SuperSize -- The World's Best Pre-Workout


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SuperSize just arrived! real pumped...can't wait to give it a run on my lower body day! stacking it with lemon drop Hemavol. let the fun begin.


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WHY WOULD YOU STACK IT?!?!?! Hemavol is a "pump" product, too. If you stack it with anything else, how will you now what SuperSize is doing for you???


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WHY WOULD YOU STACK IT?!?!?! Hemavol is a "pump" product, too. If you stack it with anything else, how will you now what SuperSize is doing for you???
agreed would at least run it solo for a week or two before stacking it with anything.


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Lol....please do not stack...its not called "superstrength" its called "superSIZE"


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I'm waiting on mine.
I have German Creatine and some Ultra and Super Size coming soon :)


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I know, I can't wait either!!

Oh wait, I don't have to. I have mine and will be mixing up the SuperSize within the next 30 minutes with Ultra Reps to follow. Time to hit the plates and kill it!!!


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I know, I can't wait either!!

Oh wait, I don't have to. I have mine and will be mixing up the SuperSize within the next 30 minutes with Ultra Reps to follow. Time to hit the plates and kill it!!!
I stopped working out and I'm just waiting on this :)


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I stopped working out and I'm just waiting on this :)
Same here! In fact I'm putting together an 'Occupy Gym' movement to 'peacefully' protest....until the S'size comes in, then the gloves are off boiiiiis! :squareeyed:


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WHY WOULD YOU STACK IT?!?!?! Hemavol is a "pump" product, too. If you stack it with anything else, how will you now what SuperSize is doing for you???
ok ok geezeeeeeee. i am headed to the gym with just the SuperSize in the shaker :) sorry for angering you fellas. don't kill me ;)


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AZ, I did that combo today and reaping all the benefits.

Really looking forward to hear what you think.


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Same here! In fact I'm putting together an 'Occupy Gym' movement to 'peacefully' protest....until the S'size comes in, then the gloves are off boiiiiis! :squareeyed:


2 scoops down. Off to put it to the test.


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Had my Super/Ultra workout today. I don't know if this is a no-no but I mixed the 2 together. The Ultra definitely had some grit in the bottom and a marble sized purple goey glob that was tough to swallow. New respect for women! Lol 2 scoops of SuperSize is definitely enough to get things going. This is such a mental, attitude focus pre-workout product. You don't have that nervous/jittery energy or heart bumping sensation. It flicks a switch in your mind to get sh!t done. It is a couple hours later and my body is telling me I kicked it's a$$ but my attitude is still rolling along nicely. Throw in a great muscle fullness and this is hard to beat. Look forward to seeing the long term effects of UltraReps as well.


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Not very impressed so far but will wait until I try it out more before giving a final review. I am loving Slim FX however :)


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Got home from work today and had a nice little box waiting for me :D. Tore into that tub of super size like a spider monkey on crack. One scoop and it was on! Taste was good but not litup good. But definitely nicely flavored. One thing that I noticed though is that it mixes really well no clumps of luecine floating around. Energy was nice and on point not outrageous and teeth chattering but very smooth and productive. PUMPS!! Where GREAT! I'm still pumped and I worked out over three hours ago. Also made me hungry as hell. Good job AX I'm very impressed and although I'm still a lit up man this stuff will definitely make it into my regular rotation. Btw way I have ultra reps as well and am very excited about that one because I can't always use stimulants. Also just so everyone knows this was out of my pocket I purchased them so this is NOT a sponsored review just my own honest opinion.


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Got home from work today and had a nice little box waiting for me :D. Tore into that tub of super size like a spider monkey on crack. One scoop and it was on! Taste was good but not litup good. But definitely nicely flavored. One thing that I noticed though is that it mixes really well no clumps of luecine floating around. Energy was nice and on point not outrageous and teeth chattering but very smooth and productive. PUMPS!! Where GREAT! I'm still pumped and I worked out over three hours ago. Also made me hungry as hell. Good job AX I'm very impressed and although I'm still a lit up man this stuff will definitely make it into my regular rotation. Btw way I have ultra reps as well and am very excited about that one because I can't always use stimulants. Also just so everyone knows this was out of my pocket I purchased them so this is NOT a sponsored review just my own honest opinion.

Great, and I think you should continue to use Lit-Up, as it seems to be working so good for you. Use SuperSize on your off-periods from Lit-Up.

When we designed SuperSize we weren't aiming for just another PWO, with pretty much the same ingredients in another prop. blend, we designed it to be "different". And different is the good part...! With that approach you will let your body rest from the stims from your favorite PWO, in this case Lit-Up, and still get an awesome "stimmed" workout thanks to SuperSize, due to the new novel ingredients, which your body haven't been exposed to.

And when it's time to get off from SuperSize your body's adaption to your favorite PWO will be rested!

I still recommend a period off from stims completely, but the way SuperSize is different, you could really prolong your "stim cycle".

Ultra Reps would be king to use on your off stim period! You will feel the different in the first or second use of it. The way the encoated pure L-Carnosine works is that it will move your fatigue limit futher away, making you doing more reps!

You might also wanna try out SuperSize and Ultra Reps together, as they were designed to be used together... Still solid products one and one, but the design adds up to 1+1=3 combo. If you try it out, please let me know how it works out for ya ;)


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Not very impressed so far but will wait until I try it out more before giving a final review. I am loving Slim FX however :)
Please let us know how it works for you and how you dose it etc.
All reviews are interesting!


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Had my Super/Ultra workout today. I don't know if this is a no-no but I mixed the 2 together. The Ultra definitely had some grit in the bottom and a marble sized purple goey glob that was tough to swallow. New respect for women! Lol 2 scoops of SuperSize is definitely enough to get things going. This is such a mental, attitude focus pre-workout product. You don't have that nervous/jittery energy or heart bumping sensation. It flicks a switch in your mind to get sh!t done. It is a couple hours later and my body is telling me I kicked it's a$$ but my attitude is still rolling along nicely. Throw in a great muscle fullness and this is hard to beat. Look forward to seeing the long term effects of UltraReps as well.
this sounds very interesting as I love a different typ eof stim for my breaks from my typical stim pre workouts. Do you feel supersize and Hemavol for muscle fullness and volume would be a solid stack?


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Got home from work today and had a nice little box waiting for me :D. Tore into that tub of super size like a spider monkey on crack. One scoop and it was on! Taste was good but not litup good. But definitely nicely flavored. One thing that I noticed though is that it mixes really well no clumps of luecine floating around. Energy was nice and on point not outrageous and teeth chattering but very smooth and productive. PUMPS!! Where GREAT! I'm still pumped and I worked out over three hours ago. Also made me hungry as hell. Good job AX I'm very impressed and although I'm still a lit up man this stuff will definitely make it into my regular rotation. Btw way I have ultra reps as well and am very excited about that one because I can't always use stimulants. Also just so everyone knows this was out of my pocket I purchased them so this is NOT a sponsored review just my own honest opinion.
Glad to see that one scoop took you to that next level. Truly appreciate the kind words and feedback.


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got mine on the way! :beerchug:


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I will review mine once I am done with the whole tub. A review from a one time use is a little unfair I think.


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this sounds very interesting as I love a different typ eof stim for my breaks from my typical stim pre workouts. Do you feel supersize and Hemavol for muscle fullness and volume would be a solid stack?
I did the supersize/hemavol stack today myself, it's intense. Although advised by reps that it's pointless, I found it to be legit. Pumps were absolutely insane! Focus was like having blinders on and I was sweating like a bastard. I was tearing through lifts at a great pace and did I mention PUMPS! Incredible stack IMO.


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Got home from work today and had a nice little box waiting for me :D. Tore into that tub of super size like a spider monkey on crack. One scoop and it was on! Taste was good but not litup good. But definitely nicely flavored. One thing that I noticed though is that it mixes really well no clumps of luecine floating around. Energy was nice and on point not outrageous and teeth chattering but very smooth and productive. PUMPS!! Where GREAT! I'm still pumped and I worked out over three hours ago. Also made me hungry as hell. Good job AX I'm very impressed and although I'm still a lit up man this stuff will definitely make it into my regular rotation. Btw way I have ultra reps as well and am very excited about that one because I can't always use stimulants. Also just so everyone knows this was out of my pocket I purchased them so this is NOT a sponsored review just my own honest opinion.
Thanks for the Review :) I tried the SS UR combo last night and was literally growling lol. The intensity was pretty amazing without the overstimed feeling. Might sound odd but the way I felt like I was never really out of breath, I would like to try this out for sprinting drills.

Great, and I think you should continue to use Lit-Up, as it seems to be working so good for you. Use SuperSize on your off-periods from Lit-Up.

When we designed SuperSize we weren't aiming for just another PWO, with pretty much the same ingredients in another prop. blend, we designed it to be "different". And different is the good part...! With that approach you will let your body rest from the stims from your favorite PWO, in this case Lit-Up, and still get an awesome "stimmed" workout thanks to SuperSize, due to the new novel ingredients, which your body haven't been exposed to.

And when it's time to get off from SuperSize your body's adaption to your favorite PWO will be rested!

I still recommend a period off from stims completely, but the way SuperSize is different, you could really prolong your "stim cycle".

Ultra Reps would be king to use on your off stim period! You will feel the different in the first or second use of it. The way the encoated pure L-Carnosine works is that it will move your fatigue limit futher away, making you doing more reps!

You might also wanna try out SuperSize and Ultra Reps together, as they were designed to be used together... Still solid products one and one, but the design adds up to 1+1=3 combo. If you try it out, please let me know how it works out for ya ;)

This is Absolutely true, no need to try and convince anyone to drop their preferred pwo. By all means keep it, use it, enjoy. But when you take that suggested break from your regular pwo, SuperSize is different enough to be able to step in during that rest and help you keep reaping the benefits of having a pwo drink.


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I did the supersize/hemavol stack today myself, it's intense. Although advised by reps that it's pointless, I found it to be legit. Pumps were absolutely insane! Focus was like having blinders on and I was sweating like a bastard. I was tearing through lifts at a great pace and did I mention PUMPS! Incredible stack IMO.
I bet that is a pretty insane stack. SuperSize with the energy and focus, and Hemovol dropping in some additional Augmatine pumps. Probably a very good stack.


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I did the supersize/hemavol stack today myself, it's intense. Although advised by reps that it's pointless, I found it to be legit. Pumps were absolutely insane! Focus was like having blinders on and I was sweating like a bastard. I was tearing through lifts at a great pace and did I mention PUMPS! Incredible stack IMO.
Not pointless at all!!! You know how the stack feels and adds up, and I for one am glad you loved it. The thought was more in terms of gauging the effects of SS alone fore the first run. As for the stack, I figured the Pumps were gonna be crazy lol. Have fun with it and keep us posted.


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Not pointless at all!!! You know how the stack feels and adds up, and I for one am glad you loved it. The thought was more in terms of gauging the effects of SS alone fore the first run. As for the stack, I figured the Pumps were gonna be crazy lol. Have fun with it and keep us posted.
Will do. I ran SuperSiZe solo and it went great. Loves the focus and pumps but once I threw in the hemavol for this mornings lift it was upped a notch. It was intense and I had veins popping everywhere! Some I haven't seen pop like this since first preworkout I tried 4 years ago. It's a solid stack and certainly recommend it.

AX nailed it with SuperSize though. Love it solo and it's stack ability with other products makes it even more valuable to me. Loving it and can't wait for the rest of the lineup to get delivered so I can truths ultra reps and super size stack u guys are raving about. Thanks AX!


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I will keep everyone posted when I try ultra reps. And sorry T AD my inbox was full but it should be empty now.


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Maybe it should have been called SuperStackable


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Maybe it should have been called SuperStackable
I second this! Haha nah but I love the stuff already. Gonna run out the run before I post a review though to give it time to show its strength.


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SuperSize in itself, has proven to be an amazing preworkout!


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Ok so far I'm loving the products. But I would like to learn a little more about them. I'm fairly knowledgable with some supplements but honestly I was a little late to jump on the nitrates bandwagon and the high dose leucine train. I thought they would be a fad but it looks like I was wrong. so i neglected to research them very much. So a few questions for you axholes.

1.Dose the luecine or nitrates in general seem to build up a tolerance?

2. After I take my super size should I still take my axcell? Will the additional aminos cause any problems with absorption or inhibit the mtor pathway? I use the axcell intraworkout btw.


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3. Should my post workout be a fast acting whey because of the luecine nitrate from the supersize or should I take an additional bcaa product post workout to go along with the luecine or does none of this really matter and I'm just over thinking it all ;p

I really love the solid long lasting pumps that the luecine nitrate provides. And am I correct in saying that at one scoop the stims in this are mild? Btw I like mild stimulants but I was just wondering.


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any chance you guys are still giving out some samples of this stuff, im a pre wokrout junkie and have tried many and love to try new ones, id love to post up a review of this stuff , thanks guys!


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any chance you guys are still giving out some samples of this stuff, im a pre wokrout junkie and have tried many and love to try new ones, id love to post up a review of this stuff , thanks guys!


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Ok so far I'm loving the products. But I would like to learn a little more about them. I'm fairly knowledgable with some supplements but honestly I was a little late to jump on the nitrates bandwagon and the high dose leucine train. I thought they would be a fad but it looks like I was wrong. so i neglected to research them very much. So a few questions for you axholes.

1.Dose the luecine or nitrates in general seem to build up a tolerance? I would say no, someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Luecine in itself can be found in many different products and used in many different ways. I guess you can say.. that our bodies will adapt and can, but like with any supplement... taken a break from it for a week or so will allow your body to readjust or try to regulate.

2. After I take my super size should I still take my axcell? I would and do! There's nothing wrong with keeping that consistent flow of BCAA's moving within your body. Will the additional aminos cause any problems with absorption or inhibit the mtor pathway? You're take SuperSize 30-45 minutes before your workout and I don't foresee an issue. I use the axcell intraworkout btw. Excellent choice for a intra workout drink
3. Should my post workout be a fast acting whey because of the luecine nitrate from the supersize or should I take an additional bcaa product post workout to go along with the luecine or does none of this really matter and I'm just over thinking it all ;p I'm a iso-whey (sometimes skim milk added) with waxy maize guy right after workouts. I've been using this combo for two weeks and still reaping all the benefits from SuperSize.

I really love the solid long lasting pumps that the luecine nitrate provides. And am I correct in saying that at one scoop the stims in this are mild? Btw I like mild stimulants but I was just wondering.
I'm right there with you on the pumps and how my body response to SuperSize. Hope the above helps.


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any chance you guys are still giving out some samples of this stuff, im a pre wokrout junkie and have tried many and love to try new ones, id love to post up a review of this stuff , thanks guys!
There maybe samples...


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Got my super size today!

Guess since I won 3 different times they are shipping the ultra reps and creatine separate...

I'll be giving it a try soon


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Got my super size today!

Guess since I won 3 different times they are shipping the ultra reps and creatine separate...

I'll be giving it a try soon
Did you use it?


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Okay so i've used SuperSize for 2 workouts and it is without a doubt one of the best Pre-workouts I've taken, I had solid energy and the pumps were actually wayyy better than when i supplement with any arganine. I was able to train harder longer too which is a huge plus. With all that being said my ONLY complaint is the taste, i may not be a smooth lemon ice fan but the taste was probably one of the worst (honesty) i'm pretty sure it's just not a flavor for me. First time taking it i almost puked a few times BUT the results HUGELY outweigh the taste so i just drink it in sips and that seems to work. Definitely would like a different flavor! So far 2 scoops is pretty awesome, i think i will try 3 just for S & G's. Overall an awesome product!


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I think the flavor is pretty good. I mean I've never had a preworkout that tasted as good as lit up so I'm a little spoiled. But I really think the taste is pretty good definitely better then most out there. Craze is flavored pretty good as well. But I'm a sucker for anything grape. Tastes just like grape koolaid to me. So far I'm liking the supersize a little better than craze. It tastes good but I was expecting a little more out of it honestly. But I've only used it twice so far. And only at one scoop which usually does the trick for me with most preworkouts. Sometimes I even get away with half a scoop. So I figured I wouldn't need very much craze to get me going. But ax very good so far. I bought supersize ultra reps and craze all at the same time so I could compare them and I love both companies as they are both quality but so far ax has taken the lead.


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I think the flavor is pretty good. I mean I've never had a preworkout that tasted as good as lit up so I'm a little spoiled. But I really think the taste is pretty good definitely better then most out there. Craze is flavored pretty good as well. But I'm a sucker for anything grape. Tastes just like grape koolaid to me. So far I'm liking the supersize a little better than craze. It tastes good but I was expecting a little more out of it honestly. But I've only used it twice so far. And only at one scoop which usually does the trick for me with most preworkouts. Sometimes I even get away with half a scoop. So I figured I wouldn't need very much craze to get me going. But ax very good so far. I bought supersize ultra reps and craze all at the same time so I could compare them and I love both companies as they are both quality but so far ax has taken the lead.

Nice review. I wish the flavoring was a little stronger but it's not bad. I just like to add more things to my pre-workout and extra flavor helps cover them up.


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YEs TIny! I always thought with the sort of volume and intensity I've seen in your workout logs that you would really enjoy SS even before I tried it, just from what I read in the tester logs. I'm so glad you liked it. I liked how it tastes although I like Ultra Reps flavor better, SS has a lemon salty gatorade flavor to it (I've always found gatorade to taste salty) and ice cold is the best way to drink it imo. Are you using any other pre-workout right now?
Also stacking with UR is pretty sweet too :)


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I tried it the other day for the first time at 3 scoops and I felt like I was on a smooth crack buzz lol. It was pretty intense, but not jittery (let me state once again, I have never done crack, this is just a guess). The taste was ok, did kinda taste like Gatorade, and I had a pretty solid workout. Stimulate sensitive ppl do NOT do 3 scoops!!!! I will try 3 again tomorrow tho maybe lol.
I just wish there was the BA tingles from it. I can always add though. 4500 mg seems spot on for me.


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YEs TIny! I always thought with the sort of volume and intensity I've seen in your workout logs that you would really enjoy SS even before I tried it, just from what I read in the tester logs. I'm so glad you liked it. I liked how it tastes although I like Ultra Reps flavor better, SS has a lemon salty gatorade flavor to it (I've always found gatorade to taste salty) and ice cold is the best way to drink it imo. Are you using any other pre-workout right now?
Also stacking with UR is pretty sweet too :)
THAT'S what i was tasting, guess i don't like the salty part. For now i'm just using the sample tub of SuperSize, i can't wait to try 3 scoops though, i mean my pumps were insane at 2 but i just want to try 3. I'm also using Revamp right now so every serving of SuperSize is just as strong as the last i love it :)

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