S-mont logs Ultimate R Andro


I was selected to log this product and @LeanEngineer and @Afi140 sent me a bottle and some other goodies too.Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed

I'm fighting off a little cold or sinus infection or something but I'm hoping to start tomorrow.

Lost about 5lbs in the past 3 days from being sick so at first I will probably gain a few lbs but overall this log will take place with a tiny caloric deficit, 4-5 days of cardio via boxing, grappling and circuit training.

Then 3-4 days a week I also will be doing a full body workout each one will have a different focus but there all very close to full body.

I also throw in some extra pull ups, abs, tire flips, neck work ect on my boxing days.

Monday Wednesday Friday are typically 2 a day training, Tuesday and Thursday are typically cardio only and sometimes I will get a extra weight lifting workout in on the weekends.

I'm slightly deflated looking from being sick compared to my avatar which was only 2 weeks ago but that will change as soon as I get some food in and rehydrate. Will post pictures every Sunday and update the log 5-7 times a week.

Even if I'm not 100% tomorrow il probably go get at least my weight training done
I like to also track my food so il post my meals but there pretty much the same most of the time. I'm basically tracking my protein and total calories and because I typically work out at 4pm and 830pm I most of the time will eat the bulk of my carbs later in the day.

5-6meal per day every day
The reason it's 5 or 6 is because sometimes Im in a crunch and will combine 2 meals or I will skip a meal in order to have a dessert later that day. I know that's not optimal for bodybuilding but when your boxing and grappling on top of weight training there is a decent amount you can get away with on cheat meals untill it's crunch time.

Typical day will be

Meal 1 - 4 whole eggs, 1 serving deli ham, 1 slice cheddar cheese, possibly some veggies and a little ketchup on the eggs. Il wash that down with coffee

Then I head off to work with a Gallon of water mixed with electrolytes and EAA'S

Meal 2 - 4 oz of boneless skinless chicken breast made into chicken salad with Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise, 1 oat and flax pita bread

Meal 3- the same as meal 2

Meal 4- one serving of oats mixed with a protein shake to make an overnight oats bowl type thing and 1 banana. It's about 50gm protein and 600 calories

Hit the gym

Meal 5 is typically something like thisInvalid Link Removed
Sometimes il pick different vegetables and swap out the rice or sweet potatoes or a burger bun if we do burgers for dinner.

I'm always on my meal plan but dinner I leave up to the family and I portion mine accordingly

On days I do a second workout here, that will be followed by meal 6 which is usually a junk meal. Il hit my protein goal but il use the remainder of my calories for something like Pop-Tarts or a pastry.

Again, I know what your thinking but I can get away with this till I'm single digit bodyfat as long as I'm doing the boxing and weight training.

This picture below was while having those junk cheat meals 3x week Invalid Link Removed
Then when it's time to really get shredded I have to cut it back to 1x week or less
Also wanted to make note that the picture above is a few days after I stopped cutting for boxing and filled out. Less then 2 weeks ago tho.

Now Due to being sick (because I need to make excuses lol) I'm bloated yet smaller and gross looking right now lol. At least that's what my body dysmorphia is telling me😂🤷

These are taken right now

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Following along. Good luck bro
In on this for sure! Excited to see the results you get. Delts are poppin in those pics!
Ok let's get this show on the road.

Meal 1.
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Was a little hard to get down after not eating much the past 3 days but I'm feeling a little better so Im going for it today, still stuffy and sore throat but no fever and I need to get moving before I start getting lazy.

First dose will be with meal 4 at 3pm then boxing gym at 4pm

Seccond dose will be taken around 8pm and I'm doing a full body push workout around 8:30/9
nice .. in for the ride,hard rock is underrated when it comes to Phs/andro
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Meal 2, this is chicken breast and Greek yogurt with some seasonings on one of those pitas, i also had a cup of watermelon and some vitamins.

Will repeat this same meal in 2.5 hours
In and following along!
Following. I've only ever used transdermal R-andro and had great results, interested to see how this is for you.
Meal 4 is supposed to be my oats, banana and whey meal but the allergies and sinus drip is killing my appetite and I don't want to be overly stuffed feeling during my workout so I'm going to have a light meal/snack instead and take my first dose, it also doesn't help that I've been demoing **** and sanding joint compound all day and breathing in dust. Anywho, Just Greek yogurt and watermelon washing it down with some eaa and more eaa intra workout. Will make up the extra calories after the second workout tonight.
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First workout complete

Warmed up with shadow boxing for 3 rounds with 10 pull ups in between rounds

Then 3 more rounds with deadlifts in-between rounds 225x5, 315x3, 405x1

Heavy bag - 6 min on 2 min off
3 min on 1 min off
3 min on then my throat started swelling up a little and I stopped here.

For being all stuffed up I'm pretty happy with that, surprised I made it through a 6 min round lol

Heading home to eat then I'm going for a full body push workout later tonight
Dinner/meal 5 was also tuff to get down lol. I'm a huge eater normally so this is weird for me but I made it happen. I chopped up 6oz lean beef and put it in a wrap with lettuce and tomato and a carrot ginger low calorie salad dressing. Then I took a small sweet potatoe and a cup of broccoli and mashed them together to get it down easier.

Think I'm gonna take a nap and recharge for the next workout. Probably should have waited a few days to kick this but honestly, I know myself, the longer I sit around the harder it is for me to get going.

I'm more of the all or nothing approach.
What seems like the longest day ever is winding down and I got everything done.
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Good mix of heavy and some pump work, actually got a great pump to be honest
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Now I gotta get the rest of the calories I missed today, about 850 left. Eating 2 different flavor chicken and rice now
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After this il make some soft serve ice cream with protein powder and frozen banana to get that last 400cals in.

Fukin exhausted lol
Also I got about 1.5 gallons of water in today and still feel a little dehydrated, I'm going to work on that but I think it has more to do with me feeling a little sick and run down that it does with me actually not being hydrated
1 last thing I don't think I mentioned. My trt is 150mg test cyp per week, but I'm only taking 75mg per week and some raloxefine. So my testosterone levels right now are roughly half of what they should be and the only addition is r Andro, so this should give a very, very accurate idea of what to expect from this product. Outside of my food and training, the R Andro is what's going to be doing the work on the supplement/hormones side of things.
What seems like the longest day ever is winding down and I got everything done.
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Good mix of heavy and some pump work, actually got a great pump to be honest
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Now I gotta get the rest of the calories I missed today, about 850 left. Eating 2 different flavor chicken and rice now
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After this il make some soft serve ice cream with protein powder and frozen banana to get that last 400cals in.

Fukin exhausted lol

You’re jacked bro! And this is with you while being sick. Haha. You’re gonna do great with this product, I can see it. You’re motivating me man. Keep up the great work.
How come everyone in the logs is already in great shape . Looking good bro! Can’t wait to see how it treats you!
How come everyone in the logs is already in great shape . Looking good bro! Can’t wait to see how it treats you!

That means you can potentially post our pics on the SSS site for the product
How come everyone in the logs is already in great shape . Looking good bro! Can’t wait to see how it treats you!
Could be worse, you could have got a bunch a lazy ppl who don't put the effort in. Then when they don't make progress they blame it on the product.

In all fairness I'm not normally this low of bodyfat. I recently decided to take a boxing match and I was 208 and the weight class I had to make was 178! So I cut all the way to 185 and then the fight canceled. I rebounded back to 195 which is where I'm at now but I'm still 10-13lbs under my normal walk around weight. If I cut 6-8lbs of fat during this log in 30 days which is my goal then il really be in shape!
There's also really, really, really good lighting in the bathroom at the gym lol. I always look significantly better in photos there 😂😂😂
What seems like the longest day ever is winding down and I got everything done.
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Good mix of heavy and some pump work, actually got a great pump to be honest
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Now I gotta get the rest of the calories I missed today, about 850 left. Eating 2 different flavor chicken and rice now
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After this il make some soft serve ice cream with protein powder and frozen banana to get that last 400cals in.

Fukin exhausted lol
Looking ripped in those pictures…..good job pushing through. Impressive how much work you put in while battling sinus issues.
Looking ripped in those pictures…..good job pushing through. Impressive how much work you put in while battling sinus issues.
I definitely didn't want to do anything yesterday lol. But I knew if I came in the thread and said I was going to do these things I would have no choice but to do them.

I also squeezed in a 30min nap between dinner and the seccond gym session so that helped too.
Getting ready for day 2, today is 1 workout, boxing with some neck training in there.

Skipping breakfast today (saving the calories for later), meals 2-5 will be normal and then I'm going to my cousin's new restaurant to sample some of the menu. Il try to snap a few pictures but there's going to be a lot going on in there so I don't wanna hold things up too much. I'm really proud of him. He bought a failing bar and gutted it bare bones and basically spent everything he had and could borrow to get it up and running and it's finally ready to open. Restaurant/bar with inside and outside dining overlooking the water
Good stuff so far, looking great. Good luck to your cousin and his dream!
What seems like the longest day ever is winding down and I got everything done.
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Good mix of heavy and some pump work, actually got a great pump to be honest
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Now I gotta get the rest of the calories I missed today, about 850 left. Eating 2 different flavor chicken and rice now
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After this il make some soft serve ice cream with protein powder and frozen banana to get that last 400cals in.

Fukin exhausted lol
Pecs and delts lookin unreal bro! And it ain't cause of the lighting... The lighting is only good because it's afraid of you and it knows it better be on its best behavior.
Pecs and delts lookin unreal bro! And it ain't cause of the lighting... The lighting is only good because it's afraid of you and it knows it better be on its best behavior.
Ha, that would be a good Chuck Norris quote…..sorry couldn’t help it.🤷🏻‍♂️
So you are cutting a little, or what’s your current goals?
Idk @Hyde I can't seem to keep on specific goal lol.

Yes cutting but just a little. I'm still a little sick so struggling to get the calories in but I'm doing it. I just went back to the boxing gym yesterday after about a week or so off. Strength in the gym lifts is still climbing rapidly dispite not feeling good. Im gonna try to drop a couple lbs of bodyfat while still increasing my strength. Typically I'd say that goes a little far-fetched but I think I'm in a good position to do it right now seeing how my strength was down for quite a while. I'm also starting to get over the feeling small thing and starting to enjoy being leaner. At least at the gym I do. Seems like I get a rediculous pump now. I look very different from start to finish of my workouts. Basically just trying to tighten up a little more if that makes sense
Oh, today's workout, boxing only, I did 10x3min rounds on the heavy bag with 1 min rest between and then did a 5 min cool down and called it a wrap

45min total
Thanks for the tag dude!!Definitely following along!! You look great! I'll be starting mine tomorrow.
I should have took a rest day today but I talked myself into a half ass workout.

Spent the whole day in direct sunlight on a rooftop sweating bullets and was fried but oh well, here's what went down, or I should say what came up 😂

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Has very low energy, strength felt zapped, definitely dehydrated and still stuffy.

Il probably do more back work tomorrow or Friday with arms and some loaded carries or farmers walks.

If I'm feeling a little better tomorrow il be sparing at the boxing gym with a couple of the MMA guys
Hey you did some good work for having been on a roof all day!