Pink magic


Could you elaborate please? ..... It doesn't seem like odd timing to you that one of the top selling ingredients which was in the top selling diet pills, and most pre-workouts and had been on the market for 6 years. Gets a ton of negative publicity and gets taken down 10 days before the announcement of a new diet drug? It makes great business sense if you can pull it off.....not that it helped their drug to much because its crap.

Truth is the best drug for weight loss is adderall and I'm not talking about being stimmed out of your mind. A small dose like 4 mg a day can inhibit your appetite and more importantly cravings to the point where you forget to eat and simply don't notice you forgot to eat

EDIT: My point with the adderall statement is that it has less side effects then any of their "weight loss drugs" and is vastly over prescribed anyway so its obviously well tolerated
4mg? Where did you get that "statistic"? One's a$$ doesn't make for good sourcing or do much for a person's credibility when used as a source. Adderall, name brand or generic, isn't manufactured in anything lower than 5mg IR tablets. I suppose a compounding pharmacy could whip something like that together, but that would probably be a first.
And for appetite suppression I'm gonna have to disagree and say that even the smallest female would not experience much past a day or two at 4mg. and definately not to the extent you're talking.
As far as Adderall being overprescribed? I'll go along with that. I have been on it since I was in college and am one that needs it to function normally (though I suppose they all say that). As far as being well tolerated? It depends on your definition. Of all the stimulant medications people seem to bulid up a tolerance to Adderall quicker than any of them.
Got off topic there a bit, but that needed to be addressed.


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Force of Green

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First of all DMAA is mostly thought of as an energy supp, not a weight loss product. Second of all, the significance to the market of an approved diet drug would be miniscule.
On a similar note, Nuvigil (Provigil's comeback clone or cousin, IDK maybe a prodrug) loses it's patent in 2016. I know that they still have adrafinil available as a nootropic and that is the prodrug to Provigil (modafinil).


4mg? Where did you get that "statistic"? One's a$$ doesn't make for good sourcing or do much for a person's credibility when used as a source. Adderall, name brand or generic, isn't manufactured in anything lower than 5mg IR tablets. I suppose a compounding pharmacy could whip something like that together, but that would probably be a first.
And for appetite suppression I'm gonna have to disagree and say that even the smallest female would not experience much past a day or two at 4mg. and definately not to the extent you're talking.
As far as Adderall being overprescribed? I'll go along with that. I have been on it since I was in college and am one that needs it to function normally (though I suppose they all say that). As far as being well tolerated? It depends on your definition. Of all the stimulant medications people seem to bulid up a tolerance to Adderall quicker than any of them.
Got off topic there a bit, but that needed to be addressed.
I've seen it first hand. Are you really going to tell me that someone who starts taking adderall will not see any appetite suppression, lowered cravings and weight loss? I've seen the reverse as well. People who take it for a long time like yourself get off it and gain a significant amount of weight. Everyone's body is different so its irrelevant to argue about dose. You've used it for years so your tolerance is through the roof. Im sure a dose that low would do nothing to you.

I was prescribed 4mg tablets when I used it. Hence why I used that as my starting point. I have no desire to debate what size tablets they make with you. Its not relevant to my point

Also Im not saying to take it indefinitely.


First of all DMAA is mostly thought of as an energy supp, not a weight loss product. Second of all, the significance to the market of an approved diet drug would be miniscule.
It was the main ingredient for Oxy Elite Pro which was one of the top selling weight loss pills at the time. I saw it in plenty of others as well. I believe it was touted as a way to drop weight and still be in a good mood while doing it. Why would thier be no significance? Two companies producing products that do the same thing. One thats expensive and kind of works and One thats inexpensive and definitely works. I was under the impression that the supplement industry takes money from the pharmaceutical industry by providing alternatives. If I'm wrong then my bad.

You introduced a game changer man. Its leaving a big gaping hole. I can't speak for the rest of you but I've never come close to having the same type of workouts and PR's that I had while eating clean and using Hemo Rage ultra concentrate. I know alot of the fitness model wannabe's at my gym are still looking for an alternative
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I've seen it first hand. Are you really going to tell me that someone who starts taking adderall will not see any appetite suppression, lowered cravings and weight loss? .
i dont think there is any doubt that amphetamine has appetite suppressant potential. this varies from individual to individual though and is dose dependent
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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It was the main ingredient for Oxy Elite Pro which was one of the top selling weight loss pills at the time. I saw it in plenty of others as well. I believe it was touted as a way to drop weight and still be in a good mood while doing it. Why would thier be no significance? Two companies producing products that do the same thing. One thats expensive and kind of works and One thats inexpensive and definitely works. I was under the impression that the supplement industry takes money from the pharmaceutical industry by providing alternatives. If I'm wrong then my bad.

I would say this was the case with ephedrine but I dont see DMAA being the same thing because it still is dwarfsed by ephedrines popularity. People think big pharma has a much bigger role in suppressing supplements than they do. Supplement profits are a fraction of a percent of pharma profits


Pro Virili Parte
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Even if adderal had the level of appetite suoression that you are claiming it has, it would still be a shltty diet pill IMO.


I would say this was the case with ephedrine but I dont see DMAA being the same thing because it still is dwarfsed by ephedrines popularity. People think big pharma has a much bigger role in suppressing supplements than they do. Supplement profits are a fraction of a percent of pharma profits
Thank you! Big pharma doesn't pay much attention at all to the supplement industry, nor does the FDA. This is reflected in the fact that they don't test for label claims and take several years to bust illegal sales (if ever).
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Even if adderal had the level of appetite suoression that you are claiming it has, it would still be a shltty diet pill IMO.

cuz of the sides?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Thank you! Big pharma doesn't pay much attention at all to the supplement industry, nor does the FDA. This is reflected in the fact that they don't test for label claims and take several years to bust illegal sales (if ever).

the FDA does pay attention to popular supplements sold on infomercials. Probably cuz of the massive exposure these have, and the fact that these make a **** ton of money


the FDA does pay attention to popular supplements sold on infomercials. Probably cuz of the massive exposure these have, and the fact that these make a **** ton of money
Joe Theisman here with super beta prostate
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I would agree the Adderall may not be great in the way of a multi-faceted diet pill, even to the likes of ephedrine. The E/C combo also works on a mitochondrial level (cAMP) and continues burning fat through other pathways long after the stimulant effects diminish in time. Adderall is a choice for some, more or less because of the motivation that it gives via dopamine receptor agonism. Pick your poison. I agree also that at least for me, 4mg of a pure amphetamine (preferably the d isomer only) gives me all day appetite suppression, while tapering into the eve.


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When it comes to supplements it appears the FTC and FDA are more concerned with the ones marketed towards cancer and AIDS patients and towards other diseases. You: used to be able to browse the FDA site and see a list of all the companies they sent warning letters too. Not sure if they still list them or not. I went to check the other day and the site was different from how it was before.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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When it comes to supplements it appears the FTC and FDA are more concerned with the ones marketed towards cancer and AIDS patients and towards other diseases. You: used to be able to browse the FDA site and see a list of all the companies they sent warning letters too. Not sure if they still list them or not. I went to check the other day and the site was different from how it was before.

such products are clear violations of the law so it is a clear cut thing for them to go after them. Never make drug claims for a product, particularly if its for treatment of a deadly disease for which there are no good options


I would agree the Adderall may not be great in the way of a multi-faceted diet pill, even to the likes of ephedrine. The E/C combo also works on a mitochondrial level (cAMP) and continues burning fat through other pathways long after the stimulant effects diminish in time. Adderall is a choice for some, more or less because of the motivation that it gives via dopamine receptor agonism. Pick your poison. I agree also that at least for me, 4mg of a pure amphetamine (preferably the d isomer only) gives me all day appetite suppression, while tapering into the eve.
cAMP isn't associated with the mitochondria, and adderall (dextroamphetamine) is not a dopamine agonist.


Even if adderal had the level of appetite suoression that you are claiming it has, it would still be a shltty diet pill IMO.
You've clearly never used adderall. Im not saying its ephendrine in effectiveness. I'm saying its more effective then any "diet pill" Big Pharma has come out with so far. We are a society that over indulges. We eat foods jacked full of high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup. Substances that while they enhance the flavor, do not provide the same satiation that regular sugar does. These substances are great at activating your brains reward system. I've worked many times with very obese clients. All of which claim to get "high" off of eating a meal. Adderalls effect on dopamine would reduce these cravings. More often then not thats something people need. Help saying no

On a similar note I think itd be interesting to see a combination of adderall and buproprion( dopamine/nor-epinephrine reuptake inhibitor)on weight loss.


You've clearly never used adderall. Im not saying its ephendrine in effectiveness. I'm saying its more effective then any "diet pill" Big Pharma has come out with so far. We are a society that over indulges. We eat foods jacked full of high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup. Substances that while they enhance the flavor, do not provide the same satiation that regular sugar does. These substances are great at activating your brains reward system. I've worked many times with very obese clients. All of which claim to get "high" off of eating a meal. Adderalls effect on dopamine would reduce these cravings. More often then not thats something people need. Help saying no

On a similar note I think itd be interesting to see a combination of adderall and buproprion( dopamine/nor-epinephrine reuptake inhibitor)on weight loss.
While you are quite right about adderall's ability to reduce "reward system" hunger, you are replacing food with a stimulus of far greater magnitude in both total and rate of dopamine release in the VTA-> Nuc Accumbens. So what happens when it's time to go off adderall? They turn to an old friend: food. And now they need so much more of it to get "high."


On a similar note I think itd be interesting to see a combination of adderall and buproprion( dopamine/nor-epinephrine reuptake inhibitor)on weight loss.
Adderall also acts as a reuptake inhibitor to dopamine and norepinephrine.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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cAMP isn't associated with the mitochondria, and adderall (dextroamphetamine) is not a dopamine agonist.
Not dopamine agonists, sympatomimetics. Yep, cAMP has nothing to do with mitochondria. Ok... I missed a beat, but so did you. Adderall isn't dextroamphetamine. Adderall is mixed amphetamine salts and dextroamphetamine is marketed as Dexedrine, Dextrostat, etc. and is the d-isomer only. Every once in a while I miss a beat, but I'm glad someone's here to help me learn from some things that I've been mistakingly thinking for a while.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Not dopamine agonists, sympatomimetics. Yep, cAMP has nothing to do with mitochondria. Ok... I missed a beat, but so did you. Adderall isn't dextroamphetamine. Adderall is mixed amphetamine salts and dextroamphetamine is marketed as Dexedrine, Dextrostat, etc. and is the d-isomer only. Every once in a while I miss a beat, but I'm glad someone's here to help me learn from some things that I've been mistakingly thinking for a while.

i believe adderall is mixed dextroamphetamine salts. so saying it is dextroamphetamine is accurate enough

but seriously u should try Ethamphetamine. I hear its the latest CRAZE!!
Force of Green

Force of Green

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i believe adderall is mixed dextroamphetamine salts. so saying it is dextroamphetamine is accurate enough

but seriously u should try Ethamphetamine. I hear its the latest CRAZE!!
Damn, that's probably some crazy stuff. There's been a lot of analogues coming out lately. I have my bottle of generic Adderall and it says amphetamine salts. I'm 100% positive that Adderall is a racemic mixture and some... Here's from Wiki, but I know this to be true:

Dexedrine is just d-amphetamine and I have a script for that, that I never bothered filling for 10mg tablets. I like Dexedrine better, but it's preference. Dexedrine is a more "in your head" type of feeling and Adderall effects my heart rate too much. I can still tolerate Dexedrine, most likely, but Adderall would have to be taken in conjunction with an anticonvulsant, as the shakes and tics are too annoying to be social.


Damn, that's probably some crazy stuff. There's been a lot of analogues coming out lately. I have my bottle of generic Adderall and it says amphetamine salts. I'm 100% positive that Adderall is a racemic mixture and some... Here's from Wiki, but I know this to be true:
"D"extroamphetamine just signifies the stereochemistry. Levoamphetamine (R[-]) is also not a dopamine agonist. It also makes up a much smaller percentage of Adderall (<25%) and is significantly weaker. Feel free to check the Guide to Receptor and Channels from BPS/IUPHAR. iuphar-db. org/
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Damn, that's probably some crazy stuff. There's been a lot of analogues coming out lately. I have my bottle of generic Adderall and it says amphetamine salts. I'm 100% positive that Adderall is a racemic mixture and some... Here's from Wiki, but I know this to be true:

Dexedrine is just d-amphetamine and I have a script for that, that I never bothered filling for 10mg tablets. I like Dexedrine better, but it's preference. Dexedrine is a more "in your head" type of feeling and Adderall effects my heart rate too much. I can still tolerate Dexedrine, most likely, but Adderall would have to be taken in conjunction with an anticonvulsant, as the shakes and tics are too annoying to be social.

i looked it up and i stand corrected
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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"D"extroamphetamine just signifies the stereochemistry. Levoamphetamine (R[-]) is also not a dopamine agonist. It also makes up a much smaller percentage of Adderall (<25%) and is significantly weaker. Feel free to check the Guide to Receptor and Channels from BPS/IUPHAR. iuphar-db. org/

vicks inhalers contain levomethamphetamine

or used to at least
Force of Green

Force of Green

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"D"extroamphetamine just signifies the stereochemistry. Levoamphetamine (R[-]) is also not a dopamine agonist. It also makes up a much smaller percentage of Adderall (<25%) and is significantly weaker.
Never said l-amp was a dopamine agonist, after clearing up that I made a mistake I figured it was understood. But, Adderall is mixed amphetamine salts, IronFist. Dexedrine is d-amphetamine, Adderall is a racemic mixture of many amphetamine salts. All the other information is great too and that's definitely good to know the percentages.


vicks inhalers contain levomethamphetamine

or used to at least
Yeah, and people used to/still do extract it. It's an order of magnitude less potent then dextro, in addition to substantially more peripheral side effects.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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vicks inhalers contain levomethamphetamine

or used to at least
I think that now they have propylhexedrine, which when extracted from the inhaler and put into large capsules and taken on a somewhat empty stomach, will produce effects akin to an extinct designer drug, known by the club name 'Glow'.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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This thread has taken such turns, twists... now I see the pink magic.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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This thread has taken such turns, twists... now I see the pink magic.

thats not a euphemism that u gone homo i hope

.....not that there is anything wrong with that
Force of Green

Force of Green

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thats not a euphemism that u gone homo i hope

.....not that there is anything wrong with that
I don't know how to respond to that, without suffering backlash... ROFL


I've seen it first hand. Are you really going to tell me that someone who starts taking adderall will not see any appetite suppression, lowered cravings and weight loss? I've seen the reverse as well. People who take it for a long time like yourself get off it and gain a significant amount of weight. Everyone's body is different so its irrelevant to argue about dose. You've used it for years so your tolerance is through the roof. Im sure a dose that low would do nothing to you.

I was prescribed 4mg tablets when I used it. Hence why I used that as my starting point. I have no desire to debate what size tablets they make with you. Its not relevant to my point

Also Im not saying to take it indefinitely.
I wasn't trying to come off as an a$$ and if I did my apologies. I did say the appetite suppression could last for a few days but the tolerance buildup tends to be rather fast. I base this on my experience, what I've seen in others firsthand and also testimonials I've read from other people (like at bluelight dot com). I agree everybody is different, but the same could be said for anything else we're talking about, like DMAA for example. I'm sure a very small amount could have one person jumping out of their skin while a dose 4x a standard serving size would barely phase the next person.
If Adderall is manufactured in tablets less than 5mg then it's news to me. Not saying you're wrong since you say you've taken that dose. That's just the first I've heard of it.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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If Adderall is manufactured in tablets less than 5mg then it's news to me. Not saying you're wrong since you say you've taken that dose. That's just the first I've heard of it.

he could be outside USA
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I wasn't trying to come off as an a$$ and if I did my apologies. I did say the appetite suppression could last for a few days but the tolerance buildup tends to be rather fast. I base this on my experience, what I've seen in others firsthand and also testimonials I've read from other people (like at bluelight dot com). I agree everybody is different, but the same could be said for anything else we're talking about, like DMAA for example. I'm sure a very small amount could have one person jumping out of their skin while a dose 4x a standard serving size would barely phase the next person.
If Adderall is manufactured in tablets less than 5mg then it's news to me. Not saying you're wrong since you say you've taken that dose. That's just the first I've heard of it.
I've read about NMDA antagonists such as DXM, reversing amphetamine tolerance. NMDA modulation has a lot of promise in this realm. Ibogaine works by this mechanism.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I've read about NMDA antagonists such as DXM, reversing amphetamine tolerance. NMDA modulation has a lot of promise in this realm. Ibogaine works by this mechanism.

high doses of DXM are pretty insane. i was a shapeless blob on my ceiling


I've read about NMDA antagonists such as DXM, reversing amphetamine tolerance. NMDA modulation has a lot of promise in this realm. Ibogaine works by this mechanism.
Magnesium supposedly functions in a similar manner, though from personal experience it doesn't work all that well. Heard of people using high doses of DXM on a long-term basis for this purpose, but that scares the crap out of me. The nuerotoxicity coupled with the long-term use seems like a recipe to fry one's brain.
Certain Alzheimer's drugs are supposed to have a similar effect on amphetamine tolerance without the element of brain damage. Seems to me like that'd be the safest route to go if you actually wanted efectiveness (Magnesium is not very effective).
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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what about ketamine


he could be outside USA
If so I'd be interested to know which country. A lot of countries have scheduled amphetamines in what would be our equivelant to Schedule I status. Methylphenidate seems to be as far/ as strong as a lot of them will go. I believe Canada and Australia fall into that catergory, though it was quite a long time ago that I read this stuff so I may off a bit. I don't recall how they treat amphetamines in Europe.


what about ketamine
Haha... I hear that works better than anything for reversing amphetamine tolerance. I also hear it will also fry your brain like an egg in a skillet, kinda like those old commercials from the early '90's.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Haha... I hear that works better than anything for reversing amphetamine tolerance. I also hear it will also fry your brain like an egg in a skillet, kinda like those old commercials from the early '90's.
ketamine (in smaller doses) actually has been shown to rapidly treat severe depression in refractory patients. of course its not really a long term solution

i dont think it fries the brain. i think it makes you hallucinate like a SOB though in high dosages. I never tried it


ketamine (in smaller doses) actually has been shown to rapidly treat severe depression in refractory patients. of course its not really a long term solution

i dont think it fries the brain. i think it makes you hallucinate like a SOB though in high dosages. I never tried it
Yeah, I knew a guy that was into "Special-K" pretty heavy. He told me he would set an alarm or even an egg timer to help him "snap out of it" (his words) after a given period of time. That spooked me a bit and I decided then that I'd never try it.
I have read about it being theraputic for depressed individuals that were resistant to main line anti-depressants like SSRI's. MDMA has shown similar results as well.


ok so i missed the fun n games.
but notice no one mentioned this one point.

marketing was mentioned. but not the budget that goes behind it.

hey give me hundred thousand dollars to market something i'd make believers out of most.

i'd say compare the budgets allocated.

i tell you when you put a $ figure to things people start to wince.

you just can't question PA.

He made it all Clear.
How clever.


Active member
i ate special k for breakfast once,
I was able to maintain DB kickbacks for 4 straight hours

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