Renegade vs. Axcite


Has anyone used both Renegade and Axcite and can compare the 2? Did one provide more results than the other?
I have used both. Id have to go with the renegade balm. I think it's way under priced for what it does. Great mental effect on the wearer.
Has anyone used both Renegade and Axcite and can compare the 2? Did one provide more results than the other?

Honest opinion; Renegade is geared more towards aggressive women, AXcite is for any-type of girl based on its formula, depends what type of girl you are looking for it. PM me if confused!
I'm interested in trying both of these. I've tried several RPN products with great success. I have yet to really try any AX products. Renegade sounds more like it could be used successfully at a bar or party. AXcite, on the other hand, seems like it could be for everyday use.
I'm interested in trying both of these. I've tried several RPN products with great success. I have yet to really try any AX products. Renegade sounds more like it could be used successfully at a bar or party. AXcite, on the other hand, seems like it could be for everyday use.

American your screen name referring to the car website? They've got some great deals on there!

Anyways, Axcite is very much geared to be an alpha male blend. Now, with overly alpha females, they could want 1 of 2 things. Either a wimpy push over beta male that they can control....seen it, but rare. Or they want a man who is naturally more dominant than they are.

Now, Axcite will subconsciously signal to them your alpha status. But with women like this, your behavior, ranging from your body language to how you present yourself, NEEDS to reinforce the subconscious signals you're projecting.

If an overly alpha female senses that her gut reaction to your alpha status doesn't match up with your behavior and personality, it could be a deal breaker.

Most girls I've encountered are not overly alpha.

Axcite is actually great though to use at bars and parties. Here's a trick for you guys.

Bars and parties are loud. It's hard to hold down a conversation without getting close and talking into their ear. So spray some Axcite onto your neck. When they say something, you say "What?" and then they lean in closer to you where they get a good wiff of pheromones. Magic :D

Give axcite a shot. We offer a 100% money back guarantee and hook you up with a free 20+ eGuide on how to attract women. Worse case scenario, you don't like Axcite. Return it for a full refund and you get to keep the guide for free. There's some great info in there on attracting girls. If you buy from the store here, Nutraplanet, shoot me an email and I'll hook you up with the guide for free. We offer it on our website only, but the free hook up on the free guide goes for any of you guys. Just send me your electronic receipt showing your purchase. Consider it done :) Nutraplanet has a great deal on Axcite BTW.
Most girls I've encountered are not overly alpha.

This is why axcite works to our benefit so well... If the women you're meeting are "alpha" by nature, you probably won't need a pheromone cologne, because if they want you, they'll probably already be in your bed.

Axcite really does make the conversation and environment easier to work with when meeting someone new or someone you've been looking to get to know
I'm going to give Axcite a shot. Ibiza clubs + axcite = carnage! :D

Maybe I should log my thoughts while I'm out there, I'll be clubbing pretty much every night!
We would absolutely LOVE if you did a log or review about it!!!! :head:

But of course, it'll be hard to believe you without pictures. ;) :lol: :D
We would absolutely LOVE if you did a log or review about it!!!! :head:

Sweet, I'll sort it out then ;) Might buy 3 bottles and get the lads who are coming with me (not the bodybuilding types AT ALL) to try it as well.

But of course, it'll be hard to believe you without pictures. ;) :lol: :D

Lol, true, maybe I could post 'censored' pics in the WOW thread in the general chat section ;)

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Lol, true, maybe I could post 'censored' pics in the WOW thread in the general chat section ;)

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AHA! thats a great thread... if you can ull girls anywhere near that good looking using axcite, that would be a hell of a testimonial! haha
AHA! thats a great thread... if you can ull girls anywhere near that good looking using axcite, that would be a hell of a testimonial! haha

Definitely! ;) I'm quite excited about this now, bring on the holiday!
Definitely! ;) I'm quite excited about this now, bring on the holiday!

Axcite is really cool stuff. You'll really enjoy it :) I was such a huge skeptic about pheromones in general prior to our release of Axcite, and the experiences I've had with it are pretty crazy! Enough for me to know that something is going on that NEVER happened before.

Can't wait to hear your feedback on it :wave2:
Axcite is really cool stuff. You'll really enjoy it :) I was such a huge skeptic about pheromones in general prior to our release of Axcite, and the experiences I've had with it are pretty crazy! Enough for me to know that something is going on that NEVER happened before.

Can't wait to hear your feedback on it :wave2:

Nice :) No worries mate, I'll produce a solid review.

Any idea if using a test-boosting supplement like IGF-2 by AppNut alongside the axcite would be pushing the limit a bit? I can't think why it would but I thought I'd check.
Unfortunately for me Axcite hasn't done anything. I have worn it a couple of times now and went up to 2 sprays. No reaction from the women at all. Really kinda disappointed.
It smells ok but so do other perfumes. :(
LOL does this stuff really work?

There seems to be different responses from it doesn't work at all to it's incredible. I haven't used Axcite so I can't comment on that. I seem to notice a effect on myself with Renegade Balm but I haven't seen it have an effect on anyone around me.
Word, I'll do that.

I usually wear Hugo Boss. I've gotten lots of compliments from the ladies.

I hope this stuff doesn't smell like cat piss.
Word, I'll do that.

I usually wear Hugo Boss. I've gotten lots of compliments from the ladies.

I hope this stuff doesn't smell like cat piss.

It actually smells pretty good. I wear it from time to time. I'm married though so I'm not trying to pickup anyone. Waitresses, receptionist, and such seam to be quite a bit friendlier when I wear it.

I did have one bad experience with Axcite. At an inlaw gathering, I had my 15 year old niece jump in my lap and tell me how good I smell. Needless to say, I don't wear it to the inlaws anymore, haha.
I hope this stuff doesn't smell like cat piss.

If it does then it won't smell any different than the rest of your house probably. HAHAHA kidding.

I'm interested in giving it a try too. I've been on a dry spell of epic proportions and going back home for vacation. Girls in that town are whores so it should be a good combination.
Of all the things that seem "skeptical", this is it. I think men need to put it on around their girlfriends and wives....and see how they react. Especially the poor guys who are stuck in a marriage with kids and a freaking wife thats "not happy anymore"......cause there are plenty of those. Then if the woman starts popping the pu##y more than normal, it works....haha.
I find that Axcite works like any others supplement. It works on some not on others. Unfortunately for me, it did not work on my wife. Although, responses from others have been noticed and it makes me feel great. Placebo? Who knows.
are there samples of AXcite? no way I'm shelling out $40 for something i'm trying for the first time

i have tried renegade and it's the bomb
i have 2 bottles of RPN and 1 bottle of AXcite coming in the mail tomorrow...
i work around some hot ladies... gonna give them both a true test.
will report back after the weekend
i have 2 bottles of RPN and 1 bottle of AXcite coming in the mail tomorrow...
i work around some hot ladies... gonna give them both a true test.
will report back after the weekend

Def let us know. I hope that the site gets the pheromone soap in stock soon. Because the Pheromone Stack is an excellent deal
AXcite definitely smells better... rpn's leather smell isn't that great... their product actually smells like BO... in my opinion
i'll try both this weekend... see what kind of "attraction" i get from teh ladies
I bought renegade a while back since it was like 5 bucks... i figured what the hell do i have to lose? I have a gf, so i figured it would be easy to tell whether or not it worked. I actually loved the smell of this stuff, but she didn't. Every time I put it on, even if the amount was less than the size of a grain of rice, she would notice I was wearing it and that I smelled like "rubbing alcohol". I've never had anyone else mention anything about the smell.
I bought renegade a while back since it was like 5 bucks... i figured what the hell do i have to lose? I have a gf, so i figured it would be easy to tell whether or not it worked. I actually loved the smell of this stuff, but she didn't. Every time I put it on, even if the amount was less than the size of a grain of rice, she would notice I was wearing it and that I smelled like "rubbing alcohol". I've never had anyone else mention anything about the smell.
Maybe it's because she is already more familiar with your scent than everyone else? Usually when you want this kinda thing to work, you put it on and don't jump right out and say "sniff me!!!", but let it air out for a while first. After the fragrance fades, then try.
Renegade makes my gf more hostile, everytime any thoughts lol
Real simple, it means that she is the dominant one of the relationship and will not tolerate that scent as it represents that she is no longer in charge so to speak.
Real simple, it means that she is the dominant one of the relationship and will not tolerate that scent as it represents that she is no longer in charge so to speak.

This made me lol.

I want to give renegade balm to random animals in the zoo and watch the ensuing chaos.
LOL, give some to a zebra while a lion is across it, hell gonna break loose or put some on a beta chimp and send him back to the pack and there will be a fight between the alpha and beta chimps.