Subweevil's AI, AMS, MST, and ON Goodnight and Grow Stack!!



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Day 21

I'll update my sleep once I get off tomorrow morning, since I'm on nights again. Thought I might have today off, but called in, oh well. Kinda a tad sore today, lots on the plate today before work, so it looks like now tomorrow will be my workout day, nuts.

how do yo utake your jp8?
I'm one of the exceptions, I take mine like 10-20 minutes before, no issues. Usually, I had something to eat like an hour before, something real light.

you do the streching before or after?
I do some stretching before, but I do the DC style stuff after. The stretching really helps, if done correctly. I think it has to do with time under tension, as well as blood flow and flexibility, but I'm no expert. I've noticed it really does help though.

i stoped taking my jp8 and i miss it. but now im addicted to taking 75g complex carbs mixed with my protein pre workout!!! so if i still wanted to take that shake, how would you space the two shakes? or drink both same time 1 hour before workout?
If your taking that shake with a Glycobol, that would be nuts!! I do that sometimes post-workout, and I'm pumped for live ever!! I would try the shake first, then the JP8, spaced like the directions say. I honestly have noticed that if I'm sipping something other than water during a workout and it's less than 40 minutes after taking JP8, it does kinda counter the JP8 "Mood", if you will. Good luck, and thanks!!

Looking a tad bloated, but that's just due to the prednisone I'm on for my crappy asthma. Should be ending it here soon, that'll make me happy. Anyways, I'm off to bed, take care guys, and enjoy the day!!


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Day 22

Ugh!! Where to start? I'm not going to get a chance to get to the gym today, not happy at all about that. I was supposed to have today off, but as of now, I'm just getting ready to go back in and cover for a daylight shift, having just got done like 20 minutes ago with a night shift, not cool. Today would have been my second time for chest, shoulders and back, and I know damn well I would have gone up a few pounds, oh well. That's the major crappy thing about my job, forced overtime, and it sucks!! Luckily, I get paid by the hour, but still, it's nice to have off, especially considering I work 12+ hour days. Anyways, enough grumping around on my part, some quick points of note while I brood:

Haven't had any heavy chest feeling (other than with the Misses,lol) pertaining to Somnidren GH, nor any rapid heartbeats either.

Seems this stack makes me have to get up to use the bathroom at least once, if not twice during the time I sleep. Seems worse when I'm using the Somnidren GH. Most nights I never had to get up and tap a kidney, but with this stack, it's a given I'll be up at least once. I thought it might have had something to do with increased NO activity perhaps? If anyone has any clue, please feel free to share. I intend to look into it further when I actually have a chance.

The ZMK caps are unlike anything I've ever used before, I guess it's that new vegetarian style cap. Nothing wrong with it, it's just different.

Other than that, nothing I can really think of right now. I stocked up on this stack, minus the Vassive-x, for future runs, it's that impressive to me. I will replace the Vassive-x with just straight arginine and ornithine. had as good if not better results with those basic supps. Vassive-x is good, and does what it says, but I think it's more appropriate for pre or post workout.

that's it until I get done tonight, take care 'til then!!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Day 22
Haven't had any heavy chest feeling (other than with the Misses,lol) pertaining to Somnidren GH, nor any rapid heartbeats either.

Seems this stack makes me have to get up to use the bathroom at least once, if not twice during the time I sleep. Seems worse when I'm using the Somnidren GH. Most nights I never had to get up and tap a kidney, but with this stack, it's a given I'll be up at least once. I thought it might have had something to do with increased NO activity perhaps? If anyone has any clue, please feel free to share. I intend to look into it further when I actually have a chance.

The ZMK caps are unlike anything I've ever used before, I guess it's that new vegetarian style cap. Nothing wrong with it, it's just different.

As far as it pertains to the urinating issue, I haven't heard much response like that with somnidren...ever, haha. When I take my somnidren it knocks me out cold. If I do end up getting up to pee, it's like an hour before my alarm is set for anyway...never in the middle of the night. Very odd.

With the heavy chest and comes and goes really. I thought when I stopped feeling it that I had gotten used to the product and that was that basically....but it came back and then left again, etc etc. The way I found out that somnidren and zmk was still working was I stopped using them for a week and watched my workouts slower get worse and worse during that time. As soon as I started taking it again...presto ;)

Be happy about the veggie cap ZMK....the old version was like taking river rocks, haha. MVP is also going to a veggie cap version very soon!


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whats different about the zmk veggie caps? elaborate!


MST Reppin Hard!
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they're also faster acting. If you got your zmk within the last few months, then you have the veggie cap version. Tabs haven't been sold for a while now as far as I know.


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so normal zma is taken 30 mins before bed. zmk could be taken right before bed due to fast acting?


MST Reppin Hard!
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Inarius speaks the truth!

I take mine as i'm laying down and I usually fall out about a half hour later after watching a little TV or reading.


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i currently take ZMA, but ill have to look into this "ZMK"


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you'll never look back to zma again. thats a promise :)
are you freaking serious? if you are i might have to do this now. ZMA is one of my staples. I LOVE IT. i feel so good on ZMA, my sleep is so fantastic. I just love it and I need it so I made it my staple. If you seriously say ZMK is superior how is this possible?


MST Reppin Hard!
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are you freaking serious? if you are i might have to do this now. ZMA is one of my staples. I LOVE IT. i feel so good on ZMA, my sleep is so fantastic. I just love it and I need it so I made it my staple. If you seriously say ZMK is superior how is this possible?
ZMK is not just a supplement for you to get your zinc, magnesium, and vitamin b6. ZMK is also packed with the krebs cycle intermediates (3078mgs to be exact) that help the bioavailability of the product as well as help your energy for the following day with the necessary organic acids for your body. There is a "72 trace mineral blend" in ZMK which is something that an athlete is chronically deficient in at all times as well as boosts your cardiovascular health.

This is not a product that you will ever forget after even one dose.


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wow, i think i might have found my new staple! i gotta try this!!!

hey subweevil, you've tried ZMA right? hows the ZMK treating you in comparison?? can i can a quick review buddy?


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hey subweevil, you've tried ZMA right? hows the ZMK treating you in comparison?? can i can a quick review buddy?
Sure, no worries man!! I've run both, and I greatly prefer ZMK, hands down. I used to run a stack very similar to this one I'm loggin now, just everything was separate, and not as high of quality. I'll be keeping all this, with the exception of the Vassive-x, it's good, but I feel I got better results with arginine and ornithine like I used to use. I wasn't complaining about the veggie caps, was just saying that they are different, but different in a good way. I highly recommend any or all of this stack I'm using, it's great for recovery and even dropping a few pounds while you sleep. Right now, it's crazy cheap as well. If you have any other questions buster, pm me and I'll be more than happy to elaborate further bud. Right now, I'm getting ready to go kill some weights!!


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Hey m8.

Just checking in to report the grumpiness I was experiencing the day after taking ZMK is gone. I have no idea why but it's gone :)

I love the ZMK so far and have ordered MVP along with it. I'm not too convinced about the Somnidren though. Everytime I take it now I can only sleep for like 6 hours, those are a good 6 hours sleep, but still, I'm not as rested as with 8 hours normal Somnidren-less sleep.


MST Reppin Hard!
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Hey m8.

Just checking in to report the grumpiness I was experiencing the day after taking ZMK is gone. I have no idea why but it's gone :)

I love the ZMK so far and have ordered MVP along with it. I'm not too convinced about the Somnidren though. Everytime I take it now I can only sleep for like 6 hours, those are a good 6 hours sleep, but still, I'm not as rested as with 8 hours normal Somnidren-less sleep.
Im sorry to hear your somnidren saga is not going well, but i'm glad to hear that you have settled in to ZMK and it's working great for you :). You'll also love Mvp for sure!!

Try not taking the Somnidren for a week or so and see what your sleep is like, and then jump back on it. Anytime I have done this, i've realized I have much more recooperation in my body when using than when I don't. Always worth a shot :wave2:


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Hmm, that's interesting 1HP, no problems to report here, other than it doesn't grow on trees. The stack puts me out, and not much can really do that. Glad to hear ya like ZMK, that stuff is solid. Only thing that bums me out is that I want to take it, but I have to be careful of getting too much zinc when you figure other supps in the mix. Nice to see ya checkin' in, always value your advice!!

Got done at the gym a few minutes ago, getting ready to get a hefty 5 hours sleep before work again, yuck!! managed to go up a few pounds, nothing major, but an increase non-the-less. The stack is already hitting me, so off to bed I go!! take care guys!!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Hmm, that's interesting 1HP, no problems to report here, other than it doesn't grow on trees. The stack puts me out, and not much can really do that. Glad to hear ya like ZMK, that stuff is solid. Only thing that bums me out is that I want to take it, but I have to be careful of getting too much zinc when you figure other supps in the mix. Nice to see ya checkin' in, always value your advice!!

Got done at the gym a few minutes ago, getting ready to get a hefty 5 hours sleep before work again, yuck!! managed to go up a few pounds, nothing major, but an increase non-the-less. The stack is already hitting me, so off to bed I go!! take care guys!!
ahhhhhh you work an overnight? When I did overnight management at a local casino, this stack was the only way I could sleep, haha

Irish Cannon

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wow, i think i might have found my new staple! i gotta try this!!!

hey subweevil, you've tried ZMA right? hows the ZMK treating you in comparison?? can i can a quick review buddy?
Sure, no worries man!! I've run both, and I greatly prefer ZMK, hands down. I used to run a stack very similar to this one I'm loggin now, just everything was separate, and not as high of quality. I'll be keeping all this, with the exception of the Vassive-x, it's good, but I feel I got better results with arginine and ornithine like I used to use. I wasn't complaining about the veggie caps, was just saying that they are different, but different in a good way. I highly recommend any or all of this stack I'm using, it's great for recovery and even dropping a few pounds while you sleep. Right now, it's crazy cheap as well. If you have any other questions buster, pm me and I'll be more than happy to elaborate further bud. Right now, I'm getting ready to go kill some weights!!
I second this. ZMK is great stuff.


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Yeah this stack mot definitely helps me sleep during the day, as well as night. Only got about 4 hours or so of sleep after the gym. Lots O' noise around the apartment today which kept waking me up, but not for long. What sleep I did get was great, and oddly enough, I feel pretty rested and ready to take on the world, or at least work tonight. Thanks guys for checking in, I'll update a gain when I get done 'round 7 tomorrow moring, until then, take care!!


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you better be ready to hit the weights on wednesday man! Im stoked!


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Im sorry to hear your somnidren saga is not going well, but i'm glad to hear that you have settled in to ZMK and it's working great for you :). You'll also love Mvp for sure!!

Try not taking the Somnidren for a week or so and see what your sleep is like, and then jump back on it. Anytime I have done this, i've realized I have much more recooperation in my body when using than when I don't. Always worth a shot :wave2:
Cant win em all, most supplements work for one but not for the other. I dont notice much from Cordygen5 either but Cre-02 is simply the best Creatine product I've used ever, even tops NOS Ether for me, I'm on my 4th bottle now and am gonna order more. Cre-02 and ZMK are staples for me now. MVP might be joining, it looks good.

Hmm, that's interesting 1HP, no problems to report here, other than it doesn't grow on trees. The stack puts me out, and not much can really do that. Glad to hear ya like ZMK, that stuff is solid. Only thing that bums me out is that I want to take it, but I have to be careful of getting too much zinc when you figure other supps in the mix. Nice to see ya checkin' in, always value your advice!!

Got done at the gym a few minutes ago, getting ready to get a hefty 5 hours sleep before work again, yuck!! managed to go up a few pounds, nothing major, but an increase non-the-less. The stack is already hitting me, so off to bed I go!! take care guys!!
Yeah you gotta check how much your getting in, I put all my foods in, really usefull to see how much minerals/vitamins your actually getting in and what you're short on. I'm thinking 3 ZMK 3MVP in stead of the recommended 4 based on what I'm getting from my food, I'm eating mineral/vitamin heavy foods already.


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you better be ready to hit the weights on wednesday man! Im stoked!
Haha, no no my friend, YOU better be ready!! Lol, I'm soooo loooking forward to having a kick @$$ training partner you don't even understand. This is gonna friggin' rock!!

hanks guys, i def gotta give zmk a shot
No worries, glad we could all help. keep us posted on how it works for you!!!

but Cre-02 is simply the best Creatine product I've used ever, even tops NOS Ether for me,
Wow, I hold in high regard anything Get Diesel, as well as these products I'm currently stacking from these companies as well. That's some pretty serious praise, as I have yet to try anything that hits me like NOS Ether. Gonna go check it out now. Thanks 1 HP for teh other feedback about minerals and such, that really helps!!

Obviously, I just got done with work, and I'm spent. Short staffed and overworked, ugh!! Gotta grab a few winks, then gonna do some cardio and abs, then I gotta be back in at 6. Take care 'til then!!


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Wow, I hold in high regard anything Get Diesel, as well as these products I'm currently stacking from these companies as well. That's some pretty serious praise, as I have yet to try anything that hits me like NOS Ether. Gonna go check it out now. Thanks 1 HP for teh other feedback about minerals and such, that really helps!!
Yeah you know how fond I am of Get Diesel, on top of my list aswell. There is no bloat whatsoever with CRE-02, NONE. Also it seems to help lean-out a little bit. A shame I'm eventually gonna have to be be dropping all high-tech creatine products to make room in my budget for life-extension/health supplements/foods, my new addiction as of late ;)

Keep on trucking sub :)


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Thanks 1HP, you as well bud!!

Day 25

Yeah, yeah, I know I skipped days 23 and 24, but not really, just forgot to put the "days" in, sorry 'bout that!! Kinda bummed, just found out I'm working today and tomorrow now, that rips!! Slept awesome yesterday, took everything about an hour out, and out like a light. Only wound up getting like 5 hours sleep, but it was some of the most restful I've gotten, actually, the best so far!! Gotta grab a quick nap now for a workout later, take care guys!!


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Day 26

Sorry, but slept in a tad today, so this is kinda short, I'll get more detailed once I'm off work. Took the stack and was out for the almost 5 hours I had to grab some zzzz's. Workout went well, actually managed to up a few lifts by about 5lbs, so I'm happy. Again, sorry about the lack of details, but gimme like 13 hours and I'll be back at it. Take care!!


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Day 26

Sorry, but slept in a tad today, so this is kinda short, I'll get more detailed once I'm off work. Took the stack and was out for the almost 5 hours I had to grab some zzzz's. Workout went well, actually managed to up a few lifts by about 5lbs, so I'm happy. Again, sorry about the lack of details, but gimme like 13 hours and I'll be back at it. Take care!!
im just dropping in to say..............get to work...j/k

crazy busy here also....

good luck man.


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Day 27

Wow, I'm dog @$$ tired. Just got done with work, and now getting ready to shower and grab some very much needed sleep, thank God for this stack!! Pretty soon though, gonna be out of Somnidren, and that sucks. Luckily, I have 4 more things of it!! This stack really helps me shrug off the fatigue and get some quality rest, I'd hate to think how bad I'd be doing now without it. So far, I'm down around 5lbs since starting this stack, I'll post pics of what I looked like beginning of this year. I was dropping about 10lbs per month, but it has slowed a bit now. I was around 240lbs, but now I'm anywhere between 190 and 185, just depends on how the planets are aligned I guess. It will be pretty obvious by my face how much weight I lost. take care guys, I'll update again in a bit.


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Awesome job on the weight loss and progress pics are always motivating. I am trying like hell to get to the 185 rang myself.



MST Reppin Hard!
  • Established
Day 27

Wow, I'm dog @$$ tired. Just got done with work, and now getting ready to shower and grab some very much needed sleep, thank God for this stack!! Pretty soon though, gonna be out of Somnidren, and that sucks. Luckily, I have 4 more things of it!! This stack really helps me shrug off the fatigue and get some quality rest, I'd hate to think how bad I'd be doing now without it. So far, I'm down around 5lbs since starting this stack, I'll post pics of what I looked like beginning of this year. I was dropping about 10lbs per month, but it has slowed a bit now. I was around 240lbs, but now I'm anywhere between 190 and 185, just depends on how the planets are aligned I guess. It will be pretty obvious by my face how much weight I lost. take care guys, I'll update again in a bit.
Great work on the fat loss! From someone who has gone from 290lbs to about 210lbs (and back to 225 :(), I know how rewarding it is to shed that much!!


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get some rest man. Im hitting arms tonight around 5 30 if you want to stop by.


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Did you guys get a session in together?


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Yeah, sorry guys work's been beating me down. Monday we'll hit some chest work. Supposedly, I have Monday off, if not, well, that's what they make vacation time for. Getting real sick and tired of 7 day work weeks of 84+ hours. I'm actually running a bit behind now, as I got called in early, yay for me!! I'll get the old pics of me up as soon as I can, sorry about the delay. Take care guys. Oh, almost forgot, Monday is gonna ROCK!!


MST Reppin Hard!
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I can see 7 day weeks being tough, but honestly, be happy you have a job bro. The market is super tough in my area of PA so i'd be glad to be working some serious hours right now.


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I can see 7 day weeks being tough, but honestly, be happy you have a job bro. The market is super tough in my area of PA so i'd be glad to be working some serious hours right now.
First, where you at in PA boss? Secondly, it just gets frustrating because right now, it's real physical, and ALL my lifts are showing it. Couple that with the poor air quality, crazy heat of 111 degrees when I started shift and my asthma, and it's not a great combo. I've actually noticed a drop in my cardio directly because of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a job, I'm just looking to find something else. I'm always grateful for anything in my life, just might not always be happy about it,lol.


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First, where you at in PA boss? Secondly, it just gets frustrating because right now, it's real physical, and ALL my lifts are showing it. Couple that with the poor air quality, crazy heat of 111 degrees when I started shift and my asthma, and it's not a great combo. I've actually noticed a drop in my cardio directly because of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a job, I'm just looking to find something else. I'm always grateful for anything in my life, just might not always be happy about it,lol.
A couple of us got on this topic yesterday....Work hours, staying over.


Yeah it could be alot worse, but it could go in the other direction also........

Its called work for a reason.:)

I love cars,,,,,,,but sometimes there have been a few I would have liked to set on fire and roll down the hill.........



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I hear ya bud, and understand. It took me damn near 3 months to get the "Free" blower Cosworth gave me working right, but it was well worth it. I cursed every day that went by when I showed up race day and.....nothing. Finally got that damn thing tuned right after getting rid of every gremlin known to man, then it got demolished when it got hit in a parking lot by a drunk driver. Wound up having to re-pay all the sponsors, since it never "Officially" saw a race day. Moral of the story, nothing is as expensive as something that's free.


MST Reppin Hard!
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i'm in the Pocono's. I'd say a solid 2-3 hours out of state college.


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Correct, depends on how fast you drive, lol. I used to pay a buddy to use his cabin up there, the Promise Lake area. It was one of like 3 cabins that didn't get destroyed when a tornado went through. Now, since he got married, never get a chance to get up there, or talk to him, since all his friends are now the devil incarnate, according to his new wife. Sad really, never talks to any of his friends at all anymore. Just saw him the other day and he's gained like 80lbs. From what I hear, he pretty much just gave up on everything he used to do. It's his choice in the end though. A 30+ year friendship, gone. I'll have to pop by sometime and say hi, whenever I get any time off, that is!!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Correct, depends on how fast you drive, lol. I used to pay a buddy to use his cabin up there, the Promise Lake area. It was one of like 3 cabins that didn't get destroyed when a tornado went through. Now, since he got married, never get a chance to get up there, or talk to him, since all his friends are now the devil incarnate, according to his new wife. Sad really, never talks to any of his friends at all anymore. Just saw him the other day and he's gained like 80lbs. From what I hear, he pretty much just gave up on everything he used to do. It's his choice in the end though. A 30+ year friendship, gone. I'll have to pop by sometime and say hi, whenever I get any time off, that is!!
That really is truly sad. Im sorry to hear that.


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Well, these things happen, unfortunately. I've been blessed enough to have all the same friends since grade school, although some of them have strayed, not much I can do there. I've done all I can in that regard, hopefully, he comes around some day. Most of us think it's because his wife is ill, she's got a disease, that, barring a miracle, will most certainly take her life, and not in a pleasant way. Her way of dealing with it is playing the "I've got limited time game, so you need to spend all your time with me" thing. Before anyone says I'm being a jerk, let me state for the record that I've beaten the crap out of cancer twice, and never once cried poor little me. I was happy that I got it, and not anyone close to me. Like I said though, it's his choice to go along with it, I've always been there for him and always will. It just saddens me to know that the next time I hear from him will more than liekly not be a happy occasion. Anyways,

Days 28 and 29

Pretty much coming to the end of this stack, and I'm very happy that I got the chance to run it. Got awesome sleep yesterday before I went in for work, and that really helps. I truly don't think you can put a price on a good nights sleep, but if you can, it's currently on sale at the planet,lol. I'll post a final review here Tuesday, since I'll need it to recover from the workout Inarius plans to put me through on Monday. I should also be sitting in front of the computer a lot Monday as well, so everyone is more than welcome to ask any questions they may have, and get a pretty speedy response. right now, I'm off to bed, take care guys!!


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Reps for over coming cancer bro. Seems like you have over come a lot in your young lifetime. It proves you are a fighter and nothing can stand in your way. You had a great stack and the log was/is excellent!


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Reps Sub! :cheers:


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Thanks guys, really appreciate it!! My life is pretty much an open book, anyone can read it, I really don't try to hide anything. I promise I'll get those pics up of me when I was like 50lbs heavier, give or take a few lbs. I'd like to think I did well by losing 10lbs per month. Not fast, but that's the way I like to do it. I'm usually pretty motivated, it's like I tell my sparring partners, I've already kickced the crap outta myself (cancer) what can someone do to me that I haven't been through worse already?


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Thanks guys, really appreciate it!! My life is pretty much an open book, anyone can read it, I really don't try to hide anything. I promise I'll get those pics up of me when I was like 50lbs heavier, give or take a few lbs. I'd like to think I did well by losing 10lbs per month. Not fast, but that's the way I like to do it. I'm usually pretty motivated, it's like I tell my sparring partners, I've already kickced the crap outta myself (cancer) what can someone do to me that I haven't been through worse already?
haha you just wait until tonight... its gonna be intense


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Cool, I'm rested and ready. Time to bring it!! Can't wait to drop some more weight on my head again,lol.

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