SARM's, MK, & GW : A User's Guide



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on my second bottle of rad 3 caps per day
this is is about 1 mo , i went from eating fast food 2x per day to dieting and doing cardio everyday (mostly fasted)
I have blew up and got shredded down a million times I seem to do this every summer, well this time im staying shredded and doing a show!
That is a big transformation! Very impressive for such a short amount of time


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View attachment 123361
on my second bottle of rad 3 caps per day
this is is about 1 mo , i went from eating fast food 2x per day to dieting and doing cardio everyday (mostly fasted)
I have blew up and got shredded down a million times I seem to do this every summer, well this time im staying shredded and doing a show!

5"9 210lbs first pic
195 second pic
Awesome results man!


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Appreciate the education, repped
Always a class act, yates84 It's great to work with guys who embrace discussion and learning, no joke, the whole Olympus UK crew.

View attachment 123361
on my second bottle of rad 3 caps per day
this is is about 1 mo , i went from eating fast food 2x per day to dieting and doing cardio everyday (mostly fasted)
I have blew up and got shredded down a million times I seem to do this every summer, well this time im staying shredded and doing a show!

5"9 210lbs first pic
195 second pic
You look like a damn beast! Very nice! And those tats, man.


yates84 following phat as written or make any adjustments to it? My buddy ran phat but never did the speed work.


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yates84 following phat as written or make any adjustments to it? My buddy ran phat but never did the speed work.
I love the speed work! I make minor adjustments to the program but mostly follow it to a "t"


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You are getting ripped on your GW prices, Olympus UK offers it at a fraction of that cost. And no, eye supplements have zero effect on S-4, it either affects vision or it doesn't. People have reported trying many different types of vision support supplements, with none of them affecting the side effects S-4 induces if you are prone to them.
I'm in Australia. It's 50/50 importing them here, so if someone has and is selling you gotta pay the mark up. Take note our dollar is currently. 68-.72US and postage is a killer as-well.

Google "Layne Norton PHAT"


PHAT is fun, just needs progression set for strength days imo. I don't like auto regulation on the big lifts lol

Sidenote, I have a bottle of LGD at home.. better to stack either gw or rad ? Goals will still be size when I begin the cycle down the road.. and dosage suggestions? (Rather it be longer than 4 weeks, with just 1 bottle of each.. it be my 3rd "cycle" ever.. other 2 involved a1m) thanks!


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View attachment 123361
on my second bottle of rad 3 caps per day
this is is about 1 mo , i went from eating fast food 2x per day to dieting and doing cardio everyday (mostly fasted)
I have blew up and got shredded down a million times I seem to do this every summer, well this time im staying shredded and doing a show!

5"9 210lbs first pic
195 second pic
Very impressive but didn't you say you were on a cocktail of different aas?


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Not trying to discredit your hard work by any means, just wondering if the only addition to your stack was the rad


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I'm in Australia. It's 50/50 importing them here, so if someone has and is selling you gotta pay the mark up. Take note our dollar is currently. 68-.72US and postage is a killer as-well.
That's too bad, man. That's quite the mark up to pay. :/

PHAT is fun, just needs progression set for strength days imo. I don't like auto regulation on the big lifts lol

Sidenote, I have a bottle of LGD at home.. better to stack either gw or rad ? Goals will still be size when I begin the cycle down the road.. and dosage suggestions? (Rather it be longer than 4 weeks, with just 1 bottle of each.. it be my 3rd "cycle" ever.. other 2 involved a1m) thanks!
If size is your goal, stack with Rad. You want a cycle with dosage suggestions, and would prefer if the cycle is longer than 4 weeks with just 1 bottle each? Try this:

-Olympus UK Radar1ne (1 Bottle, 90 caps, 4mg per cap)
-Olympus UK Legend (1 Bottle, 90 caps, 4mg per cap)

~6-Week Radar1ne/Legend Cycle:
-Radar1ne ---- 4/4/8/8/12/12 (in mg/day)
-Legend ------- 4/4/8/8/12/12 (in mg/day)

That dosing only uses 84 of the 90 caps in each bottle, keeping it to just one bottle needed of each for this 6-week cycle. You could add the 6 left over caps from each bottle into week 2 and bump most of the days up from 4mg to 8mg. That's what I would do.


Thanks, was considering starting one bottle, then overlap 2 weeks later with the other. . Extending it to 8 weeks


Well-known member
Thanks, was considering starting one bottle, then overlap 2 weeks later with the other. . Extending it to 8 weeks
No problem, buddy. You can definitely do that. If you do, start the Rad two weeks early and let it finish while you have 2 weeks left of LGD.


Well-known member
It would look like this:

~8-Week Radar1ne/Legend Cycle:
-Radar1ne ---- 4/4/8/8/12/12/0/0 (in mg/day)
-Legend ------- 0/0/4/4/8/8/12/12 (in mg/day)


No problem, buddy. You can definitely do that. If you do, start the Rad two weeks early and let it finish while you have 2 weeks left of LGD.
Easy enough, thanks! I have other goodies but this seems like a simple stack with pct.


Well-known member
Easy enough, thanks! I have other goodies but this seems like a simple stack with pct.
Anytime, man. You need any help in the future, feel free to PM me! It's a pretty straight forward stack, as long as you have a solid PCT, it should treat you well. Judging by the logs on Rad and LGD, you could potentially gain 10-15lbs or more depending on your training and diet with this stack.


That'd be awesome, it'll be around December and 3 weeks of it I'll be on vacation, eat and train either continue 531 bbb or run phat... shall see


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Glad to see PHAT getting some love. Started the program about 2 months ago and I am loving it


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That'd be awesome, it'll be around December and 3 weeks of it I'll be on vacation, eat and train either continue 531 bbb or run phat... shall see
My next cycle will be in December as well! Thinking about running a stack that I suspect will get a lot of criticism. Obviously it's hypothetical at the moment, but I'm seriously considering it:

-Olympus UK Ostar1ne (1 Bottle, 360 caps, 5mg per cap)
-Olympus UK Legend (1 Bottle, 90 caps, 4mg per cap)
-Olympus UK Radar1ne (1 Bottle, 90 caps, 4mg per cap)
-Olympus UK DermaTrest (1 Bottle, 120 servings, 25mg per serving)

~6-Week/42 Day Ostar1ne/Legend/Radar1ne/Trest Cycle:
-Ostar1ne ------ 30/30/30/30/30/30 (in mg/day) {Only uses 252 of the 360 caps}
-Legend ---------- 4/4/8/8/12/12 (in mg/day) {Only uses 84 of the 90 caps}
-Radar1ne ------- 4/4/8/8/12/12 (in mg/day) {Only uses 84 of the 90 caps}
-DermaTrest -- 50/50/75/75/75/75 (in mg/day) {Only uses 112 of the 120 servings}


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My next cycle will be in December as well! Thinking about running a stack that I suspect will get a lot of criticism. Obviously it's hypothetical at the moment, but I'm seriously considering it:

-Olympus UK Ostar1ne (1 Bottle, 360 caps, 5mg per cap)
-Olympus UK Legend (1 Bottle, 90 caps, 4mg per cap)
-Olympus UK Radar1ne (1 Bottle, 90 caps, 4mg per cap)
-Olympus UK DermaTrest (1 Bottle, 120 servings, 25mg per serving)

~6-Week/42 Day Ostar1ne/Legend/Radar1ne/Trest Cycle:
-Ostar1ne ------ 30/30/30/30/30/30 (in mg/day) {Only uses 252 of the 360 caps}
-Legend ---------- 4/4/8/8/12/12 (in mg/day) {Only uses 84 of the 90 caps}
-Radar1ne ------- 4/4/8/8/12/12 (in mg/day) {Only uses 84 of the 90 caps}
-DermaTrest -- 50/50/75/75/75/75 (in mg/day) {Only uses 112 of the 120 servings}
Wow. You better log it bro


Well-known member
Wow. You better log it bro
Yeah, dude! I let this Rad cycle log slip through my fingers, between work and repping, but I think I'll have a decent grasp on things by December to run a log. I'm looking forward to a cycle like this, I plan to prove these SARMs are additive/synergistic and not competitive.


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Yeah, dude! I let this Rad cycle log slip through my fingers, between work and repping, but I think I'll have a decent grasp on things by December to run a log. I'm looking forward to a cycle like this, I plan to prove these SARMs are additive/synergistic and not competitive.
I hope you're right!


Active member
Anyone have any opinions on stack Osta with Halo?? Around 10% BF now,, want to gain as much as I can while maintaining or even lowering that, was hoping Osta would help that. Any help appreciated ????


Well-known member
I hope you're right!
I'm willing to bet my androgen receptors on it. :p Actually, considering androgen receptor saturation doesn't seem to occur until incredibly high dosages of AR agonists, something like 3g of Test by itself, this cycle wouldn't be close to saturating. So competition would be a rather pointless thing to worry about, there are plenty of receptors available to bind to. Now, just how additive or synergistic these SARMs are, that's the big question in my mind.


Well-known member
Anyone have any opinions on stack Osta with Halo?? Around 10% BF now,, want to gain as much as I can while maintaining or even lowering that, was hoping Osta would help that. Any help appreciated ��������
Stacking Halo with Rad, definitely seeing synergy. I think SARMS+PH/DS have fantastic potential for synergy. Considering both Ostarine and Halodrol don't aromatize, and won't increase water retention or cause bloating as neither are prone to estrogenic side effects, you should see decent gains while lowering your bodyfat percentage. So for recomping, I would definitely recommend it.


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Thanks for the info dude,, do you rekon it would do as good a job if I was eating purely for size??


Well-known member
Thanks for the info dude,, do you rekon it would do as good a job if I was eating purely for size??
No problem, bro! No, it would not do as good of a job for recomping if you ate for size, as they implies eating a surplus and not at maintenance or in a deficit. Ostarine and Halodrol can preferentially shift nutrients towards muscle and away from fat, but don't get me wrong, you can out-eat almost any compound and put on fat. I say almost because we aren't talking Tren here, haha.


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Haha maybe after this cycle :p I've got a lot of good info on halo cycles from some good guys here lately so that's what was edging me towards that. Figured osta would compliment it and help cut fat but my goal is really size. Anything you'd recommend checking out instead??


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Bridge osta into a halo cycle. Cut on the osta then bulk on the halo.


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Honestly, I think Halodrol is amazing. I wish it was still on the market, because that by itself is a fantastic compound. As for Ostarine, it has it's place. I think it compliments Halodrol well, if we are talking about a cutting/recomping oriented cycle. However, you could use LGD or RAD in Ostarine's place and possibly add a bit more muscle. The cutting/recomping really comes down to diet and exercise. I think what you'll see a lot of well-versed guys say about steroids applies to SARMs, there is no 'cutting' or 'bulking' compound, the mechanisms by which they work could be used for either purpose, it's dependent on your diet and exercise. I've recomped on Rad, and it's more of a bulker like LGD is.


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Bridge osta into a halo cycle. Cut on the osta then bulk on the halo.
And you could do this as well. There's a lot of way to run it. Which is what is fantastic about the versatility of SARMs.


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Thanks for the replies guys. Maim concern is bulking and gaining bodyfat. Killed myself to get down to just below/around 10% don't want to go up any bulking if I can help it (vain I know :p) I'm open to suggestions on this if anyone has any. Least I know I'm on the right track with stacking SARMS and PH's!! Gonna check out LGD, heard some good things about it round here. Thanks again!


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies guys. Maim concern is bulking and gaining bodyfat. Killed myself to get down to just below/around 10% don't want to go up any bulking if I can help it (vain I know :p) I'm open to suggestions on this if anyone has any. Least I know I'm on the right track with stacking SARMS and PH's!! Gonna check out LGD, heard some good things about it round here. Thanks again!
Hey, anytime dude! And I understand how you feel about bulking, I'm not the type to bulk, I only cut or recomp. Just realize bulking SARMs are only titles, you are no more prone to gaining fat on Rad or LGD than you are on Ostarine, they all work by the same mechanisms. You just see people eating surpluses on Rad and LGD and people eating at maintenance or in deficits with Ostarine.


Active member
Interesting. I was set on a halo cycle but leaning towards LGD now as it's less supressive. Thinkin of stacking with Cardarine for serious endurance boosts too - would proble help with fast loss at the same time. I've put on a small amount of size in the past 2 months eating just below maintainance so I'm thinkin I might eat just or slightly above and not go nuts like some lads do,, I seem to work well at low kcals anyway. Have you put on much size over your course of recomp/cuts??


Well-known member
Interesting. I was set on a halo cycle but leaning towards LGD now as it's less supressive. Thinkin of stacking with Cardarine for serious endurance boosts too - would proble help with fast loss at the same time. I've put on a small amount of size in the past 2 months eating just below maintainance so I'm thinkin I might eat just or slightly above and not go nuts like some lads do,, I seem to work well at low kcals anyway. Have you put on much size over your course of recomp/cuts??
LGD is by far more suppressive than Ostarine, but Halodrol will have you suppressed anyways since it's actually a PH/DS, so the point kind of becomes meaningless to worry about. Cardarine may help with fat loss and endurance, it depends on diet and training style honestly. I've put on 12-15lbs on RAD/Halo in the last 5-6 weeks eating at maintenance and have seen a lot more definition on my midsection.


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Ok well I'm def gonna follow my gut and eat pretty much the same way I have been as it sounds like you and I have similar metabolisms in that we can both gain size will eating maintainance. So you have no preference over LGD or Halo?? So assuming everything is in check and I'm training and eating right is there any benefit in stacking LGD/Carda over Halo/Carda. Or is RAD/Halo better than both again??


Well-known member
Ok well I'm def gonna follow my gut and eat pretty much the same way I have been as it sounds like you and I have similar metabolisms in that we can both gain size will eating maintainance. So you have no preference over LGD or Halo?? So assuming everything is in check and I'm training and eating right is there any benefit in stacking LGD/Carda over Halo/Carda. Or is RAD/Halo better than both again??
Wait, you've changed things here. I'd prefer LGD over Ostarine, but they're both SARMs. If you have Halodrol, use that, it's superior to all the SARMs currently available in my opinion, but it IS an PH/DS. And WILL require liver support. I'm not sure when you changed from Ostarine/Halodrol to LGD over Halodrol, but if it was myself, I'd go Halodrol/Radar1ne. You can cut/recomp on it, as long as you eat and train to cut/recomp. It will not put on fat if you do not eat an excess of calories.


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Ok thanks for the advice dude if I p.m you could you help me run through some of the finer details? I had a Halo cycle set up already so just want to see if I could literally add RAD to it or if you think I'll need anything else with it?? Or if there's any advice you could give me on it. Thanks


Active member
Would it be worth a shot running RAD standalone?? Or would stacking it with Halo def be the better option?? Sorry for all the questions!!


Now with a rad and lgd cycle, would you really need 4 weeks of serm, like tamoxifen at 20/20/10/10 or can do less weeks?


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Now with a rad and lgd cycle, would you really need 4 weeks of serm, like tamoxifen at 20/20/10/10 or can do less weeks?
3 weeks should be sufficient at 20/10/10. An extra week will never hurt though


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3 weeks should be sufficient at 20/10/10. An extra week will never hurt though
I vote the extra week why not I'm sure you'll have enough in your bottle. And honestly when I did pct I preferred a new bottle each pct I didn't like to save leftover


Well-known member
View attachment 123361
on my second bottle of rad 3 caps per day
this is is about 1 mo , i went from eating fast food 2x per day to dieting and doing cardio everyday (mostly fasted)
I have blew up and got shredded down a million times I seem to do this every summer, well this time im staying shredded and doing a show!

5"9 210lbs first pic
195 second pic
Looking good man!
muay thai

muay thai

Not trying to discredit your hard work by any means, just wondering if the only addition to your stack was the rad
yes sir absolutely, I am transparent.
Something like
test enan 250mg ew, triumph, exemestane, cardarine, RAD, and gharine 10mg at night
It is impossible to pinpoint which is doing what.
and in NO way am I attributing these results to RAD. In fact, still not sure if I have noticed anything besides increased liposis . I just started second bottle. Since I am cutting, muscle density and everything always increases ( i do this every summer ). Im used to this so its hard to say brother


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yes sir absolutely, I am transparent.
Something like
test enan 250mg ew, triumph, exemestane, cardarine, RAD, and gharine 10mg at night
It is impossible to pinpoint which is doing what.
and in NO way am I attributing these results to RAD. In fact, still not sure if I have noticed anything besides increased liposis . I just started second bottle. Since I am cutting, muscle density and everything always increases ( i do this every summer ). Im used to this so its hard to say brother
Pics look good I know the feeling of blowing up and cutting don't want to derail thread but wondering what camp your from I'm fairtex bred ground started with Charles than Cesar.


Well-known member
Ok thanks for the advice dude if I p.m you could you help me run through some of the finer details? I had a Halo cycle set up already so just want to see if I could literally add RAD to it or if you think I'll need anything else with it?? Or if there's any advice you could give me on it. Thanks
Asking your questions here is just fine, it gives others an opportunity to chime in, and to learn as well. There are many finer details to running a cycle, my friend. Yes, you can literally add Rad to a cycle, if you are asking that you may not have a good grasp on what it is or what SARMs are. Adding a SARM to a PH/DS cycle is relatively risk-free, in comparison to what it means to run a PH/DS in the first place. You seem to think they stand on equal footing, and that is not the case. A SARM is less side-effect prone than a PH/DS. And also more mild in it's results, typically. Though not always.

Would it be worth a shot running RAD standalone?? Or would stacking it with Halo def be the better option?? Sorry for all the questions!!
All the questions are fine, no problem! Halo is definitely the better option IF you are comparing it to Rad as far as ability to gain strength, gain lean muscle mass, burn fat. That being said, it requires liver support, and is more suppressive than Rad. Everything has it's trade-offs. Perhaps you want to think this over more before jumping into it, it's highly recommended to research each compound you are going to use in a cycle before you use it. We can answer questions, but there is a lot that needs to be understood to use these compounds safely and responsibly. Each compound has its own set of risks. And then there is on cycle support, post cycle therapy, time off after post cycle therapy before running another cycle. That entails liver support, lipid support, prostate support, blood pressure support, risk of hair loss, risk of body hair growth, low libido, lethargy, suppression/shutdown of the HPTA (endogenous testosterone production)... The list goes on.

All Creation

New member
So Ostarine and RAD do not aromatize? And does an OTC PCT like Rebirth or Sup3r PCT suffice for Osta?

And if a compound does not aromatize, that doesn't mean it can't still cause estrogen rebound, after or during PCT, right?

Also, does RAD's property of reducing Test sides extend to DHT and compounds like Epiandro? Likewise, would it reduce any negative sides associated with 1-andro?


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Asking your questions here is just fine, it gives others an opportunity to chime in, and to learn as well. There are many finer details to running a cycle, my friend. Yes, you can literally add Rad to a cycle, if you are asking that you may not have a good grasp on what it is or what SARMs are. Adding a SARM to a PH/DS cycle is relatively risk-free, in comparison to what it means to run a PH/DS in the first place. You seem to think they stand on equal footing, and that is not the case. A SARM is less side-effect prone than a PH/DS. And also more mild in it's results, typically. Though not always.

All the questions are fine, no problem! Halo is definitely the better option IF you are comparing it to Rad as far as ability to gain strength, gain lean muscle mass, burn fat. That being said, it requires liver support, and is more suppressive than Rad. Everything has it's trade-offs. Perhaps you want to think this over more before jumping into it, it's highly recommended to research each compound you are going to use in a cycle before you use it. We can answer questions, but there is a lot that needs to be understood to use these compounds safely and responsibly. Each compound has its own set of risks. And then there is on cycle support, post cycle therapy, time off after post cycle therapy before running another cycle. That entails liver support, lipid support, prostate support, blood pressure support, risk of hair loss, risk of body hair growth, low libido, lethargy, suppression/shutdown of the HPTA (endogenous testosterone production)... The list goes on.
Had a big reply written out and my phone felted it without sending :/ in truth I don't know a lot about SARM'S but there's a wealth of knowledge and knowledable guys on here dying to share. Plan on doing a lot of research on any compound before running it. I ran a PH cycle last year, made decent gains but messed pct so it became more about learning than gaining in the long run. I have a complete halo cycle done out including support and pct supps and I'm clear on the compound and all that comes with it. The idea of stacking it with a sarm really appeals to me now. I guess what I really want to know is; for the goals I have which compound/stack would you recommend or go for yourself?? From a purely results based point of view, supressiveness/sides etc aside, which do you think is the best option?? That's ks for all the help again dude and hopefully some new guys do benefit from all this!!!


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So Ostarine and RAD do not aromatize? And does an OTC PCT like Rebirth or Sup3r PCT suffice for Osta?

And if a compound does not aromatize, that doesn't mean it can't still cause estrogen rebound, after or during PCT, right?

Also, does RAD's property of reducing Test sides extend to DHT and compounds like Epiandro? Likewise, would it reduce any negative sides associated with 1-andro?
Neither one aromatize but both could potentially cause estrogen sides. Always have an ai on hand when using anything hormonal. A serm is also necessary for pct imo. A serm will make recovery easier and help you keep gains. Who wants to possibly screw up their gains? Not me!

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