Best SNS/CEL fat burning product for a mini cut


Well-known member
Im on my 6th month of lean bulking and ive planned a mini-cut for June. Fat burning products is something i rarely use so I want to hear what you guys suggest.

Its going to be a 4 week hard cut. Im aiming at 1,25% weight drop per week.

I can do this without supps, but I would like to add something to either make it go easier or make me feel better.

I dont do a lot of stims, but I can be persuaded to do a harder fat burner as its for such a cort period.

So drop your best suggestions for a stand alone or stack below!
If you don't mind stims then it is hard to beat CEL Lipo Elite.

At 2 full servings (which would be ~3 weeks of use in 1 bottle):
  • 1,000 Mg. MitoBurn®
  • 200 Mg. Cocoabuterol®
  • 150 Mg. CaloriBurn GP®
  • 50 Mg. gbbBURN™
  • 300 Mg. N-Dimethylphenethylamine
  • 200 Mg. Theobromine
  • 100 Mg. Synephrine
  • 50 Mg. KannaEase
+450mg of Caffeine (225mg per serving) just as fyi.

You could also do something like 1 serving of Lipo Elite then SNS Lean Edge Night Burn if you'd like less stimulants, but similar dosage of some of the stimulant free aspects of Lipo Elite + sleep benefits.

For shorter cuts like a mini-cut (which is assuming the intake is set more "aggressively") I also something like XPG Suppress-C (I like this in the last 4 weeks of cutting) or SNS Reduce-XT.

Taking some natural anabolics to keep motivation, pumps, and performance high with something from above always seems to work well.

I am sure Steve will drop by with a more comprehensive reply though!
We make a wide variety of fat loss formulas and have a lot of great single ingredient options.

Lean Edge is my top choice for a stimulant free fat loss product because it helps burn fat so many different ways. It also helps with appetite control and a lot of people notice a mood benefits, which are much needed for many of us on a cut.

For me, I like to add Reduce XT as a second choice, but you're a lot leaner than me anyway. It is great for cortisol control and has a good mood benefit for a lot of people.

Thermo Scorch or LipoVantage are both stimulant free and both have 1,000 mg. MitoBurn in them. They have that as a common ingredient, but the formulas are pretty different besides that. I use them both, but as lean and regimented as you are, I don't think that you would need to. So in your case, I would suggest just picking 1 or the other.

As @Resolve10 mentioned above, if you're open to a stimulant product, Lipo Elite is great - great clean energy feeling, fat loss, appetite control, etc.
Mito-Burn and double the dose. Stim-free
If you don't mind stims then it is hard to beat CEL Lipo Elite.

At 2 full servings (which would be ~3 weeks of use in 1 bottle):
  • 1,000 Mg. MitoBurn®
  • 200 Mg. Cocoabuterol®
  • 150 Mg. CaloriBurn GP®
  • 50 Mg. gbbBURN™
  • 300 Mg. N-Dimethylphenethylamine
  • 200 Mg. Theobromine
  • 100 Mg. Synephrine
  • 50 Mg. KannaEase
+450mg of Caffeine (225mg per serving) just as fyi.

You could also do something like 1 serving of Lipo Elite then SNS Lean Edge Night Burn if you'd like less stimulants, but similar dosage of some of the stimulant free aspects of Lipo Elite + sleep benefits.

For shorter cuts like a mini-cut (which is assuming the intake is set more "aggressively") I also something like XPG Suppress-C (I like this in the last 4 weeks of cutting) or SNS Reduce-XT.

Taking some natural anabolics to keep motivation, pumps, and performance high with something from above always seems to work well.

I am sure Steve will drop by with a more comprehensive reply though!
We make a wide variety of fat loss formulas and have a lot of great single ingredient options.

Lean Edge is my top choice for a stimulant free fat loss product because it helps burn fat so many different ways. It also helps with appetite control and a lot of people notice a mood benefits, which are much needed for many of us on a cut.

For me, I like to add Reduce XT as a second choice, but you're a lot leaner than me anyway. It is great for cortisol control and has a good mood benefit for a lot of people.

Thermo Scorch or LipoVantage are both stimulant free and both have 1,000 mg. MitoBurn in them. They have that as a common ingredient, but the formulas are pretty different besides that. I use them both, but as lean and regimented as you are, I don't think that you would need to. So in your case, I would suggest just picking 1 or the other.

As @Resolve10 mentioned above, if you're open to a stimulant product, Lipo Elite is great - great clean energy feeling, fat loss, appetite control, etc.
I second this recommendation and then add Lean Edge to it!
Thank you everyone, i went and ordered a bottle of LipoVantage. Ive tried Thermo Scorch before and enjoyed it so i figured another MitoBurn product would be interesting to try.