S-mont logs Ultimate R Andro

I tried soooo hard to flex my tricep and I couldn't because the pump was insane for some reason today. And I got 315x6 on flat bench. I almost wrecked it after the 5th and someone said one more who I didn't even know was standing there watching and I ended up squeezing out one more with no spot.Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed

I haven't measured but I've had a few ppl tell me my arms have gotten significantly bigger since my diet ended last month. 1 was 196.0 this morning
Tomorrow when I don't have a pump il take another triceps picture. The horseshoe is visible now but I need to be able to flex it lol
I tried soooo hard to flex my tricep and I couldn't because the pump was insane for some reason today. And I got 315x6 on flat bench. I almost wrecked it after the 5th and someone said one more who I didn't even know was standing there watching and I ended up squeezing out one more with no spot.Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed

I haven't measured but I've had a few ppl tell me my arms have gotten significantly bigger since my diet ended last month. 1 was 196.0 this morning
Looks like your bench is definitely going back up.👍
Looks like your bench is definitely going back up.👍
Right before I was about to attempt 315 for 5 the perfect storm happened. Some big mofo started doing inclines next to me with 275, and on the other side 2 girls who I'm gonna guess we're early 20's started in the other rack. So I knew I was getting 5 because I wasn't going to let that weight come down on me and look stupid. Then right before I unwracked it a song I really like came on and I got the first five fairly easy and then someone said six and I squeezed out that last one.

Had elbow sleeves on too.

Best part is I had zero shoulder pain today. Il do pull with deadlifts on Wednesday and next Saturday I'm gonna try 325x3 if I'm feeling good.

If everything is firing correct again il probably get into a little bench press peaking program.

Also to be fair I went back on my trt 150mg testosterone cyp but I was always on it in the past and 315x6 is definitely a PR @ under 200lbs weather I was on cycle or cruising/trt.

So I'm giving some credit to the product. I'm gonna point my finger at androsterone but it could be a combined effort of all the ingredients and my somewhat rebound phase. 💪
I worked for myself as a painter for like 13 years, still do on the side. The job I'm on right now is my first job as a pile driver and I haven't done a job in the Carpenters Union in like 16 years so whatever that company is I probably didn't work for it lol
Ah I gotcha, I work for Whiting Turner. They’re not so well known out here in the central US where I’m located, but we are very heavy in the East so I imagine you’ve atleast seen a nice orange and white WT sign somewhere. Lol
Ah I gotcha, I work for Whiting Turner. They’re not so well known out here in the central US where I’m located, but we are very heavy in the East so I imagine you’ve atleast seen a nice orange and white WT sign somewhere. Lol
I've seen them before (white sign with a orange WT) but honestly not many times. I also don't pay a lot of attention tho lol
I've seen them before (white sign with a orange WT) but honestly not many times. I also don't pay a lot of attention tho lol
Most people don't lol, I didn't realize you hadn't done pile driving for too long yet. We do mainly larger commercial stuff, started in Baltimore and are now a $9 billion company. I'm a superintendent for them here in the central US and have been traveling around the last few years so I fully understand the life you have for work. I'm not gonna act like I do any of the work, but I see it. Guys working 12 hour days because they're behind schedule so we have to have them work OT, driving 1.5 hours each way.

Most supers are not like your typical old school kind now who are just total dicks (atleast not in WT), so just know they totally understand the sacrifices you all make and that none of it would happen without you. That stuffs not easy in any aspect.
Most people don't lol, I didn't realize you hadn't done pile driving for too long yet. We do mainly larger commercial stuff, started in Baltimore and are now a $9 billion company. I'm a superintendent for them here in the central US and have been traveling around the last few years so I fully understand the life you have for work. I'm not gonna act like I do any of the work, but I see it. Guys working 12 hour days because they're behind schedule so we have to have them work OT, driving 1.5 hours each way.

Most supers are not like your typical old school kind now who are just total dicks (atleast not in WT), so just know they totally understand the sacrifices you all make and that none of it would happen without you. That stuffs not easy in any aspect.
Ya lots of fukin driving, 10hr work days and about 2-3 hrs driving seems typical

The company Im with is very small so they took me on with intensions to train me. But I just got thrown into the mix lol
I have seen many reviews from Amazon saying that 7-keto increases nightmares. I'm dubious about their experiences, so I would like to ask how you feel as a user?
I have seen many reviews from Amazon saying that 7-keto increases nightmares. I'm dubious about their experiences, so I would like to ask how you feel as a user?
Just chiming in, been through 1.5 tubes of Iconic Formulations Alpha 7-Keto TD product, no such issues w/nightmares? Just a nice thermogenic effect, bit of sweat when paired with the Ultra Hard (epiandro) product.
I have seen many reviews from Amazon saying that 7-keto increases nightmares. I'm dubious about their experiences, so I would like to ask how you feel as a user?
Nope, I dream a lot too but I rarely have nightmares and I can't recall any as of lately
Today was just boxing for cardio. Couple drills and a couple rounds on the bag. 40min total

Still solid training bro. Hitting the bag always feels good. Keep it up!
The one thing I do truly enjoy the most for Cardio is Heavy Bag work, punching and kicking. Oh, and riding bikes on trails with my Grandson.
The one thing I do truly enjoy the most for Cardio is Heavy Bag work, punching and kicking. Oh, and riding bikes on trails with my Grandson.
I wish I had more free time right now because that is also something I like doing, also I like going hiking, not really cardio but I just like doing it
I wish I had more free time right now because that is also something I like doing, also I like going hiking, not really cardio but I just like doing it

Same here. Although I call it cardio and then I kill two birds with one stone. Fun hiking and burning calories :)
Same here. Although I call it cardio and then I kill two birds with one stone. Fun hiking and burning calories :)
My opinion, cardio is short for cardiovascular. So while I would consider hiking exercise and definitely burning calories I don't count it as cardio. For me cardio=elevated heart rate, hard to breathe, good amount of sweating.
When I go hiking it's mostly just walking and site seeing. I might occasionally have to hike up something challenging but overall it's a relaxing thing for me.

I know a million ppl will disagree with me and that's fine, that's why I said my opinion in the beginning because this is my personal opinion. I just needed to draw a line somewhere.

Like if walking on a treadmill is cardio, then is grocery shopping cardio? Or right now I'm walking down my stairs to my truck, is this cardio? They both involve the same effort as walking on the treadmill lol
Also I'm 198 today, didn't eat anything bad yesterday I'm really confused on how I gained 2 lbs lol. I'm wondering if all that walking around this weekend at the amusement park had me dehydrated and now I'm rehydrated but 🤷
Also I'm 198 today, didn't eat anything bad yesterday I'm really confused on how I gained 2 lbs lol. I'm wondering if all that walking around this weekend at the amusement park had me dehydrated and now I'm rehydrated but 🤷
Maybe it was the two pounds of ice cream and chocolate, it just took a little time to get settled in! 😉🤣🤣🤣
My opinion, cardio is short for cardiovascular. So while I would consider hiking exercise and definitely burning calories I don't count it as cardio. For me cardio=elevated heart rate, hard to breathe, good amount of sweating.
When I go hiking it's mostly just walking and site seeing. I might occasionally have to hike up something challenging but overall it's a relaxing thing for me.

I know a million ppl will disagree with me and that's fine, that's why I said my opinion in the beginning because this is my personal opinion. I just needed to draw a line somewhere.

Like if walking on a treadmill is cardio, then is grocery shopping cardio? Or right now I'm walking down my stairs to my truck, is this cardio? They both involve the same effort as walking on the treadmill lol
I think this is accurate, a long while back cardio and aerobic activity somehow got intertwined. Cardio is more of the catch all for a lot of people. When I am trying to lean up I will take long walks, and that is more aerobic than cardio, if it would even qualify as aerobic. You need to have a good increase in oxygen needs for it to even be considered aerobic and living in Houston with flat land it is hard to g. However as mentioned you can burn a lot of calories walking for hours at a relatively relaxed pace like hiking. That being said if you are putting in the same effort on the treadmill as shopping then you are doing it wrong. LMAO. Crank that incline up and get that heart rate up. I can maintain 155-160BPM walking an incline on the treadmill.

Then again with your recent training your heart is probably in a lot better shape so getting a high BPM from uphill walking is probably more of a challenge for you.
Okay someone threw a wrench in my plans again, just left work and I was heading to the boxing gym I was going to do weighted Pull-Ups, heavy cheat rows, some deadlifts and hammer curls. Then I was going to finish it up with some heavy bag work and maybe some forearm stuff if I had time but there's some strength and conditioning class going on at the boxing gym today and they're using the weight area and I don't really want any part of it LOL. The way they run there straighten conditioning class is not how I like to do things at all.

So I'm going to a different gym and I'm going to freestyle a pull workout with some hamstrings thrown in
Okay someone threw a wrench in my plans again, just left work and I was heading to the boxing gym I was going to do weighted Pull-Ups, heavy cheat rows, some deadlifts and hammer curls. Then I was going to finish it up with some heavy bag work and maybe some forearm stuff if I had time but there's some strength and conditioning class going on at the boxing gym today and they're using the weight area and I don't really want any part of it LOL. The way they run there straighten conditioning class is not how I like to do things at all.

So I'm going to a different gym and I'm going to freestyle a pull workout with some hamstrings thrown in

I hate when **** like that happens to me. But you seem to do a damn good job at adjusting on the fly. Good for you bro!

Also, has the R Andro boosted your libido at all?
I hate when **** like that happens to me. But you seem to do a damn good job at adjusting on the fly. Good for you bro!

Also, has the R Andro boosted your libido at all?
Nope, no boost in libido but I've said it before, I'm horny all the fukin time already so nothing ever seems to boost my libido lol, nor do I want it to. I already get my girl turning me down because I wanna do it too often 😂🤷
I didn't really track today's workout because I couldn't get into it.

50 total pull ups with various grips and short rest periods. Then there were people using that rear delt fly machine so I did some bent over rear delt flies with a cable machine but the cables kept crossing and catching buckles and it made it awkward. But I did some seated hamstring curls and I stopped after three sets because the machine was digging into my thighs it was very uncomfortable and painful and not in a good way. After that I super set some pinwheel curls with side laterals for one set, then alternating dumbbell curls with side laterals for two sets and then I burned out with front hammer curls and front laterals superset.

That I left the gym and went for a 20 walk by the library pond looking for frogs and turtles because I'm still like 12 on the inside when it comes to animals lol
I also did 10.5hours today and it was 90+ degrees so that didn't help.

I also started supplementing with creatine sunday after not using it for the past few months so I forgot about that and that's probably where that extra couple lbs magically came from, water weight
Nope, no boost in libido but I've said it before, I'm horny all the fukin time already so nothing ever seems to boost my libido lol, nor do I want it to. I already get my girl turning me down because I wanna do it too often 🤷

Yeah I thought I remember you making a post in a thread somewhere about your libido. I’m usually like that but sometimes it kinda crashes. It would be nice to have something to ramp it up when needed.
My opinion, cardio is short for cardiovascular. So while I would consider hiking exercise and definitely burning calories I don't count it as cardio. For me cardio=elevated heart rate, hard to breathe, good amount of sweating.
When I go hiking it's mostly just walking and site seeing. I might occasionally have to hike up something challenging but overall it's a relaxing thing for me.

I know a million ppl will disagree with me and that's fine, that's why I said my opinion in the beginning because this is my personal opinion. I just needed to draw a line somewhere.

Like if walking on a treadmill is cardio, then is grocery shopping cardio? Or right now I'm walking down my stairs to my truck, is this cardio? They both involve the same effort as walking on the treadmill lol

I would agree as well. There's burning calories by activity and then there's cardio for cardiovascular health which would need to put your bpm above a certain threshold for a period of time to be considered cardio.

Maybe your grocery shopping is intense ;)
I would agree as well. There's burning calories by activity and then there's cardio for cardiovascular health which would need to put your bpm above a certain threshold for a period of time to be considered cardio.

Maybe your grocery shopping is intense ;)

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7 days left if you count today

Here's a partial summary of what I've experienced.

Body composition - changes were very reflective of diet. But even in a surplus I seem to be maintaining a positive body composition.

Strength gains have been very noticeable. I've regained all lost strength and have started making new strength gains

Zero side effects. Other then the things I've listed I wouldn't know I was on anything and that's also the normal for me. 99% of the time I have to base my results off what I see in the mirror and with the numbers in the log book reflect because I rarely "feel" changes in anything.

Any questions?
It looks like it's been a great run for you as well!! I'm feeling pretty much the same as you in all those areas.
It looks like it's been a great run for you as well!! I'm feeling pretty much the same as you in all those areas.
Only thing now is I'm debating on maybe taking 2-3 weeks off and then starting again but 1.5-2x the dose. Or repeat the same thing with more androsterone on the side
7 days left if you count today

Here's a partial summary of what I've experienced.

Body composition - changes were very reflective of diet. But even in a surplus I seem to be maintaining a positive body composition.

Strength gains have been very noticeable. I've regained all lost strength and have started making new strength gains

Zero side effects. Other then the things I've listed I wouldn't know I was on anything and that's also the normal for me. 99% of the time I have to base my results off what I see in the mirror and with the numbers in the log book reflect because I rarely "feel" changes in anything.

Any questions?
Did you stay at the recommended dose on the bottle the whole time?
Taking a rest day guys, I'm a little burnt out feeling and I caught myself nodding off at the wheel driving home. I'll pick it back up tomorrow finish off these last couple days strong and then I think I'm about ready for a deload or something along those lines
Taking a rest day guys, I'm a little burnt out feeling and I caught myself nodding off at the wheel driving home. I'll pick it back up tomorrow finish off these last couple days strong and then I think I'm about ready for a deload or something along those lines

Definitely get your rest bro. Log has been great. Looking forward to the finish
Do you think the nod off was due to being exhausted or your blood sugar dipping a little?
Normally I just roll down the window and start focusing on what I'm going to do at the gym and I'm good but today it was head nods and I was legit falling asleep. I'm averaging 5 hours a night. It's literally not possible for me to get any more then 5 on the days I work out and only 6.5 on the days I take off from the gym.

I try to take some extra naps on the weekends. After dinner while I'm getting my stuff for the flowing day together sometimes il take a nap but then I'm up at midnight so I try not to

No way around it unless I stop meal prepping and packing my days food and don't shower after the gym lol. Or I skip dinner with my family and go straight to bed.

Really, no way around it
Yeah you have a hectic schedule for sure, I can understand you being exhausted. Hope you get an opportunity to get some rest soon!
Good log, and review so far…..looks like the Ultimate R Andro has been doing its thang.
I would be interested if you do another run, at a higher dose, to see if you notice any differences.
Being tired, it's happened on the ride home from work everyday this week

That's the worst. I use to do this at a stop light that took forever and was always back up. I'd nod off and then whoever honked behind me woke me up. :LOL:
I didn't really track today's workout because I couldn't get into it.

50 total pull ups with various grips and short rest periods. Then there were people using that rear delt fly machine so I did some bent over rear delt flies with a cable machine but the cables kept crossing and catching buckles and it made it awkward. But I did some seated hamstring curls and I stopped after three sets because the machine was digging into my thighs it was very uncomfortable and painful and not in a good way. After that I super set some pinwheel curls with side laterals for one set, then alternating dumbbell curls with side laterals for two sets and then I burned out with front hammer curls and front laterals superset.

That I left the gym and went for a 20 walk by the library pond looking for frogs and turtles because I'm still like 12 on the inside when it comes to animals lol

Do you Eat them ?
Good log, and review so far…..looks like the Ultimate R Andro has been doing its thang.
I would be interested if you do another run, at a higher dose, to see if you notice any differences.
More androsterone should definitely make a difference and if we can get the ara higher to where it's causing the soreness for me I would have to assume that's going to aid in more muscle growth, at least to a small degree.

After a little deload I gotta see what's coming up in the next few months for me and make a decision. I also will probably need to do a mini cut or something soon to stay under 200lbs because I'm right about there
That's the worst. I use to do this at a stop light that took forever and was always back up. I'd nod off and then whoever honked behind me woke me up. :LOL:
Falling asleep while driving is the worst feeling for me. I start to feel almost physical pain when I'm that tired and have to drive. I try to avoid it at all costs.

At this point, long distance driving (anything 45 minutes or more) now is just brutal for me. My glutes are always sore and they start screaming at me if I sit for that long or longer without a solid break.

I hope you figure out a solution to the sleep thing, 5 hours a night ain't enough for a growing boy! 😉