I'm interested in trying both of these. I've tried several RPN products with great success. I have yet to really try any AX products. Renegade sounds more like it could be used successfully at a bar or party. AXcite, on the other hand, seems like it could be for everyday use.
American Muscle.....is your screen name referring to the car website? They've got some great deals on there!
Anyways, Axcite is very much geared to be an alpha male blend. Now, with overly alpha females, they could want 1 of 2 things. Either a wimpy push over beta male that they can control....seen it, but rare. Or they want a man who is naturally more dominant than they are.
Now, Axcite will subconsciously signal to them your alpha status. But with women like this, your behavior, ranging from your body language to how you present yourself, NEEDS to reinforce the subconscious signals you're projecting.
If an overly alpha female senses that her gut reaction to your alpha status doesn't match up with your behavior and personality, it could be a deal breaker.
Most girls I've encountered are not overly alpha.
Axcite is actually great though to use at bars and parties. Here's a trick for you guys.
Bars and parties are loud. It's hard to hold down a conversation without getting close and talking into their ear. So spray some Axcite onto your neck. When they say something, you say "What?" and then they lean in closer to you where they get a good wiff of pheromones. Magic
Give axcite a shot. We offer a 100% money back guarantee and hook you up with a free 20+ eGuide on how to attract women. Worse case scenario, you don't like Axcite. Return it for a full refund and you get to keep the guide for free. There's some great info in there on attracting girls. If you buy from the store here, Nutraplanet, shoot me an email and I'll hook you up with the guide for free. We offer it on our website only, but the free hook up on the free guide goes for any of you guys. Just send me your electronic receipt showing your purchase. Consider it done

Nutraplanet has a great deal on Axcite BTW.