Need Help with Memory


How about try asking your doctor for Provigil instead.

I can't post a link, but just google it. It's more of an intelligence/productivity enhancer, so memory should be improved too.
seeking the guidance of a qualified medical provider tends to be frowned upon on this forum, as you will learn

not a bad idea you have imo - just odd to go straight for drugs on a supplement forum

Yeah, just self diagnose and ask you doctor for a drug of your choosing. That's the ticket!. Drugs fix everything, right?
isn't that what this whole thread has been seeking/advising to begin with?
self-diagnose/treatment via "unproven" supps?

I had a relevant and pertinent point to bring up, but I have forgotten what it was....
pass me the latest supp recommendation pleez


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First time poster, long time lurker. There seems to be many really smart people on here and I could definitely use some of that knowledge. I've had bad memory issues for as long as I remember (yes, I get the irony of that statement). It's so bad that I often forget my coworkers names (been working with them for over 10 years), can't remember my wife's phone number, don't remember anything from my childhood, etc. I also walk around everyday with my mind in a fog. I've seen doctors about this but all they keep doing is prescribing me zoloft (or another antidepressent). They claim my issues are due to excessive anxiety. However, their treatment only makes things worse. Are there any supplements that I can safetly take to help with this? I'm on a pretty limited budget and would like to limit the cost of anything to maybe no more than $50/month.
I would post something but you'd forget....jks!

Something as simple as alcar+green tea+a form of choline could be your sweet spot as with me.

Those who opt for huperzine a should be careful and watch the dosage.

Alcar,choline,fish oil,green tea can all be taken long term. Huperzine a however I don't believe can.


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Simple advice, but I would also take a good look at your diet and the quality of food you're consuming. This could have a profound effect on the 'brain fog' you mentioned.

If you drink coffee, dump any instant or poor quality beans and look into Bulletproof coffee... that stuff will have you firing on all cylinders pretty quickly ;)

Perhaps get more good fats into your diet and like I said, make sure you're eating the highest quality food possible! I can't stress this enough.


Simple advice, but I would also take a good look at your diet and the quality of food you're consuming..

could it really be this simple, a trite matter of ppl's refusal to CHANGE their dietary discourse, that brings about the mass majority of issues that everyone wants to use SUPPLEMENTS to correct?

hmmm..enquiring minds want to know


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Sounds like low-T. Brain fog, memory issues etc.
Have your doc check your testosterone level (hormone panel).
Search the web as well there is a lot on the subject.


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Galantamine is more effective and is better overall, but I'm not entirely sure I'd recommend it to a beginner. I think you should try Huperzine A, and only use Galantamine if you don't see the effects you're looking for. If you do use Galantamine, use 8-16 mg a day.
Thank you. I appreciate you giving me your thoughts on the matter and providing your dosage recommendation for galantamine.


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I would post something but you'd forget....jks!

Something as simple as alcar+green tea+a form of choline could be your sweet spot as with me.

Those who opt for huperzine a should be careful and watch the dosage.

Alcar,choline,fish oil,green tea can all be taken long term. Huperzine a however I don't believe can.
Green tea is definately a daily staple. I've been thinking about adding alcar with maybe a few other items like rhodiola and/or green tea extract (maybe other supplement additions...still thinking about this one and open to any suggestions) to help me wake up in the mornings. I don't like caffeine because it makes me too anxious and jittery. I take about 2g of fish oil each day but I'll probably increase that.


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Simple advice, but I would also take a good look at your diet and the quality of food you're consuming. This could have a profound effect on the 'brain fog' you mentioned.

If you drink coffee, dump any instant or poor quality beans and look into Bulletproof coffee... that stuff will have you firing on all cylinders pretty quickly ;)

Perhaps get more good fats into your diet and like I said, make sure you're eating the highest quality food possible! I can't stress this enough.
Very good point. I've always had a good diet but still felt there was room for improvement. Recently started the paleo diet. Will see if that helps.

Not a fan of coffee (or really anything with caffeine) but have read good things about bulletproof coffee.


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Sounds like low-T. Brain fog, memory issues etc.
Have your doc check your testosterone level (hormone panel).
Search the web as well there is a lot on the subject.
Not really familiar with anything on low T. Will have to read up on that. Thank you.


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Thank you. I appreciate you giving me your thoughts on the matter and providing your dosage recommendation for galantamine.
Of course, any time. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, I'm always around to help out.


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Very good point. I've always had a good diet but still felt there was room for improvement. Recently started the paleo diet. Will see if that helps.

Not a fan of coffee (or really anything with caffeine) but have read good things about bulletproof coffee.
I swear by it - I just feel like I have laser-like focus, energy through the roof and a mental clarity I've never experienced before.


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could it really be this simple, a trite matter of ppl's refusal to CHANGE their dietary discourse, that brings about the mass majority of issues that everyone wants to use SUPPLEMENTS to correct?

hmmm..enquiring minds want to know
Op's situation sounds more than a diet related issue though. Unless he is eating zero fats.


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Op's situation sounds more than a diet related issue though. Unless he is eating zero fats.
Absolutely, but while looking at supplements it's a good time and place to go back and reassess the quality of what you're putting in your mouth.



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Absolutely, but while looking at supplements it's a good time and place to go back and reassess the quality of what you're putting in your mouth.

Oh I agree, wasnt knocking the advice at all, just adding my .2 cents :D


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Of course, any time. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, I'm always around to help out.
Do you know of anything that can be taken with galantamine to offset the tired feeling it seems to cause (even after just a few days at 8 mg per day)? Preferably little to no caffeine because it makes me jittery and anxious. I'm assuming I should avoid anything with choline? Would alcar as the base of a stack be okay? Another cheap/basic option I'm considering is just l-theanine and caffeine (figured the theanine would offset the negative effects of the caffeine).


Op's situation sounds more than a diet related issue though. Unless he is eating zero fats.
I was making a general generic statement, that encompasses a great majority of "supplement users" and all kinds of issues, not necessarily specifically OP situation and exact issue

Oh I agree, wasnt knocking the advice at all, just adding my .2 cents :D
is that .2 = 1/5th of 1 cent, or are you really trying to say .02 which would be more conducive of the saying "2 cents"?
.2 of a cent would seem to be fairly minute

enquiring minds wish to know the answer to this one as well



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Do you know of anything that can be taken with galantamine to offset the tired feeling it seems to cause (even after just a few days at 8 mg per day)? Preferably little to no caffeine because it makes me jittery and anxious. I'm assuming I should avoid anything with choline? Would alcar as the base of a stack be okay? Another cheap/basic option I'm considering is just l-theanine and caffeine (figured the theanine would offset the negative effects of the caffeine).
I would say just try it out first and see how it goes. Choline isn't necessarily going to make you tired either, depends on your dosage. ALCAR is certainly fine, and you can definitely combine theanine and caffeine, caffeine is one of the most effective ingredients out there. Just low dose the caffeine.


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I was making a general generic statement, that encompasses a great majority of "supplement users" and all kinds of issues, not necessarily specifically OP situation and exact issue

is that .2 = 1/5th of 1 cent, or are you really trying to say .02 which would be more conducive of the saying "2 cents"?
.2 of a cent would seem to be fairly minute

enquiring minds wish to know the answer to this one as well

Haha smarta**


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I would say just try it out first and see how it goes. Choline isn't necessarily going to make you tired either, depends on your dosage. ALCAR is certainly fine, and you can definitely combine theanine and caffeine, caffeine is one of the most effective ingredients out there. Just low dose the caffeine.
I'm beginning to think that galantamine might not be for me. I've been taking it for about a week at just 8 mg per day and I've never been so tired. I'm actually falling asleep in the middle of the day. That never happens. Do you or anyone else know if this is a common side effect or if it might decrease with time?


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I'm beginning to think that galantamine might not be for me. I've been taking it for about a week at just 8 mg per day and I've never been so tired. I'm actually falling asleep in the middle of the day. That never happens. Do you or anyone else know if this is a common side effect or if it might decrease with time?
Maybe try some ALCAR but maybe it would be best to see what you doctor says.


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I would say just try it out first and see how it goes. Choline isn't necessarily going to make you tired either, depends on your dosage. ALCAR is certainly fine, and you can definitely combine theanine and caffeine, caffeine is one of the most effective ingredients out there. Just low dose the caffeine.
Please ignore my previous question. My wife has asked that I stop using the galantamine. Besides being tired all day, apparently I've also been in a very poor mood while taking it (she said I've been very short tempered). Just in case both are somehow related to me taking galantamine (not saying it is), I'm going to stop taking it.

So, until I can get in to see a doctor, I might just take focus xt since I'm starting to think some of my memory issues are just due to my inability to stay focused on anything (my mind often wanders a lot). Started to think this might be part of the problem because even after just a week I noticed my ability to focus on things improving and as a result I was rememering everday details (like why I walked into a room) better.


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Please ignore my previous question. My wife has asked that I stop using the galantamine. Besides being tired all day, apparently I've also been in a very poor mood while taking it (she said I've been very short tempered). Just in case both are somehow related to me taking galantamine (not saying it is), I'm going to stop taking it.

So, until I can get in to see a doctor, I might just take focus xt since I'm starting to think some of my memory issues are just due to my inability to stay focused on anything (my mind often wanders a lot). Started to think this might be part of the problem because even after just a week I noticed my ability to focus on things improving and as a result I was rememering everday details (like why I walked into a room) better.
Sorry to hear that, but yeah, you're better off cutting it out and hoping for the best. Attention (which is focus) is one of the most important aspects of memory and memory consolidation, so you are on the right track. I hope the Focus XT helps you out. Let us know what your doctor says.


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Anyone know of a good source for purchasing galantamine? Recently had some problems with purchases through SP and need a new source.


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What do you guys think of TULIP by falco? Anyone tried this out?

I am studying for my MCAT, Anyone know any good stacks to get to study for that. I have a really hard time with short term and long term memory. I am currently on CILTEP but thats not really having a big noticeable effect on me.


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What do you guys think of TULIP by falco? Anyone tried this out?I am studying for my MCAT, Anyone know any good stacks to get to study for that. I have a really hard time with short term and long term memory. I am currently on CILTEP but thats not really having a big noticeable effect on me.
Post a link to these profiles. Personally when I did my MCATs years ago, I did Focus XT+ ALCAR.


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How good did Focusxt help you on the mcat? What benefits did it give you and how long till you got those benefits? I'm having lots of difficulty with the verbal reasoning. Would that help with that portion? A lot of the mcat deals with short term reasoning especially the verbal and bio sections, so is that something that would help with short term and working memory?


I totally forgot about this memory thread
is that a bad thing?


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How good did Focusxt help you on the mcat? What benefits did it give you and how long till you got those benefits? I'm having lots of difficulty with the verbal reasoning. Would that help with that portion? A lot of the mcat deals with short term reasoning especially the verbal and bio sections, so is that something that would help with short term and working memory?
I replied to you in the other thread :)


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I just came across this old thread I started while lurking the forums. I had forgotten all about it (the irony). I figured I'd provide an update. I did end up seeing a psychiatrist for my memory issues. It took many months before I could finally see someone thanks to my annoying health insurance plan. He felt they were probably due to the many years of various SSRI use. He explained how he's now finding more and more cases similar to mine occuring with people that have used SSRI's longterm and thinks it may in part be due to many of them being anticholinergenic. With his oversite, I've recently started taking a supplement which includes alcar, nalt, cdp choline, dmae and theanine. We're going to start slow with over the counter supplements (again, due to my crappy insurance) and see if the combination of ingredients will help with the memory issues. If not, we'll look into something stronger or prescription strength.

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