PSlin-Anabolic Pump OMG stack testers NEEDED!!


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I beta tested the Pslin and it was freaking awesome!! I would love to apply for this, but I just started on my Cissus Drol log and I don't know if it would conflict with that.


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Application: Tester for Pslin




Why should you be selected to participate in this project?
if this product says it will do what it claims it can, my body will show the desired effects. I have been lifting for many years on and off, no injuries that keep me from a gym and I have several to choose from for desired exercises. I also live in an apt where I can cook the right food.
At the age of 35 I need to start looking for something that will help keep my strength and intensity.

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months?
Muscle armor and that is about it.

What training method are you currently using?
4 and 2 little cardio.

What is your current diet? the right food no junk, mostly oatmeal, organic pasta, egg whites, yogurt, salmon, beans, coffee,chicken, some meat, occasional delli cuts of boarshead, fruits and water.

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)? Maintaining but trying to lose a little weight.

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding?10 years

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general? staying healthy and being strong.

What supplements are you currently using? Muscle Armor by EAS, HMB and all that good stuff.


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grrreat opportunity.....good luck everyone


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Damn it! Poppy's trying to get the hook-up... none of us stand a chance.:toofunny:


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This looks like it could be promising and I meet all the pre-reqs so here’s my ap.

Here’s a link to my last log.

Age: 26

Location: Bremerton, Washington

Occupation: Division Manager

Why should you be selected to participate in this project?
I’m serious about my training and diet. I know my body very well. I’ve run AP and know how I respond, was very full but my gains were the same as normal w/ a little less fat packed on. I’m carb sensitive so if it works I’ll know for sure. I run detailed logs w/ my daily intakes and thoughts, I record every detail of a workout. I’m not gonna give some fluff review or a flame, just my honest results and observations. Plus I’m already one of the testimonials for Powerfull, doesn’t that make me a shoe in?? LOL

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months?
100% Whey, Casein, Dextrose, Fish oil, CEE, BCAA’s, Powerfull, Anabolic Pump, Super Cissus, Cissus RX, bulk Cissus, Yellow Gold, AAKG, ZMA, NAC, green multi, C, B complex, E, GTE, N-R-ALA, Calcium, Taurine, L-Tyrosine, Sesathin, Retain, ECA

What training method are you currently using?
I’m using a 2day WSBB 5x5 hybrid routine. No speed work. I also do sled pulls, sledgehammer drills, farmers walks, etc. I keep the intensity and time in check. I also do HIIT 2-3 week.

What is your current diet?
50/25/25 Lean meats, low GI fiberous carbs, healthy fats, lots of garlic haha

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)?
Slow cut while trying to maintain or gain strength. So far so good, may need to de-load soon though.

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding?
3 years off and on with the first 2 mostly focused on fatloss. The 3rd year has been year round and spent mostly on strength.

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general?
Short-term; 265 bench, 350 squat, 400 dead, 195 @13%
Long-term; 400 bench, 525-550 squat, 600 dead, 185 @ 8%
Now; 210, 305, 362, 203 @ 18%

What supplements are you currently using?
100% Whey, PowerFull, fish oil, GTE, Sesathin, Retain, ZMA, NAC, green multi, B complex, C, Calcium

Pre: Whey, Oats, CEE, BCAA’s, Taurine
Mid: CEE, BCAA’s,
Post: Whey, Dextrose, BCAA’s, CEE, Taurine



  • RockStar
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I would like to try both of these products, but I am on the Anabolic Diet and only really eat carbs once per week, so for testing would I have to be eating carbs every training day, or with this still work taking it on the carb loads?

Just want to let you know, I have taken AP on low carbs with no problems at all.


New member
Me too.. The only time I've had a problem w/ AP is if I hadn't eaten enough solid food surrounding my dosage.



New member
Oh come on, Monday is squat day baby! Don't hate on my mondays.... of coarse... Thursday is squat day as well.... damn muscle rounds...


New member
Age: 21

Location: Ohio

Occupation: Business Sales Manager

Why should you be selected to participate in this project?
I should be selected because I am a serious lifter that will be completely honest with the results and run my log 5 days a week. I like to run very detailed logs for my own use, so putting them on AM would be no problem. I think nutrition comes first and believe that you are only as good as your will power to stay in shape and take care of your body. I think I will really be able to show off what this stack has to offer because I am in the prime of my lifting stages and am excited about this offer.

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months?
Purple Wraath, Amino 3000 BCAA, 100% Whey Protein, Creatine Monohydrate, Multi-Vitamin

What training method are you currently using?
I am using a combination of TUT training with some of the principles of HST and incorporated.

What is your current diet?
6am 4 egg whites, banana, 8 oz skim milk, ground oats and multi-vitamin
9am Light Tuna with celery
12pm Chicken breast, 1 cup of pasta, apple
3pm Protein Shake with ground oats mixed in
4pm Preworkout Purple Wraath
6pm Post-workout Protein Shake
7pm Chicken Breast, Steak or Fish with rice and a vegetable
10pm Cottage Cheese or Nonfat PB with a fruit

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)? Bulk or Lean Bulk

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding? Since I began college at the age of 18, so almost 4 years

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general?
Gain 5-10 lbs of lean muscle, continue to train hard, eat right, and stay disciplined. Learn and work harder each and every day. Continue to train hard for the Columbus competition

What supplements are you currently using?
100% Whey Protein, Purple Wraath, Creatine Monohydrate, Amino 3000 BCAA

Thanks for the this opportunity!


Age: 16

Location: New York, NY

Occupation: student
currently: 180.2 lbs at 13 percent bodyfat.
height: 5'7"

Why should you be selected to participate in this project?
As a teenager, im extremely serious about eating, and lifting
As i went into high school i wanted to change my lifestyle and do something that would make me someone different than the rest of the kids.
Ever since i've changed my eating habits and started a lifting routine a year ago, i have changed dramatically physically and mentally. I just hope i can reach my genetic potential, and also change other peoples lives through helping to change their lifestyles as well.

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months?
100% Whey, Casein, Dextrose, CEE, BCAA’s, Anabolic Pump

What training method are you currently using?
I am using the max ot method, however i have made certain changes to it such as switching rep ranges every other week to prevent the body from adapting to the workout

What is your current diet?
Lean meats, low GI fiberous carbs, healthy fats, rice and protein shakes

about 4000 calorie diet.

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)?
i am bulking and have bulked since the end of last summer.

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding?
i have trained seriously for almost a year now, newbie gains are a thing of the past.

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general?
Short-term; 315 bench, 400 squat, 400 dead, 190 lbs @ 14%bf
Long-term; 400 bench, 525 squat, 600 dead, 215 lb@15%bf
Now; 275 bench, 350 squat, 350 deadlift

What supplements are you currently using?
100% Whey,100 percent Casein, CEE, BCAA's
Pre: Whey, Oats, CEE, BCAA’s
Post: Whey, Dextrose, CEE


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Age: 16

Location: New York, NY

Occupation: student

Why should you be selected to participate in this project?
As a teenager, im extremely serious about eating, and lifting
As i went into high school i wanted to change my lifestyle and do something that would make me someone different than the rest of the kids.
Ever since i've changed my eating habits and started a lifting routine a year ago, i have changed dramatically physically and mentally. I just hope i can

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months?
100% Whey, Casein, Dextrose, CEE, BCAA’s, Anabolic Pump

What training method are you currently using?
I am using the max ot method, however i have made certain changes to it such as switching rep ranges every other week to prevent the body from adapting to the workout

What is your current diet?
Lean meats, low GI fiberous carbs, healthy fats, rice and protein shakes

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)?
i am bulking and have bulked since the end of last summer.

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding?
i have trained seriously for almost a year now, newbie gains are a thing of the past.

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general?
Short-term; 315 bench, 400 squat, 400 dead, 190 lbs @ 14%bf
Long-term; 400 bench, 525 squat, 600 dead, 215 lb@15%bf
Now; 275 bench, 350 squat, 350 deadlift

What supplements are you currently using?
100% Whey,100 percent Casein, CEE, BCAA's
Pre: Whey, Oats, CEE, BCAA’s
Post: Whey, Dextrose, CEE

Optfor welcome over kid.....nice to see some BN boys here


New member
1) Before/After Pictures are a must.
2) Testers MUST be able to start at the time designated.
3) Testers MUST be able to finish in the time allocated for this project.
4) Testers MUST be an active logger during the logging process. A minimum of 2 updates per week is mandated. Anything less will not be acceptable.
5) Testers MUST NOT be a tester for other supplements.. There are to be absolutely no overlapping of testing.
6) Testers MUST have a good base of training/diet/supplementation. We are not looking for newbie gains here.
7) Testers MUST be able to follow testing directions as pre-planned. The dosage scheme must be followed to ensure maximum effects.
8) Testers MUST NOT have pending vacations or other things that might interfere with the completion of this project.
9) Testers MUST be okay with a filming session, should they be selected to participate.

all of these are fine.


The deadline for selection is exactly 1 week from the date of this thread. Upon selection, testing will begin within 2 weeks, to be completed in 1 month.


Age: 18

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Occupation: student, building maintenance crew

Why should you be selected to participate in this project? My diet is pretty different from most others so it would give variety, I would very much like to consider keeping it pretty much same but adding carbs around my workouts during the low carb week and see how the products help with recovery and nutrient partioning if recommended.

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months? EC, Green tea, fish oil, BCAA, tyrosine, kelp, selenium, Taurine, creatine, Multi, Na-r-ala, glutamine, ZMA

What training method are you currently using? Pavel's Russian Bear, will be moving onto some 2-a-day training as its summer I got tons of time to gain some mass

What is your current diet? less than 50g carbs a day with a one day carb load, pretty close to Anabolic Diet

lots of eggs, beef, lamb, bison, cheese, chicken, veggies

and the loads well I try and keep it clean and gluten free, but its not always so easy at the all you can eat buffets

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)? maintaing from a cut, going into lean mass gains

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding? about 3 years

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general?

I pretty much do it for myself, so just wanna keep gaining mass and watching my lifts go up...more specifically I'd like to see my squat go back to what it was before my injury short term

Long term - 225 @ 6% body fat sounds pretty nice!

What supplements are you currently using?

Green tea, fish oil, BCAA, tyrosine, selenium, Taurine, creatine, Multi, Na-r-ala, glutamine, ZMA


New member
Age: 27

Location: Ohio

Occupation: Personal Trainer

Why should you be selected to participate in this project?
I have never tried anything like this product and I think I could really increase my size and strength on something like this which would really make this product look like a winner. Willing to do a detailed log and I am a very dedicated lifter

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months?
100% Whey Protein, Multivitamin

What training method are you currently using?
Weeks 1-3, 5-7, 9-11

Monday / Thursday Chest and Triceps
Incline Bench Press 3 x 6-8
Bench Press 3 x 6-8
Decline Bench Press 3 x 6-8
Cable Crossover 3 x 6-8
Close-Grip Bench 3 x 6-8
Weight Dips 3 x 6-8
Lying Tricep Extension 3 x 6-8
Calves 4 x 20

Tuesday / Friday Legs, Shoulders, and Traps
Squat 3 x 6-8
Leg Press 3 x 6-8
Romanian Deadlift 3 x 6-8
Leg Curl 3 x 6-8
Standing Shoulder Press 3 x 6-8
Upright Row 3 x 6-8
Seated Lateral Raise 3 x 6-8
Reverse Pec Deck Flye 3 x 6-8
Barbell Shrug 3 x 6-8
Calves 4 x 20

Wednesday / Saturday Back, Biceps, and Forearms
Deadlift 3 x 6-8
Bent-Over Row 3 x 6-8
Wide Grip Pulldown 3 x 6-8
Seated Row 3 x 6-8
Barbell Curl 3 x 6-8
Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 x 6-8
Preacher Curl 3 x 6-8
Reverse Curl 3 x 6-8
Seated Wrist Curl 3 x 6-8
Calves 4 x 20

Weeks 4, 8, 12

Monday (Chest, Calves)

Cable Crossover 4x12 (drop set)
Bench Press 4x15 (drop set)
Incline DB Press 4x12-15 (drop set)
Incline DB Fly 4x20-30 (pump set)
Donkey Calf Raise 5x20 (pump set)
Seated Calf Raise 5x20 (pump set)

Tuesday Back, Abs

Straight Arm Pull down 4x12 (drop set)
Two-Arm DB Row 4x12-15 (drop set)
Wide Grip Pull down 4x12-15
Reverse Grip Pull down 4x failure
Straight Arm Pull down 4x12 (pump set)
Double Crunch 4x12

Wednesday Legs

Leg Extensions 4x15
Leg Curl 4x15
Squat 4x15 (drop set)
Leg Press 4x15 (drop set)
Leg Extensions 5x25 (pump set)
Leg Curl 5x25 (pump set)
Leg-Press Calf Raise 4x30 (pump set)
Seated Calf Raise 4x30 (pump set)

Thursday Shoulders

DB Lateral Raise 4x12-15
DB Front Raise 4x12-15
DB Bent Over Raise Lateral Raise 4x12-15
Overhead Press 4x12-15 (drop set)
Upright Row 4x12-15 (drop set)
One-Arm Cable Lateral Raise 4x25 (pump set)

Friday Arms and Traps

Cable Kickback 4x12-15
Bench Dip 4x12-15 (drop set)
Overhead DB Extension 4x12-15 (drop set)
Standing Barbell Curl 4x12-15 (drop set)
Incline DB Curl 4x12-15 (drop set)
DB Preacher Curl 4x12-15 (drop set)
Cable Overhead Extensions 4x30 (pump set)
Standing Cable Curl 4x30 (pump set)
Barbell Wrist Curl 4x25 (pump set)
Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl 4x25 (pump set)
DB Shrug 5x25 (pump set)
Behind the Back Shrug 5x25 (pump set)

What is your current diet?

My diet consists of 5-7 meals a day with a high protein source and carb source in each one. I try to limit the carbs in the last couple meals for the sake of not needing the carbs near bedtime. It contains a lot of veggies, fruit, chicken, light tuna, eggs, cottage cheese, high protein yogurt, no fat PB, and turkey

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)?

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding?

Almost 8 years

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general?
Put on around 5 lbs. of lean muscle and continue to lift hard, eat right and train as hard as I can.
What supplements are you currently using?


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1) Before/After Pictures are a must: not a problem.
2) Testers MUST be able to start at the time designated: not a problem.
3) Testers MUST be able to finish in the time allocated for this project. Will do.
4) Testers MUST be an active logger during the logging process. A minimum of 2 updates per week is mandated. Anything less will not be acceptable. That will be easy for me.
5) Testers MUST NOT be a tester for other supplements.. There are to be absolutely no overlapping of testing. Not currently testing anything else.
6) Testers MUST have a good base of training/diet/supplementation. We are not looking for newbie gains here. Been training for 5 years.
7) Testers MUST be able to follow testing directions as pre-planned. The dosage scheme must be followed to ensure maximum effects. Will do.
8) Testers MUST NOT have pending vacations or other things that might interfere with the completion of this project.Wish I did have a vacation pending, but I'm home and I hit the gym 4-6 times a week.
9) Testers MUST be okay with a filming session, should they be selected to participate. Fine with it.



Location:State College, PA (Boalsburg, to be exact)

Occupation:Student/Apple Campus Rep/Marine Corps OCS

Why should you be selected to participate in this project?This Candidate just came back from Marine Corps Officer Candidate School in Quantico, Virginia after being medically disqualified for acquiring stress fractures in his right foot. He is able to train (legs too), but not able to run hard for 3 months. He feels very adamant that he would be a good test subject, since he can follow the directions and works hard. He has a lot of time on his hands, due to his prior plan of being at OCS for 10 weeks. This set back won't keep this Candidate down, however, since he will be able to return to OCS once healed. Returning in BETTER shape, and then becoming a U.S. Marine would be a dream come true.

What supplements have you used in the past 6 months?Havoc. Carbolin-19. TRIBEX GOLD. Creatine.

What training method are you currently using?Russian-style powerlifting with an emphasis on heavy volume.

What is your current diet? High protein, moderate carbs, moderate fat. 200-325 grams of protein. 100-150 grabs of carbs. 50-100 grams of fat per day.

What phase of dieting are you in (bulking, cutting, recomp, maintaining)? Currently bulking, as cleanly as possible.

How long have you trained seriously for the purposes of bodybuilding?3 years.

What are your short term and long term goals as it pertains to bodybuilding in general?Currently at 175 lbs at 5'7.5, probably 14% body fat. Would like to be 185 lbs at 8-10% body fat. Would like to deadlift over 600 lbs. Would like to squat over 500 lbs. Would like to bench press over 400 lbs. Would like to do all of those things, while maintaining a 19 minute 3-mile run time.

What supplements are you currently using? Havoc by RPN. Carbolin-19 by Biotest.

Thank you,



NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
  • Legend!
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I don't think it has been announced yet. And that's a cruel question asking about getting a PM lol makes me wonder. Usually it's a public post. I've still got my hopes going on


  • Established
hmmm bump to this one... interested in who was elected as well....


I'm still sorting. I took a new stimulant that I discovered and no sleep tonight...aaaaa!


  • Established
LOL..... i cant stand some stims... makes my ADD go all nutty, other times i can focus like crazy... just depends on the amount and source....

GL USP cant wait to see whos picked!


LOL..... i cant stand some stims... makes my ADD go all nutty, other times i can focus like crazy... just depends on the amount and source....

GL USP cant wait to see whos picked!
by discovered, I mean no one that I know has it.


  • Established
ummm.... huh? sooooo is this that stim you hinted at oh so long ago without adrenal fatigue?? .... poops interested... AGAIN.... when will you cease to impress, shock, awe, amaze, and any other synonym you can think of??


  • Established
ummm.... huh? sooooo is this that stim you hinted at oh so long ago without adrenal fatigue?? .... poops interested... AGAIN.... when will you cease to impress, shock, awe, amaze, and any other synonym you can think of??
someone's sucking up.


  • Established
no really though i have no need to suck up im truely impressed with how consistantly USP brings innovative products to the market that REALLY WORK.... ive been lucky enough to test several products in their first run for USP and then been just as impressed with my purchase thereafter.... symmetry cAMP and pslin for example.... talk about some impressive stuff!


ummm.... huh? sooooo is this that stim you hinted at oh so long ago without adrenal fatigue?? .... poops interested... AGAIN.... when will you cease to impress, shock, awe, amaze, and any other synonym you can think of??
NOOOOOO. This compound is a pure stimulant. I'd imagine adrenal fatique would happen like ephedrine..

When you research so much sometimes you just stumble onto sh&t. I stumbled.


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poops aint lyin....Jacob keep the great supps comin brutha...and im not suckin up!!...I didnt even apply to test this time..haha


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NOOOOOO. This compound is a pure stimulant. I'd imagine adrenal fatique would happen like ephedrine..
hmmm are you trying to make any direct comparison??? how bout this right now do you feel on a level with x-force, stim x andrenaline or closer to the past wonder stim ephedrine....

and is it a similar but once again imporved extraction process of a know supp (geranamine, chocamine, other methylxanthines) or a new source and extract all together???


hmmm are you trying to make any direct comparison??? how bout this right now do you feel on a level with x-force, stim x andrenaline or closer to the past wonder stim ephedrine....

and is it a similar but once again imporved extraction process of a know supp (geranamine, chocamine, other methylxanthines) or a new source and extract all together???
Adrenaline is different. I love the stuff. I'm more a focus guy than a ephedrine like stimulation. Adrenaline is special.

Adrenaline is on sale at nutraplanet at a very low low price.aha

I'm setting a product up for failure with an ephedrine comparison but it does have beta recepetor activity.

Hey, this is a pslin thread:think:


  • Established
LOL so about those testers????? n true that though not much need for stims with pslin... specially since i work out in the evening.. stims are mainly for my workday...


LOL so about those testers????? n true that though not much need for stims with pslin... specially since i work out in the evening.. stims are mainly for my workday...
Pslin is real energy that leads to real performance and speeds recovery..On July 4th firecrackers will have a different meaning at USPlabs headquarters...

Come to think about it, I will need the new stimulant to stay up packing and shipping.


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ahhhh....i want p-slin!..haha...Jacob Ill test it solo at higher have my shipping addy....thanks bro..

** im interested to see how the logs go for p-slin and AP together


  • Established
john.... although it WOULD be interesting to see what higher doses would do with pslin, i had some extra ones left over when we were testing and honestly didnt see much difference between 3 and 4 caps and absolutley no difference between 4 and 5 caps.... its truely all about getting the key nutrients in with it at the right time.... its truely amazing just at 3-4 caps.... wich this is right between so maybe still beg for a high dose supply and then just stretch it out.... shhh dont let usp see that though lol. :rofl:


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john.... although it WOULD be interesting to see what higher doses would do with pslin, i had some extra ones left over when we were testing and honestly didnt see much difference between 3 and 4 caps and absolutley no difference between 4 and 5 caps.... its truely all about getting the key nutrients in with it at the right time.... its truely amazing just at 3-4 caps.... wich this is right between so maybe still beg for a high dose supply and then just stretch it out.... shhh dont let usp see that though lol. :rofl:
haha..poops i noticed 4 to be the sweetspot for me with the beta pills....never went above that.....I mean...ummmm....yes some Canadian should test to see how high doses will work..:food:


  • Established
ahh i just realized im a dirty supp whore... yes, just. :D

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