NBA player Tristan Thompson Ibutamoren and LGD-4033LMAO

Why is that suprising? Sarms work just like oral steroids and are readily avalible over internet and semi-legal from a legality standpoint where steroids carry tje same charges as narcotics. Just like steroids sarms can make you bigger stronger and faster. Its easy to see why they would use them. MMA fighters always get poped for sarms, olympic athletes get poped for sarms, a few years ago several major league baseball several pitchers got poped for sarms, mostly osterine and lgd, Same for the NFL. Its nothing new
I’m not surprised at all. I think it’s a lot more common than you would think now a days.
Why is that suprising? Sarms work just like oral steroids and are readily avalible over internet and semi-legal from a legality standpoint where steroids carry tje same charges as narcotics. Just like steroids sarms can make you bigger stronger and faster. Its easy to see why they would use them. MMA fighters always get poped for sarms, olympic athletes get poped for sarms, a few years ago several major league baseball several pitchers got poped for sarms, mostly osterine and lgd, Same for the NFL. Its nothing new

So is better than regular hgh?
How is the regulation?
If you are rich, why are not using real hgh?

It is surprising, at least for me.
So is better than regular hgh?
How is the regulation?
If you are rich, why are not using real hgh?

It is surprising, at least for me.
They're not the same thing they're not a replacement for each other. They're not interchangeable in any way shape or form. That's just stuff the internet has brain wash people into believing.

Let's take a look at it from a more realistic perspective.

You're a professional athlete, You need a boost to perform better at your sport. Steroids and hgh are illegal. If you get caught with them, you potentially can serve the same sentence as if you got caught with heroine. You would also need a source to buy from so you'd have to ask people. Hey, where can I get this or where can I get that? And now you risk people running their mouths.


You can go by these things right online or even in some supplement shops. And if you get caught with them you don't go to jail, They're not frowned upon nearly as bad. Because the average person is a moron and doesn't know the difference.

Also maybe the person in question doesn't want to stick a needle in themselves. Pro athletes there are no different than regular people with wives and children. Maybe they don't want needles in their house or their wife to know that they're doing that to themselves.

It makes a hundred percent sense to use semi legal things that fly somewhat under the radar and are not frowned upon the same way by the general public.
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You also have to take into consideration that athletes only need very small amounts of gear. It's not like body building. If you take too much gear as an athlete, you cannot perform your sport as well. So these watered down alternatives are more suited for their needs.

Don't get me wrong, If I was a proathlete I would just get prescriptions for everything. But not everybody has that mind state Or even knows that they can do those things
Ya its everywhere, idk if you follow boxing but amir kahn was a former world champ and got busted for sarms last year, so did ufc fighter

Yes I follow ufc.

I don't understa
They're not the same thing they're not a replacement for each other. They're not interchangeable in any way shape or form. That's just stuff the internet has brain wash people into believing.

Let's take a look at it from a more realistic perspective.

You're a professional athlete, You need a boost to perform better at your sport. Steroids and hgh are illegal. If you get caught with them, you potentially can serve the same sentence as if you got caught with heroine. You would also need a source to buy from so you'd have to ask people. Hey, where can I get this or where can I get that? And now you risk people running their mouths.


You can go by these things right online or even in some supplement shops. And if you get caught with them you don't go to jail, They're not frowned upon nearly as bad. Because the average person is a moron and doesn't know the difference.

Also maybe the person in question doesn't want to stick a needle in themselves. Pro athletes there are no different than regular people with wives and children. Maybe they don't want needles in their house or their wife to know that they're doing that to themselves.

It makes a hundred percent sense to use semi legal things that fly somewhat under the radar and are not frowned upon the same way by the general public.

You are getting the risk so go with best quality stuff, Tristan is not too smart in my opinion, so you don't needles but you don't care about what you put in your body?

Is a guy who is playing 12 min per game, his role is the garbage minutes.

I get your point, but remember, sarms are also illegal in the nba, so go with high quality stuff.
You are missing all the point It's not about what's legal or illegal for sports. It's about what can land you in prison, It's about morals, It's about stigma, It's about your family and bringing Scheduled drugs and needles in your house. Just like regular people pro athletes have to also consider these things.

And also maybe the guy just wanted to look Better. Maybe it has nothing to do with improving his sport.

It's all a relevant. Tons and tons of proathletes are using these things so obviously it's for a reason. It's not because it's the best option, It's because it's a lower risk option. I'm not talking about health risks. I'm talking about life in general risks with your friends your family and jail time
You don't have to just take my word for it. You can use the internet and look it up. Over the last five years there's been hundreds of pro athletes busted for sarms and research chems.
I can also show you pictures of me on testosterone and other steroids, and pictures of me on testosterone and sarms. If you dose the sarms high enough, they do the same thing as the steroids. Il take 50mg a day of injectable lgd And no one's gonna say oh that guy's not on steroids he's on sarms.

The look and the performance enhancing benefits are almost identical Between sarms and oral steroids mg vs mg.

Now from a price standpoint, the sarms are not cost effective. But I regularly get them for free. So I occasionally find ways to work them into my cycles and I never regret it
You don't have to just take my word for it. You can use the internet and look it up. Over the last five years there's been hundreds of pro athletes busted for sarms and research chems.

I got you.

So if you go to a legal TRT clinic and the NBA caught you doing a cycle, can you go to jail?

If you take SARMS, the NBA is less restrictive?
I can also show you pictures of me on testosterone and other steroids, and pictures of me on testosterone and sarms. If you dose the sarms high enough, they do the same thing as the steroids. Il take 50mg a day of injectable lgd And no one's gonna say oh that guy's not on steroids he's on sarms.

The look and the performance enhancing benefits are almost identical Between sarms and oral steroids mg vs mg.

Now from a price standpoint, the sarms are not cost effective. But I regularly get them for free. So I occasionally find ways to work them into my cycles and I never regret it

I'm not saying that Sarms are garbage, I'm just talking about a guy taking sarms from what sorce?
You think is better than having stuff from a clinic? Is a question, not irony.
I got you.

So if you go to a legal TRT clinic and the NBA caught you doing a cycle, can you go to jail?

If you take SARMS, the NBA is less restrictive?
I'm not sure what you're talking about. If you have a prescription medication, you're allowed to take your prescriptions in the doses that you are provided by your doctor. Your testosterone levels would have to remain in a certain range And no you cannot run a steroid cycle.
This has nothing to do with the NBA.

If any person walking down the street got caught with steroids, they can go to jail.

If any person got caught walking down the street with sarms, they're not gonna go to jail.
I don't understand why you're relating everything to the NBA. Just because the guy is an n b a player. Laws don't care about what sport you play
Legality for sports has nothing to do with criminal law. When you get popped in the NBA for using steroids. Nobody actually caught you with steroids, you just failed a test.

But if police or feds raid your house it's a different story
I'm sorry I'm trying really hard to explain this as easily as possible. But I don't know any other way to explain it more easily.

It has nothing to do with what works better, And it has nothing to do with the nba. What i'm talking about is morals and legal issues, If you were an NBA player, maybe your wife doesn't want you bringing steroids and needles In your house. Just like normal people, your wife would probably be ignorant and feel more comfortable with you taking a pill
I'm also not promoting sarms. If you want maximum results you take steroids. It's common knowledge. I'm just explaining to you. Reasons why a professional athlete may not use them and why it's more socially accepted for him to use the things he did.
It’s funny,…I looked at a lot of comments on various YouTube reports and comments on articles. Majority of people think he got caught with actual steroids. They don’t know the difference. And these comments are funny as helll too.

This guy is a big name though and it’s a lot of prying eyes on the actual sarm name and the secretagogue. Doesn’t bode well…

Perhaps someone had it out for this guy….James is the one they need to look at, but he’s probably smart enough to have scripts.