New MA Labs Product: ADERALL

I take 100mg flmondafinil with 300mg phenylpiractem and 300mg of GPC and have no problems at all. I usually take this once a week before I play golf.

I don't necessarily expect any adverse reactions or doubt that it is a safe/effective combination. I am just more sensitive to stimulant type products now a days so want to try them out individually first.
I don't necessarily expect any adverse reactions or doubt that it is a safe/effective combination. I am just more sensitive to stimulant type products now a days so want to try them out individually first.

There’s not much stim effect in any of those. More of a mind and muscle type feel. I take it before golf because I feel energized but no more than a cup of coffee. In fact I also take 200mg caffeine with it. It just puts me in a happy/feel good zone where I can concentrate without a thousand things going through my head. I feel alert and motivated without the jitters.
Flmodifinil is definitely a stimulant in the sense that it wakes you up and raises your HR.

That being said, it’s more of a wide wide awake feeling than a euphoric high. I used to stack it with pyroxamine fat burner
I was coming back to also ask about price point on this product.

I am hoping to find some Adrafinil and Phenylpiractem in smaller quantities to test run by themselves before purchasing this, just to be sure I don't react badly to one of them having never tried either.
Mike hasn't discussed exact price point but I do know it's gonna be in and around the same ballpark as VIcaine was which was 78.99 before using a discount code like mine "WES20" at checkout and then you take 20% off that, and shipping is usually around $9-10 if I recall.

First off, I just wanted to say thank you for pioneering the way with your vicaine product a few years back. I heard the term "nootropics" tossed around here and there back then, but at the time, my mind was focused on other tasks at hand than really dedicating myself in the gym until then. I got back into weightlifting again, hardcore and needed something to really help push me through my workouts and help with the pain in my shoulder. Along with the mandatory TRT that I was on, vicaine was the miracle preworkout suppliment for me. I was so bummed when I bought the bottle and found out that it was going to be the last bottle because of the FDA.

I was so irritated that they shut you down selling that product just because of the name and the tia compound that I went out and discovered a whole world of nootropics just waiting to be explored by myself. I was sure that I could replicate your formula for myself and use it daily, and luckily, I was able to obtain ALL ingredients and the magic that I used in the morning for my workout came back through my nootropic venture! So thank you for that! I opened my own nootropic business selling all of the products separately without any issue from the FDA getting them imported, even tia. I don't inform anyone how to use any of the research products in any way and while I would love to formulate something along the lines, I don't know if a), I would be breaking any patent laws - copyright laws with your formula from yourself, and b) , once I tell someone how to ingest something - I may end up getting more in trouble with the fda due to lack of licensing permits.

I do want to say that this formula looks great, but I can definitely see the FDA coming down on you hard again with using the ADERALL name. Again, I think that you're going to put your foot in the wrong place with big brother and they will probably put a stop to this again. I think that they will have a problem just as they did with Vicaine because of the way that you market this compound. Of course, we all know it's not Adderall, but the fda only cares about enforcing the laws and keeping kids away from self harm, so I can see this happening. Just wanted to throw that out there.

The only thing that I would change with your formula, and I'm not sure why you chose adrafinil, but why wouldn't you use something more along the lines with crl-adrafinil, 4-cl-adrafinl, fl-mod, or even cl-modafinil? I find that Cl-mod is a much stronger compound that's just as safe that doesn't require a longer time to be converted and absorbed - especially fl-mod. Is there not enough data on the other compounds that might give you hesitation? Flmod for me, is my favorite because it works fast and it doesn't last too long into the day, which could cause sleeping issues.

Everything else is on point with this formula, and I for one, will definitely purchase a bottle and try out your new formula. Thanks again for doing what you do,


The price will be $69.99 pre-discount code.

I decided to change the name a bit, so as to not look too much like the actual drug name.

Things are still on track.

In reference to the poster that asked why I used adrafinil over some of the other modafinil derivatives, there are a few reasons.

One, I actually like the feel of regular moda quite a bit...and adrafinil feels identical.

Two, I wanted a product that lasted for a considerable portion of the day, which is why most of the compounds I selected last a long time. The product is designed to be taken in the morning...or at least 12-15 hours before bed, so that there are no problems sleeping. Furthermore, adrafinil only takes about 60-70 minutes to fully kick-in when taken the way I recommend on the bottle...and at 500 mg, the effect will be quite strong.

Three, FLmoda is actually in clinical trials right now...for potential use as a script drug...and it has a patent on it. Adrafinil has been around a long time and is regularly sold in the US without any issues from the FDA. All the other derivatives either have patents, provide an effect I don't like as much, or cost a lot more.

Despite needing to convert in the body, adrafinil works really, really well. The only issue some people run into is inadequate dosing. You need to use higher doses of adrafinil compared to something like FLmoda or even regular moda, but as long as the formulator takes into consideration the conversation rate when determining overall dosing, it can provide an effect every bit as good as regular moda.

In conclusion, I selected adrafinil because it provides a feel identical to moda, has a strong track record of safety, and has been left off the FDA's radar. I am not going to push things by using patented drugs in clinical trials. That would be a mistake. After getting a letter from FDA because of Vicaine...and realizing how cool the FDA agent was to me, I don't want to produce anything that would result in me getting another letter, especially when I have an option that potentially works just as well. :)
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Just Waiting !!
Sorry about the wait, guys, but it's coming. I figured giving a teaser a few weeks early would at least let you know what to expect, unlike Brundel (BlackLion) who announces products many months in advance. LOL. I love Brundel, just messing with him. :)
Sorry about the wait, guys, but it's coming. I figured giving a teaser a few weeks early would at least let you know what to expect, unlike Brundel (BlackLion) who announces products many months in advance. LOL. I love Brundel, just messing with him. :)

Lmao true though
Although it falls in the stim category (partially), this product does NOT function like the common stims (ephedrine, DMAA, DMHA, eria jarensis, high dose caffeine, etc.). It is far different and enables one to euther sit and study/work without feeling like you need to run around...or you can go to the gym, engage in physcial sports, etc. It acts as both a physcial and cognitive enahcment agent.

"Chill" products are a bit more difficult, as the number of truly effective (by effective I mean drug-like) compounds available are limited. The strongest compounds which fit int this category are phenibut/fluorinated phenibut and high quality, high dose noble Kava. While phenibut and its derivatives are great, they are also addictive and therefore non-viable for prolonged usage. While high quality kava works great, the sheer volume involved (per serving) makes encapsulated supplementation impossible...and even when drinking it, with a 2-3 tbsp serving size it just isn't practical as part of a combination product (and it tastes like ass). While there are concentrates available, they gum up the machines and quality control is also more difficult.

I have a few ideas floating around in my head, as I REALLY wanted to make a replacement for Vicaine (either along the opioid or GABA/benzo pathways), but it's a very difficult task. Some of the compounds I would want to use are not only difficult to obtain, but the places where they are obtained are notorious for having poor quality control. Essentially, it comes down to both sourcing and cost issues. Vicaine was already super expensive to make...and Aderall is right up there as well. A truly effective chill pill (similar in effectiveness to a benzo, but without the addictive qualities) is something that takes a lot of work...and is not something ANY supplement company has ever accomplished. I could do it (in other words, I know how), but unfortunately, my financial resources don't justify spending the amount of money necessary for properly developing it. It just doesn't make sense for me to develop a product that costs more to make than the last 10 products put together.

Thanks for the follow up!
Coming Soon .................
OK. Here's where were at. The label has been sent over for printing, so as soon as that is done, it needs to be sent to the manufacturer, which takes a few days to get there. Then, after the manufacturer receives it, he will bottle and label the product within 1-2 days. At that point the finished product needs to be shipped to me, which takes another few days. So, there is a bit of a wait left, but we are in the home stretch.
OK. Here's where were at. The label has been sent over for printing, so as soon as that is done, it needs to be sent to the manufacturer, which takes a few days to get there. Then, after the manufacturer receives it, he will bottle and label the product within 1-2 days. At that point the finished product needs to be shipped to me, which takes another few days. So, there is a bit of a wait left, but we are in the home stretch.
Where can we purchase it when it's ready? Sorry if you've already posted the answer to this somewhere.
Interesting product:

Situations this product would be good for?

Any recommendations for:
study aid focus/memory
Creativity - music
69,99 its not too much expansive? Why have this this than the other product like that? Its just question for understand why this price.
69,99 its not too much expansive? Why have this this than the other product like that? Its just question for understand why this price.
Want also add some question to owner.
I would understand if is that specific as pre wo, or it going well also upon wakin, so for who study or going to work that looking nootropic focus, energy, concentration or just to take during stress period. How it work on this way? May help?
69,99 its not too much expansive? Why have this this than the other product like that? Its just question for understand why this price.
I am not really understanding your full question, but regarding the price, if you have a problem with it, you obviously don't realize the cost of making this product. Furthermore, there is a discount code on this site, which brings the price down considerably. Regardless, a $69 retail price is FAR from unreasonable considering the type and amount of ingredients that are in this product. There is a reason you don't see other companies releasing an ingredient line-up like this...because it costs more to make than many products are sold for. The profit margin would be unacceptable to them, so you don't see products like this being made.
MA Labs definitely has a unique niche position in the supplement industry. Yes, the prices are high, but you’re getting very unique and very complete products, often with ingredients that sort of push the envelope. I get that not everyone wants or needs to pay a premium, or wants to push the envelope, but I’m glad the company exists for those of us who do want to. More quality options is always a good thing!
Want also add some question to owner.
I would understand if is that specific as pre wo, or it going well also upon wakin, so for who study or going to work that looking nootropic focus, energy, concentration or just to take during stress period. How it work on this way? May help?
The product is comprised of CNS stims, nootropics and eugeroics, as you can see by its ingredient profile. Furthermore, I specifically designed this product so that it s CNS stimulant profile would not cause elevations in heart rate or blood pressure. Studies have shown that neither theacrine nor dynamine elevate heart rate or BP...and when it comes to caffeine, a 200 mg dose was found to have negligible effects on those variables. One study, which combined 200 mg caffeine and 200 mg theacrine, showed NO increase in heart rate or BP.

Keep in mind that although my product contains 270 mg of dicaffine malate, that dose only contains 180 mg of actual caffeine. Furthermore, because dicaffeine malate releases caffeine into the system more slowly than regular caffeine, it provides a blood level of caffeine equivalent to roughly 120 mg of regular caffeine...but it keeps those levels elevated for a longer period of time. So, it is basically like drinking a slightly stronger than normal cup of coffee which stays active for a long time. This also means that no one has to worry about this dose of caffeine malate raising blood pressure or heart rate, thereby making the product much more cardiovascularly friendly than most stim-based products..

As a result of Aterall ER's formulation, it has many potential applications, which includes both physical and mental activities (going to the gym, studying/working, etc.)
I am not really understanding your full question, but regarding the price, if you have a problem with it, you obviously don't realize the cost of making this product. Furthermore, there is a discount code on this site, which brings the price down considerably. Regardless, a $69 retail price is FAR from unreasonable considering the type and amount of ingredients that are in this product. There is a reason you don't see other companies releasing an ingredient line-up like this...because it costs more to make than many products are sold for. The profit margin would be unacceptable to them, so you don't see products like this being made.
You have answer about what im ask on your second message.
About my message, my full question, im ask to you if is indicated-specific only as pre workout or like the others nootropic it can be used also for other problem or for who need more focus or energy or concentration during the day. Thats because it have many ingredients.
The product is comprised of CNS stims, nootropics and eugeroics, as you can see by its ingredient profile. Furthermore, I specifically designed this product so that it s CNS stimulant profile would not cause elevations in heart rate or blood pressure. Studies have shown that neither theacrine nor dynamine elevate heart rate or BP...and when it comes to caffeine, a 200 mg dose was found to have negligible effects on those variables. One study, which combined 200 mg caffeine and 200 mg theacrine, showed NO increase in heart rate or BP.

Keep in mind that although my product contains 270 mg of dicaffine malate, that dose only contains 180 mg of actual caffeine. Furthermore, because dicaffeine malate releases caffeine into the system more slowly than regular caffeine, it provides a blood level of caffeine equivalent to roughly 120 mg of regular caffeine...but it keeps those levels elevated for a longer period of time. So, it is basically like drinking a slightly stronger than normal cup of coffee which stays active for a long time. This also means that no one has to worry about this dose of caffeine malate raising blood pressure or heart rate, thereby making the product much more cardiovascularly friendly than most stim-based products..

As a result of Aterall ER's formulation, it has many potential applications, which includes both physical and mental activities (going to the gym, studying/working, etc.)
So, thank you.
About 3 weeks. The remainder of the ingredients are currently in transit (to the manufacturer) and once they get there it will be produced, which takes one day. The labels should be finished up within a week or so and after that it will go on sale. So, about 3 weeks, give or take a little.

Solid Stack!!!

Any update on product launch? Also will this be available in the future I heard most nootropics will no longer be shipped from China next year.
Solid Stack!!!

Any update on product launch? Also will this be available in the future I heard most nootropics will no longer be shipped from China next year.
It will be available in a few hours. :)