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what an interesting layout, not used to seeing such activity those knees to elbows for #15 are very impressive, esp on top of everything else you did
It's all been pretty interesting so far. If not anything else, this whole thing has been an entirely different take on working out. There's some stuff that I already disagree with, but I knew that coming in. First thing that comes to mind is kipping. When I break it down though, it can make sense if you view it as a benchmark. For instance, I know the amount of pull-ups (strict) that I can do. Once I reach my limit, and start to kip, I just ensure that next time I do more before kipping. That's how I see it anyway. Like using your lower body as a "spotter" in a way.

Those knees to elbows double suck donkey balls. Thank you for the kind words, sir.
that contraption is called a GHD sit up. Careful with how far back you go if you are new at them, you can hurt your back and actually really over exert your lower abdominals. (Trust me, it took me a while of mobility work to get comfortable with these, but love em now). Use it to stretch when u are in the gym, that'll help. Good time on the wod tho!
Yeah, I noticed the lower back strain on the first rep so I decided to take it a bit slower and emphasized the stretch on the way down, and exploded on the way up. Definitely different. Luckily I don't have too much as far as mobility issues go so the lower abs weren't beat up too much.


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4 eggs
1/4 cup cheddar
1 Roma tomato.
6oz turkey





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My dessert came in a bottle as well....but it had Oktoberfest written on the side


^^ this chick :D
females noticing the little things, like tablecloths, or a spot on your shirt...ring around the collar..mismatched socks..
what a strange species


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Nice work on that WOD, and no I didn't think you would lose size doing X-Fit, you have a very athletic build and I don't see any reason why it couldn't improve with Cross-fit. My point was more so that, I know if I went crossfit route I would gradually end up around a very lean 185. Still a ton of muscle but since the focus would be performance in my efforts to improve performance I would end up lightening my load.


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Nice work on that WOD, and no I didn't think you would lose size doing X-Fit, you have a very athletic build and I don't see any reason why it couldn't improve with Cross-fit. My point was more so that, I know if I went crossfit route I would gradually end up around a very lean 185. Still a ton of muscle but since the focus would be performance in my efforts to improve performance I would end up lightening my load.
i gotta slightly disagree. Last year I went on a deployment and got fuggin big!! Lifting 6 days a week, eating was great! When I came back, I was still eating big, but jumped back into a pretty hardcore CF routine. I lost about 10 lbs. granted, I was still pretty shredded, but I did lose size. It may just be me and my build, plus I went pretty high intensity. happened and now I'm back go trying to gain.


i gotta slightly disagree. Last year I went on a deployment and got fuggin big!! Lifting 6 days a week, eating was great! When I came back, I was still eating big, but jumped back into a pretty hardcore CF routine. I lost about 10 lbs. granted, I was still pretty shredded, but I did lose size. It may just be me and my build, plus I went pretty high intensity. happened and now I'm back go trying to gain.
a lot goes into this, foremost metabolism and intensity expended ie energy output, but for the most part the caloric expenditure under specified timeframe combined with what type of training you are doing ie muscle-fiber type worked, will have the biggest bearing (next to total caloric ingestion -- maybe even moreso) of anything else when it comes to gaining/maintaining size and mass

I think a lot of ppl don't understand this concept very well


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Nice work on that WOD, and no I didn't think you would lose size doing X-Fit, you have a very athletic build and I don't see any reason why it couldn't improve with Cross-fit. My point was more so that, I know if I went crossfit route I would gradually end up around a very lean 185. Still a ton of muscle but since the focus would be performance in my efforts to improve performance I would end up lightening my load.
i gotta slightly disagree. Last year I went on a deployment and got fuggin big!! Lifting 6 days a week, eating was great! When I came back, I was still eating big, but jumped back into a pretty hardcore CF routine. I lost about 10 lbs. granted, I was still pretty shredded, but I did lose size. It may just be me and my build, plus I went pretty high intensity. happened and now I'm back go trying to gain.
agreed a lot goes into this, foremost metabolism and intensity expended ie energy output, but for the most part the caloric expenditure under specified timeframe combined with what type of training you are doing ie muscle-fiber type worked, will have the biggest bearing (next to total caloric ingestion -- maybe even moreso) of anything else when it comes to gaining/maintaining size and mass I think a lot of ppl don't understand this concept very well
You're all right, and kind of saying the same thing. I don't think I'm going to lose any size, but guys like Chris and Steve probably would. There's a couple of reasons for this, which have already been mentioned (nutrition, fiber activation/stimulation, caloric output in response to activity). I'm not built like a bodybuilder, and I probably won't ever be. Not because I have anything against it, but because I know at what point I begin to sacrifice my mobility and agility. I have a small frame and for me to be as large as Steve or Chris, I would have to sacrifice. Being that I'm getting older, I can't afford to go that because of my career plans.
185-190 is about as heavy as I'm going to get, most likely, but at 8-10% bf, I don't think that's all that bad.


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i gotta slightly disagree. Last year I went on a deployment and got fuggin big!! Lifting 6 days a week, eating was great! When I came back, I was still eating big, but jumped back into a pretty hardcore CF routine. I lost about 10 lbs. granted, I was still pretty shredded, but I did lose size. It may just be me and my build, plus I went pretty high intensity. happened and now I'm back go trying to gain.
In his situation I don't think he will lose much muscle if that is part of his goal. He is already very muscular and athletic looking, his build is already very efficient for this type of training. I don't think he will end up "skinny" as he eluded to in the post I was responding too. Now in my situation I estimated about a 25 lb total loss in body weight just to become efficient at that type of training.

Cross-Fit is very metabolic training in nature, so the massive increase in calories burned would explain that loss of 10 lbs you experienced. If you wanted to maintain that body weight you would need to increase your calories above the "eating big" level you were already at probably by at least 500 cals a day. Even then you are not training specifically for hypertrophy so some mass would be lost.

My point was basically that I have seen a ton of impressive physiques in crossfit with good musculature and no reason at the intensity level worked at that one can not still hold an impressive amount of muscle while using the training methodology if that were their goal.


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My dessert came in a bottle as well....but it had Oktoberfest written on the side
I save the libation liberation for Sundays. Sounds like you had some Sam Adams though. Mmmmm.
Spooky tablecloth!
Tis the season. BOO!
^^ this chick :D females noticing the little things, like tablecloths, or a spot on your shirt...ring around the collar..mismatched socks.. what a strange species
Without them we'd piss on everything and still probably not have language other than grunting.


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Without them we'd piss on everything and still probably not have language other than grunting.
Wait we are not supposed to do this any more?


You're all right, and kind of saying the same thing. I don't think I'm going to lose any size, but guys like Chris and Steve probably would. There's a couple of reasons for this, which have already been mentioned (nutrition, fiber activation/stimulation, caloric output in response to activity). I'm not built like a bodybuilder, and I probably won't ever be. Not because I have anything against it, but because I know at what point I begin to sacrifice my mobility and agility. I have a small frame and for me to be as large as Steve or Chris, I would have to sacrifice. Being that I'm getting older, I can't afford to go that because of my career plans.
185-190 is about as heavy as I'm going to get, most likely, but at 8-10% bf, I don't think that's all that bad.
very nice and on point ;)

yeah my point was more geared toward the novice, inexperienced fella who thinks that he can do any ol' workout, and POW! he'll have a 6-pack and be muscley and buff...or the guy who thinks he's gonna get jacked and huge doing push-ups in his basement with the bowflex...

it just doesn't work like that, needless to say


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3 minutes jump rope: 5-10 double unders at top of every minute.
Leg swings
Arm circles
Pass throughs
Various foam rolling

3,3,3 (work up to 3rm)
Started at 25lbs worked up to 145lbs by 10s on back for 3rm of 145x3 1 min between sets.
7,5,3 @90lbs 1 min between sets.

WOD 12 minute AMRAP
200m run
Double KB clean, squat, OHP @35lbs each hand and go straight into Double KB swings @35lbs each hand for same amount of time it took me to run the previous 200m. Only the KB swings count as reps. Ended with 110 swings and ran 4 times total averaging about 1-1.5min per run. Double sucked donkey balls.
Abs are sore from yesterday. RX was 44lb Kbs but shoulder wasn't having it. X-rays in 45 min because doc was out sick yesterday.


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Wait we are not supposed to do this any more?
If you ask me, I'm ok with it. I'm sure that if only my dad had raised me, I'd have gotten in a lot of trouble for pissing anywhere I wanted.
very nice and on point ;) yeah my point was more geared toward the novice, inexperienced fella who thinks that he can do any ol' workout, and POW! he'll have a 6-pack and be muscley and buff...or the guy who thinks he's gonna get jacked and huge doing push-ups in his basement with the bowflex... it just doesn't work like that, needless to say
Totally agree and the truth is, these are the same dudes/ladies that are getting hurt attempting to perform movements that they aren't familiar with, with no basis of understanding on how to properly perform them. There's a big argument on people getting hurt doing xfit. I can see why people get hurt, and or seriously injured. But the same goes for 24 hour fitness. I've seen cats in there pushing shlt with such bad form that I know it's going to lead to injury. I wish our education system had a more comprehensive exercise plan built in to it, at an early age. Our country would benefit so much from that. Whole different topic though.
Are you making your own WODs?
Nah, I'm not that smart. I do what the dry erase wall tells me to do. Sometimes I do extra, like puking and whining. After this "trial" I'll decide if I want to stick with this, or just seek out a gym with bumper plates and do my own programming. I was just emailed a link to some stuff that I found interesting. I'm gonna research it more and post it later. Also, I have a link to the daily WOD prescribed by crossfit invictus that I've looked over. It's seems more strength training biased at this point.


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^^ this chick :D
females noticing the little things spot on your shirt...ring around the collar..mismatched socks..
what a strange species
That dude's got a lot going on, lol. The last part can be endearing sometimes. We notice the good stuff too. :p


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Funny about the mismatched socks... My daughter is now into wearing mismatched socks. Apparently this is something they are doing now. It drives the wife nuts to see her with these mismatched socks.


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Funny about the mismatched socks... My daughter is now into wearing mismatched socks. Apparently this is something they are doing now. It drives the wife nuts to see her with these mismatched socks.
How old is she? I remember that being trendy when I was a lil one.


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How old is she? I remember that being trendy when I was a lil one.
She is 9, funny how all the stuff just keeps coming around and around again...


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That dude's got a lot going on, lol. The last part can be endearing sometimes. We notice the good stuff too. :p
Like when you get flowers or chocolates?
Funny about the mismatched socks... My daughter is now into wearing mismatched socks. Apparently this is something they are doing now. It drives the wife nuts to see her with these mismatched socks.
And neon mismatched, at that. Weirdos.
How old is she? I remember that being trendy when I was a lil one.
She is 9, funny how all the stuff just keeps coming around and around again...
Exactly. It all comes full circle. Bellbottoms will be back shortly.


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Para... Take a look at
It's a great site for ideas. Go to menu: then outlaw blog. There is a section that incorporates a conditioning wod, and then another one (outlaw barbell) that has a strength portion, but both have a great Oly lifting program. Good stuff!


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So, a little update on my dumb ass shoulder.
Went to the doc today. X-ray's negative. Labrum test inconclusive. RC seems to be fine. Got a cocktail injection into the AC joint of lidocaine, marcaine, and a corticosteroid. Doc says it should be good for a couple of months if it works and it could be good forever. Told me to not lift heavy things for the next few days. When I grinned at that and said "ok", he said "I'm serious". So I guess he's serious. He said to give it some time to work because you can only get three of them per calendar year. It sucks being stubborn.


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So, a little update on my dumb ass shoulder.
Went to the doc today. X-ray's negative. Labrum test inconclusive. RC seems to be fine. Got a cocktail injection into the AC joint of lidocaine, marcaine, and a corticosteroid. Doc says it should be good for a couple of months if it works and it could be good forever. Told me to not lift heavy things for the next few days. When I grinned at that and said "ok", he said "I'm serious". So I guess he's serious. He said to give it some time to work because you can only get three of them per calendar year. It sucks being stubborn.
Yeah, those shots can actually destroy the soft tissues of the joint. Which is why you can't get them frequently.


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Para... Take a look at It's a great site for ideas. Go to menu: then outlaw blog. There is a section that incorporates a conditioning wod, and then another one (outlaw barbell) that has a strength portion, but both have a great Oly lifting program. Good stuff!
Thank you sir. I like it. Will have to incorporate some of this stuff after finishing the daily workouts. Looks fun (in a sucky kind of way).


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Yeah, those shots can actually destroy the soft tissues of the joint. Which is why you can't get them frequently.
The only soft tissue I have is around my lower abdomen. The rest is rock solid! (kind of)


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The only soft tissue I have is around my lower abdomen. The rest is rock solid! (kind of)
Atta boy. That's the kind of attitude I like to see :)


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Funny about the mismatched socks... My daughter is now into wearing mismatched socks. Apparently this is something they are doing now. It drives the wife nuts to see her with these mismatched socks.
Mine does too, sometimes she'll wear one of mine and one if mrs napalm's.

13 yr olds should be locked in a room until they're 18...


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So, a little update on my dumb ass shoulder. Went to the doc today. X-ray's negative. Labrum test inconclusive. RC seems to be fine. Got a cocktail injection into the AC joint of lidocaine, marcaine, and a corticosteroid. Doc says it should be good for a couple of months if it works and it could be good forever. Told me to not lift heavy things for the next few days. When I grinned at that and said "ok", he said "I'm serious". So I guess he's serious. He said to give it some time to work because you can only get three of them per calendar year. It sucks being stubborn.
Troop, the injection you got was for mostly diagnostic purposes, and if the pain went away its 100% an impingement problem. More than likely the supraspinatous tendon is getting pinched by your acromion. The bad news: it's not going to get better. The good news is that it's easily fixable with a Mumford procedure. I had one about 5 yrs ago and everything was great until i tore infra and supra on that side.

<----knows wtf he's talking about after 5 shoulder surgeries...

EDIT: the steroid only puts off the inevitable in most cases, and if over used, can do more harm than good...


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All the cool kids are doing it.
Uh oh....^^ trouble is here!
The more the merrier.
Mine does too, sometimes she'll wear one of mine and one if mrs napalm's. 13 yr olds should be locked in a room until they're 18...
Caged animals are far worse to deal with than those allowed to roam. I was sheltered for a long time, it sucks.
Troop, the injection you got was for mostly diagnostic purposes, and if the pain went away its 100% an impingement problem. More than likely the supraspinatous tendon is getting pinched by your acromion. The bad news: it's not going to get better. The good news is that it's easily fixable with a Mumford procedure. I had one about 5 yrs ago and everything was great until i tore infra and supra on that side. <----knows wtf he's talking about after 5 shoulder surgeries... EDIT: the steroid only puts off the inevitable in most cases, and if over used, can do more harm than good...
Tbh it already has provided some relief. Cleans this morning were cake and there is little to no pain, at this point. He alluded to some inflammation that may have been causing issues within the joint. I trust that you know what you're talking about, but I have to hope, for my sake, that whatever he did yesterday is a cure and not a patch. If I do have to undergo a surgical procedure, so be it. Nothing a couple of glasses of crown and some Percocet won't take care of. Although your post may seem bleak to some, I appreciate the input. Better to know what you may be facing rather than being fleeced. I just hope they don't have to cut through my jungle book tattoo. That would piss me the fcuk off.


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50 jumping jacks
50 scissor jacks
50 mountain climbers
50 high knees in place

Groiners X5
Pass throughs X10
Arm circles X10
Mobiclimbers X3

12min cap workout
12,9,6 Front rack lunges @135lbs (cleans to get bar to front rack position)
Strict pull-ups.
6:00 finished

Pull-ups are hard after holding weight in front rack position. Didn't realize how much you activate you lats holding the weight there, regardless of how much it rests on your front delts.


:60 on, :60 off rowers.
3 rounds, 893m rowed.
Wanted to puke but did not.


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Vasectomy yesterday. That was fun, or not. Serious bruising in that area.


Pass throughsX10
Arm circlesX10
GroinersX5 each 10 sec stretch
MobiclimbersX3 each 10 sec stretch
Over and backsX10
Samson stretchX3 10 sec stretch

200m run
3 min jump rope

Foam roll
IT band

Ring dips


Alternating ascending/descending ladder (move straight from one exercise to next, no rest.
BW ring dips
Sumo DL @205
Finished around 9:30 (not bad considering yesterday's surgery and the fact that I'm high as a fcuking kite). Talk about a great sweat.

1/2 scoop Stimul8
2 scoops BCAA/SAA intra
ALC/CLA W/each meal


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Vasectomy yesterday. That was fun, or not. Serious bruising in that area.

Ew... after one more kid I'm gonna be doing the same thing. NOT looking forward to it.


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Ew... after one more kid I'm gonna be doing the same thing. NOT looking forward to it.
It ain't all that bad. I walked out of there with no issues. Semi-uncomfortable for a couple of hours, that's really all.
I thought you already did that...musta been someone else but -- why are you working out today then? :nono:
Because I'm stubborn and there's really no inherent risk to it other than some discomfort. Truthfully, it's not all that bad. I wouldn't want to do it again though.


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It ain't all that bad. I walked out of there with no issues. Semi-uncomfortable for a couple of hours, that's really all.

Because I'm stubborn and there's really no inherent risk to it other than some discomfort. Truthfully, it's not all that bad. I wouldn't want to do it again though.
I've heard horror stories. But then I'm sure they've perfected the process to the point that it doesn't happen anymore... I'd like to think.


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Para...ur a sick man!! No way I would be in the gym the next day!!


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I don't feel like working today so I'm doing a little light reading:

FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation


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I've heard horror stories. But then I'm sure they've perfected the process to the point that it doesn't happen anymore... I'd like to think.
I'll let you know if anything goes wrong. Just a little sore at this point.
Para...ur a sick man!! No way I would be in the gym the next day!!
Meh, I'm not a big fan of sitting and licking my wounds (which would be weird in this case). A little discomfort I can deal with. It's not crippling though, and I may or may not have had Vicodin to help.
I don't feel like working today so I'm doing a little light reading: FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation
Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing. Five major terrain features. You picked a good manual to read, land nav is an awesome skill to master.


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Pass throughs 10
PVC snatch grip press -active shoulders 10
Arm circles 10
Over&backs 10
Groiners 5
Mobiclimbers 5

25 hollow rocks
50 mountain climbers
10 air squats
50m high knees

Foam roll
Lats, t-spine, lower back

Handstand push-ups 5x5

Workout= "penalty box"

1 min push-ups
EMOM (every minute on the minute) 10 double unders.
Time stops once you reach 100 push-ups.
3:42 complete.

GHB sit-ups 3x10 both hands to floor
3 15ft rope climbs

Lax ball lower back, hips, traps, shins.

1 BCAA/SAA intra
1 Vicodin post WO.


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Yowza's I hope the inflammation goes down quite a bit and you can keep it under control.


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Yowza's I hope the inflammation goes down quite a bit and you can keep it under control.
Inflammation isn't much of an issue. All is well, truthfully. Light workout this morning so that helps too. Thanks brochocinco. How's that geico workout going?


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Inflammation isn't much of an issue. All is well, truthfully. Light workout this morning so that helps too. Thanks brochocinco. How's that geico workout going?
Yeah that is good shoud be going down after the shot. Plus they put the lidocaine in there so it will help numb it the first few days while the corticosteriod begins to take effect. Geico workout is working but I am ready for some weight too! Tomorrow I do the full on DB workout, hoping the only pain I feel after that is DOMS! Hell I am itching to start lifting some serious weight again right now. I just have to wait and see how I am feeling in a week or two.


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I found you!


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Spent Saturday at a crossfit/strongman/powerlifting meet. That shlt was fun! Whole bunch of try-hards putting their best foot forward. I'm gonna compete in something, eventually. Anyway, that was the highlight of the weekend.

WTF moment...179.0 upon rising. Haven't been below 180 since 2005. I don't feel week though.


Pass throughs
PVC scots press
Arm circles
Leg swings

Pull-ups 5 sets of 3
10,7,4 unbroken

Foam roll some shlt

Five rounds for time of...
200m run
10 30" box jumps
Finished in 8:11

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