My first PH cycle/LOG. LG TRIFECTA STACK...



New member
Got an old school mild (from what I've been told) PH stack to try for my first time.

A bit about me. 36, 5'9 170 lbs...

I've only been lifting for a year, but I've been dedicated and have changed my entire lifestyle in that year.

I was 247 pounds, obese and sick when I decided this time last year to make a new years resolution. Unlike most people I stuck with it. So I've put in a ton of work and am ready for my first PH finally.

My Supps will be:

CEL Cycle assist - 8 caps a day
Methyl 1-D - 5 caps per day
MMv3 - 4 Caps per day
Orange Triad Multi
Oximega fish oil
SAN Fierce Domination PWO

and my PCT will be
Cycle Assist
Formadrol Extreme
with 3 grams DAA bulk powder.

Wish me luck!

Will update routine and food intake later.


New member
Alright, got a bit of time to add my Calorie and workout routine. Won't get into too many details, nothing earth shattering here. I'm bulking and hoping to add 7-10 pounds and keep most of it. Will be eating at about 3,600 calories per day or 1000 over my maintenance.

Once or twice a week I like to burn off some stress by jumping on my bike, or the elliptical machine and getting some good cardio in, I'll be adjusting my intake on those days accordingly.

My routine is pretty much your basic 4 day split..

Day 1. Chest, Biceps
Day 2. Legs with some ab work
Day 3. Rest
Day 4. Back and Tri's
Day 5. Rest
Day 6. Shoulders, Cardio and some body weight work, usually will add a second abs workout in here (love the ab wheel)
Day 7. Rest

Anything seem amiss with my plan so far? Any suggestions?

My cycle assist came in today, my Trifecta stack comes in on Friday. I started the CEL today as I'm going to be getting a second bottle anyways to run during my PCT and since my run will only be 7 weeks, I had an extra weeks worth of CEL to use up. Figured it couldn't hurt to get a few days of it in first.


New member
My Trifecta stack will be here tonight. Apparently I can't put any before pics up, yet, but I have them saved. Perhaps an LG rep could post them for me?

Anyways, looking forward to starting!


Well-known member
Here ya go!



Well-known member
Alright, got a bit of time to add my Calorie and workout routine. Won't get into too many details, nothing earth shattering here. I'm bulking and hoping to add 7-10 pounds and keep most of it. Will be eating at about 3,600 calories per day or 1000 over my maintenance.

Once or twice a week I like to burn off some stress by jumping on my bike, or the elliptical machine and getting some good cardio in, I'll be adjusting my intake on those days accordingly.

My routine is pretty much your basic 4 day split..

Day 1. Chest, Biceps
Day 2. Legs with some ab work
Day 3. Rest
Day 4. Back and Tri's
Day 5. Rest
Day 6. Shoulders, Cardio and some body weight work, usually will add a second abs workout in here (love the ab wheel)
Day 7. Rest

Anything seem amiss with my plan so far? Any suggestions?

My cycle assist came in today, my Trifecta stack comes in on Friday. I started the CEL today as I'm going to be getting a second bottle anyways to run during my PCT and since my run will only be 7 weeks, I had an extra weeks worth of CEL to use up. Figured it couldn't hurt to get a few days of it in first.
Looks good except around week 2-3 your recovery is going to get drastically improved, i'd look into training some if not all your muscles atleast 2x a week while on cycle. Oh and look into Ben and Vince's Hypertrophy Max, basically explains many ways to progress. I see alot of our loggers hardly make any gains, I feel alot of them are afraid of pushing their bodies to the limit! I wanna see some insane progress in here man, I believe in ya :)

Check this out!

I just ran MMv3.....its good stuff! Makes you feel like a boss!


New member
Hey, I appreciate the advice THO. I'll be reading up on that today. I'm hoping to get more-longer work outs in on this cycle. I'm the type who has nothing left when I'm done lifting. I push myself. Being able to get more lifting in sounds great to me!

Took my first dosage last night, my second this morning. Obviously nothing to report. Not expecting any differences in my routine from my cycle, but I will be doing shoulders later today, going to be adding Military presses back into my routine, I took them out because of an old shoulder injury getting flared up by them (getting old sucks). Tested it out again for the first time after 6 weeks without doing them, and it felt fine..


New member
Well, 5 days in and not much to report. (not that I expected to see or feel much already).. Today I felt the first significant "feel" of strength gain, but there isn't much conclusion to be drawn from one workout..

Everyone has those days sometimes, where you just feel unusually strong. Hopefully I'll be having more and more of them as my cycle progresses.

Today would normally have been a rest day, but I felt recouped enough to go ahead and work shoulders. I'm hoping to take fewer rest days during this cycle and maxamize my gym time during this PH window.
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