SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide



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Yeah I thought I was doing alright based on mirror look till I took before picture of my epistane cycle and I was like whoa what happend.
A lot of users have reported bloating to subside after a while so hopefully that is the case with you. Increasing potassium and reducing sodium a bit can help as well. IF it gets real bad otc diuretics may be an option but I'd use that as a last resort.

The good news is that once off, the water weight seems to shed pretty fast and you end up looking better than when you started. Keep us posted on progress bud.


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A lot of users have reported bloating to subside after a while so hopefully that is the case with you. Increasing potassium and reducing sodium a bit can help as well. IF it gets re7al bad otc diuretics may be an option but I'd use that as a last resort.

The good news is that once off, the water weight seems to shed pretty fast and you end up looking better than when you started. Keep us posted on progress bud.
I sure will thanks bro for tips, I have been trying to control my sodium it's kinda hard.
and I'm on epistane right now so I wonder if that will help too!


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A lot of users have reported bloating to subside after a while so hopefully that is the case with you. Increasing potassium and reducing sodium a bit can help as well. IF it gets real bad otc diuretics may be an option but I'd use that as a last resort.

The good news is that once off, the water weight seems to shed pretty fast and you end up looking better than when you started. Keep us posted on progress bud.
Sounds like TTA or YHCL


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To my understanding mk is gonna be allot like taking peptides where it's gonna be about 2-3 months before you see noticeable physique changes like Fatloss . Lol this isn't igf haha


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Mate has run Osta RX, and enjoyed it.

He's wondering if any other SARMS are high risky for hair shedding? He's interested in doing another run, but stacking a few.

He has GW on hand, and S4 but reckons hell sell it due to being worried about loss of vision.


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Mate has run Osta RX, and enjoyed it.

He's wondering if any other SARMS are high risky for hair shedding? He's interested in doing another run, but stacking a few.

He has GW on hand, and S4 but reckons hell sell it due to being worried about loss of vision.
Sarms all have very little androgenic side effects like shedding. Tell him he's gtg. I would sell that s4 too, vision sides suck


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Sarms all have very little androgenic side effects like shedding. Tell him he's gtg. I would sell that s4 too, vision sides suck
Exactly. The most androgenic SARM is S-4, and it's probably the most side effect prone as well. I'd ditch S-4 and go with Rad over all other SARMs after seeing how it's treating me on my current cycle.


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Exactly. The most androgenic SARM is S-4, and it's probably the most side effect prone as well. I'd ditch S-4 and go with Rad over all other SARMs after seeing how it's treating me on my current cycle.
I can't find the spot but I remember someone saying RAD stops test side effects. Would S4 and RAD combo be good and/or would it help with the vision side effect? Just taking a shot out there.


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I can't find the spot but I remember someone saying RAD stops test side effects. Would S4 and RAD combo be good and/or would it help with the vision side effect? Just taking a shot out there.
Vision issues ? Not worth it man.

and if anyone was wondering about mk677 lethargy SH!T is REAL about 2 weeks n a half in and it started yesterday sleep is goooood, I had to take a scoop of iforce maxout just to get me up and running been on couch and in bed all day.


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I can't find the spot but I remember someone saying RAD stops test side effects. Would S4 and RAD combo be good and/or would it help with the vision side effect? Just taking a shot out there.
Unlikely. If S-4 itself is causing the visual sides (rather than its primary metabolite) there is probably going to be no escaping them unfortunately.


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Unlikely. If S-4 itself is causing the visual sides (rather than its primary metabolite) there is probably going to be no escaping them unfortunately.
Oh ok, damn I've been itching to try out S4; ehh maybe one day.


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I can't find the spot but I remember someone saying RAD stops test side effects. Would S4 and RAD combo be good and/or would it help with the vision side effect? Just taking a shot out there.
Unlikely. If S-4 itself is causing the visual sides (rather than its primary metabolite) there is probably going to be no escaping them unfortunately.
Oh ok, damn I've been itching to try out S4; ehh maybe one day.
I'm afraid RAD-140's ability to mitigate the side effects of Testosterone by sparing the prostate and increasing its anabolic effects on skeletal muscle has nothing whatsoever to do with S-4 or that compounds related vision side effects. We're talking selective androgen receptor agonism and antagonism, and it's clear that S-4's side effects aren't related to either. In my opinion you really aren't missing out on much with S-4, you're better off using LGD or RAD and taking a good beta agonist.


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I'm afraid RAD-140's ability to mitigate the side effects of Testosterone by sparing the prostate and increasing its anabolic effects on skeletal muscle has nothing whatsoever to do with S-4 or that compounds related vision side effects. We're talking selective androgen receptor agonism and antagonism, and it's clear that S-4's side effects aren't related to either. In my opinion you really aren't missing out on much with S-4, you're better off using LGD or RAD and taking a good beta agonist.
I will be soon ;). Almost done cutting then one more bottle of OLs LGD and some support supps, then I'm hopping on the bulk train!


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I will be soon ;). Almost done cutting then one more bottle of OLs LGD and some support supps, then I'm hopping on the bulk train!
Nice! You can't go wrong with an LGD bulk, a lot of people seem to have great success judging by the logs. I know Joedoubledose put on some pounds with LGD.


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Yep put on 13.5 lbs bruh bruh will update my log at the end of my pct to let yall know how much I kept


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Nice! You can't go wrong with an LGD bulk, a lot of people seem to have great success judging by the logs. I know Joedoubledose put on some pounds with LGD.
Yep put on 13.5 lbs bruh bruh will update my log at the end of my pct to let yall know how much I kept
I was amazed when I saw, the results looked great! All the other LGDs besides PN weren't good quality so I'm excited to go at it again but with a larger dose(I don't think I've seen anyone else use). I'll be throwing up the log once everything is together!


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Thank you for the replies! When looking at Osta, GW, Mk, RAD, LGD, what stack would be ideal? Mainly recomp/cut atm he mentioned.

He has SERM on hand as-well for PCT.

Atm he was looking at Osta 6 weeks 20mg, reason bring most logs people start to say they get really shut down in the last few weeks of 8 week cycles. Thoughts?

He has no idea on dosages of other SARMS. He's going to look into then all this week.


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Thank you for the replies! When looking at Osta, GW, Mk, RAD, LGD, what stack would be ideal? Mainly recomp/cut atm he mentioned.

He has SERM on hand as-well for PCT.

Atm he was looking at Osta 6 weeks 20mg, reason bring most logs people start to say they get really shut down in the last few weeks of 8 week cycles. Thoughts?

He has no idea on dosages of other SARMS. He's going to look into then all this week.
The degree of shutdown is very user dependant with sarms, if he has a serm on hand then no worries. 6 weeks is good for osta but 8 would be better imo


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I was amazed when I saw, the results looked great! All the other LGDs besides PN weren't good quality so I'm excited to go at it again but with a larger dose(I don't think I've seen anyone else use). I'll be throwing up the log once everything is together!
Hve you ran PNs LGD? I have two bottles layin around here, not sure what to do with it at the moment...


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The degree of shutdown is very user dependant with sarms, if he has a serm on hand then no worries. 6 weeks is good for osta but 8 would be better imo
He ran only 4 weeks, felt like he leaned out, alot of energy, increased libido...8 weeks would be ideal I spose.


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Thank you for the replies! When looking at Osta, GW, Mk, RAD, LGD, what stack would be ideal? Mainly recomp/cut atm he mentioned.

He has SERM on hand as-well for PCT.

Atm he was looking at Osta 6 weeks 20mg, reason bring most logs people start to say they get really shut down in the last few weeks of 8 week cycles. Thoughts?

He has no idea on dosages of other SARMS. He's going to look into then all this week.
If I ran a cut Id do ostar1ne 20mgs , gharine 10mgs. And dermacrine for 8 weeks . Pct with either nolva or clomid BOOM


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Hve you ran PNs LGD? I have two bottles layin around here, not sure what to do with it at the moment...
Yup first one I've tried and the best one I've tried as of now. Had a great recomp with it and their GW.


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If I ran a cut Id do ostar1ne 20mgs , gharine 10mgs. And dermacrine for 8 weeks . Pct with either nolva or clomid BOOM
Is Gharine = MK?

He has Dermacrine on hand too, simple cycle!

Just I've been reading about all these other SARMS aka RAD, GW etc


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Is Gharine = MK?

He has Dermacrine on hand too, simple cycle!

Just I've been reading about all these other SARMS aka RAD, GW etc
Yes, MK is Ghar1ne.

GW isnt a SARM, its a PPAR modulator. You can see increased fat loss and endurance on GW. Though all compounds can be used for cutting and recomping, its dependant on diet and training. I recomped hard on Rad, but I'm sure I could do the same on LGD with my training and diet.


New member
Starting RAD140 10mg a day for 10 weeks.
On day 3 now and i mostly notice a decrease in hunger and a rise in temperature after eating.

Expecting most gains to start in week 2 :)


I read through almost all 32 pages, but I haven't really seen a consensus on libido when running LGD. Those of you who have run it before, can you post up how you felt?

I'm planning an 8 week run, and wanted to see what I should expect, I had no issues at all with Osta but it's always good to check. I was planning on running low dose Elim1nate (1 to 2 caps ed) which I've seen a slight libido bump from before, and I have Viron and TestoPro in the supp stash as well just in case. I've seen others recommend Dermacrine, but I'm skeptical of DHEA products to be honest, and the fiance freaks out a little when I use transdermals ... even though it's my favorite delivery method.

Thanks in advance fellas.


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I read through almost all 32 pages, but I haven't really seen a consensus on libido when running LGD. Those of you who have run it before, can you post up how you felt?

I'm planning an 8 week run, and wanted to see what I should expect, I had no issues at all with Osta but it's always good to check. I was planning on running low dose Elim1nate (1 to 2 caps ed) which I've seen a slight libido bump from before, and I have Viron and TestoPro in the supp stash as well just in case. I've seen others recommend Dermacrine, but I'm skeptical of DHEA products to be honest, and the fiance freaks out a little when I use transdermals ... even though it's my favorite delivery method.

Thanks in advance fellas.
My libido took a dip on lgd for sure. If td's aren't your thing then 4 dhea or epiandro will serve the same test base purpose but in oral form


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I definitely feel a libido decline on LGD. I am using Epi-Andro (Alpha Gainz Stano) and Dermacrine. It wasn't until I added the Dermacrine that o started to feel less lethargic and increased libido.


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Four weeks in on lgd (4mg /d) and no libido issues yet for me. Starting test was 810, be interested to see what it is tomorow when Im re-tested.


My libido took a dip on lgd for sure. If td's aren't your thing then 4 dhea or epiandro will serve the same test base purpose but in oral form
Thanks yates, I really appreciate the info. I love transdermals, and would rather do that than another oral it's just the fiance who doesn't like them, but she will understand :)

Both 4 dhea and epiandro are supressive ph's, in which case I might as well go all out, hmmm maybe I'll take the dive and go with a transdermal Epiandrosterone product. I've had my eye on Stano TD for a little while now, much more research to be done!

Edit: Damn you guys are quick, clown so libido was rough even with alpha-stano huh. What dosage were you using?


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I am using 8mg LGD with 450mg Alpha Stano and 4 pumps Dermacrine daily. Stano is 300mg in the morning 150mg early afternoon.


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I read through almost all 32 pages, but I haven't really seen a consensus on libido when running LGD. Those of you who have run it before, can you post up how you felt?

I'm planning an 8 week run, and wanted to see what I should expect, I had no issues at all with Osta but it's always good to check. I was planning on running low dose Elim1nate (1 to 2 caps ed) which I've seen a slight libido bump from before, and I have Viron and TestoPro in the supp stash as well just in case. I've seen others recommend Dermacrine, but I'm skeptical of DHEA products to be honest, and the fiance freaks out a little when I use transdermals ... even though it's my favorite delivery method.

Thanks in advance fellas.
In pct of a lgd and osta cycle and libido took a major hit. Everything worked when you need it too but the drive was gone


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Four weeks in on lgd (4mg /d) and no libido issues yet for me. Starting test was 810, be interested to see what it is tomorow when Im re-tested.
Interested to see this as well. Appreciate you sharing man.


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Epiandro looks good, but it increases dht! It looks like a hair shredder.

8 weeks 20mg ostarine
8 weeks mk 10mg
Dermacrine all 8 weeks or only last 4? He has alpha sustain too, and get diesel dtp which has dhea in it on hand.

He might run 1 cap a day erase over last 4 weeks of cycles also has ol super pct

And off course serm, so fair bit on hand.

GW only decent if you do loads of cardio? What's rad good for?

Thanks, he's starting tomorrow. He's gonna try Layne Norton's PHAT program, if too intense hell just go back to 4 days high volume heavy.


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Epiandro looks good, but it increases dht! It looks like a hair shredder.

8 weeks 20mg ostarine
8 weeks mk 10mg
Dermacrine all 8 weeks or only last 4? He has alpha sustain too, and get diesel dtp which has dhea in it on hand.

He might run 1 cap a day erase over last 4 weeks of cycles also has ol super pct

And off course serm, so fair bit on hand.

GW only decent if you do loads of cardio? What's rad good for?

Thanks, he's starting tomorrow. He's gonna try Layne Norton's PHAT program, if too intense hell just go back to 4 days high volume heavy.
I would start the dermacrine with the osta, that way they both kick about the same time. I'm using the phat program right now, best progress I've made in a long time. My old split is dead after using the phat program
muay thai

muay thai

I did s4 for 30 days at 50mg ed before. No vision sides . Great results similar to winny. Ps juat started my second bottle of rad and gharine in a row stacked.


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I did s4 for 30 days at 50mg ed before. No vision sides . Great results similar to winny. Ps juat started my second bottle of rad and gharine in a row stacked.
You're lucky you don't get the s4 vision sides, s4 had me waking up almost blind every morning. How you like rad and gharine?


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I did s4 for 30 days at 50mg ed before. No vision sides . Great results similar to winny. Ps juat started my second bottle of rad and gharine in a row stacked.
You're lucky you don't get the s4 vision sides, s4 had me waking up almost blind every morning. How you like rad and gharine?
That's interesting you took 50mg e/d with no vision sides, but saw results. I took it for 100mg e/d with no vision sides, didn't really see any results. I always assumed it was either bunk or under-dosed, but some people report that they are immune to the vision sides associated with S-4. I have to side with caution here, one cycle of S-4 was good enough for me, it didn't do anything and I feel other compounds are better. When you see enough reports like Yates' here, you don't want to tempt fate. Vision is too serious to mess with.


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I would start the dermacrine with the osta, that way they both kick about the same time. I'm using the phat program right now, best progress I've made in a long time. My old split is dead after using the phat program
Damm 2 bottles get expensive! I think a bottle only lasts 1 month? I'll ask him.

GW looks good, but the bloke here wants like 130-140 for a bottle ?

S4 - my mate took it, leaned him out but his vision was f##ked! I'm sure you could buy some eye supplements yo assist?


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Damm 2 bottles get expensive! I think a bottle only lasts 1 month? I'll ask him.

GW looks good, but the bloke here wants like 130-140 for a bottle ��

S4 - my mate took it, leaned him out but his vision was f##ked! I'm sure you could buy some eye supplements yo assist?
You are getting ripped on your GW prices, Olympus UK offers it at a fraction of that cost. And no, eye supplements have zero effect on S-4, it either affects vision or it doesn't. People have reported trying many different types of vision support supplements, with none of them affecting the side effects S-4 induces if you are prone to them.


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Olympus gw is way good to go it kicked my ass at 21mg 1 bottle is good for 45 days. Honestly I was very surprised how it hit


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Why even mess with anything but OLYMPUS LABS?
mk677 10 mg is intense and there is other reporting taking 30+ mg to feel anything.


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Damm 2 bottles get expensive! I think a bottle only lasts 1 month? I'll ask him.

GW looks good, but the bloke here wants like 130-140 for a bottle ��

S4 - my mate took it, leaned him out but his vision was f##ked! I'm sure you could buy some eye supplements yo assist?
Unfortunately, the m1 metabolite of s4 actually attaches to the receptors in the eyes. This is what causes the vision sides and There is really no way around this happening as of right now
muay thai

muay thai

You're lucky you don't get the s4 vision sides, s4 had me waking up almost blind every morning. How you like rad and gharine?
dude i am on cocktail of stuff its hard to pinpoint what exactly works for what - i wouldnt want to give inaccurate description. I have a before and after from when I started the rad, you can see yourself - be mindful that i am on other aas.
i have reported great things from ghar1ne about sleep and anti aging - biotin effects, nothing yet onfat loss, it does make me lethargic and hold wateraeven at 10mg per day


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Unfortunately, the m1 metabolite of s4 actually attaches to the receptors in the eyes. This is what causes the vision sides and There is really no way around this happening as of right now
Actually, since they never addressed the cause of vision issues in any studies, the quote regarding the M1 metabolite causing the side effects was originally stated by Russianstar but never proven. He put forth zero evidence. It is possible that S-4 itself is responsible for the vision side effects. Which to me is an even bigger red flag to avoid S-4.


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Actually, since they never addressed the cause of vision issues in any studies, the quote regarding the M1 metabolite causing the side effects was originally stated by Russianstar but never proven. He put forth zero evidence. It is possible that S-4 itself is responsible for the vision side effects. Which to me is an even bigger red flag to avoid S-4.
Appreciate the education, repped
muay thai

muay thai


on my second bottle of rad 3 caps per day
this is is about 1 mo , i went from eating fast food 2x per day to dieting and doing cardio everyday (mostly fasted)
I have blew up and got shredded down a million times I seem to do this every summer, well this time im staying shredded and doing a show!

5"9 210lbs first pic
195 second pic

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