toast

Lunch 1...2 chicken breasts, 2 cans of chili beans, 2 cups rice

Lunch 2...same as lunch 1

Training...back and shoulders. Sore as hell for some reason. Killed it best i could

Dinner 1...same as lunch 1 and 2

Dinner 2...hoping i can get it down later. Same as dinner 1

Weight at 325...strength is almost back to when i was 360.

Muscle cramps are awful. Insomnia is messing with my head a bit. On the tren...i go from euphoric to sad to super pissed all in a matter of minutes. I think my girl is going to kill me...lol
I’ve ran it once. I avoid it like the plague. But it does the job. I’d love to see what it can do with Superdrol but my head would probably pop before experiencing the results


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This is for HGP...shirtless and 320 no pump in the AM. Just gotta get rid of the belly. Not that bad for an old man...lol


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Do you split your methyltren into 2 doses per day or eat it all pwo?

And Sh!t man...looking good! Results!


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Do you split your methyltren into 2 doses per day or eat it all pwo?

And Sh!t man...looking good! Results!
I take one in AM before breakfast and the other two a few hours later pwo.


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Now we have something to compare progress later on. The good thing is, your fat is evenly distributed and doesn't cling to your hips. The belly will be last to go. As a strongman, you are allowed to have a "beer reservoir".


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So my gym has a challenge on friday. Im going to wrap elbows and wrists and go for 600 on flat bench. Taking thursday off. Figure last set before max will be 545...should be able to get that easy with elbows wrapped.


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Now we have something to compare progress later on. The good thing is, your fat is evenly distributed and doesn't cling to your hips. The belly will be last to go. As a strongman, you are allowed to have a "beer reservoir".
Honestly..ive learned im just about moving the weight...abs are for the chicks.

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