New MA Labs Product: ADERALL

Mike Arnold

Board Sponsor
New MA Labs Product: ADERALL

Hi, guys. I am super excited about my newest product, Aderall. It just went into production and should be out within the next 3 weeks or so. It will be unlike any other product on the market today, as no other product has the ingredient profile this stuff has. This product is LOADED! Check out the ingredient profile! I have a lot to say about this product, but most of the details will be in the write-up (e.g. product description). For now, I will just touch on the basics.

As you can see, I designed this product to mimic the effects of Adderall, which is not an easy task, but it IS possible. Let's look at the CNS stim blend first. I decided on a combination of dicaffeine male, theacrine and dynamine. Not only will this blend provide a prolonged effect (dicaffeine malate has a longer duration of action compared to regular caffeine), but due to the nature of theacrine and dynamine (and unlike most stim bends), it will not cause the jitters or anxiety, nor will it elevate heart rate or blood pressure to any significant degree. This was an important prerequisite, as the script drug Adderall does not typically provide the erratic, jump out of your seat feeling that many stims provide. Instead, it provides a very intense, but focused effect that lends itself to both physical activity and mental tasks with equal proficiency. For this reason, I knew early on that this particular combo was going to be the foundational CNS component of the product.

The next ingredient falls in the class of compounds known as eugeroics. For this compound, I decided on adrafinil. For those of you who are unfamiliar with adrafinil, it is very cool stuff. It converts directly to modafinil at an impressive rate and as a result, provides the same exact effect as modafinil, yet it lasts considerably longer (about 12-15 hours). Therefore, this product is NOT something you would want to take in the afternoon or evening, but rather in the morning...or at least 12 hours before going to sleep. As you can see, I dosed this compound HIGH at a full 500 mg per serving. This will provide the equivalent of roughly 250-330 mg of modafinil-- a powerful dosage, to be sure. When combined with the stim blend mentioned above, the effect is highly euphoric, invigorating and both physcially and cognitively rejuvenating. Just this combination of ingredients alone would be enough to warrant a product all on its own, but I went WAY further than that. Enter the nootropic blend...

With a blend of phenylpiracetam, sunifiram, alpha GPC, sulbutiamine, l-theanine and huperzine-a, Adderall is a vertiable powerhouse! The phenylpiracetam alone is dosed at 125 mg--a dose you're not going to find in any supplement in this industry (if you find it at all), especially in a combination product like this. Phenylpiracetam is awesome stuff, enhancing both physcial and mental abilities alike. It is widely considered to be the most powerful racetam. Unfortunately, It is banned in IOC competition, so for those of you who are subjected to those testing guidelines, abstinence is required. Like phenylpiracetam, sunifiram is also considered the most powerful compound in its class (the ampakines) and is dosed at a full 10 mg. Throw some alpha GPC on top of that (to supercharge the effects of the racetams and ampakines), some huperzine-a on top of that (which supercharges the effect of alpha GPC), some sulbutiamine and l-theanine...and you have a powerhouse supplement unlike anything else on the market today!

I could go on for pages and pages about each they work together syngergistically, etc., but I will stop here...and those of you who want to learn more, more information will be available when the product is released. Just read the product description on the product page.

Note: Although the ingredient profile shown below lists the product as having 20 servings, the final ingredient profile will have it listed as 20-30 servings, as many people will NOT need (or want) to take the full dosage. With each ingredient being dosed at or above full clinical doses, a full 3 cap dose is very pwerfull. Keep in mind that it takes about 60-75 mminutes for this product to fully kick-in, but once it does, you may find that 3 caps is more than enough for you. Some of you will love the full dose, while others will scale it back a bit. To each their own. :)

Aderall High Potency Psychostimulant-Nootropic Matrix”

60 Capsules
Servings Size:
3 capsules (1,885 mg)
Servings per Bottle: 20

Per Serving:

CNS Stimulant Complex

Dynamine: 250 mg
Dicaffeine Malate: 200 mg
Theacrine: 200 mg

Pro-Modafinil Analogue
Adrafinil: 500 mg

Nootropic Complex

Alpha GPC: 200 mg
Sulbutiamine: 200 mg
L-Theanine: 200 mg
Phenylpiracetam: 125 mg
Sunifiram: 10 mg
Huperzine-A: 100 mcg
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Looks amazing for those who ae into the Stim's!! Any new "Chill" supps in the works?

Although it falls in the stim category (partially), this product does NOT function like the common stims (ephedrine, DMAA, DMHA, eria jarensis, high dose caffeine, etc.). It is far different and enables one to euther sit and study/work without feeling like you need to run around...or you can go to the gym, engage in physcial sports, etc. It acts as both a physcial and cognitive enahcment agent.

"Chill" products are a bit more difficult, as the number of truly effective (by effective I mean drug-like) compounds available are limited. The strongest compounds which fit int this category are phenibut/fluorinated phenibut and high quality, high dose noble Kava. While phenibut and its derivatives are great, they are also addictive and therefore non-viable for prolonged usage. While high quality kava works great, the sheer volume involved (per serving) makes encapsulated supplementation impossible...and even when drinking it, with a 2-3 tbsp serving size it just isn't practical as part of a combination product (and it tastes like ass). While there are concentrates available, they gum up the machines and quality control is also more difficult.

I have a few ideas floating around in my head, as I REALLY wanted to make a replacement for Vicaine (either along the opioid or GABA/benzo pathways), but it's a very difficult task. Some of the compounds I would want to use are not only difficult to obtain, but the places where they are obtained are notorious for having poor quality control. Essentially, it comes down to both sourcing and cost issues. Vicaine was already super expensive to make...and Aderall is right up there as well. A truly effective chill pill (similar in effectiveness to a benzo, but without the addictive qualities) is something that takes a lot of work...and is not something ANY supplement company has ever accomplished. I could do it (in other words, I know how), but unfortunately, my financial resources don't justify spending the amount of money necessary for properly developing it. It just doesn't make sense for me to develop a product that costs more to make than the last 10 products put together.
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Although it falls in the stim category (partially), this product does NOT function like the common stims (ephedrine, DMAA, DMHA, eria jarensis, high dose caffeine, etc.). It is far different and enables one to euther sit and study/work without feeling like you need to run around...or you can go to the gym, engage in physcial sports, etc. It acts as both a physcial and cognitive enahcment agent.

"Chill" products are a bit more difficult, as the number of truly effective (by effective I mean drug-like) compounds available are limited. The strongest compounds which fit int this category are phenibut/fluorinated phenibut and high quality, high dose noble Kava. While phenibut and its derivatives are great, they are also addictive and therefore non-viable for prolonged usage. While high quality kava works great, the sheer volume involved (per serving) makes encapsulated supplementation impossible...and even when drinking it, it just isn't practical as part of a combination product with a 2-3 tbsp sering size (and it tastes like ass). While there are concentrates available, they gum up the machines and quality control is also more difficult.

I have a few ideas floating around in my head, as I REALLY wanted to make a replacement for Vicaine (either along the opioid or GABA/benzo pathways), but it's a very difficult task. Some of the compounds I would want to use are not only difficult to obtain, but the places where they are obtained are notorious for having poor quality control. Essentially, it comes down to both sourcing and cost issues. Vicaine was already super expensive to make...and Aderall is right up there as well. A truly effective chill pill (similar in effectiveness to a benzo, but without the addictive qualities) is something that takes a lot of work...and is not something ANY supplement company has ever accomplished. I could do it (in other words, I know how), but unfortunately, my financial resources don't justify spending the amount of money necessary for properly developing it. It just doesn't make sense for me to develop a product that costs more to make than the last 10 products put together.

How about a CBD based sleep aid?
This will be a purchase for me. I like how it is 3 caps per serving so I can dial it down if need be at 1 or 2 caps.

Also 1 cap of this plus 1 cap of Stim Freak would probably go great together.
This will be a purchase for me. I like how it is 3 caps per serving so I can dial it down if need be at 1 or 2 caps.

Also 1 cap of this plus 1 cap of Stim Freak would probably go great together.
I had no choice but to break the dose up into 3 caps because each full serving is a 1.8 gram serving size. That is already 600 mg per cap, which is pushing the limit for total weight per cap, even for the larger caps.

However, even if I didn't have to do this, I would have done it anyway, as it was already the plan. Just like you, I also wanted to provide variable dosing, so that people wouldn't be forced to take too large of a dose at once. A 3 cap serving size allows for much greater fine-tuning of dosage.
Yep I am a rep and I am also a customer

Wait, wasn't that a commercial. I'm not only the President, I'm also a client.....

For balding. Oh....... Hmmmm....I'm like the Bosley of supplements :(
I have been anxiously awaiting this release. It looks to be right up my alley and I am more than excited!

Sorry if I missed it, but when is this coming out?
I have been anxiously awaiting this release. It looks to be right up my alley and I am more than excited!

Sorry if I missed it, but when is this coming out?
About 3 weeks. The remainder of the ingredients are currently in transit (to the manufacturer) and once they get there it will be produced, which takes one day. The labels should be finished up within a week or so and after that it will go on sale. So, about 3 weeks, give or take a little.
The more I look at this formula...the more excited I get..

If I were given the opportunity to hand pick ingredients for this type of supplement, it would be exactly this!
About 3 weeks. The remainder of the ingredients are currently in transit (to the manufacturer) and once they get there it will be produced, which takes one day. The labels should be finished up within a week or so and after that it will go on sale. So, about 3 weeks, give or take a little.

I’d be down to try this out actually, looks like it’ll be good to just have on those early 4am work days and the 16 hour work days I have sometimes.
Love the Quality of MA Labs !!
Looks interesting but will this be as addictive as real Adderall ? Real Adderall is awesome but very addictive and can be hard to control at times...
Are you going to make a thread for ideas to rename the product when the FDA sends you another love letter? 😁😁
Are you going to make a thread for ideas to rename the product when the FDA sends you another love letter? 😁😁

If Hi Tech can name products Dbol, Sustanon and so on, then I don't see anything wrong with this being a play on words.

Hell Blackstone has Angel Dust. TLM has METH LAB. And there are energy drinks called COCAINE.


But I will agree with you on their stupidity. Back about 5 years ago, FDA directed paypal and a merchant account to shut down my stores credit card processing. When I called in to dispute it, they said I was selling Alcohol.

My Supplement company is GYM N TONIC Supplements. Like the drink, GIN n TONIC....Play on words. Anyways, minus even looking these fools shut me down. Now I did when my appeal and when the Supervisor was looking at the documentation I could literally tell he was facepalming. He apologized and literally said What the **** LOL

He was disgusted by his own staff and the move to ban me...LOL. True Story.
If Hi Tech can name products Dbol, Sustanon and so on, then I don't see anything wrong with this being a play on words.

Hell Blackstone has Angel Dust. TLM has METH LAB. And there are energy drinks called COCAINE.


But I will agree with you on their stupidity. Back about 5 years ago, FDA directed paypal and a merchant account to shut down my stores credit card processing. When I called in to dispute it, they said I was selling Alcohol.

My Supplement company is GYM N TONIC Supplements. Like the drink, GIN n TONIC....Play on words. Anyways, minus even looking these fools shut me down. Now I did when my appeal and when the Supervisor was looking at the documentation I could literally tell he was facepalming. He apologized and literally said What the **** LOL

He was disgusted by his own staff and the move to ban me...LOL. True Story.

Hopefully it flies under the radar, but I imagine they'll claim the name is too close to an approved drug. Something like add-it-all would be a play on words, but this is just dropping a letter. Hopefully I'm wrong and I wish you guys luck because I think a lot of people will use this.
I will give it a try !
I hope Mike plans to have a large volume of bottles in stock on the day this becomes available. There seems to be quite a bit of interest and this could move fast!
Not a bad problem to have !
If Hi Tech can name products Dbol, Sustanon and so on, then I don't see anything wrong with this being a play on words.

Hell Blackstone has Angel Dust. TLM has METH LAB. And there are energy drinks called COCAINE.


But I will agree with you on their stupidity. Back about 5 years ago, FDA directed paypal and a merchant account to shut down my stores credit card processing. When I called in to dispute it, they said I was selling Alcohol.

My Supplement company is GYM N TONIC Supplements. Like the drink, GIN n TONIC....Play on words. Anyways, minus even looking these fools shut me down. Now I did when my appeal and when the Supervisor was looking at the documentation I could literally tell he was facepalming. He apologized and literally said What the **** LOL

He was disgusted by his own staff and the move to ban me...LOL. True Story.
Lol thats what i was getting at. They seem to either

A. Have it out for MA Labs
B. Be completely crooked
C. Be complete idiots
D. All of the above
Any insight on sunifiram compared to unifiram? I tried the latter and it made me feel very spacey at maybe only 1-2mg.
What's the chances of buying a bootleg sample before the labels and final production is complete? Takes one day to finish production when materials are received, and a another 30 minutes to snag a handful and put into some baggies.. A nice sneak peak of a smaller sample size to sell to us Anabolic Mind folks maybe? Lol
Lol thats what i was getting at. They seem to either

A. Have it out for MA Labs
B. Be completely crooked
C. Be complete idiots
D. All of the above
The FDA (the guy I spoke with) was actually super cool. What he mainly cared about with Vicaine was the tianeptine...and as a secondary issue, some of the product claims in the product description were worded improperly. I could have dropped the tianeptine and re-worded the description, but without tianeptine in the product it was no longer the same thing, so I just dropped it entirely.

If the FDA was really out for me, they could have done a lot worse. They really were very cool to me. It actually surprised me. My interaction with the FDA caused me to view them in a differnet light; gave me more respect for them. I may not agree with all the laws, but believe me when I tell you that if they really wanted to, the FDA could pull 100's of products/ingredients off the market right now. They seem to only go after those ingredients they genuinely think are harmful...and don't think for one second think they are ignorant regarding what goes on in the industry. They are WELL aware.

Again, I don't always agree with their decisions because I am somewhat of a liberaterian, but if they really wanted to use their full power to shut people down/remove ingredients, we would see a LOT more things going bye-bye than we do. The fact that they DON'T do this, but only focus on certain things, shows me that they cut this industry a LOT of slack (according to the law).

The thing that really pisses them off is when an agent tells a company to remove something...and they don't. Defiance will cause them to bring down the hammer.
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What's the chances of buying a bootleg sample before the labels and final production is complete? Takes one day to finish production when materials are received, and a another 30 minutes to snag a handful and put into some baggies.. A nice sneak peak of a smaller sample size to sell to us Anabolic Mind folks maybe? Lol
Sorry, brother. It's actually not quite that easy, as my manufacturer lives half-way across the country from me, so he would either have to either send me the completed product and then I would have to ship them out, or he would have to do it...and that's not a manufacturer's job.

Furthermore, and more importantly, is that encapsulating, bottling and labeling all happens on the same day. So, there is never a time when filled capsules are just sitting there. As soon as the caps are filled, they go in the bottles...and right after they go in bottles, the labels go on. So, nothing will be available until it is fully ready.

Encapsulated products are not like powdered, drinkable products (ex. most pre-workouts). When making a powdered, drinkable product I get samples because I need to determine if the flavoring is OK, etc. They do NOT send me samples simply so I can see how it "works". The manufacturer assumes the company already knows how their formula works (they better). With powdered, drinkable products the manufacturer can mix a small amount of raws for flavor sampling and then hand-pour them into ziplock bags. This does not require them to put the samples through the whole production process like they would with an encapsulated product. With that said, you can't send out sample powders of products that are supposed to be encapsulated. There are multiple reason for this.

For one, the serving size is way to small with encapsulated products to just send someone a bag of mixed raws. Given that the product contains stims, I can't send someone some powder and say "here you go". The person could end up OD'ing if they use too much. Two, encapsulated products aren't flavored, so trying to drink the mixed raws would taste horrific.

In other words, encapsulated products can only be taken once they are in capsules...and the manufacturer can't make a dozen bottle run or something like that. There are minimum 500 bottles runs...because the machines need to be throughourly cleaned after each use, to avoid cross-contamination. This costs money. Doing a couple dozen bottle run would cause the manufacturer to actually LOSE money. This is why manufacturers have minimum size runs. Most manufacturers have 1,000 bottle minimum runs.

If I really wanted a sample for myself, my manufacturer could send me a few servings of mixed raws and I could measure them out before trying them, but these kind of samples can't be sold to customers for the reason stated above.

So, the only way to try the product is to wait for it to be completed...simply because the mixing, encapsulation, bottling and labeling all take place at the same time; one right after the other. It takes less than an hour.
Good Info
Any insight on sunifiram compared to unifiram? I tried the latter and it made me feel very spacey at maybe only 1-2mg.
I have used it several times and I cannot say I ever felt spacey at all. So I am unsure if that answers your question or not. Most of the times I have used it, it was not solo, but rather in a blended product. And I always recall it was dosed pretty low. It was nothing mind blowing on it's own, but then again for me it takes something very strong for me to even notice anymore.
The FDA (the guy I spoke with) was actually super cool. What he mainly cared about with Vicaine was the tianeptine...and as a secondary issue, some of the product claims in the product description were worded improperly. I could have dropped the tianeptine and re-worded the description, but without tianeptine in the product it was no longer the same thing, so I just dropped it entirely.

If the FDA was really out for me, they could have done a lot worse. They really were very cool to me. It actually surprised me. My interaction with the FDA caused me to view them in a differnet light; gave me more respect for them. I may not agree with all the laws, but believe me when I tell you that if they really wanted to, the FDA could pull 100's of products/ingredients off the market right now. They seem to only go after those ingredients they genuinely think are harmful...and don't think for one second think they are ignorant regarding what goes on in the industry. They are WELL aware.

Again, I don't always agree with their decisions because I am somewhat of a liberaterian, but if they really wanted to use their full power to shut people down/remove ingredients, we would see a LOT more things going bye-bye than we do. The fact that they DON'T do this, but only focus on certain things, shows me that they cut this industry a LOT of slack (according to the law).

The thing that really pisses them off is when an agent tells a company to remove something...and they don't. Defiance will cause them to bring down the hammer.

Hopefully I never have that experience first-hand and I'll always be able to take your word for it. But as consumers, rarely do we get to see the view from either end of the scope, we're just caught in the crossfire.
Sorry, brother. It's actually not quite that easy, as my manufacturer lives half-way across the country from me, so he would either have to either send me the completed product and then I would have to ship them out, or he would have to do it...and that's not a manufacturer's job.

Furthermore, and more importantly, is that encapsulating, bottling and labeling all happens on the same day. So, there is never a time when filled capsules are just sitting there. As soon as the caps are filled, they go in the bottles...and right after they go in bottles, the labels go on. So, nothing will be available until it is fully ready.

Encapsulated products are not like powdered, drinkable products (ex. most pre-workouts). When making a powdered, drinkable product I get samples because I need to determine if the flavoring is OK, etc. They do NOT send me samples simply so I can see how it "works". The manufacturer assumes the company already knows how their formula works (they better). With powdered, drinkable products the manufacturer can mix a small amount of raws for flavor sampling and then hand-pour them into ziplock bags. This does not require them to put the samples through the whole production process like they would with an encapsulated product. With that said, you can't send out sample powders of products that are supposed to be encapsulated. There are multiple reason for this.

For one, the serving size is way to small with encapsulated products to just send someone a bag of mixed raws. Given that the product contains stims, I can't send someone some powder and say "here you go". The person could end up OD'ing if they use too much. Two, encapsulated products aren't flavored, so trying to drink the mixed raws would taste horrific.

In other words, encapsulated products can only be taken once they are in capsules...and the manufacturer can't make a dozen bottle run or something like that. There are minimum 500 bottles runs...because the machines need to be throughourly cleaned after each use, to avoid cross-contamination. This costs money. Doing a couple dozen bottle run would cause the manufacturer to actually LOSE money. This is why manufacturers have minimum size runs. Most manufacturers have 1,000 bottle minimum runs.

If I really wanted a sample for myself, my manufacturer could send me a few servings of mixed raws and I could measure them out before trying them, but these kind of samples can't be sold to customers for the reason stated above.

So, the only way to try the product is to wait for it to be completed...simply because the mixing, encapsulation, bottling and labeling all take place at the same time; one right after the other. It takes less than an hour.

I gotcha! You didn't have to go into that much detail, so I really appreciate that, it's all good information to know.
I have used it several times and I cannot say I ever felt spacey at all. So I am unsure if that answers your question or not. Most of the times I have used it, it was not solo, but rather in a blended product. And I always recall it was dosed pretty low. It was nothing mind blowing on it's own, but then again for me it takes something very strong for me to even notice anymore.

Good to know, thanks for the reply
Look's like a great product it's too bad Adrafinil is classified as a narcotics in this part of the EU and our FDA has warned about the liver toxicity.
There's no liver "toxicity" with adrafinil. That claim was way overblown and exaggerated. It is similar to the old tianeptine toxicity claim, but we all learned that was bullshit.

Adrafinil causes such a WEAK degree of hepatic stress that no one who is educated about this compound is even slightly concerned. Tons of compounds can provide varying degrees of hepatic stress, such as beer, Tylenol, etc., yet they are not considered harmful when used within their proper doing range. Oral (methylated) steroids are far more liver toxic, yet we don't see anyone getting liver transplants because of them, do we? Even Tylenol is considered significantly more liver toxic than adrafinil and Tylenol is quite safe when used properly. Furthermore, adrafinil has been used by the masses without any doctor supervision whatsoever and yet no one is getting hurt.
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Ive never used adrafinil, but love the effects of phenylparacetam. How do the two compare, and how does the product as a whole compare to phenylparacetam solo?
Curious on the combination also. Lots of potential here but also a lot of ingredients to wrap ones head around
I placed an order yesterday on the RC Site, check out with an e-check is super easy !!
Would the price range for this product be similar to Vicaine?
I was coming back to also ask about price point on this product.

I am hoping to find some Adrafinil and Phenylpiractem in smaller quantities to test run by themselves before purchasing this, just to be sure I don't react badly to one of them having never tried either.
Release date update? Severely interested for me and the lady friend.
No new update everyone at least not on my end.

From what Mike says end of October is the goal :)

Def can't come soon enough :)
I was coming back to also ask about price point on this product.

I am hoping to find some Adrafinil and Phenylpiractem in smaller quantities to test run by themselves before purchasing this, just to be sure I don't react badly to one of them having never tried either.

I take 100mg flmondafinil with 300mg phenylpiractem and 300mg of GPC and have no problems at all. I usually take this once a week before I play golf.