LGD-4033 Dosage? Almost 2 Weeks in and Don't Feel ****


Question about LGD dosage... today is my 14th day now on LGD-4033. Sourced from a board sponsor so I believe it should be legit.

But if I didn't know it was legit, I'd question it. First week on 10mg Osta and 10mg LGD-4033. Second upped LGD-4033 to 15mg. Yesterday on my 13th day the only progress is 3 extra reps on my first set of dumbell bench with the same weight.

Diet is good, at least 80/20 (healthy/junk) and about 300 cals over maintenance. Some days it's health nazi like 99/1. I only weigh 170, and I'm getting at least 40 grams of protein per meal and averaging over 200g per day. It seems like I've gained just as much in a natural heavy bulk of 500-700 cal surplus per day.

History, I have a few SARMS cycles under my belt. Last year I took LGD-4033 and RAD-150 and went up to 30mg on the LGD. Wanting to try the least effective dose, I planned on starting at 10mg the first week then 15mg. Osta at 10mg, that's all I have and don't plan on buying more.

So with all that out of the way, from what I recall I should really be feeling the SARMS kicking in here at the second week. But not really feeling much. Don't know on how tolerance works with SARMs. It was a year ago last time I ran LGD-4033 and up to 30mg... does that mean I have some tolerance to it and pretty much have to start there? Today I threw in another 5 mg LGD basically pre-workout, but I doubt 20mg will be a huge difference from 15mg. The big thing I don't know adjusting dosage is how soon should I notice things?

Thread I started a while back, smont chimed in he usually goes with 30-50mg LGD-4033 (injectable).
Is it worth going with injectable LGD if I'm stacking it with Oral Ostarine? - AnabolicMinds.com



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Thread I started a while back, smont chimed in he usually goes with 30-50mg LGD-4033 (injectable).
He likes a hefty dose of oral too,…but hey who doesn’t

You are most likely getting some better nutrient partitioning and recovery….How does the physique look? Staying a smidge leaner while bulking…?

I don’t love the idea of stacking sarms because it’s hard to know what is doing what. Your dosage, of each combined thus far is still very low, let alone for one. Low doses of methyls would have some good synergy but as far as sarms, I don’t know.

People do respond differently but if it took 30 lgd last time to move the needle for ya, I imagine it’s at least gonna be the same.


He likes a hefty dose of oral too,…but hey who doesn’t

You are most likely getting some better nutrient partitioning and recovery….How does the physique look? Staying a smidge leaner while bulking…?

People do respond differently but if it took 30 lgd last time to move the needle for ya, I imagine it’s at least gonna be the same.
Nope, in fact yesterday I noticed while a T-shirt felt noticeably tighter, I was looking softer. Basically looks like results that could just be from a natty bulk.

I think I will have to jump to 30mg tomorrow. Oh well, I thought I could get away with less. :D

Mainly, I haven't really seen info as to how I should be responding to adjust dose... I've heard (maybe incorrectly) that they take a few weeks to kick in. But if you gotta wait a few weeks, that doesn't leave you with much wiggle room on say an 8 week cycle.


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"8-weeks" is a relatively arbitrary number. I mean, I can see the justification for it as a guide but really cycle length comes down to hPTA concerns and blood markers. The traditional reasoning ("gainz peter out at 8wks") is bollocks really.


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Sarms are not cocaine or dope, theres nothing to feel Unless you're feeling side effects and those are bad things. If you're not making progress it's very likely related to your diet and training. If your not gaining eat more, If you're getting fat eat less. Also in the big scheme of things even 50mg of sarms a day is not a bit gear dose. If you took 50mg anavar or tbol a day with nothing else you would get "ok" results, Quick results if you're new to this and doing things right. But that total load is 350mg per week and thats not much.

If i stopped my cycle right now And instead all I took was 350mg per week of a oral it would be meh.

I feel like i bring this up often but The average steroid user running full blown cycles can expect a average of 12lbs a year. Look at all the top body builders in the world and follow their progress year to year, When they're at there peak, they only add about 10 to 12 pounds each year to there stage weight.

So if a whole year of professional Body building, Real body building diets, coaches and massive drug regiments result in a average of 10-12lbs lean mass per year. What are we expecting in 2 weeks on sarms or orals? Actual muscle gained would be a 1/4lb if your lucky.

A well planned bulk might get you 20lbs, if 5 of it is actual muscle you maintained after your next cut it would be HUGE
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Guys gotta be realistic, if you add a solid 10lbs a year then in 5 years You're going to look like a freak of nature. 50lbs in 5 years is a reasonable goal For someone completely living a body building lifestyle. We're a bunch of regular joe schmo who half ass this **** and take doses that are a fraction of what body builders take. That's why we don't get results like ronnie, big rammy, or any of these guys. Theres nothing we can take That will make us professional baseball players.We're professional basketball players Because there's a huge genetic factor in years of training. Same goes for body building.


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@Gator762 this aint a crack at you. Im just trying to explain how i view these things. Even the fast track isint always that fast.


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Guys gotta be realistic, if you add a solid 10lbs a year then in 5 years You're going to look like a freak of nature. 50lbs in 5 years is a reasonable goal For someone completely living a body building lifestyle. We're a bunch of regular joe schmo who half ass this **** and take doses that are a fraction of what body builders take. That's why we don't get results like ronnie, big rammy, or any of these guys. Theres nothing we can take That will make us professional baseball players.We're professional basketball players Because there's a huge genetic factor in years of training. Same goes for body building.
This is just ridiculous. You only need 1 or 2 SARM cycles and then you should be ready to step on the Mr. Olympia stage.

The problem is that everyone gets them from bad sources. You need to buy them from the same guy that sold Jack his beanstalk beans.


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This is just ridiculous. You only need 1 or 2 SARM cycles and then you should be ready to step on the Mr. Olympia stage.

The problem is that everyone gets them from bad sources. You need to buy them from the same guy that sold Jack his beanstalk beans.


Instead of replying to everyone...

"Feel" isn't really the right word, but I was trying to be brief. I suppose more like what results?

Diet is good, which is why I mentioned it up front. Already know that's one of the most if not most important point in the game.

Back to it, first time taking RAD-140 and LGD-4033 strength was going up like crazy most of the time. But then last cycle about a year ago I went 12 weeks. 4 weeks at 20mg, then remaining 8 at 30 mg LGD. I'm sure I should have upped dose because on the 9th week forward I pretty much plateaued. Overall mild gains, not great.

Is that just because I took a b**-a dose? Like, if I just did a straight 50mg/day I wouldn't have to adjust dose? Or should I expect to start at a decent dose of LGD at say 30mg, then up as I get tolerance to it?

Apologies for such a newb-a** sounding post, there's sooo much junk info out there that it's hard to tell what info is good and what's bunk. Reddit would say I should be YUGE after an 8 week 10mg/day LGD cycle. :LOL:
Even here there's some inconsistency, IIRC some say they took 20mg LGD/day and got good results.


Update: Bumped up to 30 on the LGD. Too early to tell, didn't add reps to exercises but my sleep the night before sucked.

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