New member
Hey guys, I’m new to this forum but not anabolics or training. I’ve ran 4 cycles since 2015, this will be the Cinco del Swollo. Just trying to give you guys as much info as possible so you’ll have to excuse the length of this post cuz it’s gonna be long.
The first 4 were about what you’d expect, I started at test e only and gradually ran it up from there. I’ve never ran Tren and don’t particularly care to (yet). If I wanna be miserable all of the time I’ll just get married again
Now, here’s where it gets a little interesting. I had multiple surgeries that set me almost all of the way back. I’m not gonna get into specifics but I had cancer and it spread into my lymphatic system, so I had two surgeries to remove tumors and thank god it went well. I only tell you this so you have some understanding of where I’m at currently. I’m at 178 and I’m roughly 6’ on the mark, I just had a 3D body scan done —which was actually really fucking cool—and I’m at 18% BF which kind of surprises me but I get it. I managed to keep some size somehow, although it was really depressing to see myself deflate to the tune of 60 pounds. I’ll be posting pics of me prior to surgeries and I’ll post pics now and I’ll put up progress pics every so often. Probably monthly.
My diet is spot on, like I said I’m not new to this. I’m trying to eat 5-6 meals a day and get my macros in the 275p/265c/75F range but I’m definitely open to suggestions on that. It’s one of, if not the, main reason's I came here. I eat the usual stuff, chicken breast, turkey breast, females breasts (joking…maybe), tilapia and cod, brown rice, sweet potatoes are probably my favorite being that they actually have a flavor profile lol, I sprinkle chia seeds on my rolled oats in the morning and have avocados with meals for healthy fats but I could certainly use some help incorporating more, organic peanut butter, egg whites, lot of salads, green beans/broccoli, anyways my diet won’t be an issue.
I’m taking a cycle support supp called Blockade that has all of the usual suspects in terms of liver support etc, milk thistle, CoQ10. I take a multi, fish oil, creatine, BCAAs, I take a scoop or two of a carb supplement post workout to enhance delivery of the good **** to my muscles, and protein/casein.
My goals are to get back into the shape I was in and then some, id like to eventually compete because I love this ****. Being that summer is winding down I’m gonna be running a major bulk to get back over 200 and then if I need to clean it up I’ll start that cycle in the spring after I give myself some time off. I’m gonna be going on trt and I’ll have bloodwork ran probably at least twice while on cycle. I have exemestane on hand in case I have any issues, and that’s another major question I had is should I be running that the entire cycle or just if any sides start to appear? Also should I do it at the first sign of danger or when will I know it’s time, if ever? I’ve never had any issues with gyno or e2 being out of control and I’ve ran some fairly beefy cycles.
Guess I’ll get to the part you guys probably wanna hear about…I’m running 500 test cyp, 600 EQ, and 450 NPP. I feel like the NPP should be higher but man I really don’t wanna run 2 grams of ****. I frontloaded my first shot(s) of test and EQ a couple of days ago (Aug 11) at 2mL each (600 with how they are dosed) and I can definitely feel it creeping up on me, BP seems slightly elevated. I drink about 2.5 liters of water a day but that can be upped if you guys would deem it necessary. My NPP won’t land til sometime this coming week and me being the inpatient ahole I am I went ahead and did some deca I had laying around from a previous go. I understand that deca is an extremely slow ester and NPP is the opposite, again I’m just inpatient and after walking around in competitive shape for years it’s killing me to be the small guy. How would you guys suggest I handle that going forward, with the nandrolones? My mind tells me to go ahead and take another mL of deca and sort of frontload it then just start the NPP in normal dosing protocols?
Wanna say thanks in advance for whatever assistance you may be able to give. Hope you all are doing well.
(some of those pics are horrible I know, but best I could do atm…the other pic is pre surgery and that’s my goal is to get back to that minus a percentage point or two of BF to make that core pop)
I can’t even post the pics it keeps saying too large for the server? Can I resize them or something?
The first 4 were about what you’d expect, I started at test e only and gradually ran it up from there. I’ve never ran Tren and don’t particularly care to (yet). If I wanna be miserable all of the time I’ll just get married again

Now, here’s where it gets a little interesting. I had multiple surgeries that set me almost all of the way back. I’m not gonna get into specifics but I had cancer and it spread into my lymphatic system, so I had two surgeries to remove tumors and thank god it went well. I only tell you this so you have some understanding of where I’m at currently. I’m at 178 and I’m roughly 6’ on the mark, I just had a 3D body scan done —which was actually really fucking cool—and I’m at 18% BF which kind of surprises me but I get it. I managed to keep some size somehow, although it was really depressing to see myself deflate to the tune of 60 pounds. I’ll be posting pics of me prior to surgeries and I’ll post pics now and I’ll put up progress pics every so often. Probably monthly.
My diet is spot on, like I said I’m not new to this. I’m trying to eat 5-6 meals a day and get my macros in the 275p/265c/75F range but I’m definitely open to suggestions on that. It’s one of, if not the, main reason's I came here. I eat the usual stuff, chicken breast, turkey breast, females breasts (joking…maybe), tilapia and cod, brown rice, sweet potatoes are probably my favorite being that they actually have a flavor profile lol, I sprinkle chia seeds on my rolled oats in the morning and have avocados with meals for healthy fats but I could certainly use some help incorporating more, organic peanut butter, egg whites, lot of salads, green beans/broccoli, anyways my diet won’t be an issue.
I’m taking a cycle support supp called Blockade that has all of the usual suspects in terms of liver support etc, milk thistle, CoQ10. I take a multi, fish oil, creatine, BCAAs, I take a scoop or two of a carb supplement post workout to enhance delivery of the good **** to my muscles, and protein/casein.
My goals are to get back into the shape I was in and then some, id like to eventually compete because I love this ****. Being that summer is winding down I’m gonna be running a major bulk to get back over 200 and then if I need to clean it up I’ll start that cycle in the spring after I give myself some time off. I’m gonna be going on trt and I’ll have bloodwork ran probably at least twice while on cycle. I have exemestane on hand in case I have any issues, and that’s another major question I had is should I be running that the entire cycle or just if any sides start to appear? Also should I do it at the first sign of danger or when will I know it’s time, if ever? I’ve never had any issues with gyno or e2 being out of control and I’ve ran some fairly beefy cycles.
Guess I’ll get to the part you guys probably wanna hear about…I’m running 500 test cyp, 600 EQ, and 450 NPP. I feel like the NPP should be higher but man I really don’t wanna run 2 grams of ****. I frontloaded my first shot(s) of test and EQ a couple of days ago (Aug 11) at 2mL each (600 with how they are dosed) and I can definitely feel it creeping up on me, BP seems slightly elevated. I drink about 2.5 liters of water a day but that can be upped if you guys would deem it necessary. My NPP won’t land til sometime this coming week and me being the inpatient ahole I am I went ahead and did some deca I had laying around from a previous go. I understand that deca is an extremely slow ester and NPP is the opposite, again I’m just inpatient and after walking around in competitive shape for years it’s killing me to be the small guy. How would you guys suggest I handle that going forward, with the nandrolones? My mind tells me to go ahead and take another mL of deca and sort of frontload it then just start the NPP in normal dosing protocols?
Wanna say thanks in advance for whatever assistance you may be able to give. Hope you all are doing well.
(some of those pics are horrible I know, but best I could do atm…the other pic is pre surgery and that’s my goal is to get back to that minus a percentage point or two of BF to make that core pop)
I can’t even post the pics it keeps saying too large for the server? Can I resize them or something?